#also i had to doodle vani
callilemon · 8 months
Sooooooo I've been following you for a while and was wondering if you could recommend any whump vnc fics with vanitas specifically??
Like hurt,sick anything like that bc I've looked everywhere, and there's barely anything cause like yes, vani is a doctor but he wouldn't use the same logic he does to cure somone else with himself (think overworking whump and Noé has to eventually take care of him) and like he's all stubborn and stuff hhhhhhhhh
Hi! Thanks for the ask! It makes me so happy to know you've been following for a while! 💙
You know, I actually don't know many fics that fit this certain citera, I know I've read some. However, I'm so bad at remembering fic names!! Anyways, I think you would really like this whump series!
@gracetoldmeto is a fantastic writer! They also have a VnC side blog @noes-pillow, if you don't already follow them!
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Also, doodle for you kind anon! ✨️
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cult-of-the-gundead · 3 months
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Virulent Beelzebub is now on the Pokepasta wiki, complete with cover art! (shown above)
Anyway, time to show off art I made while working on it below the cut and talk about what inspired it
TW: Body horror, Trypophobia, Bugs. Also, spoilers.
First up, the inspirations. I recommend giving all of these a look if you have the time.
Inscryption (mainly its third act) by Daniel Mullins
Lisa: The Pointless: Scholar of the Wilbur Sin (Basegame by Edvinas Kandrotas, SotWS mod by JCJimmy, Lisa the Painful + Joyful by Austin Jorgensen)
KinitoPET by troy_en
Bugsnax by Young Horse Games
Pokemon Infected Moon by Skull-Doggery
Poison Point ~ All Roads Lead Home by Wrongwarp
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Official Reference of VB Koga
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VB Koga as a Kraizen/Vani from Kenopsia
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...Annnd some random little doodles, of varying seriousness
Also, little note about the process of Virulent Beelzebub: It was one of the few things I wrote that I actually rewrote the draft of. The beginning and ending remained the same throughout, but the middle had a lot of little things changed, such as Erika being a tree, Koga randomly appearing throughout the pasta in person, someone taking away the player's Rattata after it was poisoned and giving them antidotes in exchange, and some other stuff I've forgotten.
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dannyburke · 2 years
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i thought this interrogation was going to be about how we killed your girlfriend. can we talk about that instead.
(referencing this post of all time)
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plushievash · 4 years
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All my life I've been made to do what's right Well, all my life is going to end tonight And you my pet are my first sacrifice So what's it going to be, my long lost brother?
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sysig · 3 years
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Look out, the Vs’ll get ya
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vani-candy · 3 years
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hey there, it's been a looooong time
i kind of abandoned tumblr after it shot itself in the foot after the adult content ban lmao. lemme shamelessly plug my twitter again (https://twitter.com/VaniCandy_)
i'm getting back into Splatoon again thanks to the Splat3 announcement and i'm lowkey trying to revive that old Octo Expansion comic idea i had in the past. take that with a grain of salt bc its very much still in the planning/writing phase. but either way for now here's some recent doodles of Alto, i put him through a redesign. i put all of Wonder Musical through a redesign actually hahaha
perhaps i will share them here if i feel like posting here again. but for the most part i'm mostly active on twitter for the time being.
i've also changed my internet handle to Vani Candy. mostly because my old name is primarily associated with my old Undertale artwork that i'm trying to distance myself from. Not a huge massive change and people were already calling me Vani before i changed it last year, but that's the name i'll be putting my art under from now on. i don't think i'll delete my old art left on here as embarassing as they are to look at but i may go back and rework the tags as necessary.
thank you to everyone who's still following me here despite how inactive i am here, i really appreciate it!!!
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torrikor · 5 years
I remember seeing old art of yours with some of the hs girls with the weapons. I think Angel had a... fan?? And- and I can only think of Rus having a whip or a long boi and that’s aaaall I remember so... but you said there were other things they could do? ;))))
yes, i doodled some of them a while ago, just to play around with the idea!
i also have More Logic since my dumb brain wouldn’t let me rest until i came up with a feasable explanation for all the shit they can do, so!!
human souls are, like i said, incredibly powerful. like, batshit crazy levels of powerful, in comparison to monster souls. so therefore, it can be assumed that should they be able to use magic, that would be batshit crazy levels of powerful too. even the mixed trait souls are incredibly powerful & they aren’t even the ones who can use magic in this theory! so to have nine humans with single trait souls running around who also just so happen to meet all the criteria that enables them to use the ancient magic in their systems? holy shit
what the girls can do with the magic relates almost entirely to what soul trait they have, with other influences being them as individuals. being able to summon and use specific ‘weapons’ is essentially the base-level ability that comes with magic; it’s the human equivalent to monsters using different kinds of bullets and attacks in the game. however, these are humans we’re talking about. and i’ll be damned if any human thinks to quit while they’re ahead and not try to push that magic to the limits purely because fuck yeah, magic
so! i like to call these ‘next level’ abilities ultimates, because they’re absolutely fuck off levels of crazy and dear gods why did i think putting logic behind this was a good idea, what have i done.
