#also i read that you're sick with the virus! I hope you get better soon!
I keep thinking of what I could draw with your, uh, ferret-snake-creature-thing Vlad AU, because I find the idea of Jack just adopting a pissed off little creature Plasmius to be absolutely hilarious. But, and I am so freaking sorry for this, somehow I've realized that this concept has a bit of an overlap with my "Friendship is Tragic AU", in which Jack decides him and Plasmius are besties now (while not knowing who Plasmius really is), and Vlad has no idea how to cope with this development. In that Jack is just going around and deciding to forcibly befriend this ghost who obviously wants to kill him. And now my brain wants these two concepts to crossover so freaking bad xD
Firstly I'd like to say AAAAAAAAAAAA iklbiavrenböicnöxhaw,os8tgovntö,ximl<asgfc.vhöa9eobcxvc
I'm absolutely ecstatic that silly, goofy, cat dad Jack and his baby man Vlad live rent free in your head now. <3<3<3<3<3
Your Friendship Is Tragic AU is so much fun! The potential for shenanigans is so amazing and everything that enrages Vlad and brings happiness to Jack warms my heart.
If you draw something with the AU's combined then pleeeeeeaaase tag me! Your art is so good and I'm foaming at the mouth just thinking about it.
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Tw// teen pregnancy scare, light mention of sex
I just need to let this out i feel so alone.
Uhm. I'm horrified. For context, I'm in high school. I have an older boyfriend and we had intercourse twice recently. He was my first. We didn't use protection, he pulled out. I'm not sure why I agreed. It's so stupid. I guess I'm just young and naive. I've been hypesexual my entire life and just needed to feel something.
I'm supposed to get my period tomorrow though it tends to be one or two days late at times. I've been sick, like a cough/virus which has nothing to do anything but now i can't figure out if my symptoms are overlapping with..early pregnancy. Because generally when i cough a lot my gag activates, I've had that problem since covid and the pandemic. So if I throw up i have no proof of what it is. I'm also supposed to be in PMS which would explain the symptoms AGAIN and my paranoia as I get really really emotional at this time. So now i have to suffer and wait out the next few days.... My bf knows and I feel bad for stressing him out. I can't tell anybody else i know irl. Obviously because I'm still at school and plus most people don't even know I'm in a relationship, including my parents. My parents think i haven't even had my first kiss and the thought of the possibility of having to break THESE news to them is terrifying.
(slight tw for a mental breakdown here)
When i was looking at early symptoms i was home alone and i had the worst breakdown I've had in over a year or ever actually. I was screaming inside my room. I stared punching my gut hoping that "it'll" just... go away somehow. I can't have this child. I do not want to. Not now. Not ever, actually. I always said I'll never have kids for so many reasons including generational trauma and my own mental issues. I feel kind of sick today but i felt even more yesterday because the night before that I was at a concert and got really tired, and slightly drunk. So many possibilities and I'm paranoid over the worst one. I feel so fucking stupid. If i find out it's true I don't think I could take it. I'd break apart completely.
hello this is the pregnancy person again. I would like to update. I realized that i cloud be having an anti-placebo (or nocebo) effect from the fear of pregnancy. Because as soon as i read that i felt better physically. And the more i read about the symptoms yesterday the more i "noticed them". Now I'm just hungry because i didn't eat lunch yet. No nausea. And then another thing happened.. I saw blood on my underwear. And now i have no idea if my period is early or if that's early pregnancy bleeding… Of fuck me here we go again. I'm losing my mind and patience…
hey, pregnancy anon here. Got my period. We're good.
Hi anon,
Please know that your concerns about what happened are absolutely valid. It's common to become very health conscious and worry when you rely on the pullout method, especially when you begin to notice signs that you may be pregnant (although it sounds like you aren't, fortunately). This experience highlights the importance of having some kind of protection or contraception during sex, at least so you can have some peace of mind.
I don't know how long you've been with this boyfriend or if either of you have been tested, but because you've had unprotected sex with him, I strongly recommend looking into getting tested for STIs. Even if you aren't showing any symptoms, some STIs can lie dormant in your system and you can also become a carrier (meaning you carry the STI and can transmit it but don't show symptoms). I know you said you're in high school so if you're 18 you may be able to book an appointment with an OBGYN yourself. If you're under 18, your school nurse may have some recommendations.
If anyone else has any comments or suggestions, feel free to add on. Otherwise, I hope I could help, and please let us know if you need anything.
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beevean · 2 years
I am sooo sick of hearing the "It's for kids!" excuse. I get that children aren't going to notice or care about minor animation/art errors, overthink the complexities of politics or real life issues, or loose sleep over every single plot thread not being tied up or every corner of lore being explored. But it's not an excuse to make your characters look like complete idiots, or not try to tackle more mature subjects with some class. I don't want to hear it when fucking Big Bird learned about death all the way back in the early 80s. Metal Sonic and Eggman are repeat offenders who WILL come back to start shit, and Sonic just letting them go without even keeping an eye on them makes him look really fucking stupid. And that's not getting into the creepy implications of Sonic wanting Eggman to stay as Mr. Tinker.
It's antiquated, because by 2022, we had plenty of cartoons aimed at kids that dared to tackle complex issues. Why did Friendship of Magic gain such a massive fanbase and pretty much revolutionized cartoons after the late 2000s slump? You think they were all horny for the horsies? Or maybe it's because Lauren Faust fought against the idea that things aimed at children or girls didn't deserve as much effort as other media?
It's ageist, because you're implying that children are too stupid to understand anything more complex than black and white morality.
It's insulting towards your critics, obviously, but also towards your fans - whether you mean it or not, you're implying that they're also stupid for caring so much about something aimed at children. And if you're not, if they get to praise the "depth" of your writing, then you're a damn hypocrite.
It's insulting towards the games, the series you're now working for, sneering at them for being "simple" and for not growing together with its audience (nevermind that the Sonic series has wide appeal and it's not strictly for kids).
It's insulting towards yourself, because really? You are more willing to admit that you're writing a stupid story rather than conceding a point? How fucking petty do you want to be?
It's cowardly, because nobody asked you to insert Mr. Tinker's subplot, or turn Sonic into a priest, or create Surge. Since Mr. Tinker was introduced, you communicated that you wanted to write a deeper story. Don't you dare backpedal from that.
It's a blatant lie, because I've read IDW since Issue #1, and I did not dream the horror show that was the Metal Virus arc, and I did not dream Surge and Kit whose backstories are rooted in realistic, nauseating abuse. That's what you consider a "children's fantasy"?
All of this because Flynn couldn't consider the idea that people had problems with his writing. Much like he seems to think that the only people who aren't happy with Starline's anticlimatic death are stans who wanted him to have a happy ending. He had to make a complete fool of himself and insult everyone involved with his stupid comic (heh, I get to call it that and know it's Word of God <3), because he's a mediocre writer who only had the biggest, most unfair stroke of luck in existence to get to the place he's in now, and he's not used to people not getting in line to prostrate at his feet.
