#also finn cole < 3
tearfest · 9 months
hmmmm i might rewatch peaky blinders ..
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atypical-insamniac · 2 years
and for tonight’s entertainment.. more kai being a chaotic dumbass <3
(also based on a previous text post)
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nin-jay-go · 8 months
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bizarros on the brain (totally not bc i saw roselock draw them lol)
anywayz i think that after they "die" they come back and just kinda live and do crimes and shit. also they're mirrors of the ninja now so they're exactly what the ninja aren't ^v^
tong (kai's bizarro) is super nervous and timid, very withdrawn, and doesn't really care about his appearance. finn (zane's bizarro) is chipper and happy and chatty but SO willing to do crimes. pepper (cole's bizarro) is chill and always has his head in the clouds, so he usually gets confused and lost in thought about everything. he also loves to cook and is really good at it. and lazuli/stellar (jay's bizarro) (can't settle on a name for him) is grumpy and serious and barely ever smiles, and HATES jokes and technology.
also since they're the ninjas' mirrors, tong and lazuli's scars are on the other sides :) its how nya found out that the jay that was talking to her was not her jay, the wrong eyebrow was chipped.
in alterline, only jay and lloyd know these guys exist, otherwise they hide out in their shitty apartment and do low-level crimes to keep themselves afloat (since they don't really have a government id).
stellar is kinda the defacto leader because he's the only one willing to get shit done in this friend group. otherwise, they're just worsties living together bc they're the only ones who will get each other <3 lol
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lumosinlove · 1 year
vancire snoop??
I hope to have the new chap up soon! <3
Vaincre spoilers below
“You know what I want to do?” Sirius said as he squirted some water into his mouth.
“Hm,” Remus said, eyes still on the retreating gray and gold jersey.
“I want to get a tattoo,” Sirius said.
Remus’ head wasn’t the only one that snapped towards him. Cole looked up, James and Thomas, too.
Thomas laughed. “All right, Cap.” He nudged Cole. “Me and twenty know a great place.”
“Tattoo…” James said, narrowing his eyes thoughtfully. “Should I also get a tattoo?”
“What?” Remus shook his head, caught off guard. “You want what? Of—of what?”
“Of my wedding ring,” Sirius said. He tapped his ring finger through his thick glove. “Can’t wear it while I play.”
Sirius said no more, just patted Remus’ helmet then skated away, leaving him to stare after him.
Finn leaned over from a few slots down the bench and whistled to get Remus’ attention before sending him a grin and a wink. “That’s what we boys like to call distraction.”
Remus stared at him for a moment, then laughed, looking back out onto the ice. Sirius was still looking at him, mouthguard hanging out between his teeth as he smiled.
“Yeah,” Remus said. “Right…”
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the-ninja-legacy-whip · 3 months
so can you tell us anything about the second aftershock oc child which would end up inheriting earth
Listen he's currently in limbo until we see how the Geo stuff pans out cuz I dun wanna make another probably impossible kid.....BUT-
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*jazz hands* very quick sleep deprived sketch GO
His name is Adrien Cole, which you may already know if you've been following the next-gen stuff!
He's adopted by Cole (most likely during his ~Wu Quest~ that we won't get to see rip, hence the last name) when he's 4-5 years old (still kinda waiting on some more DR info before locking that in) after being orphaned as a result of The Merge, but regardless of when he's adopted, he's still about five years younger than Cam.
Jesse: Who is that?!
Cole, sipping a smoothie: Our new son :3
Lloyd: My god he's collecting children like Pokemon, somebody stop him
Kai: At least that one didn't appear out of thin air
Jesse: ...I think he still kinda did!!!
...okay, it doesn't actually happen like that, as after their reunion post-merge, Cole and Jesse did discuss adopting another child (as Cole still felt terrible about missing a solid chunk of Cam's childhood). It just happened a little sooner and more abruptly than Jesse planned for. Cole was off on his quest and this sad, lost, merge-ruined child just started following him because he seemed like a safe person to be with ;w;)/
And Cole's not gonna turn away a child in need
It takes Adrien a really long time to warm up to Jesse, and even longer to call Cole or Jesse any form of 'Dad', but he's 100% all in on having Cam as a sister.
(And Cam is so excited to have a sibling that she doesn't even care if he's a sourpuss for most the time. He finds her constant zeal for life overwhelming, but refreshing. She's always teaching him new things when she asks without teasing him, which he appreciates)
He's not as energetic as Finn, Quinn, Blaire, Luci, or his sister, but not nearly as uptight Blythe, Seven, or Briar either. He is, however, a lot quicker to get upset with things than anyone else, and is probably the deadpan snarker of the group. Think Kid!Lloyd if he went all in on his emo and/or goth phases snksnksnk
He's a punk drummer! And a painter! But unlike the rest of the family he has a horrible case of stage fright + public speaking, so don't ever expect him to willingly show off....Unless Briar is around (one thing he can relate to Jesse with: having a hopeless crush lmao).
He and Finn have a similar dynamic as Cole and Jay, which Kai thinks is the funniest thing ever. He also gets competitive in physical activities with Quinn and Blair, and he bullies Blythe all the time for "being a nerd" (and is only nice when Briar scolds him for it). He and Seven are chill besties, and Lucina terrifies him (but he'll never say so).
Cole only gives up his powers to Adrien when Adrien says he's ready for it, but Cole does kind of want to do it ASAP, because he fears waiting too long will yield the results of what ended happening to his mom. On the other hand, with all the chaos going on during DR and beyond, Cole fears that he won't be able to protect his family or friends without his powers/strength and that makes him hesitate (even if they have the Blue Crystal exploitation).
Adrien, however, has exceedingly low attunement with the Element of Earth, due to a) his personality and b) not actually being a Descendant, and struggles with his powers even after he get them. His superstength isn't consistent, either (which scares the hell out of Jesse, because what if an accident happens—) but his Vibration Tracing is leagues better than Cole's is/was (to the point of being able to see just with vibrations in the earth. Like Toph, but not quite as cool).
ALSO his weapon is twin sickles which are not actually designed for fighting but are still enough to freak a person out when combined with superstrength hell yeah. it's basically Cole's Scythe + Jesse's Twin Naginata
ALSO he has pink in his outfit not just to rep his other dad BUT because in some older color schemes for Cole he has pink in there especially in his NRG form and I wanted to shoutout to that-
When he uses his equivalent of Earth Punch, instead of getting new markings, the scars along his arms glow instead. Where did the scars along his arms come from? I dunno! Accident as a child, weird birthmark, did it himself.......it's pending.
Anywaaaaay, that's about all I got for now. I didn't want to develop him too much if he was going to be doing even less than every other kid anyway :V
. . .
Adrien: Sooooo. ...were you adopted too, orrrrrr...?
Cam: I consider myself a ✨Bio-Magical✨ miracle child~
Adrien: Andddd I'm not gonna dig into THAT
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tea-moon-ster · 10 months
O'Knutzy Week day 3
character credits to @lumosinlove, prompts and hosting credits to @oknutzyweek2023 .
Prompts: Cooking Mishaps; Dance; Smiles; Cookouts.
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“What if we just leave them here?”
“Finn, no.”
“What if we leave me here?”
“Finn. Go put on your socks.”
A long, suffering sigh.
Finn detached himself from the wake of the muffins on the counter and disappeared into their bedroom. Leo stared at the them a moment longer.
