#also there's a lil touch 2 electric boogaloo quote in here if you're curious
fizzydrink698 · 3 years
fic writer tag! ❤️
@aliceu thank you so much for the tag, but also you’ve exposed me so bad, oh my god. i can’t believe i’m outing my old teenage self’s fanfic like this.
1. what fandoms have you written for (but do not currently)?
ha. ok.
published: harry potter, victorious, percy jackson, one direction, wrestling (wwe), descendants.
unpublished: stranger things, black sails, far cry 5, game of thrones, house of anubis, the riot club, the hunger games, labyrinth, the mortal instruments, mansfield park, twilight, pokémon, jem and the holograms. and that’s just the files i can access. pre-2016? no clue, those are lost to dead laptops.
2. what fandoms are you currently writing for?
stray kids and bts are the ones currently published. I also have ateez, nct/wayv, itzy and mamamoo fics in the process of writing 👀
3. how long have you been writing?
a long time. i have very vivid memories of being about 7-8 and using my families ancient desktop computer (like, think a huge BOX of a monitor) to write stories. i also used to scrawl story ideas on the cardboard backing of colouring books, on scrap bits of paper. i think the first fanfiction i wrote was secret of moonacre fanfiction when i was in year 4 - so i was about 9? but yeah, at least 13-14 years. two-thirds of my life 👀
4. on which platforms do you post your stories?
tumblr and ao3 currently. i do also still have my fanfiction(dot)net profile open and public with all my old stuff still online. we’re talking old 2011 harry potter oc fanfiction. it’s a cute little time capsule. i also had a onedirectionfanfiction(dot)com profile back in 2014 i posted on before the site died.
5. what is your favorite genre to write?
romance! fluffy, warm romance. i guess specifically alternate-universe romantic comedy?
6. are you a pantser or a planner?
i bullet-point plan = specifically i write out how the main couple get together, the twists in relationship, the general push and pull. and a general overview of the plot.
but i always end up changing things when i write - the characters always have a different feel when i write, so decisions i’ve planned for them to make now seem contrived, and i end up veering off script a little. that’s also the stage i add in sub-plots, foreshadowing, all that. so...both? 50/50?
7. one-shot or multi-chapter?
i used to be a big multi-chapter girl. everything was a big grand epic in my head. but by the time i got to tumblr, i started writing oneshots more and now it’s usually “i get an idea for a oneshot premise, i plan it out and either it grows and expands and becomes a multi-chapter or it just stays a really long oneshot”
8. what is the perfect chapter length in your opinion?
depends on how often it’s updated. for multi-chapter, about 5-7k for weekly/fortnightly updates. 750-1k for daily updates. as long as you want for non-regular updates 😊
9. what is your longest published story?
ahhh ok. ok. there is a 77k wwe fanfic on my ffn account that i updated between 2016-18. however, there’s an extra two and a half unedited chapters on my desktop that i never posted - which brings the grand total of words to 84k.
for tumblr/ao3, of course it’s instinct. 53.4k of pure self-indulgence 🥰
10. which story did you enjoy working on the most?
the obvious answer is instinct 😂 but i really liked working on solace, way back when. and hypothesis was really therapeutic, just bc it’s so warm and strangely comforting. oh, and consort was very fun to try out a different style of writing
11. favorite request you’ve written and why?
ooh, ok the only requests i’ve written for are way back in my descendants days. probably the request for the first part of “if your heart’s still open”. that series has a big place in my lil heart.
12. are there reoccurring themes in your stories?
bisexual main characters, friend groups that roast each other with affection, side character ship tease, romantic epiphanies.
13. current number of wips?
HA so many. only counting the wips with more than 250 words written? 18. wips over 1k? 9.
the longest wip is currently over 16k. it probably won’t ever see the light of day - it’s a bts fic i started over a year ago and it already feels kinda immature. but we’ll see 🤷‍♀️
i actually got curious and added the word-counts all together. i currently have 37,116 words of unfinished kpop fic.
14. three things you have noticed about your writing?
the emphasis is almost always on dialogue and expressions/body language of characters - very little on scenery
short, sharp, snappy sentences to draw attention in.
endings are almost always cliffhangers - but the nice ones, i guess. the couple always gets together first.
15. a quote you like from a published story?
i’m a total sap, so let’s go for the super soft ones:
His hand slips down from your wrist, taking your hand and squeezing it gently. He smiles up at you, calm, confident.
“Please can you kiss me again?” Changbin asks, softly. - hypothesis
When you open your eyes, Chan is staring at you with just…the softest look, and it takes your breath away. There’s not a single ounce of caution in his eyes, no reluctance, no fear.
And your heart just melts. - instinct 07
16. a quote from an unpublished story?
here’s two because why not:
“Yeah. All through high school, it was me, Mark and Donghyuck. We were, like, our own little trio.”
“Really? That’s…honestly, that’s kind of bizarre to think about.”
You wonder how she’d react if she knew the whole truth – if she knew about that last year of high school, when Mark had graduated and left the two of you behind.
and for the second, well...some of you might be able to guess which this one is from 😈😈:
“We’re open to sharing.”
Changbin winces at his packmate’s choice of words, and the rest soon follow when they see the thunderous expression on your face.
17. space for you to say something to your readers~~
i’ve got a shitload of words to write and i promise i’m working as hard as i can on them 😂 i’m so beyond happy to hear that you guys are enjoying my stuff, and i hope you’ll continue to enjoy my future writing. thank you!
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