#also this was a cooldown piece over a couple days so polish was decidedly not an endgoal
bumblerhizal-art · 2 years
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Parsing design ideas for Commander Tabris and the mabari + having your pets participate in cultural traditions with you
None of these are canon to him yet and still in their early iterations. Notes below the readmore
Novhen’s outfit here is from a drawing i’ll be including in my next sketch dump whenever that will be. Primarily, i’m trying to design a leather Warden Scout armor, since metal is so loud. The general pattern is based on some of the Fereldan armors from the other games. It makes most sense to me that the different branches would have some degree of variation between their uniforms. It’s more obviously Warden when he doesn’t have that tartan on top (as will be seen in the sketch dump)
I’m undecided if he wears his kippah in everyday life or just for certain occasions. Given the setting, the elves probably mirror a more Orthodox community, so atm i’m starting to lean more everyday. But also there’s a question of what parameter the kippahs should be associated with. It’s the city elves who are the most Jewish-coded, but they mostly practice the human religion of Catholicism-with-extra-steps, even if they still infuse it with some of their own traditions. I have headcanoned a few pockets of elven religions within the alienages. Novhen does belong to one of them, and while not strictly monotheistic, it is monolatrist (or henotheistic? I always mix the two up). Problem there is that single deity is Fen’Harel. Maybe not the best deity to be attaching too many Jewish customs to. For now, i’m tying it most to the alienage culture rather than elves as a whole or any specific religion
This tartan is the “official” one (insofar as i just made it up) of the Grey Wardens. Calenhad has a tartan in his art, so i think they should be more commonplace in Ferelden. Most are just regional patterns based on local materials, but the different noble houses and certain organizations (such as the Wardens) also have their own. He also has one to represent his position as Arl of Amaranthine, but only wears one over the armor if the occasion demands it. He’s not a fan of ceremony (Might change if i can find a better-looking way to incorporate it. This is what iterations are for after all. Also, tartans in his casual clothing are another matter. Oh god, am i going to trick myself into making another outfit sheet D:)
I am inexperienced drawing animals (those eyes...), but what i am trying to do is draw a kaddis pattern for the Grey Wardens. Something griffony. I think i remember something about different kaddis patterns indicating loyalties. If i’m making that up, i’m keeping it regardless. Definitely will have to give it a few more passes though, probably will paint over official art or a screenshot at a better angle
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