#also hey guess what i'm not dead and might start using this account more :D
brdbecca-writes · 3 years
Having the woman your male mc is threatening at the beginning of your novel be like “please don’t hurt me! I have a wife!” is not the inclusive move you think it is
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Robert Hurst commented on the video of Car0l and Daryl that Norman reposted from a fan account on Instagram and he said "She's kinda like a mom to yo---oh no!!!" I'm so nervous that this means C@ryl is going to happen :( I don't know exactly what he meant by it so you have any thoughts?
Hey anon, I’m sorry for the late response. For context, Robert Hurst plays Beta, one of the higher-ranking Whisperer antagonists, and he goes by the username randomdonkeykong on his social media. Last month Norman Reedus posted a C@ryl-centric picture on May 6th and then a video on May 8th, both to commemorate the start of season-10 filming. While I don’t trust the writers anymore, I don’t think Hurst’s comment, or even the posts themselves, mean that C@ryl is going to happen.
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For one thing, Hurst could have been joking. We don’t know the full context of his comment, and I don’t know much about him, so this might be on par with his personality/style of humor. More importantly though, TPTB have used C@ryl in the marketing before, and nothing came of it (x) (x). AMC knows that C@ryl is a popular ship, so any social media posts will draw attention. Again, the writers could completely ignore the characterizations they’ve developed over the years, but I’m a fandom elder. I’ve seen this panic come up many times. Anytime Daryl is near a non-attached female character inevitably talk will arise of a romance. It’s why I’m not worried about the C0nnie ship – I remember people panicking over D@rsita leading into season 8 (x).
In regards to the characters themselves, a romantic relationship goes against their established histories, their actors’ interpretation, and the current storyline. Daryl loves Beth, and he will only ever love her (x); C@rol is and always has been a sororal-maternal figure to him. Because this subject has been beaten beyond death, I will direct you to my Bethyl-canonicity tag: x. Below I have also included quotes about Daryl’s lupine-like monogamy and about his relationship with C@rol. NR first described Daryl as being only to love romantically once, for life, back in 2013 and he’s said that up through 2016. (I don’t keep up with interviews so if he said something different after 2016, please let me know, but I won’t trust it unless someone can give me a direct source.) Daryl’s monogamy fits into the lupine and aquiline imagery he’s been connected to as both animals mate for life (x) (x).
Norman Reedus on Daryl’s monogamy:
“I like playing these awkward moments in between that build relationships. I don’t ever want to play that character that grabs the girl and has my way with her. That’s just not who that character is. If Daryl falls in love with you, he’s going to love you for the rest of his life.” October 10th, 2013; Daily Dead (x)
“I think if he’s going to zero in on one, it’s going to happen by accident, and he’s not going to be the one zeroing in first. Then he’ll just stay with her. I think he’s like an eagle — once they start flying together, they’ll always fly together.” February 10th, 2015; Entertainment Weekly’s Sirius radio show (x) (x)
“I like all the awkward things in between that make a person and make it honest. I think that that character, once he shacks up with somebody, he’s going to be with them for life. I don’t want to blow my wad, so to speak, right off the bat, you know what I mean?” April 22nd, 2015; Inquisitr (x)
“If [Daryl] falls in love, he’s always going to be love.” May 7th 2016; Montclair Film Festival Q & A (x) (x, skip to 00:40)
C@ryl as a platonic bond:
Daryl saved Carol during the zombie attack on the farm in true superhero style, sweeping her away on his chopper. Will love finally bloom?
Not if Norman Reedus can help it! The fan fave who plays Daryl hopes things stay platonic, though he adores working with Melissa McBride. “I’ve fought against having C@rol and Daryl hook up because there’s already too many of us doing it on this show,” says Reedus. “It’s more interesting to see these two damaged people gravitating to each other, needing each other’s friendship. But I gotta admit it would be hysterical watching Daryl put on a bunch of deodorant before he goes in for his first kiss.”
Norman Reedus; March 23rd, 2012; TV Insider (x)
IGN: Meanwhile, another interesting relationship is the one between Daryl and C@rol – two very different characters, but they’ve had this interesting bond. How would you describe their relationship? Would you like to see it go into a romantic place, or is it better to not?
Reedus: I’d actually not like to see it go in that direction. I just think it’s more interesting to have these two damaged people see something kindred in each other and gravitate towards each other in that way. I don’t think Daryl’s ever the type of guy that has game - that throws you against a tree and makes out with you as the moonlight glistens off his back. I don’t want to be that guy ever. I’m not that guy in real life, and I don’t want to be that guy in the character. I don’t think Daryl is that suave. I think that if anyone made moves on anyone, C@rol would make moves on Daryl, and Daryl would probably just prematurely ejaculate in his pants and go hide in the bushes. I’m kind of trying to keep it interesting as it is. It would just be too obvious if we made out and we were a couple. It’s been done, and I want to do stuff different on this show than what’s expected, keep it fresh and interesting. I think there’s probably a couple of neighborhood girls Daryl’s been with, and once anything emotional developed in any way I think he just bolted. I want to play him like that forever.
Norman Reedus; October 23rd, 2012; IGN (x)
Now what about your - I guess C@rol, to this point, is now your love interest, so to speak–
She wants to be that way, it seems. But you said no, so–How come her hair doesn’t grow?
Who’s cutting the grass at the prison?I think we should grow weed at the prison. 
