#also I HAVE RETURNED TO THIS BLOG!!! Can't say how regular activity here will be but I'm queueing this on thursday to go up on friday
kirisclangen · 1 month
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She/her, 65 moons, cis molly
#Zelda (cat)#<- so it doesn't go in the fandom tags of the game lmao#Loner#honeyclan#<- the save file she's from. I'm gonna say she lives nearest to them#warrior cats oc#warriors oc#kiri’s clangen#clangen#She also doesn't have the chest spot on her sprite but I thought she looked better with it so. Y'know#I made her fur so massive but I need it to be known that the rest of her is massive as well. She's jut very large#also I HAVE RETURNED TO THIS BLOG!!! Can't say how regular activity here will be but I'm queueing this on thursday to go up on friday#and I've got three more finished cats to go up the three days after that. We'll see how many more I draw before the queue runs out#I'm doing hermit-a-day-may over on my main blog and I'm coming up on the end of the schoolyear so I may be mostly swamped until summerish#but I'd like to pick back up with posting these during the summer. I have some ideas for a comic that I'd like to do but I haven't written-#-it out yet becuase I want to get these designs done first and I think I'm about halfway through all the cats I have? across 5 different-#-clans two of which are very large so. Mass extinction events will be on once I start playing moons again!!#anyways sorry for rambling but I'm very proud of my next few designs. I think I've found a good method for doing them quickly. It involves-#-using actual reference images for the poses lmao#EDIT I lied I'm not even close to halfway#I've got 66 out of 181 done meaning I have 115 left#jesus fucking christ ITS FINE it's fine it's just a lot. not a problem though#I can pick up the pace after this next month or two#it's chill
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smoshidiot · 7 months
sorry in advance if this is rambly or doesn't make sense. it's 3am and i just have a stupid amount of love for smosh in my heart rn and i wanted to make a lil appreciation post 💕
first off i wanna say: happy birthday smosh! i can't believe this silly youtube channel is already 18 years old. it's hard to exactly describe how much smosh means to me. i discovered the channel nearly 10 years ago (my anniversary is on the 25th!) and even at the times in my life when i wasn't actively watching smosh, they always had such a special place in my heart. ian and anthony have always been able to make me laugh in a way that other channels have never really been able to, and it has been such an absolute delight to see them working together again.
ever since june 20th my life has really been centered around smosh and it's been amazing. if you told me a year ago that this is what my life would look like i never would've believed you. i am so unbelievably grateful for all of the joy, laughter, and opportunities smosh has brought me since anthony's return. i wanna say how happy i am that smoshblr exists and was so welcoming as soon as i made my blog. i honestly don't know if i would've stuck with smosh so strongly if i didn't have this great community to chat with and rediscover my love of this channel with.
and then of course, smoshblr and my friends here led me to joining the smoshcord which has been my absolute home these past few months. i have made so many incredible friends on that server and i wouldn't trade it for the world. all of the neighbors mean sm to me and i absolutely cannot wait to meet a bunch of them at vidcon 2024. also! i am still so honored that erica from the team over at smosh chose me (as well as a few other amazing ppl!) as a community mod for smoshcord. it feels so amazing to be able to give back to the smosh community, for how much it has given me over the years. and just to be recognized by smosh as a respected member of the community means the absolute world to me.
along those lines, while i'm being sappy i think i'm allowed to be a lil selfish and say ?? holy shit if you told 12 year old me that i would go on to have regular conversations with anthony padilla i would tell you you're absolutely insane. it has been such an absolute wild ride but it's so fucking cool that ian and anthony (ok mostly anthony but i think ian too bc of streams n stuff!) know who i am. i have an insane amount of love in my heart for these boys and it's so nice to interact with them on a slightly more personal level. it still feels like an absolute dream to even see them sit next to each other, let alone sit next to each other while saying my name.
but anyways i just want to say thank you smosh. thank you for all of the love and laughter and hope you have given me. you've shown me that friendship DOES truly always win. i am so fucking proud of these boys for mending their relationship and coming through such a hard time to create something genuinely beautiful.
