#also lol did you spot the hamilton referenec
I absolutely love your writing! I swear it is what is getting me through finals season right now. I know you said that Arthur and Jack have similar tempers and while it is not often, do get into brawls. I am wondering if you could share what it is like when Arthur fights with his other kids/what it is usually about? Also if you could share any writing on fights between Arthur and Jack or his other kids? Thanks!
England, 1810s.
Father's face was stony and cold. Void of softness if Jack hoped for understanding. Arthur juts his chin at the door. "You go and wait in the hall; you'll get your punishment when I'm done with your brother."
Matt glanced at him. Jack was staring at his boots, and Matthew wasn't sure if it was out of embarrassment or if he looked up, he'd start shouting. But Jack looked up, the black eye getting darker by the moment. He'd have to find some snow for it. And Matt gave a flick of his eyes to confirm he should do what he was told and the smallest of comforting smiles before he turned back and squared his shoulders. Jack's response was just to look sadder. Matthew looked to Arthur once more. Father's jaw was clenched, clamped down like the hatches in a storm, holding the fury in place until Jack was out of the room. The door shut. Hell broke its gates.
"You broke the bursar's jaw in two fucking places!" Arthur slammed a hand down on the flat of his desk, and Matthew didn't flinch. "The bursar. Of bloody Eton college. In front of half the staff and students."
"He struck Jack!" Matthew snapped back. "He hit and humiliated your son in front of how many future politicians! Half those uppity fuckwits will be in office someday. What did you expect me to do? Leave it be? Let Jack think he deserves that?"
"What on earth was he even being punished for?"
"What does it fucking matter?" Matthew countered. "That prick drew your son's blood. He should be thankful I didn't kill him."
"You watch your tongue with me, boy." Arthur was gripping his desk. "Do you have any what kind of mess you've made?"
"I don't care!" Matthew shot back. He'd always been slow to fire but accurate when he got that far. "If you and this fucking empire can't put the fear of god into someone who hurts your children, then what is the point!"
"Matthew!" Arthur returned. His knuckles were white. There was a flick of pride there, if just for a moment. "That is quite enough!"
"No, it isn't." Matthew took a deep breath, and father and son stared at each other. They were in dangerous territory. But Matthew watched his father's face as his tightened and expression hardened. Father had told him anger was an ugly look on his face, foul and Norman. He didn't care today. "Its nothing like enough. You owe him the same caliber of education Alfred got."
"What do you think I sent him to Eton for? If there was a chance left you've just struck it down! Lord knows Winchester or Harrow won't take him after what you've done!"
"Even if they would, what were you thinking, sending him there? They flog their students. Those dormitories would kill me and I'm half permafrost. What is wrong with you?"
"I will not hear of this. You silence yourself now or I will send you too some godforsaken hellhole and leave you to rot. When on earth do you think you received the right to speak to me like this?"
"The day you knelt me in front of a foreign king and made swear to never again harm a British possession. And I keep my oaths, Father."
"Do whatever you like. Send me wherever you like. I don't care. But you will educate and treat Jack and Eleanor exactly as you did Alfred."
"Enough! Remove yourself from my sight."
"How are you this STUPID?" It was his turn to shout now. "Do you know why Jack prefers Brighid to you? It's nothing she did. It's your own fucking fault. Disposing of Jack into the hands of the schools when he has no business there, leaving Zee to her own devices so long as she doesn't make trouble, caring not one wit what happens to any of us so long as you don't have to experience an uncomfortable emotion. Because god forbid the Great Lord Kirkland of Red Sail Hall be known as anything so pathetic as a fucking human being."
Arthur had gone pale. His face was still stone, but he had gone pale. On any other day, Matthew might have loathed himself but not today. Not when Jack was covered in welts, one eye was swollen shut, and his own hand was broken on the jaw of the bastard who had put them there.
"They are children," Matthew said, much quieter this time. He was nearly at the door, almost safe. "If you would give them anything in the way of affection, we'd love you to the end of the world and then some. None of us are Alfred and none of us deserve to be punished for what he did."
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