#also chat fic + tumblr TERRIBLE formatting is hell im sorry
nuclearanomaly · 2 years
12 – Miss the Boat
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Technically a mini follow-up to the Valentione’s Day fic I wrote recently (x)
wc. 530 | Bookshop AU | Chat Fic
Snowy countryside sped past outside the car window. Hilda was content to watch it, lost in thought as she absently tapped along to the beat of the song playing on the radio. Her phone pinged suddenly in the depth of her jacket pocket, cutting through the music. She fished it out, raising an eyebrow as the notification was tagged to the band group chat, and then smirking as she read the message.
> Varlineau I’m moving this conversation here because I swear I’m going to lose my mind and it’s only 11am
Eager to get involved before Estinien has a chance to try and defend himself Hilda tapped out a hasty response.
Oh, what’s he done now? < 
> He took Ninira out for Valentione’s Day and they’re somehow still not dating
> Because it wasn’t a date. We just went to grab some food. 
Seriously Estinien? On Valentione’s Day and everything? <
> People are allowed to hang out on stupid holidays and not celebrate them.
> Varlineau I swear if you don’t ask her out properly I’m going to find someone else to hook her up with. 
Oh, I like this idea! I mean if Estinien isn’t going to do shit the least we could do is find someone who will! <
> Exactly, we’ve done our best! > At this point he’s a lost cause.
> Thanks…
> ….
> Hey Fray, welcome to the intervention
Morning Fray! < Know anyone looking for a very cute girlfriend? < Despite popular belief Nini is very much on the market. <
> hm, no. but i could ask
> ...Really? You too?
> Don’t whine Varlineau, you’re the one that refuses to do anything about all this  > Grow a spine, then we’ll talk
It’s impressive you can even hold up your guitar tbh <
> 😑
> what about your other friend? the one with the blue hair?
Haurchefant? <
> he seems like he’d be dtf with anyone
Hilda, who was in the middle of taking a sip from her coffee, snorted, choked and spat most of the contents back into the cup earning a concerned look from Lucia who sat behind the steering wheel.
“You alright?”
“Fine. Just Fray fucking casually commenting in the band chat that Haurchefant has “down to fuck” energy catching me off guard is all.”
“I mean, he’s not wrong… but do I want to know why this is your band’s morning conversation?”
“We’re discussing new dating options for Ninira. Any suggestions?”
Lucia sighed, “Is Estinien in trouble again?” 
“Just a bit.”  Her phone pinged again.
> While you are not wrong I’m not sure if Ninira is looking for that kind of energy > Varlineau, thoughts?
> I am not talking about this with any of you
> Your loss > But seriously if you don’t do something you’re going to miss your opportunity and then you’ll be sorry 
Aw Ysayle, getting serious already? I wanted to have fun for a bit longer! <
> And if you don’t do something I’m kicking you from the band
Ohh shit!! <
> wtf no you’re not
> Know any bassists, Fray?
> maybe > if i tell rielle she can join the band if she learns bass?
> Perfect! 
> You’re not replacing me with a 12 year old
She’ll have more spine than you do < 
> truth
> I hate all of you.
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