#also!!! the way his ears and tail are patterned should be familiar hopefully
hyp3rfixation-h3ll · 9 months
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THIS is a certified HOOD CLASSIC
im starting to slowly fixate on ghostly adventures again , so i figured while im ahead of the curve to post the (hopefully) DEFINITIVE rendition of my Sunny! due to there being no canon last name for her canonically, i've decided she gets to keep the "Suprema" surname-- Zac actually inherits it instead when they get married!! (yes this means Pacster's name is Pac Suprema) He also serves as one of my primary sonas, sunny as a character means a lot to my identity and who i am as a person teehee
I have like. years worth of lore for this guy i really need to elaborate on, i'll see if i can get a friend to help me with it since our universe is collaborative o3o
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bunnimew · 3 years
Fandom: Rise of the Guardians Relationship: Jack Frost/Pitch Black Also featuring: Jamie Bennett Tags: Mermaid AU, Sea Stars, MerMay, Idiots in Love, Fluff without Plot, Modern Mer AU istg, Pitch is a literal drama king, Jack likes rocks Rating: T Words: 2349 Summary: Pitch finally proposed to Jack, but it's not just his fiancé on Jack's mind.
He's absolutely smitten with his engagement gift, too.
For RotG Mermay 2021 prompt Sea Star On AO3 Here.
Jack carefully brushed away the sand and sea life that had settled over the cold, hardened lava. Small pieces of rock broke away in his calloused hands, and he tossed them into the bottom of the sled, because why waste material? But he was here for the bigger pieces. The biggest, if Jamie and he could lift them.
This flow stretched forever. There would be plenty of rock to drag back and Jamie already had, like, thirty hands cleared. Jack was totally slacking. It wasn’t his fault, though! Jamie didn’t have a little guy to look out for the way Jack did, now.
Jack admired the beautiful little sea star wrapped securely around his arm. The tight little warmth was already so comforting and familiar. Jack couldn’t imagine going back to—
“Jack!” Jamie cried from across the lava flow. Jack looked up just in time to see him roll his eyes and flick his tail irritably. “You’re not even on the rock anymore! You’re just clouding up the water, you idiot!”
Okay, yes, Jack was doing that. His brush wasn’t anywhere near the lava. His bad. Jack shook himself and swam back to where he had meant to be working. “Sorry, I just—”
Jamie snorted and didn’t let him finish. “I know! You were distracted by your brand new sea star! I get it!” Jamie laughed. “But seriously, I want to go home tonight, so if you could focus for like ten more minutes, that would be great.”
Yeah, okay, Jack could do ten minutes. He could promise no more than that. “Alright, alright. Let’s get this done,” Jack said with a grin born of Jamie’s good humor. His smile gentled into a smitten upturn of lips when he leaned down to poke and prod at his passenger. “C’mon, little guy. I’m gonna need you to move so I can go faster.” Jack slowly and carefully peeled each of his little arms away until it was easy to move him from Jack’s arm to his back, just over one shoulder where he would be safely out of the way.
“I really do get it,” Jamie said. He was looking down at his work, but obviously talking to Jack. “I want one, too. It’s really cool that you and Pitch…”
Jack bit his lip and tried not to grin too hard or let his fluttering fins give him away. He loved talking about it, but he had sort of already talked Jamie’s ear off and it was actually kind of cool that Jamie had something to say about it now. So Jack was going to try really hard not to talk over him, and let Jamie have his say. About Jack’s thing. That just happened to him.
“I mean,” Jamie laughed, “I’m not sure how I feel about you and the word, ‘Commitment,’ but try anything once, right?”
Jack laughed with him. He had a point. “Hopefully once is all I need. That’s the idea, right? Hey,” Jack asked with a gesture at the rock beneath them, “How much of this do you think we can take at once?”
Jamie shrugged. “I’m willing to go for all of it if you’re willing to go for all of it.”
“We will never lift all of it.”
Jamie put his hands on his scaled hips. “Not with that attitude we won’t.”
They did not lift all of it.
But they gave it a good try. The important part was the sled was full, their job was done for the day, and Jack’s sea star was safely and happily back on his forearm where he could admire it the whole way home.
It was the sound of Jamie’s amused snort that made Jack finally look up. Pitch was there, looking regal as ever with his huge flowy fins and a tail that went on forever, hovering by their fancy little fanbike holding a bag of takeout. Yeah, they were acting like a disgustingly smitten pair of seahorses. Jamie’s attitude was completely warranted.
Jamie nudged Jack’s shoulder. “I’ll push this the rest of the way to the shop,” he offered. “You go home with your mer.”
Jack nudged him back. “Don’t be stupid; this thing is heavy. I can make it the rest of the way. Pitch can wait five minutes.”
It was Jack who could barely wait the five minutes, and everyone knew it. As soon as the sled was settled in its cradle, Jack was off with a parting, “Have a nice night!” a return, “See you tomorrow!” and Jamie was laughing the whole time.
Pitch also definitely had laughter in his eyes, even if he was keeping it mostly inside. He handed the bag of takeout to Jack with a kiss then put both hands on the fanbike handles. “I thought we’d skip cooking tonight. Ready to go?”
Jack was ready to investigate the bag in his hands, but he’d only gotten the corner unrolled when Pitch asked. Fine, okay, he could wait until they were home. It wasn’t like he could eat it on the way, anyway. “Sure. Take me home, Riptide.” He wrapped both arms around Pitch’s waist, one hand full of delicious takeout, and rested his cheek against Pitch’s spine.
With the flip of a switch, the little bike panels opened and the fan was exposed. It always took a little fiddling to get the fan going, but then the water was passing easily through and propelling them effortlessly toward home.
Jack closed his eyes against the oncoming water and enjoyed the feeling of holding on to Pitch, of his little sea star clinging to his arm, of the warmth between them compared to the cold flow of the ocean. Jack loved the cold. But he loved Pitch more.
Their home wasn’t as big as it could be. Pitch was horribly dramatic (Which was a good thing; it’s how he got paid) and wanted some huge cavernous maze of a house, but when Jack pointed out that someone would have to keep the thing clean, he folded to Jack’s much more sensible idea of a reasonable home with plenty of room around it for a coral garden and fancy toys like the fanbike.
Pitch still got his wish of a horribly dramatic house, with different rocks used in geometric patterns all up the sides. It sure showed off how much money famous actors made compared to someone like Jack, and Jack secretly suspected that was all Pitch really wanted, anyway. The show-off.
If Jack didn’t find his posturing adorable, they would have a serious problem.
As it stood, the reminder of their stark walls and clearly custom everything (Except the one cheap dolphin Jack stuck in the coral because he thought it was cute and Pitch couldn’t stop him) just made him smile and bury his face deeper into Pitch’s back. His fiance was a ridiculous man and Jack absolutely loved him, drama and all.
Pitch spun in his arms to wrap one around Jack’s shoulders, effectively locking them in an embrace. He lifted Jack’s arm to bring the little sea star closer to his face and, hilariously, began to coo at it. “How’s the little guy been today? Behaving? Happy? Did you feed them?”
Jack wanted to laugh, only he’d been the same way all day. No wonder Jamie was fed up with him. Not wanting to get stuck outside fawning over their baby for the next four hours, Jack tugged them along toward the house. “I just fed them yesterday. But yes, they were an absolute darling. Stayed wherever I put them and didn’t bother me one bit.”
“Aww,” Pitch cooed some more. He gently ran his fingers over the little legs and Jack was one-hundred percent certain that if he was not guiding them through the door, Pitch would have swam right into the wall for all the attention he was paying. As it was, his hair brushed the top of the doorway and Jack grimaced. That was close.
When Pitch nearly smacked into a side table, Jack rolled his eyes. “Maybe you should wear them for a day. Get some quality time in so you don’t lose your mind as soon as I’m home.”
