#also imo being murdered isn’t pointless cuz someone wants you dead for a reason
I’d like to throw my two cents in on the “Tango dies needlessly curse” subject, and say I disagree. I don’t think it was pointless this time
Is it a trend that he dies in a silly and stupid manner? Yes. Is that the case this time? In a way. Scar just broke the floor from under him and let him drop.
But it was a death borne of revenge for an act of revenge for a violent task. Scar wanted the Heart Foundation dead, and he dedicated himself to making that happen. Are the consequences of the tasks pointless? Especially for Scar, where the tasks he was given left him alone and hated?
Tango also just…knew it was coming. He was a dead man walking, no matter the amount of gifted hearts. He could’ve gone on a rampage, frantically setting traps, rushing in to score kills, never being able to let down his guard because anything could kill him. Or he could do what he did, which was spend time with his allies, goof off with them, and follow the man he knew would kill him. I think he was at peace with it, because any other action would be to live paranoid and violent and reckless, and who wants to go out like that? Best to go out laughing and setting something on fire for the hell of it. Is that choice pointless?
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