This asshole brushes off Sonic and yet is working on the next big game.
I hope he gets burned out as soon as he's done with Frontiers. Or better yet, that he does something so indefensible that his fans will start to treat him like they treated Pontaff.
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brick-a-doodle-do · 1 year
I got sick again and caught a whole new virus and the doctor could've tell me what it is but I now have sores on my lips that really really hurt that, despite what it might seem like, aren't from me biting them...this is also annoying bc I can still attend school with it, or so she figured, but I don't feel like I can
I need medicine...
Anything about any au you...have an idea for you might wanna ramble about? That's great medicine...
I also used the stuff my mom gave me and I can't feel my mouth anymore lmao
ahh 3d i'm sorry D: that's really strange, i hope you find out what it is soon! and are you able to take time off of school to deal with it? i hope so :I
hmm well i will play my medical part by givin u some stuff to read!
vamp au talk below cut if you're cool like that !!
i've been thinking about aus and i'll just settle on vamp cause you seem to like that one!
i'm debating adding tubbo. if i did, he'd probably be a borrower that lives across from tommy. maybe he's the one that tells tommy that sbi are vampires! not sure tho, i might keep it strictly sbi,,,
uhh little secret! not really a secret, just a sneak peek. the first chapter opens on tommy moving out, including him being very indecisive about what to pack!
lately i've been thinking of a crack scene where phil beefs with a crow as a bat. think it'd be funny. bonus if wilbur is there (as a bat) just watching phil struggle LMAO
tommy would toootally ask for techno to train him in the arts of being a vampire before he really knows the textbook definition of one. then he gets kinda spooked off (while still asking to be trained in fighting)
one time tommy borrows (and cuts) one of techno's old-timey clothing (post reveal) without knowing exactly what it was cause the man never wore it, like, ever. wilbur overhears techno talking about it and immediately traces it to tommy. spoiler alert they both work together to dispose of it (meaning wilbur goes bat mode and they bury it. far away.)
phil after getting so attached to tommy genuinely looks for ways to turn tommy without biting him. he gets so invested. like knee deep into research. turns out there's nothing and tommy doesn't really want to be turned just yet.
in this au i'm rolling with just stomachs and no storage so if tommy ever gets stored he's falling into a shit ton of blood (does that mean techno noms him? :D)
i'm sorry i wish i could offer more! my brain is having a hard time staying awake cause i haven't done my community ritual yet. anyways, hope these suffice and that you feel better soon! :]
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foxilayde · 2 years
I'm sorry you're not feeling well. When I'm sick I like to imagine how my faves would take care of me so here's my little nathan headcanon
Nathan would be worried that he'd catch whatever you have so he'd lock himself in his office and he'd have Kyoko follow you around all day, cleaning the sweat off your body with a damp rag, give you medicine, glasses of water, soup, readjust the covers... until he hears you say to Kyoko that you're this 👌 close to dump him for her since she takes such good care of you. Of course you know he's listening, there are cameras everywhere and Kyoko doesn't understand you. You're passing on a message: Nathan, you're an asshole and a bad boyfriend.
Nathan wouldn't apologize to you with words but he'd finally leave his office to join you (germs be damned) and he'd take you on long walks around the property, claiming that fresh air is good for your lungs, he'd make you drink green smoothies, and exercise until you're literally too weak to stand.
You're not bantering and giving him shit like he's used too, and that's what finally makes him worry. He thinks he might have gone a little too hard on you. So in a rare display of affection, he gently fluffs your pillow and blankets and asks you what you need. He says he's your own personal robot until you get better and he internally cheers when it makes you smile. You just need him close, you just want to know he cares. He lies next to you, working from his phone, while you use him as a pillow and heat source. He'd rub your back soothingly when a couching fit hits you.
Hope you feel better soon, beautiful
This is so adorable!!! I read this like 5 times!! I can totally see this happening! It’s literally so perfect.
“Kyoko, you’re the best. Are you single?”
Kyoko: **doesn’t respond**
Nathan: **gets angry but has no one to blame but himself **
I could really use some green juice and a kickboxing cardio to kick the mucous out 😂 he totally would do that. “You getting outta breath? Good, that’s how we know it’s working.”
Ykw I just realized? He also TOTALLY has a sauna and a steam room and he’d fuking LOCK me in there to “get the toxins out”
I’m banging on the glass door
“Nathan let me OUT!”
“Five more minutes.”
“I’m going to pass out, Nate, this isn’t a joke!”
“You only think you’re going to pass out because you believe you’re going to pass out. It’s like that Win Hoff book I gave you.”
“Win Hoff? Nathan I didn’t read that stupid thing! Open the DOOR!”
“What? You SAW me swim in the glacier water and you still didn’t read it.”
“I do not wear my self flagellation like a BADGE like SOME people… Nathan I’m going to break the glass so help me—“
“We need to get your internal temperature to a temperature that’s uninhabitable for the virus. Four minutes. You’re doing great, honey.”
“Uninhabitable?! You’re insane! You know what else needs to habitate this body?? Me!”
But then he gets all squishy soft later on mmmmmm thank you for getting my brain thinking about this, I truly love it because I think that in a romantic situation, Nathan’s love languages would get lost in translation. Like the robot servant, the workouts, the sauna; he does it because that’s how HE would like to be shown care in the same scenario. He’s attacking the problem pragmatically, at the root, with the least amount of casualties, but he forgets how important tenderness is, and him learning that lesson in the end is the cherry on top.
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5sosxqueen · 2 years
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Ashton Sick But Tries To Hide It
This is going to be a short one-shot, guys. I hope you enjoy it. Oh, and whenever there is an ambulance call, it will be similar to others. Sorry if it gets repetitive, but operators in the US have to follow a script similar to this. 🤗 Thank you for reading, guys!
Warnings: depictions of illness, vomiting, blood mention, fainting, ambulance mention, cringe
Written in 2018
Word Count: 1591
Updates are every Tuesdays and Thursdays
Also Available on Wattpad and AO3!!!
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Ashton's p.o.v:
     It's been almost 2 weeks since Luke  started feeling better. So far everyone has been in the clear. None of us had gotten the virus.
     When my alarm went off at 7:30 this morning my neck and shoulders were quite sore. I went to get up and suddenly felt extremely nauseous. I hadn't even noticed when I woke up. So why now? 'I really hope I'm not getting sick. I know the lads will take care of me if I do get sick, but still.' I thought. I do not have a fear of vomit, but that definately doesn't mean I enjoy doing it.
     It's now 7:45am and I have spent the last 10 minutes with my hand over my mouth contemplating whether I would need to make a mad dash to the bathroom, rather than what I should make for breakfast. The nausea passes and I decide to wake up the boys. I go over to Luke and shake him gently to wake him up. He turns over, looks at me and smiles with a stretch. "Mmm. Good morning Ash." Luke is always the easiest to wake up.