He appreciated the effort. He sure did. When he’d started taking out the ingredients for the muffins, Finn had immediately jumped to help. The fact that he’d compromised the whole recipe was only marginal to Leo. Just like the wobbly form of his poor, poor pumpkin muffins.
They could almost pass as cute. Almost.
They’d tasted one together before leaving, just like his Mama always did. And now Finn didn’t want to leave the house with them.
Leo knew deep in his heart that there was something fundamentally wrong with those muffins. He didn’t think Finn could mess up that much, honestly, but there they stood. But they were also the muffins for team dinner, and Finn had helped, how cute was that? Leo wouldn’t say a thing about them.
He hoped the team wouldn’t notice and pester him too much.
The Dumais’ house was welcoming and vibrating with life as always. Logan would always look back with affection at his bed in the basement, the nights on crumpled couches for movie night and constantly having four kids to play with. But he sure wouldn’t complain about his current situation. No sir, he though, Leo’s hand pressing against his lower back as they entered the house.
They were met by cheers, various yells of “Cubs!”, and a few sloppy kisses on the cheek. The off-season hadn’t been long. The team had met under every pretext, from basketball nights to vacations together. Falling back into routine, together, felt good, and right.
The kitchen was filled with pots and bowls coming from every family of the team. Everybody brought something, that was the only rule for team dinners. Leo had, for once, given up his salty dishes position, sticking to desserts with Lily, Chris and Evgeni.
As soon as Leo placed the muffins on the kitchen isle, Finn disappeared, muttering something about setting the table. Leo couldn’t blame him.The muffins were immediately under attack by a crowd of hungry hockey players and kids. Sirius happily took a bite, only to start chewing less and less confidently after a few times.
“Leo…what happened to your muffins?”
“Finn happened!” Logan called.
Leo rolled his eyes. “Finn tried to help but put baking soda instead of baking powder. And…some cheese fell in. I…yeah.”
“It’s not…bad,” Remus tried, studying his half-bitten muffin with indecision.
“Y’all can hide them,” Leo sighed. “Just don’t let Harzy see.”
Celeste put a hand on his shoulder. “I’ll try to mask the taste with chocolate frosting.”
“Merci, Celeste.”
The backyard, their designated dinner place, was impeccable. A long, long table ran under a series of string lights, filled with baskets of bread and unmatched chairs. People were moving around to set the table, turn on the barbecue and catch up after summer. Katie was carefully putting vases of flowers from the garden in the already crumpled place in between the plates. Leo had missed all this. The moments outside of the rink that strengthened the bond in their team.
Somebody put music thought the speakers Pascal was so proud of installing on his own, and the smell of the barbecue began to fill the air. Dumo had announced it would be him and his garçons to take care of the grill that night. It was heart warming to see him explaining to Sirius, Logan and Cole how everything worked. But it was even cuter to see three grown hockey players following his every move with big eyes, nodding quickly and asking questions.
Soon, the long table in the garden was soon filled with chatter, laughter and hands passing plates and bowls. Leo tried to distract Finn from all the teasing about the muffins, and Logan smiled proudly every time they took a bite of the meat and vegetables grilled by him. He seemed to remember every single piece.
After dinner, the music in the yard turned slower and softer. Pascal was the first to pull Celeste in the middle of the cleared grass, making her laugh and spin. The others were quick to follow. A grinning Thomas, letting Noelle lead. James and Lily, smiling and chatting softly. Remus was melting against Sirius in a gentle rocking back and forth.
It was the kind of hopeless romantic moment that would have had Finn standing up in the bat of an eye, ready to dance with his boys under the gentle eye that was the moon. And he was. As soon as the sweet notes of a love song filled the yard, he was smiling and tilting his head at Leo. But the blond simply smiled back and pointed at something behind Finn’s back. Finn turned, perplexed, only for his eyes to widen in surprise.
Logan rolled his eyes around a smile too big. He stood straight and composed, an arm behind his back and the other still in the air, in front of a shocked Finn. He kept it up and visible, not faltering in the long moment Finn only stared at him. But it was alright. He’d wait eras for Finn.
“Mon rouge,” he smiled, feeling heat travel up to his cheeks. A wonderful kind of exposure and wait filled the space between them. The kind of adrenaline of asking out on a first date, or a school dance. He felt at the edge of a cliff, at the mercy of wind and waves. But it would be alright, because he was looking at Finn. And Finn had always been his lighthouse. “Shall we?”  
Finn’s smile always lighted his nights.
Their eyes never left each other as Finn took his hand and stood up, letting Logan bring them to the middle of the improvised dance floor.
Finn was an elegant, old-fashioned boy at heart. He knew how to mix them cocktails and read poetry with the right stops and rhythms. And of course, he knew how to lead Logan in a slow dance. He eased a hand on his waist, gently moving them in well-practiced steps. The other hand was clasped to his, and his head tilted to the side. But Logan could see his eyes, sparkling with happiness. A happiness that, he knew, would turn into a vacant, distant stare for just a moment during their dance. A brief but inevitable thought of the past. And then Finn would return to him, dopey smile and wrinkles at the corner of his eyes. The past was something they could talk about anytime, now. And they’d understood and forgiven each other. It had all turned out in the end. But Logan also understood that in a little corner of Finn’s wonderful mind, there were scars that wouldn’t fade.
Logan was doing best to be visible lately. Taking their hands during their walks, choosing fancy, romantic restaurants for dinner instead of a nameless pub, where the world would only see them as friends. Restaurants where he could hold their hands on the table and feed them bits of his dessert. Finn was loving it as much as Leo did. Both Finn and Leo presumed that, together with the love, there was an effort to compensate for the wait, the lack of before. Both had reassured him multiple times that there was no need, no need at all, because they’d been happy before and they were happy now. But Logan was on a self imposed mission of romanticism, and Finn wouldn’t be the one to stop him.
Logan was quick to fall into Finn’s flow. It was after a twirl that he nudged their noses together. “You know, I used to be so scared of people seeing and watching,” he said. “But now…the only thing I want is to show you and Leo all over the place.” Finn left a gentle kiss on his lips before letting him continiue. “I’m still nervous around people, I guess that’s just who I am. But here…I know that these people want to see us happy, and together. I love being that with you.”
Finn had to rest his cheek against Logan’s temple after a deeper kiss. He looked around. The string lights hanged around the garden shined in soft lines that framed the night sky. Leo was looking at them and smiling even more brightly. He’d surely taken a few pictures of them. He’d show them lately that night, while getting ready for bed, like he always did. Logan shifted, maybe so he could get a snoop of Leo, too -Finn wouldn’t blame him.
Around them, the atmosphere sweetened the edges of people. James and Lily went back to their seats. Sergei made his wife laugh. Kasey and Natalie were dancing in a quiet corner, a phone balanced on a glass pointed at them. A video, Finn realized. For Alex.
Logan shifted a little, pressing a hand into his lower back. “Hey,” he whispered, without stopping the gentle rocking. “I want this song at our wedding.”
Finn stopped.
“What?” he breathed faintly.
Logan just shrugged, without letting the hand on Finn’s back falter. He smiled, a devastating half-smile that was melted gold in the low, warm light of the garden. Unaware of the turmoil those words had caused in Finn. “Ouais,” he nodded. “I like this song.”
He heard Finn’s breathing breaking into smaller, quicker fits. Logan frowned, but what he feared would be the start of tears was followed by Finn’s laughter. Low in his chest, vibrating against the hand steady in between his shoulder blades. Two hands were grasping Logan’s shoulder and shaking him before he knew.