Oh yeah! [Laughter]
The thing about C@rol, is like… If we ever hooked up, I’d wanna not know what to do. I’d wanna premature ejaculate in my pants and go cry in a corner, you know? Like with C@rol and Daryl, they’re two damaged people, and that’s their sort of connection as they gravitate towards each other for that. I never want to be that character that takes his shirt off and bangs the girl against a tree in the moonlight. Like I don’t want to do that, not with this guy. So I hope that the important parts stay. I mean, everyone’s trying to get laid, zombie apocalypse, but I’m ready - if Daryl’s ready, I mean.
Norman Reedus; November, 2012; Geek Time on Howard 101 (x)
ETonline: Fans obviously love Daryl and C@rol – will we see any developments in their relationship this week? Does she try to soften his facade?
Reedus: Is she like an emotional roofie? [laughs] It’s there, but I think their bond is so much deeper than “stick your tongue in my mouth.” I like playing that and am glad the writers agree because it’s so awkward when boys meet girls, girls meet boys or boys meet boys, and they want to hook up. But this is a whole different set of uncomfortable rules. They love each other on a different level – it’s not about wanting to get together, it’s more like a sibling relationship. “If you hurt my sister, there’s nowhere you’ll be able to hide.” It’s an impenetrable bond. I know people want them together, but if that happens, I think it’ll be more epic than, “They did it!”
Norman Reedus; March 29th, 2013; ETonline (x)
“It’s also why Reedus is reluctant to let Daryl have a love interest on the show. He came close with the battered wife C@rol. played by Melissa McBride- “damaged people gravitate toward damaged people,“ Reedus says-but he has resisted the occasional plotting of the producers to toss him in the sack with a co-star. “Sometimes they suggest this or that, but if Daryl’s going to get busy with another character it has to be just right,” he says. Reedus gives them credit for letting him make the calls sometimes: “The producers are smart, man. Smart enough to know that Daryl can’t have the kind of love interest that you might think. I feel pretty strongly about it.’”
Norman Reedus; February/March 2014; Nylon Guys (x)
Carol has continued to be a force of her own within Alexandria. Could you see a romantic future for Daryl and C@rol? 
I’ve had lots of talks with Scott about it. I like our relationship how it is. We don’t have to make out to be who we are. We’re kindred spirits; there’s a brother-sister bond there that’s almost stronger than a lovey-dovey bond. I’m not totally against it, but I’m not totally for it. It’s tricky. Once you do that, it’s there forever. To be honest, I’m not begging for it, and I’m not opposed to it.
Norman Reedus; March 29th, 2015; The Hollywood Reporter (x)
“I mean, I get it with the fans who want the C@rol and Daryl thing, but I am just telling you in real life you would not set those two people up with each other!” Jason explained. “You would not do it!” […] We have to admit, Jason make a pretty valid point. But, that doesn’t explain the endless chemistry between C@rol and Daryl, does it? Even Jason knows that, adding: “They care about each other, they are deeply connected on a certain level and I would argue that — why do they need to hook up in order to validate the deep friendship they have? Think about it! They are already connected! That is how I feel about it!”
Jason Douglas (Tobin, C@rol’s love interest from season 6); February 16th, 2017; Hollywood Life (x)
“I turned into a little kid, it was like talking to your Mom…”
Norman Reedus; February 19th, 2017; Talking Dead for 7x10 on Daryl asking C@rol why she left (x).
“Because I feel like [C@ryl is] more of like a brother/sister… mother/son relationship.”
Josh Mc Dermitt; March 1st, 2017; WHOSAY (x) (x, skip to 16:27)
“There is a part of me that sees them both when they are with another as sort of a wounded child,” McBride said. “It’s like sometimes I see them when they joke together, or they’re happy together, or they’re sharing smokes together, or arguing together, being nit-picky together. I just see like Daryl could have reverted to that wounded child on the porch at the reunion, and I sometimes I see C@rol the same way, like a little girl almost, younger. […] “I think it is they’re wounded children, really get one another,” McBride said. “I don’t see her becoming a mother to him at all. I see her becoming that wounded friend.”
Melissa McBride; September 5th, 2017; comic book.com (x) (x)
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In addition, at the beginning of season 7 Melissa McBride explained that C@rol needed time to heal from all the killing before she could entertain a relationship (x). That’s a reason why C@rzekiel didn’t really happen until season 8. I don’t think it would be in character for her to enter a relationship so soon with anyone after her son was murdered and she ended her marriage. Daryl wouldn’t likely have romance on the brain as he is looking after Lydia. If he were pursue romance, it would be someone he’s already in love with, and that’s Beth.
Greg Nicotero’s thoughts on Alone at SDCC 2014:
When they pitched Season 4, they were talking about when the prison goes down and having Daryl and Beth be bunkered together. And it’s interesting because I get to see all the cuts and I see all the edits from the director’s cuts onward. And I loved the scene in the kitchen when they’re talking, and I got the sense that Daryl was starting to kind of fall in love with Beth a little.”
Emily’s thoughts on Bethyl for Insider October 2014:
“Last year, I definitely felt like there was a really special connection between Daryl and Beth that happened. My take on it was that there was a very deep growing connection that could become something more romantic or could become just … you know that was my personal understanding of it. I do feel like Beth has opened up to Daryl in a way that she hasn’t with other people and I do feel like Beth has never been really in love even though you’ve seen her with the two different boyfriends. I don’t think she’s ever been like, ‘grownup in love’ in the way that you feel like someone actually understands you and in sort of that special intimate way. And I do feel like she’s been closer to that with Daryl then with anyone else.”
Emily wrote a song from Beth’s POV called Last Chance, and it’s a love song with sexual overtones.While filming Still, Norman listened to Very Nervous and Love by J. Mascis for Daryl’s character and even pitched for the episode’s closing song.
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