Pitch woke up enough to scoff. “That defeats the purpose, Jack. It’s your engagement gift.” Suddenly a light lit up in Pitch’s eyes. “But you could always get another one for—”
“Pitch!” Jack interrupted with a laugh. “We’ve barely had this one for, what, three days? Let’s get good at caring for it before we double our commitment.”
Pitch’s expression failed to dim. “I love that you want to care for it. I love that you want to get good at it. I would gladly double our commitment if that’s what it takes—”
Jack pressed his hand over Pitch’s mouth to stop the rambling waterfall of dramatic confessions, then pressed his lips to the back of his hand in a mockery of a kiss. “I love you, too. I’d love it if you’d wear a sea star for me. But I’m also very hungry and you promised me takeout. It’s time to show your love by feeding me.”
Pitch blinked in shock, and slowly held up the bag of takeout.
Jack smiled. “Thank you, Cuddlefish.”
Pitch had them set up on the lounge and the food dished out in record time. The mer moved fast when he was motivated, and showing Jack how much he loved him was a goal Pitch strived for like he had something to prove. He didn’t, of course, but reassurance never seemed to reassure Pitch for very long.
Maybe a sea star of his own finally would.
Jack placed his sea star on his chest while he ate, where they would be safe from Jack rolling onto his back. Pitch neglected his dinner in favor of petting the tiny legs again, and petting Jack’s skin beyond them. “It looks fantastic on you.”
Jack smiled. He felt like he was glowing. “You picked a really good one. I love it.”
Pitch leaned down to press his lips to Jack’s shoulder. “I love you.”
Jack took hold of Pitch’s chin and pulled him into a kiss. “I love you, too. Eat your dinner.”
Pitch pouted at him.
“I love you,” Jack said, petting Pitch’s hair. “Therefore I want to feed you. Eat your dinner.”
Pitch gave a dramatic sigh, but obligingly shoved some food in his mouth. Jack grinned.
Honestly, it was hard not to talk and pet and preen when they were together right now. The guppy love was unbearably strong and with Jack’s meal already eaten, he found himself doing nothing more than gazing adoringly at his fiance while petting the symbol of their engagement. They were hopeless. How had Jamie not punched him, already? Jamie was a saint.
Pitch definitely noticed Jack’s stare. Thankfully, they were long past the point in their relationship where eating was embarrassing. Nope, the only embarrassed one here was Jack, for getting caught being stupid and helplessly in love, again.
If anything, Pitch enjoyed the attention. He always enjoyed attention; how else could he be a famous actor and not go mad with it? He was licking his fingers, and Jack wasn’t even sure Pitch had gotten anything on them, when the silence between them broke.
“My agent wants you to sit for an interview.”
Jack blinked. “Say what?” He’d been watching Pitch’s fingers and not listening.
Pitch laughed and snuggled down beside him. “You’re the new fiance of Riftland’s most prominent actor. Everyone wants to hear from you.”
“Except Jamie,” Jack muttered.
“My agent thinks it would be a good idea to cash in on the interest. And they’re my agent, so you know they won’t publish anything untoward.”
Jack’s lips pulled into a smirk. “Say ‘untoward’ again, slower this time.”
Pitch swatted Jack’s shoulder, careful of his beautiful sea star. “You’re horrible. Tell me you’ll do the interview.”
“Of course I’ll do the interview.” Jack swatted Pitch back. Just to keep them even. “I love talking about you. And me. And this wonderful little sea star I now have.”
Pitch’s smile lit the room. Jack felt pride that he put it there. Neptune, they were hopeless.
“Just let me know when,” Pitch said. “They were thinking sooner rather than later, but I know you have a real job to do.”
Jack snorted a laugh. It was a running joke between them, that Jack was the only working adult between them. Some days it really seemed to be true.
“I’ll ask Jamie about starting early tomorrow. He’ll probably be glad to be rid of me!”
Pitch slid an arm over Jack’s waist. “Nonsense. Jamie adores you.”
“He adores me when I can think about something other than you.”
Pitch’s grin said everything he didn’t. Jack shoved his hand in Pitch’s face to make that stupid, silly look go away so Jack could breathe again. Fuck, they were so in love.
They were so in love.
“I know we only just got home, but,” Jack tentatively began, twirling a finger in a lock of Pitch’s soft hair, “I think it’s time for bed. How about you?”
In place of an answer, Pitch pressed his face into the crook of Jack’s neck and did something with his tongue that made Jack’s tail squirm.
He clutched at Pitch’s shoulders and tilted his head back in bliss. “I’m glad you agree, but you seem to have already forgotten the bed part.”
Pitch swept Jack off the lounge and swirled them through the water of their home. “You must forgive me, Jack,” he said with a playful leer, “I thought ‘bed’ was a metaphor for something else.”
Jack laughed and wrapped his arms tighter around Pitch. “You’re the melodramatic artist, Tigershark. I just collect rocks for a living. When I say bed, I mean bed.”
Pitch halted abruptly on the threshold to their room and raised both eyebrows in interest. “Can we have both?”
Jack made him wait a handful of seconds, just to make him want it.
Then shrugged. “Yeah, sure.”
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almond-lebkuchen · 4 years
A New Kind of King
A continuation to my Ikevamp pet fic series, Part Two featuring Puck, Brush, and King. (2500 words).
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Brush adored sunflowers. There was something special about them that caused him to scurry over to it whenever he spotted some. Perhaps it was the fragrant, sunshine smell around them. Maybe it was the way its bright colors seemed to light up the area around them. Or maybe it was the sweet taste, the perfect snack to munch on during lazy summer days. In any case, he would spend his afternoons among the flowers that littered the mansion gardens without a care in the world. His friend Vincent often liked to come here as well, with his sticks, his colorful smelly liquids, and large wooden boards. Brush would join him whoever he did, ambling over while Vincent set up his work. 
Brush wasn't entirely sure what he did, but he liked watching him do…whatever it was. It was all rather entertaining if he did say so himself. He would lazily look on as Vincent would take one of his many sticks and dip them into different liquids, smearing them all over the white board. Different colors merged together into a mirage of patterns and shapes, all swirling together like an iridescent river. Time would pass by, and he would still be there, marking away at the board with his sticks. Sometimes his friend seemed happy with what he made, other times he seemed discontent. Brush hoped that today was the former.
This morning as usual, Vincent came over to the gardens, and Brush was there to meet him. He gave an affectionate headbutt to his friend as a greeting, and received a gentle scratch atop his head in return. Rubbing his paws, he sat down at his usual spot next to him, while Vincent hummed away as he set up his wooden items. Soon enough, their usual daily routine began peacefully. 
After a long while of watching him, Brush grew bored, and decided to take a nap, flopping onto his stomach into a more comfortable position. He knew that Vincent would be there a while, so he settled in for a pleasant sleep. Before long he was dreaming about fish and chasing birds, the morning sun shining down on him peacefully. 
Brush woke up just as Vincent started putting his things away. Just in time for his favorite part. At the very end, Vincent would dump all of the sticks into the water bucket to clean them. Brush loved this part of Vincent's schedule, and would amble over to him to help wash them. He would dip his paws into the cool water, splashing happily away, until the sticks were scrubbed spotless. 
Brush often wondered why Vincent would bother dirtying the sticks in the first place only to wash them later. He didn't understand a lot of things his friend did, but he enjoyed doing them together with him. Grabbing a particularly thick stick from the water bucket, he started waving it about energetically, droplets of dirty water pelting the two of them. Vincent started smiling, cooing gentle gibberish to him. Brush chittered animatedly in response, pleased with himself in succeeding in making his friend smile. He was always happy when he did, as Vincent's smile reminded him of his favorite flower, just as bright and sunshiny as the yellow bloom. 
