#also it probably makes zero sense but i need to get my thiughts out
hamesjobart · 5 years
(I just got back from the theatre and need to get out all of my thoughts or else I won’t be able to sleep el oh el)
goldfinch hot takes + questions
1. right off the bat: super weird pacing. the slowness worked in some parts and gave them more emphasis but it’s easy to lose interest when almost the entire movie functions that way.
2. it was,,,,interesting how it skipped around too say the least but the movie became completely incomprehensible havxjdjsjsb literally made zero sense. plus it made irrelevant scenes get way more attention than the more important ones
3. why did they whisper literally all the time. what the fuck please speak up I cannot hear you. also the nearly constant silence made it so awkward at times, not sure if that was intentional or not
4. where were the doormen? >:^( I feel like we missed out on some more characterization of theo based on his relationship with them
5. why did they put such an emphasis on theo’s relationship with mrs. barbour?
6. hobie was neither kind nor gentle. what was up with that. like he was a cool guy but did not seem friendly or parental :/
7. we were robbed of workshop scenes where it’s just beautiful shots of antiques in slanted, warm, afternoon sun
8. LAS VEGAS BABY!!!!!! tbh almost could be the saving grace of the whole movie, things started to finally pick up pace and sarah paulson was a fantastic xandra and the entirely unique atmosphere of that section really captured how harrowing it was
9. FINN WOLFHARD. ohhhh my god BORIS BORIS BORIS i cannot get over him. literally I just want to edit a compilation of every scene he’s in and that’ll be the whole movie. love that spastic little russian boy. he was so raw and emotional and beautiful and FUNNY!!!!! by FAR he was my favorite part of the movie. so fun to watch him play this character and so heart wrenching to see how the really tender scenes between theo and boris in the book played out on screen. i could make a whole separate list just on their dynamic. love <3
10. where was the part where theo ran into mr. barbour???
11. older pippa was beautiful and matched the book perfectly but that doesn’t mean her scenes with theo weren’t all incredibly awkward (which i guess makes sense as he’s more obsessed with her being tied to his mom than as a romantic interest, so it works, but still)
12. kitsey actually did great, she was exactly as unlikeable and distant yet icily pretty as in the book
13. nicole kidman...you look like miss hillary clinton but I love you for it babe
14. a lot of repetition? some reoccurring flashbacks felt a little unnecessary and redundant
15. I wish lucius reeve’s character had been elaborated on a bit more, he seemed tossed in a little haphazardly and it would’ve been nice to have more context
16. ansel was beautiful as theo in my opinion. I think he threw in just the correct amount to make theo a bit of an asshole but in the right way and handled the repression and emotion that comes with the character well
17. aneurin barnard’s funky teeth
18. really liked the sort of constantly jittery, high, adrenaline-based dynamic between the older theo and boris and how much they always have and still cared for each other. aneurin’s emotion was lovely and you can tell that boris still loves theo (+ vice versa)
19. the whole amsterdam debacle felt really rushed, and it seemed like a lot of important bits of the buildup and story were lost when it was rushed like that
20. but like.....how was boris able to heal his bullet wound?? he got shot in the shoulder and was fine the next scene I want to know what happened
21. the ending seemed a little lazy, just theo coming home safe and sound, no repercussions with kitsey or hobie, no sign of boris anywhere, and then another flashback to the museum. I wanted it to be a little more conclusive
22. overall I was just so excited to finally see it that I don’t care all that much that it wasn’t the best. I really really loved certain parts of it and certain parts not so much, but i’m not mad at all about the final product.
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