“Logan. You can’t just say that to me.”
“Nom.” Finn passed a thumb on his cheek, eyes wide and a little glossy. “You can’t.”
“Dommage.” Logan kissed him. “Because I will.”
They let the next song pass in a gentle hug. Finn’s arms circling Logan’s neck, temple drawn together. Logan could feel Finn breathing against his neck. He never wanted to move.
“Hey. We should do it more often,” Finn whispered, as if afraid to disturb their little bubble of bliss. Logan nodded. They swung around the grass some more, and then decided that they needed Leo to dance.
They didn’t find him at his seat, but he came back a moment later with a beer. He turned to look around, a hand on his hip.
“Y’all, we need a yard. I want to host these cookouts.”
Logan laughed, nodding. Finn took Leo’s hand, pulling him close.
“Sure, baby. We’ll get you a big yard. Come here.” Finn guided him on his lap, lacing his arms around the goalie’s waist. He sniffed a little. “All the yards you want.”
“Finn, were you crying?”
A knowing smile from Logan made his frown disappear. “I told him I wanted to dance the song from before at our wedding.”
Leo’s expression softened. He cupped Finn’s face with his hands, leaving a soft kiss on his temple. “Oh, honey. Yeah, that’ll do it.”
For a while, they just watched the rest of the team dance and talk. “Yeah,” Leo repeated after a while. “I want a yard. A big yard. Like my parents’.”
“Oh, that’s a really big yard,” Logan said. Leo raised an eyebrow.
“You don’t like my parents’ yard?”
“No, I’m just saying. That’s a lot of space. It’s not a yard that you find in the city. Rimouski’s yard is optimal.”
“That’s not as big.”
“Hey, it’s not big, but there’s plenty of space to have fun. Size isn’t everything. It depends on how you use it.”
“Please stop making erotic references while we talk about our future yard.”
“What do you want in our big, big yard, Peanut Butter Better Butty Baby?” Finn song singed.
Leo tilted his head. The way his eyes shined with the string lights did all sort of things to Logan. “I want a place for the barbecue. A big patio so we can read outside when it rains and a garden to grow our own veggies. And, you know…place for some sort of playground, one day?”
Logan’s eyebrows shot up. Finn groaned, hiding his blushing cheeks into Leo’s shoulder. “Did you two decide if was Let’s make Finn cry night? Was this premeditated? You should be thankful I’m not wearing any mascara.”
“Finn, you don’t own a mascara.”
“And thank God for that. I’d be a mess by now.”
 Logan sighed, leaning in for a kiss. “You’re so weird. Come here.”
The yard gradually turned less and less crowded as people began to call it a night. There were pats on the back and, finally, a lot of “see you on Monday”’s. But three chairs hadn’t moved in almost an hour, and three pairs of eyes were staring at the night sky. Three pairs of hand were busy holding each other, or stroking gently a leg here or a strand of curls there. Low laughter came from three sleepy smiles.
“…And we also need a pool,” Logan yawned. They’d been talking about sweet nothings all night, but the mental image of that yard, one day, big and filled with love, and people, little people he hoped, hadn’t left him all night. “Because I like swimming and I like seeing you two in swimsuits.”
He didn’t add that he’d build a big slide so their kids could have fun in said pool.
Leo nodded, suppressing a yawn of his own. “I rectify: we need an outdoor pool for the fun, and an indoor pool because I like you two even more without swimsuits on.”
“Oh, ouais. I like that. Let’s just get pools.”
“Yeah,” Finn nodded against Logan’s shoulder, a hand passing through Leo’s hair. “I’ll get you two all the yards and the pools you want.”
Leo sat starigher to cup th eback of Finn’s neck. Soft lips met his. “I know, sweetheart.” And Leo knew. Finn always had that sparkle in his eyes, that pressing hand against his back. That veneration that made him remember about a starless balcony, and the promise to light up Leo’s nights in every way he could.
And he had.
He brought Finn’s hand up to place a gentle kiss on it. “Harz.”
“We’ll get you everything you want, too, baby. Everything.”
Finn was aware of his inability to accept words and acts of kindness in a normal way. He felt a need to earn them, otherwise the guilt would take over and he had to scroll them off. It took a lot for Finn to believe he deserved good things. But he was finally feeling like he could let go a little. The ropes they used to build their relationship would not get loose if he relaxed into Leo and Logan as he so ardently wished them to do with him.
They’d build the good things together.
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I don't know when I'm going to have the first polls ready as I'm going to be getting busier from this week onwards but I'll let you guys know.
Match Ups Under Keep Reading
Group 1
Marco/Star/Tom vs Marco/Janna/Jackie from Star vs the Forces of Evil
Adaine/Fig/Ayda vs Em/Sofia/Dale from Dimension 20
Kala/Wolfgang/Rajan vs Lito/Hernando/Daniela from Sense 8
Willow/Luz/Amity vs Willow/Hunter/Gus from The Owl House
Raz/Lilli/Dogen vs Ford/Lucretia/Otto from Psychonauts
Finn/Rey/Poe vs Rex/Anakin/Padme from Star Wars
Makoto/Sayaka/Kyoko vs Hajime/Nagito/Chiaki from Danganronpa
Ryunosuke/Barok/Kazuma vs Clay/Apollo/Klavier from The Great Ace Attorney
Jason/Roy/Koriand'r vs Dick/Barbara/Koriand'r from DC Comics
Marius/Ivy/Raphaella vs Orpheus/Narcissus/Eurydice from The Mechanisms
Group 2
Selina/Harley/Ivy vs Tim/Bernard/Kon from DC
Sam/Tucker/Danny vs Vlad/Jack/Maddie from Danny Phantom
Rose/Lissa/Natalie from Vampire Academy vs Bonnie/Caroline/Elena from Vampire Diaries
Jay/Nya/Cole from Ninjago vs Red Son/Mei/MK from Lego Monkie Kid
Rilla/Arum/Damien from Penumbra Podcast vs Howard/James/Cel from Rusty Quill Gaming Podcast
Haru/Legosi/Louis from Beastars vs Ranpo/Poe/Mushitarou from Bungou Stray Dogs
Adrien/Marinette/Kagami from Miraculous Ladybug vs Anne/Marcy/Sasha from Amphibia
Ichika/Nene/Kanade vs Rui/Mafuyu/Tsukasa from Project SEKAI
Parker/Hardison/Elliot from Leverage vs Neal/Peter/Elizabeth from White Collar
Yamato/Ace/Deuce from One Piece vs Arthur/Lancelot/Guinevere from Arthurian Legend
Group 3
Ichigo/Minto/Retasu from Tokyo Mew Mew vs Hikaru/Lala/Yuni from Star Twinkle Precure
Kyle/Rogelio/Lonnie from She-Ra and the Princesses of Power vs Pearl/Rose/Greg from Steven Universe
Rapunzel/Eugene/Cassandra from Rapunzel's Tangled Adventure vs Zuko/Sokka/Suki from Avatar: The Last Airbender
The Doctor/Rose/Jack from Doctor Who vs James/Bones/Spock from Star Trek TOS
Nancy/Steve/Jonathan from Stranger Things vs Merlin/Gwen/Arthur from Merlin (2008)
Rachel/Chloe/Max from Life is Strange vs Thanatos/Zagreus/Megaera from Hades
Vincent/Victor/Albert from Vincent: The Secret of Myers vs Rinne/Himeru/Niki from Ensmeble Stars!