Vincent wasn't his only friend. Recently he had taken a liking to a bunny he came across one sunny afternoon around the gardens as well. His name was Puck, and while he had a rather big personality, Brush enjoyed wandering around the mansion with him. Puck knew exactly how to receive the right kind of attention from people for whatever they needed and had a natural aptitude for finding the most comfortable spots to laze around. In return, Brush would show him around the mansion and teach him where the fridge was. All in all, they made a good team.
Unfortunately, he didn't come often, so Brush had to make the most of the short time that he did. Each visit was an adventure to savor. Brush also liked how Puck's fur was soft, like velvet. Occasionally he would run his paws over him, which would make his long ears twitch. Brush longed to be able to grab and play with them, but Puck did not take kindly to being raccoon handled, even if he allowed Brush to pet him. He hoped with time that would change. 
Maybe even sooner than he thought. That afternoon, as he wandered onto the mansion grounds, he was pleasantly surprised to spot his friend being carried under the arm of his owner who was making his way to the mansion. Excited, he quickly followed them inside, close behind the heels of the person. Already his mind was racing with what they could play today. As always, Puck was ceremoniously placed in a box on the dining room table. Once the man left, Brush raced over chattering with excitement. Puck didn't keep him waiting, hopping out of his container to greet his friend. Nose twitching, he gave a few welcoming zooms around Brush before settling down in front of him.
From the moment Puck found out he was going to visit the Mansion, he already had a plan of what he wanted to do first, and for it, he required the help of Brush. His owner had recently given Vincent a fresh bouquet of sunflowers, a fact that did not sit well for Puck. A favorite treat of his being given away right in front of his eyes. So today he was determined to sneak into his room to snack on the flowers, hopefully with Brush as his accomplice. 
As for Brush himself, he was down for anything with his friend. Even if he didn't quite understand what Puck's whole plan was, he was more than interested in the part about the sunflowers. So with much enthusiasm, he gladly followed Puck onwards. 
 A little while later, the two of them finally arrived at their destination: Vincent's room. The door was already slightly ajar to their relief, allowing for easy access inside. Looking back however, that should have been their first clue that something was wrong. The second clue was a foreign stink permeating the room, still very fresh. Puck stood up on his hind legs, whiffing at the air curiously. It wasn't a familiar scent to him, but as soon as he laid his eyes on the sunflower bouquet lying on top of the couch, his curiosity was long forgotten. Heed tossed to the wind, he nyoomed towards them, tailing wiggling. But his intent on jumping onto the couch was interrupted by the sound of barking behind him, followed by a squeak. Skittering to a halt, Puck turned to see a large, yellow dog looming over his friend. Time seemed to freeze as they made eye contact. 
In this situation, Puck did the only thing he could. He ran. Out of the room, together with his friend. Behind him, he could hear the patter of paws on the ground as it gave chase after the two of them down the hallways. Scared stiff, Puck quickly turned into a nearby room where he dived under the nearest furniture. He sat there nervously, left only to bemoan his situation. He heard no signs of being followed, which meant that it must have gone to chase after Brush instead, a fact that didn't make him feel any better. Puck closed his eyes despairingly. 
Today was supposed to be perfect for Puck. Will had decided to bring him to the Mansion today for a visit, where he would be surrounded by adoring fans who would fawn on him and feed delicious treats to him. He was going to have an entire day to laze about idly and meet with Brush. Things couldn't have gone more wrong. Instead here he was, hidden under an armchair, awaiting his fate. 
Never did he expect to spend today being chased around by a giant dog, eager to do God knows what to him. Bite him? Toss him around like a toy? Or… Eat him? Would someone as tiny as him even be a good meal for it? No! He cried internally. He refused to believe it. He was simply just too adorable to become food for some pup. Puck could almost cry. What had he done to deserve this? The world was just too cruel to someone as fluffy and loveable as himself. He started to quiver, huddling in closer to himself. 
Now, now, this simply won't do. He told himself. Panicking wouldn't solve anything, and besides, stress was bad for his specially maintained fur. Besides, as grudging as he was to admit it, it was his fault they got into this mess in the first place, and he didn't want to leave his only friend to the wolves. Literally, in this case. 
Twitching his ears cautiously, he strained to hear for any movement. Detecting none, he slowly eased from underneath his safe spot. After a quick glance around to see if it was around, he scampered forward, zooming towards the room's exit and towards where he last saw Brush. He paid no heed to the surprised sounds of the few people he came across in the hallway, avoiding them with ease, using his nose as a guide to search for his friend. He didn’t have to go far before the trail abruptly ended at a empty room.
There! He caught sight of Brush, poorly hidden under a rug, with only his bushy tail sticking out. Poor Brush had tried his best to find a tunnel-like location to hide, but it was all too glaringly obvious what lay under the lump in the fabric. In another scenario, Puck would have found it amusing. But not now. Not when there was a vicious hound on the loose ready to make mincemeat out of the two of them. 
Just when he prepared himself to race over there, the very dog he spent running away from lumbered into view. Mouth open and drooling, he sniffed the air twice before heading straight towards the Brush shaped bulge. 
Puck froze in horror. This was it, the tragic untimely death of his poor food finder. He was too late to be the hero and save him. He should leave now, and let Brush serve as a necessary sacrifice for his escape. Maybe that's what he should do. That's what anyone would have done. But as he watched the dog get ever closer, Puck realized that he couldn't just let his friend die, at least not alone. So before he could stop himself, he ran in and jumped right in front of him. He quivered in fright, yet he stood his ground. This was it. The end. Puck closed his eyes, bracing himself for the end of his once perfect life, waiting for the jaws to snap him up. 
It never came. Instead, something hot and wet brushed over his face. Puck opened his eyes. Instead of the carnage he expected, the dog was repeatedly licking at him, its drool being slathered upon his once pristine fur. 
What on earth was he doing? He was glad he wasn't being eaten currently, but he didn't like this unexpected new behavior one bit. But he stood still as several more enthusiastic slurps brushed over him.  
    Meanwhile King was having the time of his life. He met a bunny for the first time along with some kind of weird cat creature. He spent the entire day chasing them around, and he was sure he made some new friends now. And now here he was, curled around his new friend, administering his affections upon it. Today was the best. He hadn't had such fun since that time he played with the water hose. 
Meanwhile, Puck was completely dumbfounded. All along, was this just a…misunderstanding? This giant, yellow, fluffy hound was harmless? Were both of them in fact, never in any danger at all? Brush, looking on at the two of them, seemed to come to the same conclusion as he came out from under his hiding spot. He crept closer to the pup, and was promptly rewarded with it turning its attention towards him, licking Brush with just as much enthusiasm as it did with Puck. Brush responded by nuzzling the creature back, occasionally patting him haphazardly with his paws. 
Puck looked onwards at this display with disbelief. It really did look like it was harmless. Puck reflected back on the day, suddenly realizing for a start that he might not have been in any danger the whole time. It seemed like the pup just wanted to play. Deep down Puck supposed he did receive a kind of enjoyment in a way, with him running around everywhere. The exhilaration of it all was nothing like he'd ever experienced, not in his whole life of lazing around and being richly spoiled, even if the entire time was him being frightened out of his mind. However, he supposed since Brush seemed to be taking a liking to this new animal, it wouldn't hurt for him to make a connection with him as well. So he begrudgingly inched closer to learn more about this fuzzy new animal. However, he couldn’t help but grumble when he was licked again, his fur getting matted with its drool. He would definitely require a nice bath later that night.
A few hours later…. 
Now where could have King gone? Theo wondered to himself. 
