#also thank you gfakhjkjah
camkablam · 8 months
hope you don't mind me asking, but what program do you use for animating?
I want to get into animating (just for fun) and I'm gathering some info/advice :>
Also your content is amazing k bai-
i dont mind at all! I use Clip Studio Paint EX. You can animate in Clip Studio Paint Pro as well (which is the version down), but it's more limited to GIFs and short animations. I definitely recommend it 'cause it's got pretty much everything you need.
If you're looking for more free programs, FireAlpaca also has a basic animation feature! Best for GIFs, though, and it doesn't have a timeline so you can't really have multiple layers over the top of each other (unless it's been updated, it's been a while). And I believe a lot of people use Krita too
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