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anyways i wanna shoutout @smoshmonker @squig-s @yourinterestisnotcringe @lilac-hecox @kubabamia @only-frann for being just so lovely and fun to talk smosh with ♡ i am so grateful i met you all and that smosh brought us together like this! (sorry if there's any other neighborhood friends that i simply forgot the tumblr urls for ilyy)
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endlessdelirium · 4 years
Nothing to see here (or "We can't stop here. This is Bat Country!)
Hello from The Void! How did you get here? Well, I probably liked one of your posts, or I read something you posted that really resonated with me to the point that I broke my silence and actually responded (instead of just lurking like a creepy ghost). Or you're probably like a creepy ghost yourself and saw my username enough times or read one of my comments that made you wonder just who is this moron spouting off all this nonsense? Either way, you thought you'd check out my account and return the favor, or something, I really have no idea why you're here lol.
The thing is, I made this account years ago. I had a couple of irl friends who also had accounts, so I followed them plus a handful of other people from my interests back then. And it was great for awhile, until social media fatigue set in. This was nothing new. There'd be new social media sites that would be trendy for a time, and I'd be curious enough to try it for awhile, until I realize lol I'm not a very social person irl, why would I be better at it online? So I start losing interest until I eventually stop checking in. Even now, I am barely on any social media sites. I keep my Facebook account active because that's pretty much the only way people could get in touch with me if they don't have my number, and I'm on Reddit all the time but I barely post/comment there as well and just mostly lurk (like a creepy, creepy ghost wooohhh. Nah, but seriously, social anxiety is a real bitch!) Other than that, I practically have zero social media presence.
So I'm pretty much done with Tumblr... until Haikyuu dragged me back in. I can't really remember when I entered the fandom, I think I started watching sometime in late 2018 and I've been obsessing ever since. Reading the manga wasn't enough, I wanted more content. The Reddit sub was okay... for awhile. Eventually I wandered back into the wastelands of Twitter and Tumblr, all in my pursuit of extra Haikyuu juice. Yes, there's no point denying it, I'm pretty much an addict at this point. Stop judging me.
The thing is, I'm also incredibly lazy. I didn't see the point of creating new accounts when my old ones are still serviceable. For all intents and purposes, this account is pretty much dead. It's just, sometimes (okay, lots of times) I would scroll through Haikyuu tags and I would find something funny, insightful, pretty, interesting that I just have to like it (or is it hearting something? Sorry, I'm not really well versed in Tumblr lingo anymore) or leave a comment to show my appreciation. Which is all well and good, it's just lately a couple of people have been following my account, which isn't terrible per se, I just find it a bit weird since I haven't posted anything new in years. Really, the only thing I updated was my profile pic, since my account was supposed to be a personal one, and wasn't supposed to be dedicated to just a specific fandom so the pic I originally used was one of my irl head which is just... ick! I don't know what I was thinking. So I changed it because I didn't want to frighten anyone by manifesting my mug in their notifications, and really Hinata's head is infinitely better than my head so it can only be an improvement for my account.
Other than that, I pretty much left everything as is. I didn't have the heart to delete everything. In a way, it's kind of like a time capsule for me, still, I don't really recognize the me who made these posts anymore. I mean, I don't have amnesia or anything. I sorta remember them, but since they were made by a younger version of me, one with different interests and obsessions (I mean still share some of these things with this person, it's just a lot has changed as well, and I've since changed my opinion about some things) there's a sort of detachment as well. Which is why it feels like receiving a jolt of electricity everytime I get a new notification that someone has liked a picture or post. It's like "Huh?", I sort of remember the post, but also not really since it was litterally from years ago made by a younger and more naive me. "Okay, I guess?" is all I can say at the end.
So, what now? I still don't want delete my posts. Even though it kind of weirds me out now, I still like having it as a record. Like "Hey, this was ME! Wasn't I weird? I mean, I'm still weird, but in a slightly different way. Anyway, wasn't I a riot?" I also don't feel like making a new account. I still don't really consider myself active in these parts. I just like scrolling through my tags of interest (like a creepy stalker), liking awesome fan arts, and leaving a comment or two when I couldn't contain myself anymore and I just had to say something. I've also thought about re-blogging things sometimes, but I feel that would tip my account back into a semi-active state, and I don't feel like it just yet. Maybe in the future. For now I kinda like keeping my account as is, as a time capsule when I was still active here.