     "Morning Luke. Hey would you mind cooking breakfast for me while I wake Michael and Calum and hop in the shower?" I asked him. He looked at me questionaly, but didn't question.
     "Of course. I don't mind." Luke said worryingly. He got up and went into the kitchen.
     "Calum time to get up mate." I said shaking his shoulder slightly. He didn't even budge. "Come on Calum it's 8:15. Get up."
     "Alright, alright." He turned and over facing me. "What's got you in a mood- Ash you alright? You don't look so good." He said reaching for my forehead and I lightly swatted his hand away. I already knew I had a fever... I felt chilly but I was sweating slightly.
     "I'm fine Cal. Why do you say?" I asked leaning against the wall as casually as I could as a wave of dizziness hit me. 'Damnit I don't want anyone to worry about me. I don't want them to know, but at this rate I'll be found out before lunch. Or breakfast for that matter.' I thought.
     "You look really peaky, you have bags under your eyes, and you're sweating." He's observant. 'Damn.'
     "I'm fine I just have a headache." I went to go wake Michael up, but as soon as I pushed off the wall the dizziness overtook me causing me to fall over. Calum ran over to me asking if I was ok and I shook my head in defeat and sat back against the wall. I put my hand in one of my hands and brought knees up to my chest using them as a pillow. I put my other hand on my stomach.
     "Why did you lie to me? You could've just told me." Cal said. What's really going on Ash?"
    "I think I've caught what Luke had, but everything is hitting me quickly." His eyes grew wide as he saw me tighten my grip on my stomach as it took a nauseating flip once again causing me to grimace.
     "Are you going to be sick?" Calum asked. I shrugged.
     "I don't kno-" I gagged suddenly and I knew my answer. Calum quickly put his arm around my shoulders and helped me stand. I slapped my hand against my mouth as I let out a dry heave and Calum starting walking us to the bathroom,  but I had to stop. I felt like if I moved I wouldn't make it.
     "5 more steps buddy. Come on." He begged, but I shook my head. I felt puke traveling up my throat. He quickly picked me up and ran into the bathroom setting down at the door, but I was frozen. He ran over and flipped the lid of the toilet. He roughly grabbed my arm to pull me over to the toilet, I couldn't move and vomit barreled up my throat and onto the floor. "Damnit...! Ash you done?" I shook my head as more poured from my mouth. I suddenly had a severe wave of dizziness wash over me causing me to nearly fall in my own sick and if Calum didn't have lightning fast reflexes I would have. "MICHAEL!!!" Calum yelled with his voice cracking mid yell lowering me down and later me on his lap. He waited a couple of minutes, but he never came.  "LUKE HELP!" Luke came running on and saw the sick on my floor and me in Calum's arms.
     "So dizzy... I don't feel good..." The room was spinning. I couldn't move before I was vomiting onto Calum and my front. I couldn't even see what was happening anymore. I felt like I was on a spinning ride at an amusement park. The world was literally just a twisting blur of colors. "Hmmmmmmmuhhhhh..." I saw black spots before my eyes and felt them slowly closing. I faintly heard Calum yelling my name and telling me to stay awake. Unbenounced to me, Luke was on the phone with medical.
Luke's p.o.v:
     I heard Calum call for Michael, but I didn't think anything of it. I continued cooking until I heard him call my name followed by a franctic call for help. I ran throughout the bus and I found Calum holding Ash in his arms with a large puddle of sick in front of them. I immediately pulled out my phone and phoned medical.
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L- Luke, O- Operator
O- "Emergency services: do you need police, fire, or medical?"
L- "Medical."
O- "What is the address of your location sir?"
L- "We are on a bus... Hold on let me tell the bus driver to pull over."
     I ran and told the bus driver the situation and he looked at me sadly before pulling over.
L- "Ok we are on Meadow lane and Lexington drive.
O- "What is the emergency you are calling for today?"
L- "My friend has been vomiting and is on the verge of passing out."
O- "OK. An ambulance has been dispatched. Please meet them outside the bus."
L- "Alright thanks bye."
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     I went back to the bathroom. And saw Cal was now covered in sick I grimaced. He was trying to keep Ash awake which was only somewhat working. I walked into the bunk room and shook Michael awake. He saw the worry on my face and jumped up. "What's wrong Luke? What's going on? Why have we stopped?"
     "It's Ash. He has it worse than I had." I informed him.
     "Where is he?" He said with wide eyes.
     "Bathroom." With that he jumped out of bed and sprinted to the bathroom horrified at the sight. I went outside and waited for the medics to arrive.
Michael's p.o.v:
      When I saw Luke's face I automatically knew something was wrong. When he told me about I ran back to the bathroom and my face dropped. Poor Ashton was fighting unconsciousness and Calum was trying everything in his power to keep him awake. I saw a giant puddle of sick next to them. I was caught in almost a trace until Calums voice snapped me from my thoughts.
     "Ash. Hey! No no buddy keep your eyes open. ASH!" Calum shook his shoulder slightly, but got nothing. Ash started making a horrible coughing sound and both of our eyes widened.
     "Get him in his side NOW!" I yelled.  And Calum quickly got out from under him rolling him onto his side. Vomit immediately poured from his mouth. "Fucking hell Ash... You really are worse than Luke was..." Just as I mumbled that Luke entered the bathroom with the paramedics and Calum and I stepped out to give them room to work. All of a sudden we heard a horrid, petrifying scream and wretching. Luke ran out of the bathroom in tears. I hugged him and asked what was going on when I heard it.
     "We need to get to the hospital stat." One paramedic told another. "Marina medical this dispatch 267b, we have an Ashton Irwin coming in. He is showing signs of a rupture. He just vomited blood. ETA 10 minutes. We will need a full med team and O.R informed and at the ready." With that they we're on there way out of of the bus. They loaded Ashton into the ambulance within 2 minutes. They switched on the sirens and left.
     I called Matt and informed him what was going on and we all met at the hospital.
     "Irwin family!" The nurse called and we all ran over to her. "Hello, which one of you are next of kin?"
     "All of us." Matt spoke up.
     "Ok well Ashton has appendicitis and needs to have emergency surgery. One of you needs to sign the papers."
     "Of course I will. Get him in there." Matt said taking the papers and signing them.
Ashton's p.o.v:
     I woke up feeling a lot better, but sore. I noticed I was in the hospital. I looked around the room and saw everyone in there asleep. I was tired so I fell back to sleep. When I woke up again I was bombarded by hugs. I smiled and asked what happened. They told me what happened to which I nodded. I was told that I could go home in a couple of days once I was healed. I'm thankful for my band mates. I know that no matter what we will always be here for each other.