Jack/Kirtash/Victoria from Idhun's Memories Series vs Qibli/Winter/Moonwatcher from Wings of Fire Series
Ludivine/Rielle/Audric from The Empirium Trilogy vs Vlad/Nathan/Ursula from Hunger Pangs:True Love Bites
King Kelp/Lord Cabbage/Bagel from Cucumber Quest vs Camilla/Nyra/Dendro from Muted
Group 4
Neptune/Uranus/Pluto from Sailor Moon vs Aira/Rizumu/Mion from Pretty Rhythm
Mickey/Goofy/Donald from Disney vs Pepe/Sylvester/Penelope from Looney Tunes
Draculaura/Clawdeen/Frankie from Monster High vs Ruby/Weiss/Penny from RWBY
Nathan/Annalise/Gabriel from The Bastard Son & The Devil Himself vs Quentin/Eliot/Arielle from The Magicians
Leon/Claire/Ada from Resident Evil vs Jaskier/Yennefer/Geralt from The Witcher
Abigail/Sam/Sebastian from Stardew Valley vs Candy/Sapphire/Zack from My Sims
Sweet/Capn/K_K from Deltarune vs Shiver/Frye/Big Man from Splatoon
Chris/Millie/Conrad from Chronicles of Chrestomanci vs Sadie/Walt/Anubis from The Kane Chronicles
Rah'oxah/Legzi/Ryjnah from Drawga: Dungeons and Drawings vs Grendan/York/Rose from Drawtectives
Jean/Scott/Logan from Marvel Comics vs Wu/Li/Gao from Iron Widow
Group 5
Yuji/Megumi/Nobara from Jujutsu Kaisen vs Misa/Light/L from Deathnote
Lucy/George/Anthony from Lockwood & Co vs Louis/Lestat/Armand from Interview With A Vampire
Chel/Tulio/Miguel from The Road to El Dorado vs Manolo/Maria/Joaquin from The Book of Life
Henry/Charles/Ellie from Henry Stickmin Collection vs Steve/Alex/Herobrine from Minecraft
Soldier/Demoman/Zhanna from TF2 vs Susie/Magolor/Taranza from Kirby
Morgana/Launchpad/Drake from Darkwing Duck vs Yoo/Han/Kim from Omniscient Readers Viewpoint
Isabela/Merril/Hawke from Dragon Age 2 vs Dorian/Orym/Fearne from Critical Role Campaign 3
Vivi/Arthur/Lewis from Mystery Skulls Animated vs Aizo/Yujiro/Hiyori from Honeyworks
June/Dave/Karkat from Homestuck vs Trevor/Sypha/Alucard from Castlevania
Elizabeth/Jack/Will from Pirates of the Carribean vs Cyrano/Christian/Roxanne from Cyrano (2021)
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mgarmagedon · 5 months
Ninjago? Ninjago total Slay what's you'r favourite season ( for me Seabound it slaps) Also troughts on newest season? For me too little of Jay WHAT DO YOU MEAN 20 seconds?!
It was like one of my first fandoms ever and to this day I dearly love it :333 but after season 10 i unfortunately stopped watching because of my awful life situation at that point of mu existence... and after that, there was so much new media that i couldn't get to that easily...
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BUT I'm trying for last few months rewatch whole series including new season :DDD
But I can still tell you which I liked the most anyway!!!
Season 5 with Morro and season 6 with Nadakhan, also this (IG special because at least in my television it was showed between two different seasons) episode where Cole is dying and becoming a ghost :DD that was very dramatic for my young teenager self.
(I saw a lot of ppl that are kinda shipping Morro with one of ig beta versions of Zane and it interesting, because since I was like 13-14 I shipped Morro x Lloyd, and idk what happend with this emo motherfucker after he literally died second time)
But i need to at least acknowledge even if season 3 wasn't my favorite one, as a 12 year old I cried like little baby when Zane died :))
Season 2 also SOOO cool, but I think it would me my 3 favorite, because of the whole action in it!!!! Like man every episode was so epic. I even have bootleg figure of Pythor, he is almost looking like original one uwu (and ik it's his second design, because first one was this purple with black stripes, but yeaaaa... I still love him tho, I also have somewhere Garmadon figure :D)
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And my thoughts about new seasons??? Actually i don't have any, because yk i heard a lot of negative opinion about everything after the movie (which i was on premiere, in cinema full of uncultured, awful, disgusting, yelling children), so I don't have any expectations much but if they are good, I will love it with my whole body :DDD
Yeah too little Jay is always awful for Jayfandom, they can't simp for their favorite simp /j
And yes, I hung my ninjago dragons on the lamp and I have so small amount of them because those my parents bought me when I was minor and lego is so FUCKING expensive... (i have also this lego ninjago castle from lego ninjago movie)
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Funfact: I polish version Kai has the same VA as Wheeljack and Steeljaw, and Cliffjumper with Zane, and Bulkhead with Garmadon????
Or that Jay is sharing VA with Finn from adventure time and Master Wu with Jake??? XDDDDD
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finn-m-corvex · 8 months
Jaya Week 2023 Day 3: Surprise
I told myself I wasn't going to do this. "Finn, you have to do something different," I told myself in the mirror yesterday, but before I could stop myself I had already written 500 words of this and it was too late to start it again so, I did it (and I'm damn proud of it). I did the thing that everyone was probably expecting for this prompt and I can't even say I regret it, because this was a ton of fun to write and I love how it turned out.
Words: 2.3k
TWs: vomiting mention, nothing graphic whatsoever but I thought I would put it here
“This is pointless!” Nya yelled, throwing down the magazine with enough force to bend the spine. “None of these have what I need!”
She stomped over the pile of already discarded magazines, crumpling their colorful covers with the soles of her sandals. Running her hands through her hair, Nya kept pacing, ignoring the stack of books that lay innocently on the floor in the corner of the room. Running out to get them without any of the others finding out had been a hassle, and she wasn’t entirely successful with keeping it a secret: Pixal had always been the best at figuring out what they were hiding.
Maybe she had already suspected it, as Nya was absolutely positive that she herself had never bought tests to stock their shared products cabinet in the bathroom. Of course, the night before she had gone looking for a test Nya had found herself hunched over the toilet well after midnight, unable to stop throwing up everything that Zane had made for dinner. Her only coherent thought was about how she was partly glad that Jay had decided to stay with his parents for the next couple days, but that she was also miserable without him there to whisper soothing words in her ear and hold back her hair.
A hand did pull her hair back, and Nya groaned when cool metal pressed against the back of her neck to feel for a fever. “Nya, what are you doing here at this hour?” Pixal had asked, crouching down next to the water ninja with a frown on her face.
“Been in here for a while,” Nya murmured, letting her cheek rest on the toilet seat, “and I can’t stop throwing up. Must’ve had something bad.”
“If you had food poisoning, then I guarantee that this bathroom would be much more crowded right now,” Pixal said, sitting down fully. “Are you sure that could be the only reason?”
“What do you mean?”
Pixal grimaced, like she had been hoping that Nya wouldn’t ask her that. “You and Jay are…active, yes?”
Nya raised an eyebrow. “...if you’re implying what I think you’re implying, then yes.”
“Have you considered the possibility of being pregnant?”
Nya.exe stopped working.
