#also I may need to write some kim x roxy fanfiction later
shera-dnd · 5 months
As someone who was a nerdy teenage boy in the early 2010s I too suffered irreversible damage to my brain chemistry thanks to the movie Scott Pilgrim vs the World
A movie that resulted in most boys of my generation either wishing they were Scott and going down the incel rabbit hole, or wishing they were Ramona and taking E
You can guess which one I was
This eventually resulted in me also reading the comic trilogy and realizing that WOW Scott Pilgrim fucking sucks
I later found out through reading Seconds that Bryan Lee O'Malley just loves writing utter shithead protagonists and then putting them through hell until they come out better the other side
It's safe to say I enjoyed the comic better. In fact I think the movie was very much made with those incel Scott fans in mind
Now in comes Scott Pilgrim Takes Off! a show made to be the diametric opposite of the movie. A show made for us, the Ramona fans who took E
Y'all this show reads like official Scott Pilgrim AU fanfiction and I mean that in the best way possible
The series takes the focus away from Scott and instead spends its run time humanizing EVERYONE ELSE. Scott may still be the title character, but this isn't his story anymore
This is everyone's story. His friends, the exes, and especially Ramona, who takes the leading role in the show. And everyone has the space to shine, grow and develop
In the comics Scott and Ramona are so far in their own heads that they can't see the world around them properly, and the movie is too busy sucking Scott's dick, but this show brings that world to life
So if you wanna see Ramona go on her own adventure, watch Knives grow past her crush on Scott, and see all the many ways the exes can become better people
I could ramble about every last episode bit by bit, but tbh y'all should experience this on your own
I hadn't expected to love new Scott Pilgrim media in the year of our devil 2023, but here we are I guess
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