So, where does that leave you? I still don't really know why you're here, but you're welcome to have a look around. Just remember you're looking at an old account and it would help if you view it like a window to the past. I don't mind if you like anything, just know I only have vague memories of making any of those posts so I can't really discuss any of them now. If you're okay with all of that, then make yourself at home... or not, I'm not the boss of you lol.
Anyway, you're still here? And you read everything? Why? I mean, wow, what a trooper! I gotta reward you with something. You know what, here's a picture of Hinata. Did I draw it? Of course not, don't be silly! I like art, but unfortunately art doesn't like me so I can't draw to save my life. So this here's just regular manga panels of Hinata. But not just any Hinata, it's Third Year Hinata! Why? Why not? I see many itenerations of Hinata on Tumblr including Brazil Hinata, but for some reason I don't see Third Year Hinata get as much love on here. I don't really get it. He is so precious. So here he is!
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Bonus: The Duality of Hinata
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Thanks for stopping by. Have a nice day!
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albusdumbles · 6 years
My Head Canon for Sherlock and Molly is a mixture of what Sir Doyle's stories tell us and the Moftiss version :
After Sherrinford, Sherlock returns to crime solving in 221B as a more mature, humbled man, better attuned to his and others emotions. He now understands and acknowledges the power of emotions and does not actively discount them as he used to before, but accepts them and most importantly respects them.
John and Rosie remain a huge presence in Sherlock's life. John retains his position as Sherlock's best friend and partner in crime solving. John continues to live in 221B for some time but as Rosie grows up and her safety becomes an issue, he shifts to another more homely location, and balances time between Rosie, his clinic and case solving.
The situation is now brought to the one that was canonically established in the Sherlock Holmes books, where in the later stories Dr. Watson would generally come to visit Baker Street and find Sherlock amidst an interesting case or would get a call from Sherlock for help in a certain case. The original stories mostly start off from this point. However since we have Rosie to consider as well I am guessing John's involvement is lesser. In the original books too there were times when Holmes solved entire cases and only then told Watson how they happened or would mostly do the legwork himself. Adhering to that in this version Rosie and the clinic are the factors for John's lesser involvement, though it is only relatively lesser as John really can't stay away that much.
Sherlock's relationship with Molly is however not this simple. It is complex on various levels. After Sherrinford, Sherlock does explain everything to Molly, and it is a moment between them that neither can I describe nor can they both themselves as to give complete justification. What words are exchanged, what is said is between them is not known, but there is an assurance that Molly being Molly does forgive him. She has always seen right through him and even now can see his pain, his remorse, his vulnerability which shines through stating the deep emotional trauma that he has suffered. He doesn't tell her whether he meant that I love you or not. Neither does she mention it again. But John, Mrs Hudson and even Lestrade if ever asked about it will certainly tell you that something had started to change around that point of time. No Sherlock and Molly are however not in a relationship. But when Molly's other friends and colleagues try to set her up with dates, Molly's doesn't really seem interested. They chastise her for not trying and soon give up one by one, though there are some close friends who know the actual reason and don't say anything, merely shake their heads and go away. Once a relative of Molly's asks her that doesn't she want to have children of her own? To which she replies that she already does have a child.
Molly's description of that relative's face on her answer keeps John and Sherlock laughing all night when she tells them. She has come at that time for dinner as she sometimes does with them. Both John and Sherlock look at her fondly as she makes some more bad jokes and plays with Rosie. Eventually though John goes home as its Rosie's bedtime and Sherlock and Molly are left alone. He suggests a walk and she agrees. They walk around in the quiet of the London night, not saying much, but as hands brush and soft smiles are exchanged a lot more is said then words could express.
Life goes on at 221B, John eventually finds another woman, and proceeds to settle down again. His involvement becomes lesser now though and updates from 221B aren't that regular. However one day he gets a shocking message that Mrs. Hudson is very ill. He rushes to Baker Street along with Rosie and his wife. Sherlock looks a bit haggard, and for the first time John's new wife sees some emotion on Sherlock's face. John's always told her that he is a deeply emotional man and while she has not doubted his affection for Rosie, she hasn't seen him anything other than stoic and practical in the time she has known him.
Molly comes in moments later, hand in hand with another man, and Mrs. Watson can swear that this time she can feel a palpable change in the air. A tension that was not there before even with the sadness about Mrs. Hudson's situation has suddenly seeped in.