Her friend (sister, let’s be honest) had comforted her for the rest of the night as she tried to put the pieces together, eventually breaking down in loud sobs that had Pixal wrapping her arms around Nya’s shoulders. Nya tried to explain that she wasn’t crying because of the fact that she might be pregnant (oh, First Master she was pregnant), but Pixal shushed her. She didn’t have to explain anything, the samurai had said as she smoothed her hand between Nya’s shoulderblades.
It wasn’t long before the other boys found out. Cole and Zane were the first of them, both having walked in on Nya looking at web pages with cute pregnancy reveal ideas. She hated all of them.
Cole looked concerned when he stepped into the room to find Nya sitting upside down on their couch, her phone thrown over the edge and lying face down on the floor. “Everything okay, Nya?”
She groaned, which made Cole look over to his nindroid brother. Zane could only shrug, “Has Jay done something to upset you?”
“You could say that,” and maybe just a little of her inner turmoil leaked into her voice, because soon her two brothers were sitting on either side of her, Cole leaning against the back while Zane sat up straight. They waited until she had resituated herself to be sitting correctly, and both of their faces darkened when they saw how upset she looked.
“Whatever stupid thing he’s done now,” Cole said seriously, “it doesn’t mean anything. We’ll give him a talk for you, Nya.”
Zane was nodding in solidarity, and Nya knew that she should probably say something to make sure her Yin kept all of his fingers. “It’s not entirely Jay’s fault.”
“Then what happened?” Zane asked gently, taking her hand in his robotic one. “I have not seen you like this for quite some time, Nya. Cole and I only want to help you.”
No time like the present, she thought to herself, biting her lip before biting the bullet. “If I tell you guys something, you have to keep it a secret, alright?”
“Absolutely.” the earth ninja reaffirmed, Zane echoing his sentiment.
“I’m pregnant.”
Both of them had stared at her. Cole’s lips were moving up and down like a fish, while Zane’s eyes were wide with surprise. Nya shrunk into herself, suddenly very self-conscious of what exactly she had just told her brothers, and the movement brought them back to their senses when they cuddled closer on both sides.
Cole was the first one to get over his shock. “You’re serious?”
“Yes,” Nya sighed, “I’m serious. I was throwing up all last night and Pixal got me a few tests to confirm it. They were positive.”
“I’m gonna be an uncle?!”
That was not the reaction that Nya had been anticipating. “Yes?”
“Holy crap!” Cole’s face lit up with an elated grin. “Zane! We’re gonna be uncles!”
Nya watched in amazement as her two biggest brothers danced around their living room, Cole whooping at the top of his lungs while Zane congratulated her with gusto. She knew that they never would’ve expressed their true feelings if any of them had been negative, but she wasn’t quite expecting the level of joy that was filling the room to the brim. Although Nya should’ve known better than to think that the other ninja would be anything less than supportive of her and Jay.
She made them promise to keep it a secret until Jay had gotten back, and they both had solemnly sworn with their hands over their hearts (in Zane’s case, his power source) to not breathe a word until Jay knew.
Which had led Nya to right now, tossing yet another baby magazine to the side in frustration as she sat down on her bed with a huff. For all of the hubbub that the small things generated at the grocery store, why were all of them so useless?!
Knocking on her door frame, Lloyd peeked his head in, quickly followed by Kai. “Nya?”
Diving for the pile of things on the floor, Nya did her best to cover them up. “This isn’t what it looks like!”
“What is it…supposed to look like?” Lloyd asked, and Nya watched in horror as Kai picked up a magazine that she had hurled at the door in a fit of rage over awful baby name suggestions.
Kai held it up to read the cover, eyes narrowing. “Ninjago’s Top Baby Names…wait. Is Benthomaar pregnant?!”
“No, you idiot!” Nya yelled, forgetting about the magazines she was hiding and storming up to her brother and snatching the magazine from his hands, rolling it up into a tube and whacking him over the head. “Benthomaar can’t even get pregnant!”
“But there’s some ocean animals where the guy gets pregnant, right?! Isn’t he one of those?!”
“Those are seahorses, Kai!” she seethed, threatening to whack him again, “Does he look like a seahorse to you?”
Wow, the books weren’t kidding when they said the pregnancy hormones were intense.
Her older brother was saved by Lloyd gently wrapping his arms around her middle, and Nya relaxed when she felt his head plop down onto her shoulder. “There’s no need to be violent, Nya. We just wanted to come check on you because you’ve been acting a little weird for the past few days, and Cole and Zane won’t tell us anything. Is something wrong?”
She bit her lip. This wasn’t exactly how she wanted to tell them, but it would have to suffice. “I-I’m pregnant, not Benthomaar.”
A beat. Two beats. Suddenly she was being twirled in a circle by Lloyd, who was also bouncing up and down and shouting with glee. When he finally put her down, he gave her one of the brightest smiles she had ever seen. “Nya! That’s amazing! You and Jay are gonna be parents!”
For some reason, Lloyd’s reaction wasn’t the one that Nya was the most concerned about. She turned around to look at Kai, who had a rare soft smile on his face. His eyes were blinking with unshed tears, and Nya could only hope that they were from happiness rather than the disappointment that she had been worrying about.
Kai saw her hesitation and held out his arms. “C’mere sis.”
Nya didn’t hesitate to wrap her arms around her brother’s shoulders and squeeze, feeling his arms coil themselves around her waist in an embrace that brought back all of her childhood memories. Kai’s chuckle only made her squeeze tighter. “I’m so proud of you, Nya. It’s going to be great for you and Jay, just wait and see.”
“Yeah,” she said wetly, willing herself to not cry, “we’re gonna have a great time.”
“What’s going to be a great time?”
The water ninja was not prepared for the speed at which Kai let her go, wheeling around and tackling her Yin five feet down the hall with a surprised shout. Nya startled when Lloyd slammed the door to her and Jay’s shared bedroom shut, and the blond turned to face her with wide eyes.
“Kai can keep him busy,” Lloyd said quickly, “but I don’t know for how long. I’ll help you put these away so he doesn’t see!”
Except for some reason, Nya wasn’t sure if she wanted to hide them. She paused, and Lloyd stared at her in bewilderment, and both of them jumped when they heard Kai hollering down the hall for reinforcements. It only took a second before she heard Jay breaking out into a fit of panicked giggles and yelling for Kai to stop tickling him.
She was a good Yang, and Jay was one of the most sensitive people she had ever met when it came to tickles, so she couldn’t really leave him out there to fend for himsefl, right?
Lloyd didn’t try to stop her from opening the door and stepping out of the room, only following with a curious look on his face. Nya was not at all surprised to see the scene before her: Jay was floundering around, laughing, desperately pushing at Kai’s chest while the fire ninja went to town on his brother’s ribs. Cole came rocketing from around the corner with a devious grin on his face, with Pixal and Zane trailing behind, both looking equally befuddled.
“Look who's finally home!” Cole said, and Kai only paused in his onslaught to let the earth ninja haul Jay up by the armpits. Nya knew that if she was going to interfere, it had to be before Cole curled his hand into her Yin’s underarms to make Jay start screaming bloody murder.
“Boys,” she chastised, and everyone turned to look at her. Jay’s face went from nervous anticipation to joyful glee in a matter of seconds. “Leave him alone.”
Cole and Kai looked somewhat disappointed, with the former letting Jay down to stand on his own two feet. Jay rushed forward, exclaiming her name and hugging her tightly to his chest. Butterflies swarmed in her stomach when she felt him kiss her neck, and Nya pulled back a little to cup his face in her hands.
