#also bc one of those satellites has its own moon and i dont think a moon can have a moon it would just switch to orbit the bigger planet
doctortonytchopper Β· 1 month
The only theories I've ever heard of Professor Clover's globe are all 100% always about it meaning the one piece planet used to have like 5 or 6 moons, but I've always thought it was an armillary sphere and I think the Gorosei's names support that so I found some pics to explain why I don't think Clover's globe is a reference to lost moons from the distant past.
This is an armillary sphere aka spherical astrolabe
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That's a model of the planetary orbits in our solar system. So that's the irl version of Clover's armillary sphere.
This is the layout of the universe according to Pythagoras
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Pythagoras lived around 400 BCE, before humans changed our minds and decided for a while that the earth was actually flat for some reason, but also before we realized the earth was orbiting the sun, not the other way around. (I know this varies by culture but I'm trying not to get too hellishly wordy and going into those variances would take a lot of words, so just know that I know this is a clumsy and too-broad brush to paint history with)
So if you made Earth into [unknown name of one piece planet] in this diagram, and then made that diagram into an armillary sphere, it would look exactly like Clover's model. Because back when the human species thought the sun orbited the earth, we were also only aware of the 5 planets we were able to observe - namely Saturn, Warcurie, Ju Peter, V. Nasjuro, and Mars.
And a world - our world in 400 BCE, or the one piece world in Clover's time - with that understanding of the universe is the place in which a model with 5-7 satellites (depending on if the sun and/or singular moon were included) with the inhabitants' planet at the center would be most likely to exist!
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