#also so funny of atlus to still ignore hamuko after giving her an arc in a spinoff game telling her she is meaningful and shant be forgotte
bombontheevilcat · 4 months
I haven't gotten my own grubby hands on it yet
and I'm debating on whether I'm going to pick it up or hold off for a switch port/femc edition, I'm WATCHING YOU ATLUS you and your scummy dlc practices (seems like Episode Aegis/The Answer will be remade too but as DLC which is a lil scummy sigh)
but one thing I'm really impressed with so far having watched playthroughs of it here and there is the translation and smaller changes to the writing! The script seems a lot more character-nuanced (Junpei and Yukari), generally the flow and timing is a lot nicer and Japanese terminology is properly handled and not given that weird "weeb-ish" effect that the original version + p4 kinda had a bit of a problem with, like changing around honorifics + name usage to "dumb it down" for western audiences.
I still wanna make at least one more femc round before going to reload so I'll still keep to Portable for Femc superiority but the remake looks gorgeous and like a grest remake of the original! I hope everyone enjoys their brain chemistry changing experience in Persona 3~~ (it's not like it's my favorite or anything pff noo where did you get that idea?? HHAHAHAHA)
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