#also of course roberto is their manager once they're able to play at more than just the local bar on weeknights
My hottest take for a Trigun band AU is that Vash should be a former industry plant whose trying his absolute darndest to make a legitimate career without any inside connections after getting his shit blown up on TikTok
And of course he's trying to hide it from his new band mates to varying levels of success
Like one day Meryl busts in 5 minutes before practice (objectively 10 minutes late compared to when she usually shows up) (Vash is usually 10 minutes late and isn't even there yet, he's helping someone jump their car across town) one time after watching a deep dive video on YouTube about disgraced musicians and she just shoves her phone in Wolfwood and Milly's faces like
Meryl (rhythm guitar)(was classically trained on the violin): HE'S A PLANT??? HE'S BEEN A PLANT THIS WHOLE TIME??? HE LIED TO US??? AND WE'RE STILL PRACTICING IN A SHITTY GARAGE???
Wolfwood (bass guitar) (sucks at bass guitar) (was originally hired by Knives to make sure Vash's career fails without the family connections in a way that does not reflect poorly on Vash, is now heavily invested in the band succeeding bc he likes it) (no he doesn't know what he's gonna do about it but how scary could Knives be)(very scary): hm? What're ya on about?
Milly (realized months ago who Vash was and that he's given up his industry connections and is trying to do things The Correct Way, finds this incredibly admirable and truly believes in him and the band) (drums)(the most popular member of the band): you guys didn't know?
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