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papirouge · 3 years
Normally I will read your views and understand them even if I don’t agree but that anti vax post… vaccines are much safer than actually getting the disease and maybe people need to look at what happened with polio and other incredibly disabling deadly illnesses and how vaccinations wiped them out. I’m sorry science is a thing you’re deliberately not checking. Deaths ‘linked’ to vaccines are mostly linked via time (as are any symptoms etc. They are never unlinked even after investigation) and are often investigated and found out to be druggies taking too much. Also I hope this isn’t you but anyone who genuinely believes vaccines cause autism has no smarts in their body, that paper was redacted and proven wrong several times. Vaccines also don’t cause infertility issues but a lot of the illnesses they prevent do.
"vaccines are much safer than getting the disease"
WRONG. We have the stats and we can read, hun
Here's the distribution of the death cause by COVID following age range in my country (France)
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OH SURPRISE ! Old people are those who are dying from the virus and not....younger population (below 44 years old). So "the virus kills more than the vaccine" narrative is NONSENSE. Why shoving a vaccine with acknowledged side effects to people with a <1% risk of dying of the disease it's supposed to protect them from??? Is it really worth the risk?
"maybe people need to look at what happened with polio and other disabling deadly illnesses"
.....ooor we can look at what the c0v!d vaccine is actually doing which is literally unfolding before our eyes. VACCINES ARE LITERALLY BEING PULLED OFF COMMERCIALIZATION SO MUCH THE SUSPICION OF THEM CAUSING MYOCARDITIS HAS BECOME PRESSING. If these dumb pro vaxxers dOn'T gEt sCiEncE then why are governments (as corrupted big pharma simp they are) acknowledging what they've been trying to warn people about since day one?
That's reality. People are getting heart attacks, myocarditis, stop having periods, or straight up DIE. I AM SICK of people being like tRusT tHe sCiEncE when SCIENTISTS THEMSELVES are ARGUING AGAINST the legitimacy of these vaccines and the health risks they do cause. It's just that the scientists who are daring to criticize these vaccines are getting shut down so people like you might think that VALID SCIENTIFIC OBJECTION against the c0v!d vaccine doesn't exist.
Also science can be weaponized. Don't forget it took DECADES for "scientists" to acknowledge that smoking was bad ; they also defended the use of many toxic chemicals exposed years later for being deadly
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SCIENCE IS AN ONGOING DISCUSSION AND THIS DISCUSSION IS BEING HIJACKED RIGHT NOW. What's at stake is just too big. Big pharma is racking BILLIONS every day!!! and it doesn't want it to stop anytime soon!
It makes TOTAL sense for people to be distrustful of this whole system and not wanting any part of being the guinea pigs of a STILL experimental vaccine (the 3rd phase for Pfizer won't be over until autumn 2022 or spring 2023) on which we have yet to have a proper perspective on. Governments NEVER STOPPED LYING. First it was "the vaccine is going to help get a normal life back/stop us from getting/spreading the c0v!d" to "haha, ahem...aktchually you can still get the c0v!d if vaccinated b-but not that get severely ill" to "y-yeah there are vaccinated people who are hospitalized but t-that's because...t-they didn't get their 3rd boost-oh nvm 4TH booster!!" and let's no forget we somehow ended being told "you'll lose your job if you don't get vaccinated" and NOW they are literally shooting WITH REAL BULLETS protesters on Rotterdam. I guess dying by bullets will always be better than dying bc of the c0v!d in the sick mind of the psychopaths.......
Interesting you're talking about the polio vaccine when the polio vaccine 1) hasn't been pulled out only after a few months of experimentation 2) has NOTHING to do with the NEW mRNA technology of the c0v!d vaccine 3) doesn't need booster every next month (about which we don't have any proper perspective about their ultimate effect neither - the initial tests for the c0v!d vaccines were for only 1 booster) 4) polio is actually deathly to the demographics its vaccine is being inoculated.
And pleaaase enough with the assumption that not wanting the c0v!d vaccine mean being "anti vax". Many people who don't have issues with regular vaccine don't want the c0v!d one, so it's ridiculous to go on a vaccine apologist mode when that's not the point. Most people have a problem with the C0V!D vaccine, not vaccines altogether. You won't go out of your way to defend "medecine" at people refusing to take a drug for x or y reason, so why this obsession to shove a specific vaccine to people who, for the most part, don't have an issue with other vaccine??
"Deaths ‘linked’ to vaccines are mostly linked via time (as are any symptoms etc"
WTH is it supposed to mean? who cares if side effects happen only after 1 weeks or 6 months after the shot? We are discovering JUST NOW new side effects that are happening much later than initially expected. And honestly it's still unacceptable for a vaccine to cause more harm than it's supposed to prevent. Like statistically proved above, 25 years old have around 0% chance of dying from c0v!d ; meanwhile, they are being forced to take a vaccine with potential debilitating side effects. HOW IN THE WORLD IS IT FAIR? Are you gonna be here to pay their medical bill? C0v!d can be cured, but because of this vaccine, young adults and CHILDREN are literally getting illnesses they have no idea they'll be able to get rid of any day.
"Also I hope this isn’t you but anyone who genuinely believes vaccines cause autism has no smarts in their body, that paper was redacted and proven wrong several times."
I watched a documentary called "Vaxxed" exploring this story and the CDC did its best to discredit the whistleblower who exposed them lmao Big pharma always wanna shuts down those speaking the truth.... It wouldn't surprise me some vaccines DO cause autism tbh
You can watch the documentary here to give you a whole different perspective which cannot be summed up in mUH AntI vAxX dUmB and not blindly buy the koolaid of those who have an obvious interest for people to not question anything about vaccines.....
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5,8 and 13 maybe? hope you're feeling better soon! 🌼
thank u for the distraction and the well wishes!!!
5 - 3 favorite characters
this show truly has such a lovable cast... if i haaaave to narrow it down to three it's probably quentin, eliot, & julia, but pretty much all the other mains but josh are extremely close there, especially alice, margo, & penny-40. quentin is so lovable and human and soft but also prickly, and so palpably afraid but so brave, and so afraid of people but so eager to love and ready to push himself to love well when he gets the chance, and such, such, such a real and honest portrayal of depression... i'm so perpetually compelled by the way that quentin logically understands himself as a person with a mental illness but also doesn't use that knowledge to necessarily address that. the fact that when we meet him he's just institutionalized himself voluntarily but also doesn't seem to have a therapist and says that he doesn't want to see one. the fact that telling alice he's been institutionalized more than once is NOT enough of a secret to break the ropes but the fact that he hates himself IS - that contrast there, between the psychiatric understanding and the deep deep shame which is both a symptom and something more, that combination of faulty neurochemistry and something that needs to be healed on a level of like self and identity, is so fucking real and something i've never seen before. (and for another shameless plug is a big part of what drove the writing of this.)
eliot is the softest and most human boy in all the land and as i've said before i really love the way show presents him as a type and then insists on treating him as a person without actually changing anything about him. i love that he just can't turn off his empathy or shrink his heart no matter how much that would make his life easier. it's funny because i love queliot as a ship but i feel like my favorite eliot moments are largely with other people specifically because it's so special the way he has this fundamental human empathy for situations like julia chainsmoking on the couch or refusing to put the daughter he didn't want and doesn't know on the line because he just won't be that guy.
and julia, what is there to even say? she's ferocious and brilliant and singular and loyal and totally tuned in to her own internal compass, and also comes across as the most normal cast member while actually being probably the second most unhinged. the writing heaps so much shit on her some of which she really should not have had to deal with but nonetheless what emerges is someone who is determined to claw her way to her selfhood and her autonomy no matter how many times the world tries to deny her that. she is a big dork and everything about her & q is the best thing in the world.
