#also now that i think on it we've had fairy gala (crewel) and varags camp (vargas)
yuri-is-online · 4 months
Since you write for Twst, I assume you play the game as well. In that case, I have a slightly silly question I guess. If you could pick any unused hometown for an event, whose hometown would you want to see and why?
Not a silly question! I really like the hometown events. I was actually thinking about them just this morning. As a fish simp I would like to see an event set in the Coral Sea just because, but I sort of doubt the logistics of that happening. Floyd seems like the only one up for inviting us and tbh it does not sound like much of a tourist destination.
If I had to really pick though it would be a toss between Sam and Jack. The Princess and the Frog is such an underrated movie and I really love jazz music, and hometown events always give us such good twst tunes. Maybe there could be a cooking competition or something and he recruits us to help run a booth! As for Jack, I kind of want to see twst's take on Beauty and the Beast outside of Vargas and those mirrors that didn't work in endless Halloween. And I want to see some more moments between him and Yuu because I want more material to work with his stans deserve it. Give their fluffy boi an SSR he deserves it ( •̀ ᄇ• ́)ﻭ✧
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