#also could write an essay on how fuckin autistic sarah crewe is lmao
felifeltfrog · 4 months
I will never stop talking about how reading A Little Princess as an adult radically awakened a part of me that I thought was long dead; the unapologetic ability to play pretend and to romanticize the smallest things in my life.
It makes the most menial and boring everyday tasks into something worth doing, and frankly? It helps a lot with the executive dysfunction.
Cooking? I am a hobbit preparing a feast!
Cleaning the house? I live in a fairy cottage and I'm doing a huge spring cleaning!
Getting groceries? I am a villager getting ingredients for tonights dinner at the local marketplace!
There's always a scenario you can imagine to make things more interesting, less mundane. And thanks to rereading one of my childhood comfort books I have yet again discovered just how great the power of imagination really is, even for adults.
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