#also photoshop WONT FUCKING OPEN so i cant edit my icon i hate my life }
orphilos · 1 year
* .☾ ° 𝐌𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐀𝐆𝐄 𝐑𝐄𝐂𝐄𝐈𝐕𝐄 , @thieviant ↴
" what i have with you, i don’t want with anyone else. "
UPON HIS WORDS, eyes of gentle hues set themselves 'pon Akira's, ( they do not dare to dart away, nor is what he said dismissed. ) instead, an airy, light laugher pushes through lips. the false god he had thought to be his enemy ( a threat to society itself as best ) had never looked less of one before this moment. — had he finally found somebody in which their presence had been worthy enough to start cracking down the wall he had built over the course of years? a wall that. had been built for not only others but for his self? ( surely, Minato had to notice it too. after all, the two are one && the same. ) both building their own walls to protect themselves from the cruel world — Minato had never been one to fear DEATH, not in a sense of his own well being. ( to be precise, ) he had always feared losing others but never himself. everybody had a reason to keep going. ( but unfortunately, Minato had always thought otherwise when the subject fall 'pon his future. ) 
life may have had no plan for him, but death surely did — && even in this twist of fate. this whole exchange the two had was only be a temporary stay ( nothing more && nothing less. ) yet, even in the short period of time that he is given. he cannot deny that he had begun to grow a ' fondness ' for the other — ( && such a fondness had been mutual. ) perhaps it was a result of the arcana playing its part, with both feeling something akin to familiarity. perhaps, it was the two's understanding of one another's loneliness settling in that they found themselves embracing in each other's arms for what they had longed for ( comfort && security. ) It's an exchange that the two arguable wondered if what they had felt was considered normal to have with the person that you viewed as your enemy….
( no, of course, it wasn't. )
even so, it'll be foolish for him to view what they had together as something he'd have with anyone else — the closest he could possily think of doing such a thing, would ( unsurprising ) be with that of S.E.E.S. as they've been they only people that he had viewed as family, however, that was what made the exchange confusing. Akira was neither a friend nor ally, ( he was an enemy. ) — && even though, the two were aware of it, it made it nearly impossible to not see a part of himself through Akira. the both of them were struggling with their own demons, however, Minato was simply fortunate enough to find a group that supported him through times in which he felt alone...
Akira did not have such luxury. 
needless to say, it is not shocking that Akira would say such words to him. anybody would've said it, had they've been through a similar situation, && to feel as though they had finally find somebody ( enemies or not. ) — to stay by their side, through even the not so calming && relaxing moments. his laugher lingers far longer than anything he has done before; it's unlike the quiescent to laugh in the face of what would be his opponent ! ( it had been considered cruel, ) but with it towards Akira. someone he knew, would not be bothered by such an action. — && as such, he had no need to concern himself with it. ❛ Hehe, really? ❜ a voice that sounded almost sarcastic, mocking the tone of his words. as though they are meant to be dismissed so easily && without a care.
that had been until he approached him, ( no hesitate, no fear, no worries ) with arms wrapped themselves around Akira's waist, pulling him close against his form. ( ❝ i'm always here for you... ❞ ) 
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❛ I guess, you could say, I feel the same way. ❜
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