ultimates, for humans with magic, are kind of like fight or flight responses. just… super intense fight or flight responses. the ones you get in near-death situations.these align with the soul traits and the evidence from battles with monsters in-game; in different battles, the player’s soul is affected by different magic and is given different abilities and limitations - these are reflected in the girls’ ultimates. i also like to think that frisk’s ultimate is the power to save & reset :D
and because i highly doubt i’ll get the chance to indulge in this again, here’s the list of the girls’ soul traits, their ‘weapons’, and their ultimates, because i was not kidding when i said i have thought way too much about this:
vani’s trait is patience, her weapons are daggers - a callback to the toy knife associated with patience in the game. think yondu from guardians of the galaxy but like. as many daggers as she wants to summon. her ultimate is somewhat twofold; she can temporarily slow down time around a certain area or around certain individuals, but cannot move while she does so. (referencing how the player can harmlessly pass through blue attacks so long as they remain still)
angel’s trait is integrity, her weapons are battle fans, they look a little bit like the frills of the ballerina skirt associated with integrity in-game. her ultimate gives her fuck off crazy speed and agility; that combined with vani’s time-slowing and it’s almost as if she teleports with how fast she moves. (referencing the different movement mechanic used when the player’s soul is turned blue)
ruby’s trait is perseverance, her weapon is a bat, often embedded with nails. a very very lowkey callback to the pencil(& notebook) associated with perseverance in-game. her ultimate gives her the ability to keep going no matter how injured she gets. which might sound a little underwhelming, but she could theoretically keep going even past the point of what would kill a normal person - of course, she does run the risk of actually dying once the ultimate is shut off, she can’t keep it up forever. (not necessarily referencing any of the game mechanics from battles)
fell’s trait is determination, her weapon is a spear - sort of a callback to the actual knife associated with determination. her ultimate is about what you would expect; though hers varies slightly in that she can perform a ‘rewind’ to a certain point. she cannot perform a true reset, not yet at least. (referencing the ability to reload and reset, something only determination can do)
bee’s trait is bravery, her weapons are twin gauntlets, referencing the tough glove associated with bravery. her ultimate gives her complete invulnerability & increased strength so long as she keeps moving, facing the danger head-on. probably what you would expect, but i promise you you’d likely shit yourself if you saw a tiny ball of pure rage charging through everything in her way without taking so much as a scratch. (referencing how the player can harmlessly pass through orange attacks so long as they keep moving)
ri’s trait is kindness, her weapon… isn’t actually a weapon. she has a shield instead, similar to the pan associated with kindness. she does eventually learn to adjust their shape and throw them as deadly frisbees, though, even if she can’t move while a shield is up. her ultimate is about what you’d expect; she can use green/healing magic to the point of resurrecting someone recently deceased, though at the cost of most of her energy. (her shield references the similar ability given to the player when their soul is turned green in battle)
siren’s trait is patience, her weapons are duel chakram, though hers are generally summoned to only have the blade on one side so she can keep hold of them. her ultimate completely fucks up the gravity around her, and it’s arguably the craziest shit you’ll ever see. arguably the strongest ultimate out of all the girls, too - she can manipulate the gravity around her to either focus completely on one point or leave that point completely, crushing or causing her target to float. she can make herself essentially 'fly’ by doing this, too. and with rus’ assistance the ability is incredibly destructive. (referencing the way in which the player’s soul is apparently affected by gravity when turned blue)
rus’ trait is perseverance, her weapon is a whip - there’s actually not much connection to the items associated with perseverance here i just think it’s cool & something she’d use. her ultimate is another support-type ability like ri’s; she can share her will to endure and keep going through touch. and there really isn’t much that’s going to get in the way of a human dead-set on surviving, no matter what cost. (not necessarily referencing a mechanic in game, but her whip is a small reference to the strings used when the player’s soul is turned purple)
zia’s trait is justice, her weapon is usually summoned as standard dual pistols, such as the gun associated with justice in-game. but she can also forgo that completely and just propell the energy outwards without the 'guns’ captain marvel style. her ultimate is one i like to call 'karma’. she can *CHECK her target, and see their LV. the more LV they have, the more damage her attacks will do, the more painful they will be. but, that’s actually not all. her actual ultimate allows her to 'steal’ the attacks of those the target has killed, subsequently using them against the person who killed them. a form of justice, if you will. (her ability to force out blasts of magic reference the shooting mechanic when the player’s soul is turned yellow)
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