#also req some skewls in the replies bc i have asks off SORRY.... SORRY
extravalgant · 2 years
hey yall remember that secondary school post i made 😏💯 ok well here are my own interpretations of it... through flowery language and other stuff
IIIII hope u enjoy it anways +_+ my own personal canon is that primary/secondary schools arent common, but only people who have the drive (and often teacher recommendations and whatnot) can really try and learn two schools at the same time...
it also really tells us smth about the character... something i think would be akin to zodiacs or mbti’s and enneagram’s but most people think it doesnt hold up well bc those with secondary schools take a modified version of the book of secrets test to find out if a secondary is good for them....
i think its telling for those who just have a primary or a single school (ex. my calamity is a primary storm)... obviously you can think up of whatever u want for canon but i think it would say a lot for why ur oc would have a primary as opposed to learning two schools....
AS ANOTHER NOTE. i think having a secondary school would also affect the way your primary school/magic looks, which is why i relied a lot on imagery
alright alright . enjoy 🙏
✦  storm/death they beckon the dead from their earthen slumber, static in their veins. much like the pop culture counterpart victor frankenstein, they too bring their summons to life through electricity. as shards of lightning strike through their spells, so too do they come alive.
✦  fire/ice smoke billows out of their mouth like a sauna, letting the steam burn their victims down to the bone. often it is said that a frog will hop out of a boiling pot if you dump it in immediately, but allow the pot to simmer and slowly reach heat and the frog will stay until it is boiled alive; the same can be said of pyromancers with ice secondaries.
✦  myth/balance designs swirl underneath the darkness of their eyelids, a visual snow that coaxes out hallucinations of older legends. dizziness and vertigo is a constant force in their life, but their choices come clear as day, as if there is a secret path laid out before them; a trail of gold they leave in their wake, each step like quicksand - so quick to pull you under if you linger for too long.
✦  death/fire warm - warm warm warm does pyromancy trickle gently down their throat, akin to the smooth taste of alcohol, like hot tea against a sore throat. if necromancy was something to be feared, to shy away from, to regret, then pyromancy was the warm hearth of a fire; the idea of coming home from a grueling day that life has thrown at you to the warm, familiar arms of your home. death is familiar, but fire is the true heart of the soul.
✦  life/ice it feels like the first breath of life – cold and wet. much like the infant who cannot help but cry, for that is all it knows, so too can you cry, for spring brings new beginnings. the dew of early morning clings fresh and humid against the tips of your cold fingertips. you are the first breath of spring, and the cold breath of winter.
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