#also no hate here I genuinely adore FFX with all my heart and soul
ageofzero · 1 month
For the Choose Violence ask game! FFX and/or FFVII, whichever floats your boat:
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
13. worst blorboficiation
I don't actually know any wider fandom opinions about FFX that are newer than high school for me, lmao, but sure
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
FFX-2 is pretty good, actually. The fandom era I was in was just mean. It's not the best made game in the world, but it's got some strong stuff in it and some of its core mechanics should be played with more with Squeenix's decade of learning experience since then. I imagine nowadays this is a pretty mild take, though.
13. worst blorboficiation
god can I say "Prompto" anyway just to be extra salty? No this is FFX, I should stay on target
I think maybe Seymour managed to miss out on The Snape Effect thanks to the era he existed in, but I'm gonna suspect he's high on the list for characters that suffer from blorboification just judging by other FF fandoms. He's got the character hallmarks of Sephiroth (tragedy involving his mom breaking his mind/mom being a monsterterror) and Ardyn (normal lookin soft spoken guy who should be dead and wants to kill the whole world), it's just that he was written in 2001 and has some Shaped hair. I hope I'm wrong, but I wouldn't be surprised if I guessed correctly.
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