#also chrysi being like ‘gil wren is literally 2 years younger than we were when we fixed the abyss’ and THATS a reality check for gil
chryzure-archive · 2 years
on the topic of chrysigil family, i think that as wren grows up, he and gil clash a bit more. gil’s got his overprotective streak and wren is chrysi’s son—he’s got that solstice gene where he lands into trouble, even if he’s not looking for it. chrysi’s able to ease some of gil’s more mother hen tendencies (“i know wren may have stumbled across one of the hungry dead, but consider that i was napping in graveyards riddled with malevolent ghosts and ghouls when i was his age. he’s being a lot more responsible than me.” “where in god’s name were your parents?” “don’t worry about it.”), but there does come a stretch of time where, after wren leaves the nest (their little bird, off on his own 🤧), he and gil aren’t exactly communicating frequently. things are a little tense between them, after gil got especially mad and scared that wren did something stupid (not as monumentally stupid as some things chrysi has done, but gil tends to forget her stupider moments after the last 122 years have gone by) and he chastised wren. so they’re not talking.
doesn’t help anything when gil looks at his 22 y/o son and still sees the little baby he was. chrysi keeps reminding him, but unlike chrysi, gil’s still taller than wren. his son is still his baby. this also causes fights between wren and gil.
but wren forgets to be mad at his father after gil gets hurt protecting wren from one of those “stupid situations” and :((((( i jst think wren realizing his father cares for him deeply, so so deeply that he almost dies, is important. wren goes back to being that little boy, terrified his dad’s going to die, and he’s worried his mom’s going to lose her husband, and he and gil patch things up.
idk. jst thoughts being had.
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