Jay pecked her on the lips, and Nya was all too happy to reciprocate despite Kai and Lloyd fake-gagging in the background. “Hi, sweetheart. How were your parents?”
“Good,” Jay said sweetly, rubbing his thumb along the small of her back. “They’re all good, except Ma was asking a lot of questions about grandkids, for some reason. I think she and Pa have been going to the park and hanging out around the playground way too much.”
Nya could’ve drowned Cole when he coughed in the background, followed up by Kai muttering something about how Jay interrupted them. Jay turned to the brunette with a questioning frown. “What did I interrupt?”
She glared at Kai, who only shrunk back behind Zane with a sheepish look. Jay looked back at her, noticing the underlying nervousness in her expression. He squeezed her hand, and Nya glanced up to see the worry in his eyes.
“Hey,” he started, and Nya was surprised at how softly he was speaking, “is everything okay?”
“Yeah, yeah,” Nya said in a tone that she hoped was confident, but it didn’t sound very convincing; Jay’s look of worry only grew. “Everything’s fine, Jay. It’s just…”
Taking a deep breath, Nya steeled her nerves, looking her Yin in the eyes. “Jay, I’m pregnant.”
“You’re-you’re what?” Jay stammered, his face blushing ever so lightly in a way that made Nya want to kiss him senseless. “You’re pregnant?”
“I am.”
“I’m gonna be a dad?”
“Surprise! You’re gonna be a dad, Jay,” and nothing could’ve prepared Nya for the tears that started rolling down his face, and she was quick to start wiping them away with her thumbs.
He leaned forward and kissed her softly, his hands travelling up and tangling in her hair. She smiled into the kiss, some of his tears touching her lips and turning their sweet kiss salty. When Nya finally pulled back, there wasn’t an ounce of sadness to be found, and instead laughter bubbled out of Jay’s mouth.
“I-I’m gonna be a dad,” and he turned to look at all of his brothers and sister, who all had matching looks of happiness on their faces, “I’m going to be a dad!”
Cole was the first one to rush forward, quickly followed by Kai as they glumped the blue ninja into a big hug, making room for Lloyd to pop in under Kai’s arm and Zane wrapping his arms around them from behind. Jay’s smile only grew with every bit of praise that they showered him with, although Nya was sure she saw some pokes into his belly every few moments.
She startled when Pixal hugged her from behind, laying her head on Nya’s shoulder. “I think this was the best surprise you could’ve ever given him, Nya.”
And Nya started laughing, because it was the best surprise that she could’ve asked for herself, too.
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jrwi-autistic-swag · 9 months
The submission phase is over!
Final count of submissions:
Gillion Tidestrider (Riptide) - 14
Dakota Cole (Prime Defenders) - 9
Peter Sqloint (Apotheosis) - 8
Timothy Rand (BITB) - 4
Vyncent Sol (Prime Defenders) - 3
Chip (Riptide) - 3
Velrisa (Fated) - 3
Br’aad Vengolor (Fated) - 3
Rolan Deep (BITB) - 3
William Wisp (Prime Defenders) - 3
Tide Lambert (Prime Defenders) - 2
Jay Ferin (Riptide) - 2
Thanatos (Apotheosis) - 2
Ashe Winters (Prime Defenders) - 2
Queen (Riptide) - 2
Lizzie (Riptide) - 1
Doug (Prime Defenders) - 1
Captain Justice (Paradise Chronicles) - 1
Taxi the Tabaxi (Fated) - 1
Ms. Gilbert (Prime Defenders) - 1
Clorten (Riptide) - 1
Finn Tidestrider (Riptide) - 1
Caspian (Riptide) - 1
Knock/Bird Bird (Riptide) - 1
Riptide? (Riptide) - 1
Pretzel (Riptide) - 1
La Alma (Riptide) - 1
Mark Winters/Wavelength (Prime Defenders) - 1
Ryan (Mythborne) - 1
Richard (Monster Control Service) - 1
Chase (Monster Control Service) - 1
The dragon guy’s brother (Final Episode Oneshot) - 1
Gravel (We Let Our Stream DM Our D&D Campaign) - 1
There was also one submissions for you, the viewer
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unveilhq · 3 months
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congratulations on your acceptance, tommy, spoop, harrison, tiny, & rhi ! please make sure you check the next steps here
evan mock, pansexual, male + he/him  → isn’t that angelo mercado? i’ve seen them hanging out with the vampires. i hear they're 849, but they’ve only been in alexandria for less than a month. they seem to be curious & sensitive, but also reserved & self-flagellating.
rafael silva, gay, male + he/him → isn’t that oscar ribeiro? i’ve seen them hanging out with the gorgons. i hear they’re 225 years old, but they’ve only been in alexandria for 17 years. they seem to be charismatic & flirtatious, but also dangerous & extravagant.
finn cole, homosexual, male + he/him → isn’t that alistair dunbar? i’ve seen them hanging out with the were-creatures. i hear they're 26, but they’ve only been in alexandria for 4 years. they seem to be outgoing & active, but also hotheaded & childish. it’s cool that their animal counterpart is a wolf!
julian morris, homosexual, male + he/him → isn’t that kyle riddoch? i’ve seen them hanging out with the were-creatures. i hear they're 34, but they’ve only been in alexandria for a month. they seem to be bubbly & hard working, but also ditzy & gullible. it’s cool that their animal counterpart is a wolf!
jesse lee soffer, homosexual, male + he/him → isn’t that hal allen? i’ve seen them hanging out with the banshees. i hear they’re 39, but they’ve only been in alexandria for 9 years. they seem to be brave & determined, but also sarcastic & quick tempered.
tom blyth, bisexual, cis male + he/him/they/them → isn’t that evern snow? i’ve seen them hanging out with the familiars. i hear they’re 27, but they’ve only been in alexandria for 3 years. they seem to be observant & resourceful, but also two faced & manipulative.
jacob artist, gay, trans male he/they → isn’t that arsena lareux? i’ve seen them hanging out with the sirens. i hear they’re 25, but they’ve only been in alexandria for 3 years. they seem to be dreamy & enchanting, but also bitter & vengeful.
armani jackson, gay, trans male, he/they → isn’t that artemisia lareux? i’ve seen them hanging out with the sirens. i hear they’re 21, but they’ve only been in alexandria for 3 years. they seem to be dependable & comforting, but also dismissive & closed off.
andré lamoglia, pansexual + panromantic, genderfluid + he/they → isn’t that icarus lovelace? i’ve seen them hanging out with the cupids. i hear they’re 128, but they’ve only been in alexandria for 20 years. they seem to be ardent + vivacious, but also heedless + oblivious.
we also have a new WANTED CONNECTION!
did you hear noah byrne (jonathan bailey), our resident siphoner, is looking for their ex one night stand? they’re an any year old any spiecies who arrived in the chateau recently. they look like matt bomer, UTP. the player does not require you to contact them prior to filling this out. - basically this connection is for the man who had a one night stand with noah years ago and gave him the amulet that noah now uses to siphon his powers. noah may have fallen a bit in love with him that night and still thinks about him but hasn't seen him since. they can be as kind or as deceptive as you desire them to be. would love it if they still had a sexual thing once they reunite. - @drzxmlxnd 
the following have been dropped, their fcs reopened!
ismene o'hara ( andre lamoglia )
elisha banes ( rainer dawn )
nessa lee ( booboo stewart )
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blueboybracket · 1 year
Round One of the Ultimate Blue Boy Bracket continues! The first half has concluded -- you can view the results here -- and the second half is underway!
