#also imagine papa kogane with little keef on the hoverbike
quiznackingqueen · 6 years
So, the hoverbike could have belonged to Shiro at some point, and here’s how:
The only canon information we have on the hoverbike is that it once belonged to Keith’s dad, and eventually became Keith’s, but that doesn’t mean your headcanon of Shiro owning the bike contradicts this! (or, you know, it can if you want it to, but it doesn’t have to)
We all know it was Keith’s in the first season, so I’m not going to clutter this meta with screenshots of that. What is causing some confusion however, is how we know Keith’s dad owned it, so here’s a quick summary of that:
This is a screenshot from season 6:
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It’s from Keith and Krolia’s vision of her and Keith’s dad leaving to protect the blue lion from the Galra that found it. It doesn’t show Keith’s dad explicitly getting on the bike, but it’s implied. (I mean, we know it’s not Keith or Shiro guys). So the engine starts, and then we get a quick shot of Keith’s dad twisting the throttle:
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There was also a minuscule shot of the hoverbike flying towards the three falling ships:
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So, now we’ve established that the first owner of the hoverbike was definitely Keith’s dad, and I know what you’re thinking:
Why would Shiro ever own it then? The natural conclusion to all of this would be that Keith simply inherited the bike. That’s usually how these things work.
You’re right, it is. But it’s not the only way things could have gone.
Look at the flashback of Shiro leaning against the bike:
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It’s not exactly something most of us would do with a bike we didn’t own, or with someone we weren’t exceedingly close with, which Shiro and Keith weren’t at this particular moment in time. (I’ve got a meta about that here)
So assuming that the hoverbike does belong to Shiro in this scene, how did he get it?
Well for starters, remember how young Keith was when his dad died?
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Now I know he’s a runt, but he can’t be older than 10 here, and I wouldn’t be surprised if he were younger.
So what happens to property of minors in foster care?
As a minor Keith wouldn’t be able to control or make executive decisions regarding things like the shack, any money his dad might have left him, and the hoverbike. Instead the court would assign Keith a property guardian. (Usually a family member or trusted friend named in the will, unfortunately most people don’t realize they need to name one, and just assume the property automatically transfers to the minor. Note: It doesn’t.)
Now, this property guardian may not mortgage, rent, lease, charge, or transfer Keith’s property by sale, gift, exchange or otherwise without the previous permission of the court.
However, the property guardian may petition the court to do those things for the benefit of the minor, their protection, and/or education. Some states require that the minor be given notice once they reach a certain age, some don’t.
Keith can make requests regarding the assets of the estate, but everything must go through and be approved of by the property guardian and the courts. He can also request a different guardian, but generally you have to be older to do this, or able to prove the current guardian is unfit, neglecting their duties, or abusing their power.
Why does this matter?
It means that as of this point, the bike is in the care of his property guardian. Keith is too young to fly it, he doesn’t have insurance, he doesn’t have a license, and it is obviously in his best interest to keep him away from the dangerous flying vehicle.
Except do we actually believe that would stop Keith? No. I’m betting that Keith’s dad started teaching him the basics young, and they probably flew together all the time.
So Keith doesn’t let his new caretakers tell him he can’t do this for another six years or so. No, instead, Keith sneaks out to fly it, all the damn time.
This is a problem. Small children are not allowed to drive, especially such fast, dangerous machines, it just isn’t safe. That being said, how can they stop him? They can’t just keep him locked up. They also don’t have the manpower to keep him in line of sight 24/7. So what do they do? They get rid of it.
Now, their first option is to petition the court to sell it, citing safety concerns and using the money towards Keith’s education. (There’s also the fact that if the bike lies unused as long as it takes for Keith it get his license, it will fall apart and lose most if not all value.)
Option number two is less ethical, but as far as I can tell still technically legal: The next time Keith sneaks out to ride it, his caretakers call the police, and get him charged with illegal vehicle usage. This could result in the hoverbike being impounded. Not only is retrieving an impounded vehicle expensive, you also have to provide insurance. Keith’s caretakers and property guardians can effectively block him from getting it back, and even being compensated for it. After a set period the hoverbike is sold at auction.
Regardless, Keith doesn’t see it again for years, until:
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Shiro shows up towards the end of class to give a recruitment speech at Keith’s school. Keith ignores him for the most part, until he looks out the window and sees his dad’s hoverbike in the parking lot.
Shiro bought it on a whim. He has a soft spot for old things. They have so much character, and he likes imagining the stories they would tell if they could. The bike is basically his baby, and he loves it. (Matt definitely makes fun of him for it)
When the class ends Keith races outside. He studies it, eyes stinging, chest tight, as he takes in every familiar dent and ding. It’s definitely his. Shiro comes out to hind him still transfixed. He takes in the little tremors as the kid obviously holds back tears and his brows dip in concern. He asks him if he’s okay. Keith just shakes his head, trying to find a way to speak without everything spilling over.
When he finally does, his voice is rough with a grief that punches Shiro in the gut, “It was my dad’s.”
Shiro doesn’t know what to say. He wants to apologize, but the words feel hollow on his tongue. He doesn’t know how to do this. The Garrison didn’t teach him how to comfort or assure.
Shiro bites his lip, an idea forming. It’s a terrible idea, but it’s all he’s got. “Can you fly?”
Keith’s head jerks up, confused, he nods. Shiro smiles softly, taking the keys out of his pocket and holding them out. “Wanna go for a ride?” (He’ll berate himself later for the terrible word choice)
Fuck, if he didn’t do something right though, because the kid lights up and before he could blink they were gone. For once Shiro was the one having to hold on for dear life. (Matt was somewhere laughing his ass off at the sweet revenge)
When they stop Shiro’s breathless. He’d asked if the kid could fly, and holy shit could he fly.
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They talk for while. Shiro convinces him to join the Garrison and offers to vouch for him. He also learns where the bike came from and how it got there, and it breaks his heart. He wants to give it back then and there, but Keith’s afraid it will get taken again, so Shiro promises to keep the bike safe until Keith turns 18.
Later, Keith confesses he’s glad Shiro ended up with the bike.
Cue the boys spending their free time flying in the desert. Remember that cliff dive in the first episode? You can’t tell me that’s the first time he tried that shit. I am fully convinced he attempted this and all sorts of other stunts to scare the hell out of Shiro. And also to feel those beefy arms tighten around him.
When it comes time for the Kerberos mission Shiro signs the bike over to Keith. (Personally I like the idea of him giving the keys and the title to Keith on the launch platform)
So. Yeah. Everybody could have owned the bike :p
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