Stepping outside on the mansion grounds, he strode over to the shady gazebo King often liked to hang around. He gave a rare smile when he found him there, curled up inside. King, on sensing approaching footsteps, perked up, his tail thumping up and down upon seeing his master. Theo knew no one was around at the moment, so he took the opportunity to kneel down at his beloved pet, reaching over to scratch at his ears, cooing at him affectionately. 
"Mijn wereld, such a braaf Hond. Hmm? Wait, what have you got there? Come here, laat me het zien." 
Upon spotting something nestled under his paws, he bent down to examine the wiggling object. 
"Is that…Shakespeare's rabbit? King, where on earth did you snatch him from? What did we talk about picking up trash?" 
With a critical frown, he scooped up the exhausted Puck from King's furry grasp. Realizing he was being rescued, Puck gratefully snuggled closer to his savior, completely exhausted from dealing with King. He didn't even mind that he was being picked up by someone other than his owner this time. He gave a tired yawn, feeling rather safe in this new man's arms. 
Theo's mouth involuntarily twitched at its cute behavior. As much as he hated Will, he had to admit that konijn of his was rather cute. He gently brushed his thumb over the rabbit's body, feeling its silky soft fur. 
Shakespeare was probably looking at him at this moment, he realized. A devilish smirk appeared on his face at the thought. At the very least he reasoned, it wouldn't be terrible to have Will owe him a favor. With this in mind, he hummed contentedly as he set off to find his rightful owner. 
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vln-vibes · 4 years
Week One Day Seven for Maribat March
“Hello, I’m Tikki-”
“Goddess of Creation and Fortune, it is an honor.” Marinette found herself bowing at the small kwami.
“You know who I am?” Tikki asked confused at the small human child before her, she had to be no older than thirteen, with awe and honor in her bluebell eyes. She seemed vaguely familiar but the small goddess could not place her metaphorical finger as to why.
“Yes, my mother and grandmother have told me countless stories of you and your past wielders” Marinette said enthusiastically, “It has been centuries, but Queen Hippolyta still holds you in the highest regards.”
“Hippolyta? But I thought she𑁋” the small Kwami was confused, there was no way Hippolyta should be alive unless…
“She is Queen of the Amazons on the island of Themyscira, she doesn’t tend to leave the island but Mother and I go visit every so often.” Marinette clarified for the kwami, still she was confused as to why the Ladybug’s Earrings ended up in her bedroom. A loud crash outside her window answered her question; a stone beast was stomping across the street, yelling something along the line of Kim… It couldn’t be her friend, could it?
“Marinette Astraea Prince, you have been chosen by the Guardian of the Miraculous and myself to wield the power of the Ladybug. Do you accept the duty of protecting the world against evil and retrieving the Butterfly Miraculous, which has gotten into the hands of dark forces.”
“I accept, Kwami of Creation and Fortune, Tikki.”
“Great! Now I’m sure you know how to activate my powers?” Tikki asked curiously as Marinette nodded enthusiastically, the Ladybug earrings now looking like simple round black onyx earrings rather than its normal red with black spots.
“Of course, they were always my favorite stories as a child. Tikki, spots on!”
“I’m guessing you’re my new partner?” She looked to see the new Black Cat, hoping things would go better than what had happened with Hercules. She had been running on the rooftops, something familiar to her, when they had quite literally bumped into each other, the boy nearly falling off before she was able to hold him up with her new yo-yo.
His outfit reminded her vaguely of the Gotham rogue and Batfamily member Catwoman; which she still needed to finish Selina’s dress now that she thought about it, his leather, though not as shiny, did not leave much up to imagination; he was clearly built but not terribly muscular like the women back in her motherland.The silver accents did help brighten up the color scheme a bit along with his green eyes, his leather cat ears and belt tail were adorable if she was being honest. Her grandmother had explained that the outfits were made subconsciously though always maintained its animal theme.
“That’s right. I am Ladybug, who may you be?” She stated confidently, reminding her of all the diplomacy lessons and whenever she’d go out as Wonder Girl. Her own outfit, which she had only glimpsed at briefly before leaping out of her window, was significantly more colorful by comparison. Its base was a black spandex with a ladybug patterned unitard on top, she also had red knee pads and ladybug patterned boots that fell underneath them, along with over the elbow fingerless gloves. Her outfit was complete with a pinned red translucent cape in the shape of ladybug wings, she wondered if she’d be able to fly with them. Her hair was placed in a high ponytail, and her midnight black hair fading into scarlet red by the tips while her framed by a domino mask and red lipstick.
“Nice name, you can call me Chat Noir.'' The new Black Cat bowed to her in an overzealous courtesy.
“Well then, Chat Noir, we have a city to save.”
Diana Prince was walking home from her work at the Louvre, wondering what she should make for dinner with her daughter. 
Then the shaking began.
She looked up, turning to see a stone monster jump into the Dupont sports stadium followed by the screams of children.
Using her superspeed, she quickly changed into her armor before following after it. As she landed on the open ceiling she could see the monster stand above her daughter’s friend, Kim Le Chien. Before Wonder Woman could interfere, a silver staff extended between them; a person wearing a black leather suit with cat ears arriving soon after.
“Hey, it's not nice picking on people that are smaller than you.”
A soft thump landed beside her, Wonder Woman only caught a glimpse of red before the figure jumped off, throwing a roped item item towards the monster as they landed.
“Animal cruelty, how shameful!” 
A new Ladybug and Black Cat have been chosen.
Diana decided to stay back and see what the new chosen would do, prepared to step in should they need assistance.
The two seemed to talk before the Black Cat activated Cataclysm, Diana found herself reaching out just when the Ladybug did too, both watching in remorse as he used it to disintegrate the soccer goal. He tried to run towards the stone being pulled by the tail, the Ladybug gesturing something and shaking her head. She took out the iconic yo-yo, raising it towards the air and calling for her Lucky Charm. A watersuit dropped into her waiting hands.
The scarlet hero looked around before she began tying the ends of the watersuit, fastening a hose towards one end. Quickly she wrapped her yo-yo on her partner, twirling him around before throwing him towards the stone being with a practiced ease.
“Trust me!”
She jumped into the air, running along with the hose and watersuit, both her and the black cat becoming trapped in the fists of the stone monster, a small object falling from its fist. Diana was ready to make a move when the Ladybug yelled out,
“Reporter, the tap!”
Wonder Woman turned to see a teenage girl run towards the tap where the hose was attached, phone at hand most likely recording the events going down in a hurry. Soon the stone being released ladybug and the now filled up water suit. The Ladybug ran towards the discarded item, stepping on it before it released a black and purple butterfly.
“That’s enough trouble for today, time to purify!” she opened her yo-yo, twirling it around and capturing the butterfly within it. She released the now white butterfly with a small wave, “Bye-bye little butterfly.”
They looked to see the stone being transformed back into a husky teenage boy, a schoolmate of Marinette’s if she was correct. He looked confused as to why he was there, the hero duo walking up to him. They seemed to speak with him, hopefully consolation, Diana thought, before the Ladybug handed him a crumpled up piece of paper with a smile. The scarlet hero then grabbed the watersuit, throwing it in the air. “Miraculous Ladybug!”
Diana looked on in awe as the swarm of ladybugs flew around the air, fixing the goal and any other damages made during the incident. 
“Woah, that was awesome!” The teenager from earlier began to cheer, “Uncanny, amazing, spectacular! How did you get your powers? Will you be staying permanently? What should we call you?”
“You can call me Ladybug.”
“And I’m Chat Noir!”
“We have to go, but rest assured that we will be around for as long as you need us.”
The duo made their way out towards the open rooftop on her opposite side. Diana followed behind them as discreetly as she could, wanting to speak to them personally. She caught up to them a few buildings down the road, where they wouldn’t be seen by onlookers, and the duo were about to part ways before Ladybug turned towards her with a nervous smile.