8 - favorite scene
i did this one already.... BUT since it's being asked again and also i am a big sick baby of virus laden brain fog, LET ME TAKE THIS CHANCE to talk a bit about quentin & julia's fight behind the hedge bar, because there is just... so... fucking much going on:
quentin fucking knows he should have told brakebills about julia. he can tell himself all kinds of reasons about Oh They Know Best and he's just some first year and magic is dangerous even for those who got in... but he knows that he saw julia do magic on her own, he knows he's struggled to get his own magic going even while AT school, and most of all he knows that his best friend asked him for something that meant a lot to her and he ignored her, because he liked being special.
he also DOES know that magic IS dangerous, in ways that he knows julia hasn't yet experienced, and he is genuinely worried about her getting herself hurt.
meanwhile, eliot, the coolest person quentin has met in his life who has decided to be nice to him because they are special in the same way, has been vocally snobbish about hedges from before they even walked into the bar.
so quentin has this cocktail of guilt and worry (about julia) and embarrassment (that his cool friend eliot is there to witness his association with a hedge)... and he just... deflects all of it, by being a HUGE asshole. because IN THE MOMENT - the narrative he's lucked into of being chosen in a way that explains away his pain - that matters more to him than the most important relationship in his life.
so he insults her magic, even though he probably doubts he could have learned to do anything combing the internet for spells like she did. and worse - much worse - he denigrates the entire history of their friendship... but the thing is he does so in a way that makes it really obvious that some part of him has believed or feared this all along. i'm OBSESSED with quentin saying "you were so nice and so sweet [such a gendered characterization!!! he's being so awful!!!] to poor little Q who couldn't get his shit together," because obviously, that's how quentin has often viewed himself. obviously, this is a lie his brain has told him many times: julia's not really your friend, she just feels sorry for you.
AND! he brings up his CRUSH! which i 100% believe he himself feels like HUGE levels of humiliation and shame about both because it's embarrassing and because quentin is like just plugged in enough to The Discourse to have figured out along the way that he is slotting into a familiar and uncomfortable cultural archetype. (consider the way he rolls his eyes at himself about it when it comes up with alice later... obvs he's dating her at the time but i think he is very eager to retroactively downplay the strength of his emotions about it.) and he takes all of that and aims it right at her, stopping just barely short of accusing her of leading him on.
which invites the question: DID julia know? i think the way stella plays the scene is kind of ambiguous - she sort of shuts down at that point and you can read it as julia just realizing that this conversation is going nowhere. but fwiw, i think julia is too emotionally intelligent not to have had a suspicion; my headcanon about it is that it was one of those things she didn't let herself know, like she knew on some level but never let herself consciously acknowledge while subconsciously hoping it would blow over, because she did love him more than almost anyone in every way but that.
and then he dismisses her insistence on fighting for magic as though he wouldn't do the exact same thing in her shoes, dropping a "grow up" for good measure because for once he gets to be the mature one living his life and she's the one clinging to a fantasy holding her back... which she sees through immediately and calls him on so rawly that he can't even argue anymore, leaving him where we see him the next scene (wondering how it all got so screwed up between them, like the answer is anything other than "well i made the choice to be a huge asshole, so"). and meanwhile, COOL NEW FRIEND ELIOT IS WATCHING ALL OF THIS!!!!! ugh. it's sooooo exquisite and painful and perfect, and also makes it so much more meaningful and powerful when he comes back to her after learning about the timelines at the end of the season. also adds a lot to his exchange with kady about giving a shit about someone even after they screw up, because part of what's going on there is by that point julia HAS done something heinous enough to consider unforgivable... but he knows himself and knows how uncharitable and reactive his actions were to her even before that happened so he can't ever just say "she really fucked me over and that's why we're not friends anymore."
13 - favorite quote
my favorite character speech is a toss-up between quentin's secret doors piece with "i'm still this person that i fucking hate" and "know that when i'm braver, i learned it from you." also, simple but powerful: julia's "i'm a person, and people heal." the show has too many laugh lines to count but i will give a special shout out to "there's this earth magician, nate silver," because it felt like a special shout out to me, number one nate silver stan.
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Buster & Rio
Buster: I miss you Rio: Guarantee I miss you more Buster: State your case then Rio: 😍😍 Buster: That's a strong introduction, how are you gonna follow it through? Rio: 🤤🤤 Buster: I like the thread of your argument, I can't lie, but I still miss you more Buster: 'Cause a girl was flirting with me in the gym and after telling her all the ways she doesn't compare to you, how incomparable you are was, and is, all I could think about Rio: As much as I probably shouldn't encourage you to be rude to random girls Rio: I love that you do so Buster: She embarrassed herself long before I embarrassed her, reckoning she had a chance Rio: I know what you mean Rio: the stalker has been getting inventive today Buster: Tell me Rio: We're doing this whole project in comp sci about viruses and shit Rio: and they've sent a meant-to-be-creepy spam type email Rio: it's got attachments but Rio: I've not looked yet Buster: Send it to me, I'll open it for you Rio: I know it's unlikely they're that smart Rio: but what if it does have some computer-killing 👾 attached? Buster: Smart enough that we haven't worked out who they are yet Buster: but if it's a virus, I'll buy another laptop Rio: it seems ridiculous Rio: this proves it has to be someone at school now, at least Rio: it's not like I've posted about my fucking homework anywhere Buster: How big's that class? Buster: Can discount my sister and your brother already, like Rio: Don't Rio: you're about the only person I've not thought it could be at my craziest Rio: probably about 30 odd though, standard Buster: Baby, they're the crazy one and I'm not letting them drive you even slightly close to the edge Buster: Who do you know and who don't you, percentage wise? Rio: I thought I knew everyone in this school, this town Rio: you'd think if someone was as creepy as this, anyway, that you'd know, they'd fucking stick out a bit but no Buster: It ain't a film, there's no creepy music playing to give it away Rio: if it was, it'd be dragging Rio: time for the resolve and happy ending Buster: Yeah, I know Buster: You wanna try calling that helpline again? Rio: Maybe Rio: I just wanna talk to you Rio: that's more helpful Buster: It's the least bullshit lead we've had for ages, I'll find a way to narrow it down more somehow Buster: We've got an obsession with you in common, it'll be me who figures it out if any cunt can Rio: Yours is the only one I need Buster: If you