#also ft my changeling redesign
doodle-dragons · 10 months
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ik she didnt deserve a redemption, but i wouldve loved to see her turned good
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deadwooddross · 7 years
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I've been in an old OC mood so here's my three oldest... Iris is ALSO one of the originals, but I haven't settled on a redesign... she became the Momly Figure...esp to rook, she's literally his ma ANYWAYS Originally 12 yr old me liked to bury them in ANGST and DRAMA, the wildest of which being DATING DRAMA But now I'm old..and wise...and see.....it can all work out and they can Snuggle They've been through a million redesigns and aus but here we go here's some new general canon info: -They're all changelings (as noted by blue mouths/teeth/eyes/blood/general tint) -Rook lost his eye pretty young, around when his eyes first started changing color -He was a scrappy street kid that Iris found in her travels and who she p much adopted right then in there -A gentle giant (my first 7 ft + char) he's v peppy n optimistic -Lilith is impulsive and energetic, also works on the docks and sometimes on ships -She had a p good home life but it was a pretty Strict for ones Safety kinda upbringin -she's fuckin JACKED -Sam I've been over BUT SAM had a real shit roll as a kiddo and is generally a bitter untrusting troublemaker -Snarky, mean, and wary of humans..typically either avoiding everyone or antagonizing someone -meets rook n lil by way of Cali n zaha
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