#also like no shade to ppl who do like the recent lims. i have no quarrel with you i prommy. i am just. Disappointed and Enraged
nbmudkip · 18 days
ok im sorry i realized pandemonium is close and got to thinking and im pissed as fuck about tsukasa’s lims again. prsk devs were really like “Ok guys let’s give this guy two of the most banger lims in the game-“
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“Yes great perfect. Ok now as soon as ny3 ends let’s pivot 180° and beat him to death with a rusty metal pipe.” like for the love of god. since then we’ve had three kasa lims, and they are, in order:
managed to ruin my literal top dream mixed lineup of ruishizukasa by having leaks tease the thrilling concept of tanuki/kitsune limkasa and then ended up being Walking Nerd Emoji in a Plain Middle Schooler’s Uniform. when lineup and card set theme leaks dropped i was literally gearing up to podium this event, i wanted it to be my t3, and then the cards dropped and made me so mad i dropped to maybe t100 if i’m bored enough
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very pretty card art at least but my literal least favorite limkasa hair especially in terms of 3dmodel + previous world record holder for Most Boring Lim Costume
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*audible snarling* fucking kasafes. fucking new world record holder for #1 Most Boring Lim Costume and on a fes card of all things. fucking plain white cotton tshirt HGTV sugar free breakfast syrup commercial ass sitting in a boring suburban kitchen holding a piece of bread. “what’s that?” said the devs. “you were excited to see tsukasa’s version of the concept of fragment sekais, the reality-bending time-warping realms of pure feeling given physical form where characters come face to face with deeply symbolic fantastical scenarios and confront reflections of their deepest emotions? you wanted to see how creatively we could address the myriad of different complex patterns of thought that make tsukasa who he is, and were excited to see which of many unique and interesting routes we could’ve taken to explore him at his roots? ha! hahahahaha! No. You get breadboy.”
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LIKE. GIRL. HELLO. you have GOT to be shitting me. these are the lims we’re getting? for TENMA FUCKING TSUKASA of all people???? i could pull up to the most boring outfit competition in my last job’s uniform tshirt and a pair of uncomfortably textured khakis, and if i got up backstage and saw my opponents were these three chucklefucks, i would piss my pants in soul-crushing terror knowing i was miles out of my league.
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LIKE??? WHAT HAPPENED?????? compare them to his first three lims’ fits and hairstyles:
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the fuckin reverse glowup from those to the latest three is unreal. absolute shitfest. world’s most rancid dimdown. someone get my boy some fucking CLOTHES
as i always provide on my kasaposts, please see my approved hater license below the cut:
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i adore him guys i swear. im mad on his behalf not mad at him
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