need to stay here for a while I'll sort it with my parents, yours, school, whoever Buster: You know that Rio: I know Rio: it's more and more tempting to not leave every time I go Buster: I just want you to be able to take an actual deep fucking breath Buster: Like you said, the amount of time this has been going on is ridiculous Rio: I can forget about it, most of the time Rio: but it's when something new happens, unexpected Buster: I'll kill him when we work out who it is Buster: 'Til then, stay with me Buster: He never does fuck all when you're here Rio: At least that's quick Rio: too nice if anything, babe Rio: always say that about you Buster: It don't have to be quick or nice Buster: Don't underestimate me, babe Rio: 🤤🤤 I rest my case Buster: I love you, that rests mine Buster: I'd do anything for you Rio: I love you so much Rio: I'd definitely be crazy without you, stalker or otherwise Buster: There's a fair chance I'd be stalking you too if things were any different between us Buster: I'd leave better presents though Rio: and I'd know it was you always Buster: 'Course Buster: I'd want you to know Rio: hence there's no world in which we ain't a thing Buster: [has bought her the most expensive and best ever anti virus software and all that jazz so sends her the deets like there you go] Rio: this really has everything Rio: thank you Buster: He ain't gonna be smart enough to get through that, I've been reading reviews since you told me Buster: And I have it too now so you don't have to worry about sending me whatever bullshit he does to you Rio: We can open it together then? Rio: [I think it shouldn't be camgirl moments but something @school to drive that home] Buster: Yeah, on the count of three Rio: [just some creeper shots all throughout the day up until that lesson] Rio: these are today, I'm 99% sure Rio: I swapped my bag Buster: Forget going there tomorrow, I'm booking you a flight here instead Buster: I'll think of a lie to tell my parents if you still don't want anyone else to know the truth Rio: there was always the possibility Rio: but now I know it's someone I really see in person Rio: every day Rio: jesus Buster: I meant what I said, I'm gonna find out who, whatever it takes Buster: I know it feels fucked, but it's good, that it's one of 30 classmates rather than the numbers of lads who watch your streams Rio: it's true Rio: but those lads could be anywhere in the world, not in the same room as me Buster: Which is why you shouldn't be in that room until we know which sick cunt it is Buster: Just give me some time, it's not like I don't have the money to throw at it Rio: I couldn't be there if I had to Rio: I don't even want to be here at home now Buster: How soon can you be at the airport? Rio: not for a while Rio: I mean, tonight, maybe Rio: what should I tell my mam? Buster: Tell her I'm having a breakdown, it wouldn't be the first time Buster: I'll trash the house for realism if it comes to it, like Rio: it'll keep her from being worried Rio: pissed off is fine, I'll deal with that when I can Buster: Exactly Buster: And Ava's at a friend's so I don't have to worry about scaring the shit out of her with my acting Buster: 'Cause it'd be stupid not to feed my parents the same lie Rio: You don't have to go that method Rio: but I wouldn't blame you Rio: I'm trying to keep my freak out internal because I'm looking after the twins and your sister is on her way Buster: I'm glad you're not on your own, even if the company is Nance Rio: I was kinda hoping someone took the homework too seriously and was pranking the whole class Rio: but nah, the email was more specific than I let on to her, of course Rio: even before the pictures Buster: 'Course you were Buster: He'd been quiet for a while Rio: really think he'd get bored at some point Rio: I never react, respond, everything they tell you Buster: Now isn't really the time for me to reiterate how stalkable you are again when I can do better with compliments Rio: the fact you can make me smile even at this time Buster: I can do better than that too, I'll make you forget about it Rio: yeah? Buster: Yeah Rio: I need that Rio: my head is all over the place Buster: You've got it, and whatever else you need Rio: I only feel really safe when I'm with you Buster: You are safe with me, but you won't have to leave until you're also safe everywhere else Buster: I'm gonna fix it Rio: yeah Buster: I know I've said it before but this time I swear Buster: He fucked up by giving us a decent clue Rio: it does narrow it down Rio: even if it isn't the class, and it's just the school in general Rio: that's the most we've ever had to go on Buster: Exactly Rio: but what do we do Rio: if we work it out Buster: I told you, I'll kill him Rio: so you're the only one that ends up in prison Buster: I'm not a fucking amateur, babe Rio: mm Rio: 🙄😏 Buster: Hilarious Buster: Nance will be a way more receptive audience though Rio: yeah, really in the mood for this study sesh now Buster: I can easily change hers if you wanna get out of it Rio: nah Rio: I need to keep things normal Rio: only just invited her over, it'd be weird to change my mind Buster: You can blame me for that as well, I don't give a shit Rio: I can't leave yet, like you said, distraction is probably a good thing Buster: Alright, what can I do to make it a more bearable one? Buster: [loads of her fave things getting delivered to this gaff like don't be scared to answer your door, look they are all from me, here's the order confirmations] Rio: I don't deserve you Buster: You don't deserve the bullshit he's putting you through, you've always deserved me Rio: I feel like I should just Rio: stop the streams Rio: I know you aren't meant to change your lifestyle and habits for them but it wouldn't have happened if I weren't doing that shit Rio: I know you aren't meant to change your lifestyle and habits for them but it wouldn't have happened if I weren't doing that shit Buster: Fuck that, we know he's from school Buster: Being able to see you every day pre-dates anything you've done online Buster: He could've known you since primary Rio: I guess Rio: but would he be bothered if there was less out there to stalk Buster: It's not your fault, Rio Buster: It can happen to anyone, you know that Rio: it's happening to me though Buster: Not 'cause of anything you've done Buster: Come on Rio: anyway Rio: I'm gonna enjoy all these treats Buster: Good Rio: how much should I bring? Rio: when I pack Buster: As much as you want, I'll send you money for if your cases are over the weight limit Rio: don't want it to look like I'm running away too hard but Buster: You're overthinking it, you never travel light anywhere, nobody'll notice Rio: I need options Buster: I'm not mad about it and I don't care if my parents are Rio: they're going to be Rio: you'll have to go to school, be 😇 to show I'm totally not a distraction Buster: You are, but I'll still go Buster: All that matters to me is that you feel safe Rio: I will do Rio: and I'll find ways to be useful to them as well as distracting to you Buster: Winning over Ava is basically the same thing as winning them over Buster: You've had loads of practice at that Rio: kids are easy Buster: She's easier than Grace, obviously Rio: wouldn't take much on Ava's part Rio: bless Buster: She'll be distracting at any rate Rio: I can take her to school and shit, free up some time for them Buster: Yeah, and once you've had some time, we can sort out getting your assignments and shit sent over Rio: I won't miss anything important Buster: It'll be fine Buster: I'll make sure it's fine, like Rio: I know you will Buster: You gonna facetime me into this study session or what