#also this man unexpectedly rocks jorts even if his legs make me cackle
drawnfamiliarfaces · 1 month
What’s your input/theories on the Cowboy/Creep from rc9gn?
I don't have too many solid headcanons/theories about him tbh ʅ(◞‿◟)ʃ
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There are a few basic ones that i like to toy around with, like:
he is an immortal from ancient times, tasked to observe Norisu lineage/successors (perhaps as a punishment from the gods? or because he was bored?)- mostly based on Secret of 9 comment that he existed before First Norisville Ninja.
he was a time-traveler that was sent back to record Norisville's Ninja heroics. - Secret of 9 comment about how he is not of this time and also because cowboy hats werent around 800 years ago.
he is a being from another dimension, but came to this world to observe First Ninja and all future Ninjas (a bit of isekai trope is always fun!).
he was human, but after meeting/being saved by Norisu Clan, he somehow gained immortality and decided to serve their line.
he was a spirit guardian of Norisu family that took physical form after the demise of most of the clan, in order to assist First in keeping Ninjanomicon safe for future generations. (its also why he is the one evaluating future ninja candidates, because he continues to do his duty to Norisu clan).
The first and last ones are my favorites. ;D
But otherwise I'm content not to put him in a neat mental box of who&what! In my opinion, sometime a little bit of mystery is good for the soul. ;)
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