#also JAKE PUNCROMANCER shout out to u specifically bc u once sent me tattoo needles and i still have those tattoos on my body to this day
fuckosexual · 9 months
mmm so hi! been a while since i’ve been active on here, but honestly i dont want to leave this place a dead end when i practically grew up here and i’ve had some of you as mutuals since i was 13 and i’m turning 22 in a month like i’m a full grown baby adult now and some of you knew me during my sad posting years which can i say i’ve gotten a lot better since lol. anyway this is just a little post incase anyone wondered where i went or how i’m doing to say my life has gotten sooo good in the past year honestly, i’m working in the creative/music industry as a live sound engineer and educational support on a industry skills course (which is jokes bc i never even finished school) AND i’m finally leaving god forsaken london and going to uni with an unconditional offer in september to study songwriting (extra extra jokes with the never finished school part). i’ve started learning guitar and production and written a lot of songs. i even started editing videos so like prepare for my influencer song of the summer era (slay). on a sad note lol i was orphanised which was not slay. estranged students get max maintanence loans at least tho which is slay so yay! sooo yeah if anyone is interested i’ve started posting on instagram (cringe) my @ is earthkid69 and Yeah. i guess this is the christmas card bit where i say i hope you all are doing good as well cause like i genuinely care abt the people i’ve connected with on here a lot n it’s really crazy to me how long i’ve known of some of you’s existences at this point lol. love u all xoxo luna/alex cryjerk/fuckosexual
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