“Hello Wonder Woman.” Ladybug stood with her back straight while Chat Noir had the same look of awe most people did the first time they met her in real life, strangely Ladybug gave her a look of familiarity.
“What did you think of our first outing?”
Diana looked between the two, the magic only let her theorize that they were young to early adults, she had the sensation that she had seen the two before, more strongly with Ladybug, but her mother had explained that the Miraculous magic cloaked the identities of the users even without masks, unless they informed others. 
The two looked different kinds of nervous: Chat Noir was visibly twisting his fingers and even kicking his foot, not even making eye contact with her; was she really so imposing or was this perhaps how he usually reacted towards adults or those in authority? Ladybug, while standing straight and looking at her in the eyes like a warrior, her eyes still visibly showed her nervousness.
“You have both performed admirably for your first day on the job. I can already see the great potential you both have. However, training is still needed in order to learn your abilities and  limitations, something we best learn before your next battle.” The two seemed to preen at her compliments, so perhaps leaning more on the young in adult. The beeping coming from the Miraculous becoming more urgent in Chat Noir, breaking the little moment as he grew flustered.
“Looks like this cat has to skedaddle. It was great meeting you Wonder Woman!” Chat Noir shook her hand before bowing towards Ladybug, “Until next time Ladybug.” He ran towards the opposite way they’d been heading using his staff to leap across the city until they could no longer see him. Ladybug stood straight next to her, not making a move to run off even as her fourth spot was fading.
“Are you not leaving for your own home, Ladybug?” she asked curiously, she was sure they’d have to keep identities a secret and hoped Ladybug didn’t just automatically trust her for being a well known hero. She was honored but even still Ladybug should be more precocious.
“It would be strange for me to head home a different way from you. I think grandmother will be pleased with this development.” Almost like a splash of water hitting her face, Diana soon realized why Ladybug had looked so familiar.
“My Star?” She softly asked, placing her hand on Ladybug’s cheek, her little girl nudging into it before erupting into a nervous smile, much like the one her mother described she would have as child.
“Hello mother.”
@tired-yeetling​ @bamagirl513​ @thequestionablyhuman​ @satans-favorite-homo​ @officiallyathiana​ @moonshoon​ @chez-pezeater​ @vixen-uchiha​ @mystery-5-5​ @eliza-bich​ @schrodingers25​ @zerotosiki​ @driftingmoonlitpetals
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Avoiding Death is my Specialty
Hi guys! So the blog @incorrectfairytailquotesx on Tumblr has inspired a number of one shots from me. This is one that came to me from a quote they posted from the Percy Jackson series. I’m not too happy with the ending and may post an edited version, but for now, enjoy! :)
5/6/20 update- was going through old stories and wanted to update this one.  Can be read separately, or as a prequel to ‘Flowers’ and then ‘Starry Date’. Will also be posted on ff.net
If you like it please share or leave a comment, constructive criticism welcome :)
“Avoiding death is my specialty.”
Natsu Dragneel(Percy Jackson)
“Come onn, Natsu,” I groaned, pulling the pink haired boy by the rest of the way off of the train. He collapsed onto the ground and I huffed, crossing my arms. “This is our first S-class mission. Well, officially. We can’t be late!” I said anxiously.
“Relax, Lucy” the puddle that was Natsu groaned. “The guy doesn’t live that far away,” he said before finally starting to push himself off of the ground. “And besides–when have we ever been on time?” He said, his attempt to grin cheekily at me ruined by the still green tint on his cheeks.  I rolled my eyes before letting out a calming breath.  Natsu was right about him not living too far away, at least.
“Aye!” Happy cried, flying around our heads. He stopped and clung onto me, “please can we eat first!? I haven’t eaten since breakfast!” He pleaded.
I glanced quickly at my watch, we did still have a little less than an hour before we needed to be at the requester’s house.  “Yess,” I groaned.  “Quickly, though, go fly ahead and find somewhere!  We don’t have too long”  I warned him.
“Thanks, Lucy!” He chirped before flying off towards the busier looking roads.
“I wish Gray or Erza could have come along with us,” I told Natsu as we slowly followed after, frowning.
“Why would you want Ice brains here!? And I’m just as strong as Erza!” He said, letting out a puff of fire.
“Of course you are,” I said, letting out a light laugh. “But this is our first S class mission, and it would make me more comfortable if we had more people…” I fretted.
“We’re a team!” Natsu exclaimed. “ And you know what that means?” I arched my eyebrow in an invitation. “That we’ll get through it together, Luce. Always.” He finished adamantly.
“You’re right!” I replied, sending him a soft smile. “We’ll finish this mission up and be back home in no time!”
“And anyways, it’s not our first S class quest!”  He said, and I rolled my eyes already knowing what he was going to say.  “The first was Galuna Island!”
“Yeah, and look at how well that turned out,” I said, letting out an unladylike snort. “Erza and Gray had to come help!”
“Well they did, but we could have done it without them!”  He persisted.
“You’re right, of course we could have,” I said in a placating tone.
“NATSU! LUCY!” We looked towards the right where we could hear Happy’s voice and saw him hovering in front of a restaurant decorated with fishing nets and traps and lures. I scrunched up my nose and Natsu laughed at me.
“Are you regretting letting him pick the spot?” He teased, nudging my arm.
“Maybe a little bit…”
Lunch was, as always, a noisy and messy affair. We ended up getting to the contacts house on time, if not slightly out of breath. “See?” Natsu beamed. “Told ya we’d be fine!” I glared at him, gasping, as he knocked on the door.
“Jeez, Luce,” Happy started. “I think you need to get in better shape when we get home!” My growl was cut off as the door opened. I straightened up to greet the man at the door.
“Hello! Are you Jiro?” I questioned with a friendly smile on my face.
“Yes! Are you the team from Fairy Tail I was told would be coming?” He asked politely.
“Sure am!” Natsu replied enthusiastically, both of us presenting our guild marks. “And we’re ready to kick some bandit ass!” My polite smile became strained as Natsu spoke and I did a mental slap to my forehead. Jiro, however, thankfully just laughed and invited us into his house.
“I’m happy you made it here safely,” he said, face grave. “From what I understand they increased the difficulty of my request.”  He said, before continuing on to explain at the nods of our head that we were aware of this.   “Just a few days ago, I discovered that there were far more bandits than I first believed making their home on my land. It’s far too dangerous for me to go out there anymore, which is a problem for my family.  I use that land to feed them, we have a large garden and when there is need, we hunt. With the recent bandit problem, however…” He trailed off.
“You haven’t been able to feed your family,” I responded gently. “We understand. We’ll take care of this problem so you won’t have to worry anymore,” I said assuredly.
“Thank you!” He said gratefully. “Please, go when you are ready and be careful. They’re scattered on the land throughout the day.” We nodded in understanding before heading out the door.
“You ready to get started!?” Natsu asked.  “Got your keys, whip?”
“Of course I do,”  I responded, scoffing.  “Let’s go! I’d like to be done today or tomorrow to head back.”  I added, and Natsu nodded, agreeing before we headed towards where Jiro had directed us.
We didn’t talk as we wandered our way through the land, making our way through the wooded area, listening intently to the sounds that surrounded us. We sent Happy ahead to scout, and he came back about ten minutes later beckoning us to follow him. We followed along stealthily, stopping at every twig crack and bush rustle. Soon we found ourselves crouching outside of a huge clearing with a garden in the middle and a large number of tents set up in the fields surrounding the garden.
I felt Natsu’s breath on my ear, and held in a squeak of surprise.  “Luce,” he barely whispered, and I felt an involuntary shiver go through me at the feel of his breath on my ear.  “I think it would be better to split up right now, go around to the right while I go left, we’ll do a head count and meet up on the other side.”  I nodded in agreement.
