#also re anon i WILL respond but when i said “shallow” i meant the book is shallow and not that it would be good for beginners (imo it's not
ghelgheli · 2 months
one of the fundamental mistakes serano and a lot of others make involves the following line of reasoning:
1. some people have dysphoric other-gender embodiment-desires (e.g. for different genitals) before they acquire an understanding of gender-sex associations or even that there are genitals other than their own
2. if gender is totally socially constructed, as the social constructionists say, then these embodiment-desires would not be possible in such a state of ignorance
3. modus tollens the social constructionists are wrong and there must be some innate gender-desire
this is often accompanied by the following:
1. if social constructionism is right, then the abolition of gender would mean the elimination of dysphoric embodiment-desires
2. the state of knowledge prior to acquiring gender-sex knowledge is analogous to the state of affairs under gender abolition
3. in that state some people still have dysphoric embodiment-desires
4. modus tollens the social constructionists are wrong
these arguments are often defensive, to be fair—the first premise of the latter argument is unfortunately made by certain social constructionists too, steamrolling those early childhood experiences. but in both cases there is a circular mistake happening. the dysphoric embodiment-desires can precede gender-sex knowledge specifically because they are separable from it. penis-dysphoria in young childhood can only be called gender dysphoria if we assume the very gender-sex epistemic constructions we have agreed not to take for granted! and the former dysphoria may well persist in the absence of the latter constructions. this is what people say when they talk about a (utopian, perhaps, but nonetheless coherent and logically possible) gender abolitionist future where people can have whatever procedures they desire done. the embodiment-desires are still there! they are just freed from gender-sex associations.
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