then? Rio: depends Rio: are you going to be nice? Buster: To you Rio: well you're always nice to me Buster: Are you asking me to help Nance with her homework? Rio: how much do you think she'd appreciate that? Buster: She wouldn't, so of course I'll do it Rio: I can't with you two, honestly Buster: You love me, you don't even want her to come over Rio: I'm not getting in the middle of it Buster: You already are Rio: No I'm not, shh Buster: It's okay, I know you're on my side Rio: I love you more than anyone else in the world Rio: goes without saying Buster: I still really like hearing it Rio: You know you can hear it any time you want Buster: Is she there yet? Rio: nope, you remember how long that drive takes, even in an uber Buster: I'll call you then Rio: 🥰 Buster: [does obvs] Rio: I'll just be here counting down the minutes 'til you can hold me Buster: However long it feels, you'll be staying longer Rio: promise? Buster: I swear Rio: then I'm happy Buster: If you are, I am too Rio: I haven't even asked you how your days been Rio: I'm so rude Buster: Before and after I shot down gym girl there ain't much to report Rio: what did she look like? Buster: Every other girl in this postcode Rio: Blonde and skinny Buster: Yeah Rio: vaguely equine, dresses more like a nan than nan ever would Buster: I'll have to remember all that for the next one Rio: I can tell her myself if you like Buster: If you like Rio: Me? The jealous type? Buster: The jealous type and my type Rio: I better be Rio: only type Buster: You're the only one I've ever wanted or will ever want, you definitely don't need to add that to the list of shit that's worrying you right now Rio: I just like to hear it Buster: I'll tell you again then, I want you so much Rio: even without all this bullshit Rio: it's been too long Rio: I hate every second I'm not with you Buster: I know, me too Buster: I'm not gonna say he's done me a favour, but I am glad you're coming to stay Rio: I'll say it Rio: may as well get something good from it Buster: I'd rather you didn't have to deal with any of this bullshit, obviously Rio: of course Rio: I told you, I've never thought it was you, it's okay Buster: It's not okay that I haven't been able to do fuck all about this though Buster: I'm sorry Rio: Don't Buster: It's not good enough, I know that Buster: I'm gonna do better Rio: Stop it Buster: I mean it, Rio Rio: we've done everything we can Rio: it's not fair on me or you to act like we haven't Buster: I just hate this Rio: I know, baby Buster: You're the best thing that's happened to me, this shouldn't be happening to you Rio: It really could happen to anyone Rio: it's shit Rio: but you make me feel safe, that isn't nothing Buster: I'll calm down before you get here Buster: I swear Rio: you don't have to Rio: you can be mad, I am Rio: but you don't need to blame yourself, even if it's second to him, it's all on him Buster: I am angry but you've got the wrong twin if you reckon I'm willing to make any of this about me Buster: I'm here for you Rio: Trust me, I know Rio: she seems distracted herself recently Buster: Yeah? Rio: I'll try to work it out, not had time yet Rio: she won't say anything if you're on the phone though Buster: I don't have to be, if you wanna do some investigating Rio: I know you wanna know too Buster: I know if you get her started she'll talk about herself until you've gotten all of your own bullshit exists Rio: and you're a little nosy too, you can admit it Rio: I'll get the gossip Buster: She's still my sister Buster: 'Course I wanna know if she's being stalked as well or whatever Rio: You're cute Rio: and I do not think it's that Rio: obviously Buster: You know what I mean Rio: I do Rio: that's why I wanna know too Buster: Okay, tell me when you do Rio: 🧐 Rio: wouldn't suit the hat Buster: You'd suit anything, don't lie Rio: 😊 Rio: I mean if that's your thing I'll do my best Buster: If it was that wouldn't be the first you've heard of it Rio: be mad if it was Rio: you have to tell me exactly what you like so I can be it Buster: You are Buster: And I don't have, or want to have, any secrets from you Rio: secrets are boring Rio: and hard to keep Buster: Neither of us could ever be boring Buster: And I'll do whatever it takes to keep you forever Rio: You've got me Rio: not going anywhere Buster: Only closer to where I am, not further away Buster: Soon as your mum is back and your study session is over Rio: not that I need to do this homework now Rio: just be throwing subtle hints at Nance instead Buster: Be fucking typical her if she's getting bullied there as well Rio: I'd know if she was Rio: only have the two lessons with her but contrary to what the stalker suggests, I know most people well enough that they wouldn't Buster: Well Ava'll probably get a love life before she does, Christ knows what else it could be then Rio: ugh don't Rio: it's coming up with Edie for sure Rio: Jun is like Nancy and Billie isn't bothered thank god Rio: hate it Buster: Who's bothered about Edie then? Buster: Tell me your gossip Rio: It's just like the boys she hangs with are less useless stoner and more keep your eye on them types than Billie's friends Rio: and they aren't just friends types, I don't trust 'em Buster: Maybe I should be getting on a plane instead of you Rio: at least none of them are stupid Rio: especially not Eds Rio: have to hope anyway Buster: I've taught her how to protect herself physically, I reckon she can handle lads trying to get in her head Buster: Like you said Buster: She's no stupid kid Rio: Yeah, she has all the tools and advantages she can be given Rio: 💘 and hormones still make people stupid though Buster: I remember Rio: well yeah, ignoring the fact we'd be used as prime examples in that lecture Buster: Sure we have been, never too early for mum and dad to tell Ava what not to do Rio: As if we'll have started a trend Rio: if it wasn't you it'd be a really bad idea Buster: They should want her to have this, how I feel about you, how happy I am Buster: It's not as if they can actually judge us for who it's with Buster: This family are way past that Rio: You'd think Rio: I'm way past caring Rio: it was so Rio: I wasn't me without you Buster: I feel exactly the same, you know I do Buster: The only thing I've ever done wrong was not be with you, every bad thing I did or that was done to me can be traced back to that Buster: We're free now and this stalker isn't gonna make you feel otherwise any more, I'm not letting it happen for another fucking day Rio: we can get through anything, we've got the rest stacked against us and we're still strong Rio: as long as you love me, then there's nothing anyone can say or do Buster: I really fucking love you Rio: I love you Rio: endlessly Buster: [a flight he's booked her like this is happening no matter what excuse us fam] Rio: 🙏 Rio: I cannot wait Buster: Me either Rio: you can pick me up from the airport, right? Buster: Nothing could stop me Rio: Yay 🥰🥰🥰 Buster: You need me to help you with all that luggage Rio: it will be one suitcase Rio: and a sizeable handbag, thank you 😂 Rio: but I still need you Buster: I'll be early regardless Rio: you're the best Buster: No, I do my best, you don't even have to try Rio: You don't either Rio: but I will for you and I appreciate that you do Buster: I appreciate everything that you do Rio: you will Rio: that's the plan Buster: I do, whether or not shit goes to plan Buster: You're one of the strongest people I know, the least I can do is give you the reminder Rio: Buster Rio: it won't always be this dramatic, you know Rio: being together Buster: I don't care if it is, you're worth it Buster: And I'd endure the worst suffering I can possibly