#also important to say i love support and reblog all and any headcanons about hob that spark joy
martybaker · 2 years
ok so here’s a thing about hob gadling that i feel does not often get reflected in headcanons - he is not a hero. He has no hero complex to go save the day, bring justice, punish bad guys, what have you. He is a perfectly ordinary guy who just wants to live his life and experience all it has to offer, the good and the bad. He’s no role model. He ain’t here to do heroic deeds and always make the right choice, he is not morally perfect, we can see all of this throughout the years in the life choices he makes. As a soldier, he doesn’t care what side he’s fighting on as long as it can keep him occupied and fed and clothed. He supported the slavery business for chrissake. Of course, he learns and gets better and wiser with experience but. He ain’t gonna use his immortality to become some sort of superhero vigilante. Even that little fistfight to defend dream was more for show than anything. Sure, hob’s been in many fights and has the skills, and he might even chase that thief who stole the purse of the granny he was about to help to cross the street, but he ain’t gonna make that his purpose, his mission. He is not your superman and he isn’t even your friendly neighbourhood spiderman. He’s just hob, and if you fuck with him you gonna find out, but he’s not gonna look for trouble himself. He’s here for a long time and a good time, not to get involved in shit that does not concern him. And you know what, i fuckin respect that. I love that about him.
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