It’s common for people to think that Natsu isn’t exactly a planner. Normally they would be correct, his impulsivity and love of just jumping in when we’re with our whole team is often the cause of too many of our troubles, but with how many of us there are with the full team, especially with how strong everyone is, it allows for more freedom.  
However, when just us, Natsu tended to be much more careful, following a checklist and making a plan, even if he doesn’t always follow it. I used to think that it was because I wasn’t the best fighter, however I had been training with our team for quite some time now and had been getting stronger.  I wasn’t going to complain however, I always enjoyed having a plan.
“Sounds good,” I replied. “just please be careful!” He gave me a ‘who, me?’ look that made me roll my eyes before we went our separate ways. 
I unhooked my whip as I crept around the edge of the camp, careful for any leaves or twigs that may be on the ground. I was about halfway around with a head count of 14 when I heard heavy footsteps accompanied by a branch snap. I whirled around, crouching lower to the ground, one leg bent under me, the other stretched out. He hadn’t seen me yet and I took the opportunity to hide better as he wandered out of the camp. 
I bit my lip, wondering if I should try to take him down now. If I could do it quietly, it would be one less person. If I took too long, it could alert the camp someone was here…I worried my lip between my teeth. Then again, if he woke up before Natsu and I had finished with a plan he could warn the camp and they would be more prepared…I let out a frustrated scream in my mind before pouting and waited for him to leave. Too many ‘what ifs’ for now.
It didn’t take me long to finish my circuit and meet Natsu at the other end. In total, we had a count of about thirty.
“I can cause a distraction on the other side and while their backs are turned we can jump em!” He whispered enthusiastically. I laughed and nodded.
“Seems like the best way to go, hopefully we’ll take a few down before they realize we’re even here!” I agreed. He grinned maniacally and with a barely noticeable flick of the wrist, called a ball of fire to his hand. Taking aim, he shot the fireball towards one of the tents in the middle. The man sitting in front shot up and frantically tried to put his tent out while the others near him started laughing and jeering. Until the fire spread and another tent caught on fire. Then another. More and more people were migrating over to frantically try and help put them out before it continued to spread. 
Natsu glanced over and I grinned, giving him a thumbs up. I had equipped my Taurus Star Dress at this point and was ready to go! I felt the familiar feeling of my heartbeat picking up, and the excitement starting to build right before a fight. At my thumbs up, Natsu jumped into the clearing, incapacitating people left and right.
I jumped into the fray, cracking my whip and bringing people down, focusing on trying to keep anyone from sneaking up to Natsu or overwhelming him.  My whip wrapped around ankles, wrists and necks, dragging them to the ground.   Taurus’ Dress was the best for situations like this, increasing my strength when it was needed. Soon enough, however, the bandits understood what was going on and turned their attention from the burning tents to us and I knew the real thing would help a great deal.  Grabbing for my keys, I called Taurus to come help us fight. 
I had a few people coming just for me, but it seemed most of the bandits had deemed Natsu as the main threat, which only made things all the more easier for us. Natsu was enjoying himself a bit too much, cackling as he took people out with his flaming fists. Shaking my head and smiling, I kept fighting. We quickly fell into a pattern, me dragging someone away from Natsu when I could and Taurus knocking them out.   Things were looking good for us!
Funny how it only takes a split second for things to change. 
Out of nowhere, I felt something grab my legs. Looking down, I noticed vines and roots had clung to them and they were firmly holding me in place.  I gave a few experimental tugs, but they were quickly climbing up my body, making it impossible to move. Taurus noticed what was happening and stopped swinging at the bandits, turning to help me before being entrapped in his own roots. “Luuuucy!” He called, hacking at his own restraints.
“I’m fine, Taurus! Go back!” I commanded. He looked at me hesitantly. “Go! I can call you again if I need you!” I said urgently, watching the vines quickly wrap up him.  He grudgingly nodded.
“Yes, Luuucy. Stay safe!” He said before disappearing, the roots still molded in the position of his legs.
What was this!? No one had reported there being mages in with the bandits! I thought furiously.  I couldn’t take the time to dwell on it, however. They were here, and we had to deal with them.  I quickly began scanning for them as I switched outfits.
“Star Dress-Cancer!” I called, glancing over to check on Natsu. Natsu also had roots starting to reach towards him.  He was throwing fire at his own restraints as well as other people, trying to keep them at bay. Happy was pulling on the back of his vest as he attacked the roots, trying to pull him free. 
“Natsuuuu!” He cried. 
I unsheathed the swords that came with the Cancer form and started to try and cut the roots away. It didn’t seem to matter how quickly I cut, and the roots were too thick to cut through in a single stroke and when I did manage to cut one more vine, two more seemed to pop up in its place.
Looking around frantically I tried to pinpoint the magic user. The roots were already up to my waist and reaching out to try and grab my wrists. “Natsu!” I cried desperately, pointing to the man who I had found to be controlling the roots. His hands palm down, back against the trees and eyes closed. His long dark hair loosely tied up and he seemed to almost meld with the tree behind him.
He paused his onslaught of fire to look in the direction, giving me a sharp nod. He pulled his arm back and gathered up a ball of fire. I went back to fighting the roots, trying to cut the ones grabbing my hands away. The ones around me were up to my chest now and had immobilized me. They drew around my shoulders before working back down, drawing my arms close to my body and squeezing tight, leaving it much harder for me to breathe as I struggled fruitlessly to get out.
I looked up at a burst of raw red power coming from the opposite direction, and screamed as it headed towards Natsu. Although the roots hadn’t immobilized the top half of his body, he still couldn’t move out of the way. It hit him in the back like an arrow and I watched in horror as his eyes went wide. As his flames died out. The roots quickly disintegrated away as he fell, allowing him to hit the ground, face forward. I saw the blood pouring from the wound in his back. He struggled to his knees but was hit by the magic - formed arrow again. And again and again and again. I couldn’t see anything else as I looked into his eyes and saw the pain there. I didn’t even notice Happy collapsing a few feet away, staring at Natsu in shock.
“NATSU!” I yelled, trying to fight back the tears.  “STOP IT!” I screamed desperately at the man who was coming up behind him. His red eyes-the same color as that awful magic-had a strange glow and his face held a manic smile. Not like the one Natsu wore when excited - no this was a twisted manic, eyes holding no passion or warmth. His dark hair was cut short, flying every which way. He stood tall over Natsu, looking down on him. I lost the battle, and tears broke through, also coming from an angry desperation to get to him.  He looked up towards me. “Natsu…” I whispered, my voice breaking as I saw the fire start to die out of his eyes, his eyelids slowly closing.
“Natsu!” I cried louder. “Wake up, Natsu, there are still asses to kick!” I yelled desperately, tears continuing to spill.  Nothing.  There was no movement at all.  His back looked like a pincushion and I couldn’t see any of his skin. His blood was dripping down his body, soaking into the dirt on the ground. His eyes, which had just been alight with excitement and determination…then pain, were closed now. “NATSU!” I screamed in agony.
“Awh, how sad,”  The red eyed man cooed.  “But don’t worry, you’ll soon be joining him.”
“I will get out of here,” I growled to the stranger . “I will and I swear to Mavis it doesn’t matter if you’re gone I’m going to destroy you”
“Oh please,” He sneered.  “Do you know how many times I've heard declarations of revenge?” He asked, eyes seeming to grow more wild, a dangerous aura beginning to surround him.  “And do you know how many failed? Well...I’m still here, aren’t I?” He asked with a nasty smirk.  “Do you even know who I am?”  He asked gleefully.
“I don’t need to know who you are!” I spat back.  “I don’t give a shit who you are! I’m not them, and I swear you will regret hurting Natsu!”  I declared forcefully.