imagine to be with you if any alternative meant not being Rio: now you're just being hot about it on purpose Buster: I told you I miss you, nothing's changed Rio: I miss you all the time Rio: but I'm down for all the ways you make it worse Buster: [sends her a pic from when he was at the gym earlier like okay we're testing the waters but not very much yet lol] Rio: oh Rio: yeah, I would've flirted with you too Buster: What would you have said? Rio: Hmm Rio: ask you to check my form Buster: As long as you'd have time for how thorough I'd be, I don't have any problem with that Rio: Of course Rio: I'd ask you because you're clearly an expert Buster: And there's no need for me to hold back on my expertise as you're clearly so receptive to it, not to mention deserving Rio: Don't, I want you to show me exactly how you do it Buster: Never, I wouldn't wanna leave you with more questions than answers Rio: of course, but there are some things I could show you in return for all you're going to teach me Buster: Yeah? Buster: You've got yourself a deal, babe Rio: are you going to let me come to the gym with you really Buster: If you want to Buster: I'll try not to get too distracted at the prospect Rio: you look like that, obviously I want to Buster: [a pic of how he looks now like we can also stay in this bed where I currently am chilling] Rio: 🥺🥺 GIMME Buster: You're not meant to change your behaviour or habits for that cunt, remember Buster: Say please Rio: please Rio: please let me be in that bed right now Buster: [treat that gal to some more pics boy she's had a shit day] Rio: please be with me right now Rio: in me Buster: You know that's all I want Rio: you're perfect, Buster, you know that Buster: We're perfect for each other Rio: marry me Buster: As soon as we can, I will Rio: seriously Buster: I am being serious Rio: oh Buster: Once we're both 18 nobody can stop us Rio: yeah but Rio: nobody would come Buster: I only need you to turn up Rio: technically Buster: And actually, 'cause the rest of my family won't and like you said, I'm past caring Rio: if you were going to do it Rio: you'd want the big day, the venue, the clothes, the car Rio: everything proper Buster: If you were going to do it, you'd want your family there, you can say what you really mean Rio: we can't just do all that for two people Buster: We can do whatever we want Rio: I just wish people would be happy for us Buster: I know, I haven't properly asked you yet 'cause I want everything to be perfect for you and there's fuck all I can do to give you that Rio: it'll never happen, I know that Rio: I've accepted it, it's just hard to make total peace with Buster: There was a time when I reckoned we'd never happen Rio: yeah Buster: I don't care who or how many people I have to turn my back on for you, it'll never matter as much as us being together Rio: it shouldn't have to be like this Rio: it's bullshit Buster: Yeah, but it is, and I've made my choice Buster: You know the things I'd do differently and none of 'em are about not ending up here Rio: Me too Buster: Changing their minds is as likely as us changing ours, it's an old fashioned stand off, like Rio: True Rio: it's like, they forget they're meant to be anti-us sometimes though Rio: and it's just normal, like we're any other couple Buster: Maybe when we've has as many years as my parents, it will actually be considered normal Rio: you reckon? Buster: Worked for them Rio: I guess nan and granddad are sufficiently over it Rio: had competition though, didn't they Rio: don't think that's likely to repeat itself Buster: Fingers crossed Nance is hiding a dark enough secret to take at least some of my parents' attention nevertheless Rio: in your dreams, babe Buster: Why would I dream about her downfall when I could dream about your happiness? Rio: alright 😇 Buster: We're not married yet but in regards to that, what's mine is yours, babe Buster: And vice versa Rio: you know I want it too Rio: to be married to you, and have everything we want Buster: Then I'll make it happen, exactly how you want Buster: Where there's a will there's a way, yeah? Especially when it's my will getting involved Rio: I trust that Rio: you Buster: Good 'cause you can Buster: About this and everything else Rio: then that's settled Rio: and Nance is finally here Buster: I'll still be here if you need me Rio: 🧡🧡🧡 Rio: you focus on doing everything you possibly can before I get there so you can spend as much time with me as we've got Buster: Consider it done
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snarkyowl · 7 years
hey srry for bugging you but I am in extreme pain atm (idrk why? it's like period cramps but in my entire torso and worse and I feel sick but anyways) so it was making me think; how are the different egos when they're sick/have weird stomach pain like me? also I hope you're not still in school sorry! ~🌱anon
Okay so quick note for B- I’m working on an answer to your question I promise I’m not ignoring you lol))
I’m doing pain and then I’ll do sick cause I read this wrong and I’m TOO FAR IN NOW)
Dark handles pain of any kind by ignoring it until it reaches a point he can’t ignore it any longer. It’s unhealthy and self destructive but Edward can’t convince him to quit doing it.
Wilford is… odd with pain. Stubs his toe? Sobs like a baby and claims it’s broken . Extreme stomach pain? Moan a bit to Dark and others but generally just assume it’s a belly ache that’ll go away soon.
Edward, despite scolding Dark for similar habits, hides his pain. He handles it himself or suffers in silence until he can handle it himself.
Host is very calm in the face of pain. Everyone feels it’s because after clawing your own eyes out, things start to hurt less. He doesn’t underplay what he’s feeling, he’s just very calm about it.
Silver is a big baby when he’s off duty. On duty the hero has the highest pain tolerance ever apparently but off duty even a paper cut is reason to cry.
Ed can tolerate some pain but is generally just human about it. Yells a lot more than he cries though.
King tends to cry a lot but gets over it quickly.
Bim tries to be manly but his pain tolerance is surprisingly low. If you punch him he will cry.
The Jims are both freakishly tolerant to any kind of temperature related ailments. Burns? Nothing. Freezing? Nothing. Cut hand? Screaming.
Yandere? Pain? Please. His tolerance is freaky high but he puts on a good “in hurt and vulnerable” face for attention.
Bing tries to be brave, but it’s hard. He’s shockingly sensitive for the embodiment of a search engine.
Oliver has the lowest pain tolerance and Blue the highest.
When sick, Dark and Edward both furiously pretend and insist they ARENT SICK.
Host narrates random shit in is misery. Openly admits to being sick and asks for help.
Wilford doesn’t take well to being ill and causes a lot of problems for Dark and the others.
King and Silver are both MISERABLE to be around because they complain for attention nonstop while they’re sick.
Ed “takes it like a man.” He gets the medicine he needs and then weathers through the storm.
Whether or not the illness is serious you can bet your bottom dollar the Jims will both claim they’re dying.
Bim stays in one place without pause when sick. Never moves. Just lays there… miserable…
Bing and the Googles only get sick with the occasional virus. Whenever it’s not him that gets one Blue loses his shit and immediately starts working to make it better.
Yandere gets needy while sick and sticks with Dark or Edward.
ALSO- AGAIN, BISCUIT !No apologies!!!! None!!! I will bonk you on the head next time you apologize for coming to chat with me, y'hear!?
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