After these matches have concluded, the winners will all be moving on to Round Two! I'll also be preparing a full chart in advance for Round Two and onwards just before it begins
Here are links to the on-going matches below!
Megamind (Megamind) vs. Tom (Eddsworld)
Benny (The Lego Movie) vs. X (Mega Man-X)
Marth (Fire Emblem) vs. Atlas (Portal 2)
Mung Daal (Chowder) vs. Simon Seville (Alvin and the Chipmunks)
Sharkboy (The Adventures of Sharkboy and Lavagirl in 3-D) vs. Billy Cranston (Power Rangers 2017)
Sven (DOTA) vs. Veigar (League of Legends)
Globi (Globi) vs. Jowee (Drawn to Life)
Randall (Infinity Train) vs. Akira (Kemono Jihen)
Buddy (Mech Cadet Yu) vs. Pen (Object Show)
Bloo (Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends) vs. Locke Cole (Final Fantasy VI)
The above matches conclude on the 30th of May 2023
Cookie Monster (Sesame Street) vs. Alberto Scorfano (Luca)
Roy Mustang (Fullmetal Alchemist) vs. Mega Man (Mega Man)
Thomas the Tank Engine (Thomas & Friends) vs. The Runaway Kid (Little Nightmares)
Fred Jones (Scooby-Doo) vs. Tommy Pickles (Rugrats)
Orcane (Rivals of Aether) vs. Kazemaru Ichirouta (Inazuma Eleven)
Yang (Yin Yang Yo!) vs. Krash (Kikoriki)
Rodney Copperbottom (Robots) vs. Conan Edogawa (Detective Conan)
Dick Grayson/Nightwing (Batman) vs. Sokka (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Yujiro Someya (Honeyworks) vs. Yato (Noragami)
Remy (Ratatouille) vs. Sportacus (Lazy Town)
The above matches conclude on the 31st of May 2023
Bolo (Shantae) vs. Hades (Hercules)
Doraemon (Doraemon) vs. Yusuke Kitagawa (Persona 5)
Hoka Inumuta (Kill La Kill) vs. Saphir (Sailor Moon)
Pikario/Kuroki Rio (Precure) vs. Galo Thymos (PROMARE)
Cyrus (Pokemon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum) vs. Cyrus (Animal Crossing)
Finn (Adventure Time) vs. Phoenix Wright (Ace Attorney)
Dipper Pines (Gravity Falls) vs. Mordecai (Regular Show)
Jin Kisaragi (Blazblu) vs. Benrey (Half-Life but the AI is Self-Aware)
Sub-Zero/Kuai Liang (Mortal Kombat) vs. Abe Sapien (Hellboy)
Revali (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild) vs. Stuart Pot/2-D (Gorillaz)
The above matches will conclude on the 1st of June 2023
James P. Sullivan/Sully vs. Baljeet Tjinder (Phineas & Ferb)
Vergil (Devil May Cry) vs. Iida Tenya (Boku no Hero Acadamia)
Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto) vs. Blu (Rio)
Continued in reblog
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xaeyrnofnbe · 2 years
which one of you people assigned the riptide pirates wings of fire dragons? cause that post literally got me thinking about wof again (i read the first 3ish books a few years ago but stopped for some reason) and now i’m 8 books in and thinking about what dragons OTHER jrwi characters would be. so that’s what this is
i also tried to come up with names for some of them
prime defenders
william wisp: nightwing. but like a loser one. named wispshaper or something like that. (mal is also a nightwing. this is important probably)
dakota cole: a skywing named coal.
vyncent: idk about this one whoopsie
tide is a seawing (also named tide). wavelength and ashe are skywings or icewings (idk what mark would be called but ashe just loses the e).
rumi: a rainwing who’s been receiving visions for some reason. the sword of the holy grail is some kind of animus-touched object. idk what their name would be though. maybe miracle?
peter sqloint: the saddest most pathetic rainwing/mudwing hybrid you ever did see. got unlucky and got the abilities of neither of his parents, so he can’t breathe fire or spit venom or hold his breath very long and his scales only change color subtly in a few spots and it’s entirely involuntary and based on emotion. also just very small, runt of his family. named pebble (i also had the idea to call him splat but that might have been a bit much)
thanatos: a huuuge nightwing with no nightwing powers but enough fire and rage to make up for it. lost his memory for some reason and lived in the kingdom of sand for a long time. called godslayer or something sick like that.
the gods and exandroth are like old evil dragon spirits or something idk. exandroth was a firescales. maybe the gods were animus dragons idk though.
the 3 are just kinda going around trying to kill all the queens i think who have been possessed by the whatever the gods are.
blood in the bayou
they are not dragons, i’m sorry, they are a band of scavengers having the Worst Day Ever.
riptide (npcs)
caspian: icewing
niklaus hendrix: an animus nightwing
ollie: sandwing
arlin james: mudwing
drey ferin: skywing
finn tidestrider: seawing animus
empress malice: either a skywing or a rainwing. maybe a hybrid?
aster: rainwing? i think?
connor: mudwing
ryan: skywing
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usernoneexistent · 2 years
These are my Fantasatic Beast era characters who I find fascinating and definitely my darkest ones. The purpose for me introducing is so if others wish, they can be used by others for their FB era writings if they wish to have some antagonists in their stories or for their ocs.
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Hetty Johanna Rosewood | Xiang Cheng
• Born 01/10/1909 • Gryffindor • Chinese • Muggleborn • ISTJ • Grindelwald's acolyte • Traitor • FC: Liu Yifei •
Abandoned by her parents in Britain when her magical powers exploded frightening them at 3/4 years old. Cheng was sent off to Angela King's orphanage (@whatwouldvalerydo oc) by aurors as they didn't know what to do with a child. She caught the attention of Glenn who was in the process of adopting another baby at the time when her emotional outburst caused a magical one. So he adopted Cheng, now by Hetty along with a baby Oscar.
Hetty didn't speak or understand a work of English, so Glenn acquired a tutor who could speak fluent English and Mandarin Chinese to teach her English but also to retain her Chinese heritage. Her father, Glenn bonded with her a lot faster than with her brother, Oscar and pushed her to excel in everything she did.
At Hogwarts, Hetty was sorted into Gryffindor like her father but she was fairly popular and well-liked and was the darling student of the professors. She was the captain of the Gryffindor quidditch team, prefect and head girl however Hetty harboured a big secret from everyone except one which is her deep fascination for the dark arts and how to use it. The only other person she shared this love with is her brother, Oscar.
During the 1920s, Hetty along with Oscar heard and read about Grindelwald and became enarmored by him and his movement so much so that they plotted a plan to leave Britain and join Grindlewald. When Hetty was seventeen, she and Oscar successfully ran away and managed to evade the aurors until they found Grindelwald.
During her time with Grindelwald, she proved herself to be a successful hitwoman and committed gruesome crimes under her birth name. Though by 1937, she became disillusioned and wanted to leave. She reached out to her father for help, but they both knew the severity of her crimes that Hetty was a wanted witch so he bargained out a deal for her with his influence in the Wizengamot. They agreed if she can provide information and be a double agent, then she can have a more lenient sentence. Hetty tried to convince Oscar to change sides but she was betrayed by him instead. Hetty managed to escape and served out a twenty-five year sentence in Azakban and once released, she moved away to Australia where her father Glenn was residing in his retirement.
