#also my aspie arse just cant cope with change πŸ™ƒ
kaaras-adaar-a Β· 3 years
// Please excuse me if I'm really slow, I've made a new blog for Kaaras and I'm letting it simmer a while before I actually see if I'll MAKE the change over. There's nearly 6 years worth of content on this blog, some good, amazing, enjoyable and some bad, ugly and cringe worthy.
I'm trying to weigh out the pros and cons and the only cons are sentimental value (which I'd still be keeping this blog as an archive anyway), the amount of activity on here, love and passion over the years that I've put here, and the fact that I don't have to switch back and forth between personal and RP blogs on mobile, my inability to cope with change >.< A slow and tedious process of rebloging all the content I'd wish to carry over.
The pros are mutuals don't have to try and work out if I'm still following them or not, IC asks and comments not having to be from a sideblog, a CLEAN blog that I can retag and not have to worry about finding old, cringy content, a refreshed start away from old headcanons that may contradict later posts due to development, the fact that there's a whole lot of blocked content due to pre Tumblr ban on this blog that won't carry over to the new one, no weird gaps, active blogs following me not 700 dead ones.
I'm still not entirely sure what I want to do which is why I'm letting it simmer. I know I want to and I'm just scared to make that leap which is making me extremely anxious but this blog has been a labour of love and I don't want to feel like it's gone to waste somehow?
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