#also not a good sign of journalism (or the article) that shuster leaves out facts and explanations so it fits his views and article
Jam, have you read the new Time article about Ze and the war?! I'm so fucking angry about it!!!!!!!!!!! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 Never thought Simon Shuster, of all people, would become a traitor! 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
I have and it is, indeed, a bullshit article.
If anyone had planned to read the new TIME article - don't. Use your time for something more useful (it has one, maybe two good parts but not really anything new or what I would say is worth a read). The article is full of bullshit, pro-Russian propaganda (to a point were you could play bingo and actually get one - think of any Russian Propaganda point and you'll most likely find it in the article) and basically a backstab from Simon Shuster.
Very sad to see that Shuster is now a pro-Russian Propaganda mouthpiece (again).
The article is awful in so many ways and he throws Ze under the bus, portraying him in an unfair, unjustified and very wrong light. Truly despictable article, not worth anyone's time.
The article is actually in fact so awful, I'm going to cancel my pre-order of Shuster's book about Ze. Because now I assume the book (who's title and summary changed in the past, btw) will now be written in the same style and I'm certainly not going to throw money into an awful Russian Propaganda mouth. I'll wait for reviews, maybe I'll get my hands on a copy in book store and I can glimpse into it.
Very sad to see that Shuster had this change in attitude and support regarding Ukraine (especially after his pro-Ukraine stance last year and his insightful and good reports about Ze), but given his history maybe it shouldn't be such a surprise (he wrote several pro-Russian and Propaganda articles in the past, mainly 2014 - I always assumed last year his case is one of the typical "didn't know it better, fell for Propaganda, learnt my lesson, now I support" ... well, looks like a "no").
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