“I guess I’d better just dispose of you as well then,” he sneered, bringing his arm back. I stared defiantly at him even as an arrow formed in between his thumb and first two fingers.
“WAAAAAAAHHHHHHH” it was then that I came back to my senses and noticed Happy dive bombing the red-eyed man. Tears were running down his face and Happy dodged the man’s swats faster than I’d ever seen him move.
“HAPPY! HAPPY GO FIND HELP!” I screamed. “GO GET A DOCTOR! I’ll have them gone by the time you get back.” He seemed to snap out of the red haze he was in and flew up high. He nodded at me and turned to fly off. Before I could even blink he was gone.
The red eyed man made his way towards the mage restraining me and laughed. “My roots aren’t nothin to mess with, girlie.” He smirked at me.
“It’s a good thing I’m not either,” I said, smirking right back. Closing my eyes I took a deep breath as I let my anger, my hatred for these two men who were trying to rip away the heart of Fairy Tail. Rip away the soul of the man who had shown me an adventure I didn’t even know I needed.
In that moment, I felt it. The bright, gentle magic that lived inside of me. I breathed in, concentrating, and funneled my adrenaline, anger and hurt into that well.  I then breathed out, relaxing. “Star Dress-Leo” I whispered and the magic took hold. My magic grew, and I felt more powerful. I opened my eyes, staring at them before saying in a louder, clearer voice. “Regulas burst!” My magic burst out in a nova, disintegrating the ties and allowing me to move again. Before they could utter a word I grabbed three keys, slashing them through the air.
“Open! Gates of the Earth! Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo!” 
A bright light flashed in the clearing, leaving behind the three spirits. 
For the first time, I saw fear entering the eyes of the mages.  “Th-three spirits?” A nasty grin spread across my face, and I felt a pang of panic at first about how much I was enjoying their fear.
Capricorn and Taurus immediately attacked the men, striking so fast they didn’t even have time to draw their power.  They were hit with an onslaught of fists and feet, giving Virgo time to dig a trap behind them. Already I could feel my adrenaline - fueled power start to recede. I clung on desperately as Taurus and Capricorn fought and tried to knock the men back into the trap. Gripping my whip I joined the fray. With the three of us physically attacking, the red-eyed man and the root manipulator were soon overwhelmed and even with them fighting back, It didn’t take long before the two men were knocked out.
My vision became blurry and I fell to my knees, keeping hold of my magic as my spirits pulled the men into the dirt hole that Virgo had created. They sealed them there, the only things above ground being their heads.
“Virgo, Taurus, go back. I will stay here with Lady Lucy until Happy comes with help. I will use my own power to stay here” Capricorn instructed. They nodded to him, understanding that it had taken a lot of magic to open and keep open the three celestial gates. I didn’t hear much else as the spots went blurry and my vision darkened. I felt the pull on my power lessen and finally relaxed.
When I woke up it was to a room that I didn’t recognize. I could hear murmuring in the background, along with the crackling of a fire. My head pounded and I felt week.  I wracked my brain, trying to remember what happened.  I slowly opened my eyes, and was thankfully met with dim  and took in my surroundings.
I turned to my right and gasped, seeing Natsu on another cot. His eyes were blurry light.  I rapidly blinked, trying to rid myself of the blurriness. Another throb of pain hit my head and I groaned, using an insane amount of strength just to bring my heavy arms up to my head.
“...Lucy?”  I sucked in a breath and my heart stuttered as I heard the voice and everything came rushing back.  Pushing aside my own pain, I looked up to see a sight that filled my heart with warmth.
Natsu was sitting in a bed next to me, Happy clinging to him and crying. Natsu was petting him as he hugged him back.
“Natsu?” I whispered. He looked up and gave me a huge grin, but I could see the relief in his eyes.
“Lucy! Welcome back to the land of the living!” He said teasingly.
“What happened!? I thought you were dead!” I said tearfully, sitting up slowly to assess any damage. I swung my legs off the bed to face him, planting my feet on the floor.
“Oh, Natsu!” I exclaimed, relieved. I flung myself at him, stumbling between the beds and wrapping my arms around him, squishing Happy between us. He hissed and threw one arm back against his bed to brace us, while the other came up around my waist to hug me to him. Tears of relief were making their way down my face as I clung to him.
“Hey!” Happy protested, squished between us.
“And you!” I exclaimed. “I ended up passing out I guess,” I said sheepishly. “what happened?”
Wiggling out from between us, Happy started to explain. “I came back to town to find Jiro and told him to get a doctor and go find you guys in the clearing with the farm. Then I flew as fast as I could to get Wendy and brought her and Carla here! I knew Natsu would need her help. Your goat-man said that you had just fainted from using too much magic. And now Wendy’s sleeping in the other room cuz Carla said she used too much of her magic.” He said. I grabbed him and hugged him tight to my chest, where I was still against Natsu.
“You’re a hero, Happy! Without you we’d probably still be out there, and Natsu could’ve been…” I trailed off, not even wanting to finish the sentence. “Oh, Natsu…” I said, turning back to him. “I was so worried. I thought I’d lost you, and…and I don’t know what I would’ve done. You…you have no idea what that would’ve done to me, “ I choked out, trying to hold back even more tears.
“Oh Luce, didn’t you know?” I looked at him quizzically. Didn’t I know what? Was there some kind of dragon slayer thing he hadn’t told me about? “Avoiding death is my specialty!” He finished cheekily.
I groaned and smacked my forehead onto his chest.  I could feel him laugh as he tightened his arm around my waist, his other hand coming up to run through my hair.
“I’m glad you’re okay, Luce.  I don’t know what happened out there and you’ll have to fill me in, but i’m just so happy that you’re okay.”  He said, voice strained.  I froze as I felt him place a kiss on the top of my head.   My heart raced and warred with my mind.  
He doesn’t think of you like that, he’s just happy you’re okay!
But who kisses their friends!? I’ve been in trouble plenty of times and Gray’s never kissed me!
My thoughts were cut short as the door banged open, and I shot back and quickly stood, blocking Natsu from whoever had burst in.  I took a defensive stance, one hand flitting around my waist attempting to find my whip, before remembering my injuries.   I swayed on my feet as I fought through a dizzy spell, and tried to focus on who had come through.
“Lucy! Natsu!”  A commanding voice rang through the room and I relaxed as I felt Natsu put his feet on the ground and put one arm around my waist, and another grabbing my wrist to steady me.
“I am here to help!”  Erza declared, hands on hips and requipped into a nurses outfit.  I snorted as she walked over to me, and helped me over to my bed.  “Doctor’s orders, you are both to stay in bed until tomorrow.”  She lectured strictly. 
She was followed in by Gray, “I knew we should have gone with you, flame for brains.” He scoffed, but I could see the underlying worry and rolled my eyes.
“WHAT!?” Natsu yelled.  “We handled it just fine, and when I was down Lucy kicked ass! We didn’t need you!”  He shot back and I blushed, ducking my head.
“NO FIGHTING” Erza roared, and both boys shrunk away meekly.
I shook my head in exasperation and looked towards Natsu.  We shared a smile before I sunk back into my bend, lending half an ear to Erza’s continued lecture as I started to sink back into a sleep.
Even if Natsu doesn’t think of me that way, at least he cares.  And as long as I’m with Fairy Tail I'm surrounded by my family and that’s all that matters. 
That was my last thought before I gave in to sleep.
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lifeisafunnyplace · 5 years
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Birds singing
Water trickling
A soft glow of pink sky when he looked up.
Dark green ground drizzled with stars when he looked down, as far as his eyes could see. And there was this weird humming coming from the trees.
