#also holy shit give Eric Peterson an Emmy just for that scene
kendrysaneela · 2 years
The thing that I really liked about Kevin being out of the sitcom now is that we finally got to see what Allison has been seeing this whole time. Like i saw his abuse obviously even with the sitcom filter and I saw how awful he was even with the sitcom filter but the sitcom filter did soften it. Like I know all the stuff happening in the sitcom was real and was all really happening. But the bright lighting and the laugh track did soften it made it not hit as deep. (Which is the point it’s to show us how sitcoms do do that and it makes abhsive behavior seem less abusive because hey there’s people laughing) Sometimes I’d realize I didn’t even notice something he did until a rewatch. But now that we’ve seen Kevin without the sitcom filter. We see how Allison has seen him this whole time. Like we saw the sitcom filter but it’s not real it wasn’t actually there. Non sitcom Kevin was who Allison was always seeing. It was never softened for her. And it really does recolor all the other sitcom scenes we’ve seen so far. Not because he was never abusive he always was. But because we got the unsoftened version of the abuse. Because even knowing this whole time he was an abuser seeing him like. Without any filtering. Really does show how terrifying he’s been this whole time.
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