*Hetty is open as a romantic interest in case someone wants to have an interesting dynamic of opposites sides fall in love or something.
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Oscar Ebenezer Rosewood | Tadhg O'connor
• Born 20/05/1913 • Slytherin • Irish • Blood status unknown • ENTP • Grindelwald's acolyte • FC: Finn Cole •
Oscar was adopted by Glenn after he got into an argument with his own father about getting married and have children to pass on the family name. Glenn decided to skip the marriage part and went straight to adopting a child which ended with two.
Oscar was smart but always was just not as good enough as Hetty in anything. His grandmother was the only person who actually made him feel special. In his opinion, he always thought that his father preferred Hetty over him and thus started feelings of jealousy of both Glenn's attention and Hetty's powers leading to a bitter rivalry into Hogwarts.
Being sorted into Slytherin, Oscar contiuned to work hard to be better than his sister. While he wasn't as well liked as Hetty was, he did garner a level of respect for his commitment to his studies. Though he developed a love for the dark arts which he discovered his sister had too. This finally set aside the years of bitterness of their rivalry and finally brought them together as siblings.
Oscar read a lot about Grindelwald and almost idolized him, thinking he was cool and that wizards should rule over the muggle world. Along with his sister they ran away when he was fourteen and a year later they managed to find and join Grindelwald's movement.
Under Grindelwald, their feud came out again and not in a good way. Oscar became worse and more gruesome in his killing, preferring to drag out by torture magic, mind tricks and even cursing from a distance. Oscar was angry at Hetty's betrayal and when she came back to change his mind, he almost killed her for her act of betrayal. By 1945, at the fall of Grindelwald, he had multiple life sentences but narrowly avoided the demenetor's kiss as a kindness from his father.
What has to be yet determined is that he may have escaped during the second wizarding war or if he put into a stronger facility. If he did escape though it is unknown if he was killed due to his refusal to join Voldermort or if he rearrested again. We do not know...for now...though what is known is that he had a squib child in America who seemingly did not know him but his grandson, and three great grandchildren are back in Britain under the surname Nowak.
* He is not open for romance as his romance is set already.
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bss-babygirl · 2 years
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Hey guys, I’m choosing to open up my requests again, so I’ve compiled some writing prompts y’all can choose from to send in with any wrestler of your choosing from the following list of wrestlers and prompts:
*Note: I can write for other people as well just feel free to ask me. Also, you don’t have to necessarily choose a prompt from this list, I can be anything really, a fanfic, a one shot, anything; don’t be afraid to ask!
Wrestlers I write for:
Adam Cole
AJ Styles
Big E
Buddy Matthews
Butch/Pete Dunne
Damian Priest
Drew McIntyre
Finn Bálor
Flash Morgan Webster
Jey Uso
Jimmy Uso
Joaquin Wilde
Jon Moxley/Dean Ambrose
Jordan Devlin
Keith Lee
Kenny Omega
Kofi Kingston
Malakai Black/Aleister Black
Mark Andrews
Mustafa Ali
Sammy Guevara
Samoa Joe
Seth Rollins
Shawn Spears/Tye Dillinger
Shinsuke Nakamura
Trent Seven
Tyler Bate
Xavier Woods
Writing prompt List:
1. You're jealous aren't you?" "I'm not jealous."
2. "Shhh, come back to bed."
3. "It's ok. I couldn't sleep anyway."
4. “You're adorable when you are sleepy."
5. “You're everything to me."
6. “You're not going to lose me.”
7. “Hear my heartbeat? Just focus on that.”
8. “I promised to love you forever.”
9. “Why do we have to keep hiding? I’m tired of being kept a secret.”
10. “Who said I ever stopped?”
1. “How much of that did you hear?”
2. “Stop pushing everyone away.”
3. “It's better this way.”
4. “Don’t make this harder than it already is.”
5. “It wasn’t your fault.”
6. “Just talk to me please.”
7. “You’ll find your way back to me, I know you will.”
8. “Because I fell for you, isn’t it obvious?”
9. “Because I know when I open my eyes this will all turn out to be a dream and I’ll lose you again.”
10. “Is it worth it? Risking everything just for a chance.”
1. “I could’ve helped.”
2. “All you had to do was ask.” 
3. “Are you just going to stand there and watch, or are you going to come join in?”
4. “My tongue can do more than just talk, you know. Care to find out?”
5. “I love it when you touch yourself while thinking about me.”
6. “No one’s here. we can be as loud as we want.”
7. “You can be rough. I can take it.”
8. “If you called just to get off on my voice, I’m hanging up.”
9. “Say my name.”
10. “I will never get enough of you.” 
Tag List: @1dluver13xx @wwesarahjaneroszko @c-lelo @heyits-liz @meteora-fc @mattjacksons @hisredheadedgoddess28 @queenofthearchitect @queenslayer1985 @writertoo18 @officialbroski10-blog @darktammy @mcreigns-enthusiast @blondekel77 @barnesnreigns @cesarofangirl78 @lilred91 @beautybyfire @pleasantlyshamelesswizard @rebellious-desires @punkgoddess-98 @reigns-5sos @mindofasagittaruis
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sleepy-achilles · 2 years
Would Cena kind of be like a surrogate big brother for Leon and Cassie?
I always put him as a uncle
But fuck yes
I love this idea more. Thank you anon. I was about to goto sleep but this, this is much better. Eh ill make it to bed before 3 who cares?
Sleepy rambles time! Enjoy ,':)
Shawn just adopts cena and taker just goes along with it, thinking nothing of it. And then, well then, they actually have kids and taker hears them calling cena brother and bro and telling others they'll have to ask their big brother. And that's when taker realises his family is a lot bigger than he thought.
He does make sure it's not just a hip thing of a hogan thing and it does take him a few years to actually ask to make sure, partly as he was in denial.
"What do you two view cena as?" Taker asks. "I wish you'd call him John." Shawn sighs before eating more pasta. "Hes our brother. You know this" cassie states. Taker looks at Leon. Leon's answer will be the correct answer. "John?" Leon asks. Taker nods. "John's our big brother. He always has been. Whyd you think he lived here growing up? Is something wrong dad? Is he adopted or something and you don't know how to tell him?" Leon pushes. "Oh god" Taker whispers. "Dont be silly. Dad's just had too many bumps too the head today" Shawn tuts. The man in question strolls in. "Yo yo!" Cena smiles. "Hey champ" Shawn smiles. "How was it? Did you kick ass today?" Cassie asks. "Language and of course. Sorry I'm late Pa" cena smiles as he sits next to Leon. "No problem kid." Shawn brushes off. Taker sits back in shock. "Have I been living in a different universe for the last few years? Has this always been a thing? Am I just stupid? Am I the stupid one? Am I that neglectful I didn't even notice?" Taker asks. John raises an eyebrow. "Hes had one too many hits today. And Leon do not answer any of those questions" Shawn warns. Leon sinks into his chair frowning.
There's also alternative universes where they are not wrestlers and I tend to put cena as shawns actual son or younger brother. Like my single dad Shawn au. John's his son and Leon and cassie come along later if shawn and taker get together. I just like being able to have actual wrestlers and put them as people's son. Like Adam Cole with shawter. (Or shawnter which ever one) he genuinely looks like hunter and shawns love child. Scares the fuck out of me. Or finn as shawn and takers son in the wrestling world (not an au) is one I used to use before Leon and cassie were a thing.
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