#also leaving this to queue because i'll likely be asleep and forget to post it 😅
morganaseren · 2 months
15 Lines Tag
Tagged by @illusivesoul Thank you kindly as always, friend! :)
Tagging: @blackjackkent, @writer86, @this-is-something-idk-what, @jellydishes (I'm tagging you specifically because I think you might like this very small crumb I have to offer regarding Bethany and Niamh. 👉👈) As always, no pressure if you don't want to participate!
Rules: Share 15 or fewer lines of dialogue from an OC, ideally lines that capture the character/personality/vibe of the OC. Bonus points for just using the dialogue without other details about the scene, but you're free to include those as well!
Pairing: Bethany Hawke/Niamh Cousland
Rating: Teen
AU: The Ruin of Your Broken Home
((So let me just preface this by saying this little snippet is from an AU I haven't posted yet; thus, you won't see it on my WIP Masterlist. I have a couple more scenes to write before I feel comfortable sharing it. Essentially, one of my followers asked me ages ago about what a DA2 AU would look like if Niamh had been a part of Hawke's little crew of misfits and who she'd likely romance if she thought she'd never return to Ferelden again.))
“So you aren’t a dangerous apostate then.”
Bethany winced at the bluntness of the statement, but she also didn’t miss how those wintry-grey eyes seemed to chill themselves for a brief moment as Niamh regarded Aveline over the rim of her mug.
“Oh? Did I say that?”
“You’re not denying it.”
“You do realize I provided aid earlier against the Coterie when I stood nothing to gain from it, yes? I invited you into my home, and I was hospitable enough to offer you tea even before hearing why you wished to seek me out to begin with. As the situation stands, I can only see that I’m surrounded within enclosed quarters with a group that far outnumbers me and are now the only obstacle between me and the exit. Tell me: who is the more dangerous party here?”
“Oh, for Maker’s sake, no wonder you and your Guard never get any results if this is the way you’re constantly going about things!” Bethany snapped out, and the sharpness of her rebuke was enough to draw both her siblings’ eyes upon her with surprise. Even Niamh’s brows had raised somewhat with her tone, but Bethany was far too tired to feel even the slightest bit embarrassed over her outburst.
“My point is that baseless accusations are dangerous,” Niamh continued on, voice flat as she regarded Aveline. “Given your position—” Keen eyes flickered to the insignia on the other woman’s breastplate. “—one would think you of all people would know the merit of gathering proper evidence before casting judgment. I was willing to hear what you all wanted of me based on your initial friendship with Merrill, but if you’ve already decided who I am based on the very bare minimum of interaction with me, then we’ve nothing to discuss as far as I’m concerned.”
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I was tagged by @chaoticandproud and I think I need to go lay down now lol this took forever
thanks for the tag boo <3 1. Why did you choose your url?
I really, desperately wanted to change my url after returning to tumblr and having had my previous one for YEARS. So I searched far and wide until I settled on this one...
which is just the caption I gave to this piece I made when I first started playing around with digital art earlier this year:
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See how her eyes look really tired and she looks kinda icy... like cold... as ice...............
2. Side blogs
Never had one. This is the one and only blog I've ever used and it's a mess. You click that follow button, you're in for a wild ride lol.
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
Since 13/06/2012, 9:20pm. 🙃
4. Do you have queue tag?
Nope. I've been here for 9 years and to this day I still have no idea what it is or how to use it. You get 100 posts in an hour or you get nothing, there is no in-between.
5. Why did you start your blog?
I was a part of the Czech Glee fandom and wanted to read more fanfiction. I found a person who was posting their Czech fanfics here and while scrolling through their blog I realized that hey, this place is pretty cool, it's got moving pictures and shit... so I also made one.
6. Why did you choose your icon?
Well because he's just TOO CUTE 🥺💕 william my beloved
I made the edit for a post of mine and found it again while scrolling through my files. I realized it fit the pink vibe I have going on rn on my blog and I felt like replacing my other icon that had my face in it cause I wasn't feeling it anymore.
7. Why did your choose your header?
Purely for aesthetic reasons because pink!! and pretty!!
8. Post with the most notes?
So right now my most popular one is this Eurovision one which currently has 8.3k notes and has caused quite a lot of people to get angry because it's not RENAISSANCE it's bArOqUe
It has yet to beat THIS baby, which was made 5 years ago and somehow gained nearly 8.7k notes (which makes me really happy because it was about writing Phil -and Dan the previous year- personalized letters to tell him what he means to us and that's just really sweet isn't it 🥺).
9. How many mutuals do you have?
I went. And I counted.
Every. Single. One.
158 is the answer.
??!?! WHY AND HOW ?!?!
10. How many followers do you have?
667 (missed the 666 :(( big sads)
Once again,
11. How many people do you follow?
1002 blogs babeyyy 🤙🤙
12. ever made a shitpost?
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13. How often do you use tumblr each day?
I don't know, I'm scared to monitor my social media usage cause it's bad. But more often than not, I'll just come here to message friends and scroll without really reblogging stuff or paying attention to anything.
14. Did you ever have fight/argument with other blog?
I don't like confrontation and fighting with people but I've gotten myself involved in drama a couple of times over the years. One time I made a really stupid comment under the influence of someone extremely toxic and ended up getting so much shit I had to delete everything related to that situation, close my ask box and just leave tumblr for a couple of days. I've been careful not to get involved in anything like that ever since.
If something pisses me off I'll just complain about it to my roommate irl lol.
15. How do you feel about "You need to reblog this" posts?
They make me feel awful. I'm really sensitive to guilt-tripping and pretty anxious when it comes to stuff like this (like remember those chain mails/posts about demons appearing in your house if you don't repost? I wouldn't repost those cause I knew they were fake and didn't want to spread them but I wouldn't be able to fall asleep because I was convinced a demon would show up lol) so whenever I see them and scroll past for whatever reason, I kinda feel sick to my stomach.
16. Do you like tag games?
I do! omg a friend remembered me?? and tagged me in a game because they want to learn more about me???? 🥺💕😭💖✨❤
Sometimes I forget to do them lol but I appreciate every single one! I just feel bad cause I'm bad at tagging others. I'm scared to tag people I don't actually talk to idk why. :(
17. Do you like ask games?
Yes!! I just take them way too seriously so it takes me forever to answer them haha.
18. Which of your tumblr friends/mutuals do you think is famous?
Mmm I have quite a few mutuals from the Dark Ages Glee days who were pretty big in the fandom back then (no idea why they followed me back lol).
Right now I'm honored to have a couple of people from the JATP fandom who I consider to be full-on celebrities following me back but I'm scared to tag them lmfao 😅😔
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
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...maybe 👉👈
No pressure to actually do this but if y'all feel like it @hervissa @slunecny-hrob @fiddlepickdouglas @floating-in-the-blue @fighttoshine @suckerforpsychos & anyone else who wants to do this it's pretty cool <3
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