She may not be perceptive like Sherlock but she knows in the way that Molly and Sherlock avoid looking at each other and how Molly has not paid much attention to her boyfriend while she has been in the house that there is something here.
Later she asks about this to John who says that he himself doesn't understand it much and that they are not what you could call a couple, nor are they exes and he also doesn't know what exactly does Sherlock feel for her.
"He doesn't love like us and I can't always understand him or what he is exactly feeling. But know this, that Molly can, she is vital to him and while Sherlock can deduce the whole world to the T, the only person who can deduce him back is Molly. However Sherlock and Molly are an unsolvable case which I gave up ages ago". The topic is halted as the Watsons go to sleep too tired and drained to try to make sense of what they saw today.
Mrs. Hudson's death follows a few days later from this event and after the funeral the new Mrs. Watson again observes Sherlock and Molly. Again she sees the rare occasion of Sherlock showing emotion and as her heart wrenches a bit for the man who looks like he has lost a long battle, her gaze shifts to Molly who has incidentally come alone and not left Sherlock's side. Her hand on his arm the whole time, him slightly leaning into her as he addresses the guests that have come.
Mrs. Watson files that image away for later analysis. But the evidence and sources for these two people to clearly define whatever is going on between them is so confusing and so rare that soon, she like her husband comes to discover as to why its an 'unsolvable case' and gives up as well, eventually just accepting Sherlock and Molly as they are.
Rosie on the other hand suffers no such problem as her parents and when asked quite happily tells them about her Godfather and Godmother and how they are in fact a couple. She is the Watson who sees and observes; perceptive like her Mother she sees what others miss and hence is the only one not surprised when, a few years later as she is going off to college she hears that Uncle Sherlock who had shifted just last year to Sussex Downs, to pursue his passion for beekeeping has now been joined by Aunt Molly, who has given her resignation from Bart's and sold her flat.
Sherlock and Molly never married. They did not appear to be a couple to anyone and no one apart from Sherlock's closest and nearest circle of people knew about the relationship that they shared.
As Sherlock Holmes became a legend immortalized through Dr. Watson's blogs, now talked about in past tense, no one ever associated the name of Molly Hooper with him. She wasn't ever mentioned in the blogs and not seen with him often enough by the press who came to the conclusion that she was just a colleague. Hence the stories, movies and series that were inspired from it later never acknowledged her.
It only had once come to the attention of Molly, Rosie's grandchild who had scoffed while watching a movie about the great Holmes and his supposed private life thinking that if only they had observed the subtle hints in her great grandfather's old blog and not merely skimmed through, they could have known better about the actual private life of Sherlock Holmes. For though she hadn't ever met Sherlock Holmes, she knew his stories well. Her grandmother had read the blogs to her in her childhood and had filled in a lot of blanks about Holmes life that Dr.John Watson had deliberately left in his writing as a tribute to a certain pathologist. However she had most of all remembered a photo of him which had been in her grandmother's old touchscreen cell phone. Seriously who even used touchscreen anymore?! The photo had been of the said detective smiling down with all the love in his eyes at a woman with brown hair tied in a ponytail, flecks of grey here and there, a wrinkled face but sparkly brown eyes that crinkled as she smiled back at him with her arms around him. Molly had wished that someone looked at her as Sherlock Holmes had once looked at her namesake.
Sherlock and Molly's tale was one which was forgotten through time, kept away from the world; in the beginning by Mycroft Holmes' zealous efforts to keep that part of Sherlock's life well hidden and then eventually through the natural course of fading memory. For Mycroft, the fear of old enemies discovering about Molly and using her in some unscrupulous manner was unacceptable. He had seen how vulnerable a pressure point Molly was to Sherlock and he never wanted to see his brother go through the anguish and pain he had witnessed in the room with the coffin again.
Hence while throughout history Sherlock Holmes' name was taken with a lot of people, primarily with Doctor Watson, his best friend, confidante and blogger; Irene Adler and James Moriarty his rivals and enemies, both great in their own regard; Mrs. Hudson his landlady and not his housekeeper; Lestrade his first colleague and friend and even with Rosie who never stopped boasting about the fact that he was her Godfather, his name was never ever taken with the one person that mattered the most.
Molly Hooper.
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