#also that thing where people tried to scapegoat native americans for the boston tea party
shinygemstone · 2 years
"Radical leftists have never accomplished anything because they're inconsistent snowflakes"
Bitch what do you think the American revolution was??? Nobody thought you could do government without a monarchy, the idea of the people picking who ruled was wild!!! The sons of liberty were literally left wing terrorists. And just btw we spent several years trying to talk king George the dumbass into keeping life liveable in the colonies (mainly Boston) but he just kept making things more and more extreme. So we played dirty. Guerilla warfare. We stole everything that wasn't nailed down and grabbed some hammers and stole some of the stuff that was.
So don't pull the "haha weak leftists will never come together to do anything patriotism strong we love America and the founding fathers" shit like they wouldn't be rolling in their graves at the current political climate.
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