#also im not african american but that is the easiest example to use
king-craftsman · 2 months
Sorry to ask this as an anon, but what do you think about white/western people? Being one myself it sometimes feels like we get the blame for everything. Now a days it seems like we are all brushed over the same comb. Because of this I even find my support for certain causes wavering. What does it matter what i do or think, if I will be hated anyway. Even as an "evil white western" person I wish for Palestina to be free. But I also hope my country can still exist and aren't globally hated.
I have no clue why you'd ask a...*checks notes* transformation fetish blog, about views on white/westerners, but here goes:
When people criticise whiteness, it's more the institution than the actual skin colour. I notice a lot of white people tend to view such criticism through the lens of discrimination because we live in a world which has trained people to view others as "lesser than".
You're used to thinking that when someone says "(blank) people", they must mean in the derogatory/racist way because that's mostly what whiteness teaches, that some races must be superior to others. Nobody thinks black people, asian people, hispanic people, etc. are genuinely "superior" to white people. It's just white people throughout the history of the West have often tried to ascribe this "superiority" in order to justify their institutions.
You have manifest destiny. You have justification for slavery. If you dehumanise indigenous and black people enough, you can subliminally coach yourself to believe that due to your superiority, you are better. They are not human. Therefore their pain, their agony, their suffering is more justifiable because they are not on your level.
It's just that this has gone on for so long that it is now the bedrock of much of Western society. When you create a society based on the justification for discrimination, for stealing land, for slaughtering people, you cannot just "move on." You have to embed those lies into society and not just in thoughts and feelings, but in culture, laws, history, the overall system. Otherwise, what's the point?
Nobody hates white people. People hate "whiteness", they hate this concept of a superiority complex because not only has it led to uncountable numbers of deaths, lynchings, imprisonment, hate crime, suffering and so on, but it doesn't even help you now.
Now, when we say "we shouldn't do this or that", your instinct is to feel attacked and guilty and believe we will come for you, the way that you have come for us. That isn't true and it never was. It's the same reason why when people say "Black lives matter", others will say "actually no ALL lives matter."
When did we say they didn't? We know they matter. When black people say "we want this", it is not "we will TAKE this from you", it is "we want this too." Whiteness has evolved you to instinctively believe that the only way you can interpret "we want this" is a "we will TAKE this" because that was what was done in the past.
Also there is nobody who is anti-racist and will genuinely believe that all white people are evil. Once again this is what the West has trained you to believe, as if racism, discrimination is just a natural instinct. It was a tool of oppression used by a select bunch of white people in order to justify why they could have a bunch of land, money and power.
People will do anything to get the power that the colonizers had and still often do have to this day. They tricked you because rather than actually aid the average white person, they treat the average white person how everybody should be treated and use you as a foot soldier to keep others down. You get the least amount of benefits for most of the risk.
The American Civil War is a prime example of this. The Confederates helped further create racist white folk who were so hell bent on this "whiteness" they would do anything to preserve it, even if it meant going to war for the sake of keeping slavery. Then they died and lost and many lucky enough to survive were now disabled from war injuries or had PTSD and slavery was overturned anyway. You see how far "whiteness" got you then? It's a trick, used for the sake of power.
Perhaps in some sense, the lie got so riveting that the colonizers truly believed it. I think for the most part, they did. But any evidence on the contrary, cannot be accepted.
If you look at history, the modern day views on race would be far from how we engage with it and I don't mean, "oh well it's wrong to say the N word and segregate people compared to 100 years ago", no when I say modern day history I mean the last couple hundred years.
We've been on this planet for thousands of years and not until very recently in the scope of our human history did we have very...odd thoughts about race. Genetically you would be so shocked at how completely different people from different countries can share more similarities than say two ethnicities that have grown up in the same area beside one another.
If your support for certain causes waver due to the criticism not even of you, but just the society that raised you and protected you at the expense of others and continues trying to brainwash you, then I don't know what to say. Like yeah it sucks being criticised, but it sure sucks a lot more to have to worry about your skin colour, race, stereotypes, culture being mocked (and then stolen anyway), your hair, your clothes, the way you speak and more. Then continue to say "oh but come onnn we stopped enslaving you and segregating you and mocking you, so we're all equal now right?"
Sure bud.
But what do I know, I'm just a transformation-fetish blog and I got some writing to do. 💀
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