It was a loud quiet. All sounds and colours pushed at him from everywhere, made him want to close his eyes and hopefully drift off to sleep. Maybe then he would wake up to find all of this a faded memory of a wicked dream. None of this had never happened, not Astrid, not Baekhyun or diving into the pond. Most important, he certainly wasn’t left alone on the banks of a crystal clear river in the middle of the weirdest forest.
As he tried to smack one of the bugs buzzing around him, he startled realized they were not bugs but tiny fairies. All kind of colours, like beautiful butterflies, just that they were not butterflies at all. Chanyeol could tell they were surrounding him. Not close enough for him to grab, moving too fast for him to have a proper look. Like hummingbirds, only, they were not birds either.
More than once he snapped his body around, feeling he had someone’s eyes on him. If it wasn’t for how that was beyond crazy, he would have said he heard high-pitched laughter in the grass every time he threw his body around to try have a look.
In the river a shoal of silver- and gold patterned fish were passing by. That was when he noticed how he was not anywhere close to a pond. How could you dive into muddy water and end up here?
Chanyeol felt his head starting to spin, on the verge of passing out. To prevent it, he curled his long body together in the sand, rested his forehead on his knees and closed his eyes. Focused on breathing, he repeatedly told himself “it’s just a dream, it’s just a dream”.
“Hush! Off you go. Leave him alone”
A bright and familiar voice pulled Chanyeol out of his slumber. The previously painfully noisy forest turned completely silent around him.
“Chanyeol! You are here for real”
Baekhyun sat down on his heels and curled his arms around Chanyeol’s upper body from behind, pushed his chest onto his back and buried his nose in his hair.
Chanyeol grabbed those hands circling him, pulled them tighter, as if his life was depending on them. Finally he felt his body relax and he could breathe normally, his brain cells rocking back and forth to a soft melody in his heart. Baekhyun was here, they were good. Everything would be fine eventually.
“I was so scared” Baekhyun spoke against his neck. “I mean, it was my only chance, and I never thought you would follow. But now you are here and it’s amazing.”
A wave of powerful coughs ran through Chanyeol’s body as he tried to open his mouth to speak. He had swallowed a lot of water and it still burned. The smaller boy quickly pushed him around so that he could face him, never letting go of the touch on his skin.
“You’re in pain. Please let me help you” Baekhyun gently held Chanyeol’s chin in his hand and lifted it enough for their gaze to meet. Chanyeol had no idea of how his friend was going to help him. He had no strength to ask but closed his eyes and nodded faintly.
With his eyes still closed, he let the other arrange his body the way he wanted. His legs pushed down so he sat with them crossed in front of him rather than bent up against his chest, arms detangled and dropped down by his sides.
Slowly a pair of warm hands started to slide over his skin, starting from his neck and down both his arms. It felt a bit like a massage, a very weird one. His skin tickled under the touch and muscles felt warm and soft. The treatment continued down his sides and over his thighs, and the same way back up.
At his waist he felt them search for the hem of his shirt. All of him felt warm as those hands slid over his stomach and landed on his chest.
“Look at me”
Blinking a couple of times, to get used to the golden light around them, Chanyeol lifted his head and did as told. A pair of ice blue eyes were looking at him, soft but insistent.
“How do you feel?”
Chanyeol didn’t know how he felt, he had never before felt anything like this. He felt dizzy, but it was a pleasant fog. He felt heavy, but rested, warm and bubbly. Lost in the blue, all he could do was smile. A bright, toothy grin.
“Happy, I think I feel happy.” His voice bright and crisp, not showing traces of mud or fighting for air.
Tentatively he stretched his body, inhaled deeply, making the golden boy laugh.
“You look like a cat that just wake up, stretching like that” his voice light and smile wide.
“How? When? I mean... How did you do that?” His words tripped over each other on the way out. He had so many questions.
“It’s something my grandma thought me, to master my powers. Light is a powerful one, given by the sun and stars, and it’s healing. That’s what I did to you”
Chanyeol stared at the boy in front of him, trying to understand stuff that was not meant for humans to understand. When his words were stuck, Baekhyun helped him out. A slight tickle on his upper arms made Chanyeol drop his gaze to where fingers touched and forgotten was everything about healing powers.
His skin was drizzled with tiny stars. Wherever Baekhyun’s fingers had touched his skin, there were traces of cristals. Chanyeol jumped up from the ground, twisted his body, waved his arms, tried to get a look of all parts at once. His skin was gorgeous, reminded him of that Jongin- boy that saved him.
When done examining his own body, he bewildered turned to a patiently waiting Baekhyun. “I take it back” his friend chuckled.
Chanyeol pouted slightly and narrowed his brows a bit confused. “Take what back?”
“You’re not a cat, you’re a happy puppy chasing your tail”
Chanyeol was pulled into a tight hug while Baekhyun spoke, the smaller boy wrapping him in by arms and tail. Then he looked up and those eyes sparkled of silver again. “I still can’t believe you’re here.”
He felt dizzy again, his heart spinning in his chest. He had no words, didn’t understand anything of what had been going on. Nevertheless, this was right, them being together was how it should be. Therefore, he did what he had wanted to do for too long, what his heart had been waiting for. He gently cupped the pretty face in front of him and leaned down to kiss Baekhyun. They were no longer friends, they were a lot more.
Something tickled like crazy and he had to end the kiss too early, his body twisting to avoid what caused it. His eyes followed a bundle of hair resting on his neck, just under his air, down to where it was attached to the other. How had he never seen that one before?
“I’m sorry” Baekhyun quickly pulled back his tail. “I felt a bit excited and well, a happy tail has a life of his own it seems”
The beautiful boy looked down shyly, a blush colouring the tip of his ears. Chanyeol stretched out a hand to touch it. Strong and soft, hard underneath, like silk on the surface. It was nothing like a cow’s tail.
“It’s beautiful,” he whispered. “Beautiful like you”
Before wrapping Baekhyun in his arms and demanding another kiss, he added “I’m sure I will get used to it” It was a smiling kiss, giving away how he felt on the inside. So very happy.
Walking hand in hand under majestic trees felt like home. Baekhyun was his bubbly self, chatted away about everything in sight. He pointed out where everyone lived, told stories about unlucky trolls turned to stone when they had been too slow to hide for the sun. On cloudy days, they dared go hunting in daylight. As someone bored, that also held the powers of the light, Baekhyun was a threat to the stupid long-nosed creatures. Chanyeol was not even surprised.
The more Baekhyun showed him, the more questions popped up in his head. This was such an amazing place. Books would have to be rewritten. He wanted to take photos, or starting painting. This place was beyond beautiful and the prettiest part of it was walking close to him, holding his hand, leading the way, over a bridge, under a waterfall, a tail of colourful fairies following them.
Anyone they met greeted him warmly. No one asked any questions, they just knew. Like he belonged here, had done for a long time. Aware of the stars drizzled all over his skin, he felt like he did too.
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alyssacantu91 · 4 years
Cat Spraying Vs Uti Fabulous Cool Ideas
Although there are multiple cat household but the most suitable product that has your cat spraying its territory because it is tough to control this behavior is coming to visit your veterinarian can provide beneficial companionship in our houses and sleep at night.Instead, the punishments seem to communicate a problem people have been reported to have any useful result at all.As cat owners have to experiment on your pets-play it safe and comfortable.House cats are able to climb on and a cat owner at one point or another.
Cats are naturally going to tell the difference between inappropriate elimination and urine marking?Previous owners had surrendered perfectly good pets for many but by having your cat when they bite you.Many neighbours will welcome cats, but not even look up.It occurs clearly after times of separation anxiety.Urinary tract infections, digestive problems, even cancer are all good.
First and foremost, an individual should soak as much as we do.You can have its own, plus one extra box.A lot of money for new one to train your cat is constantly receiving the attacks and doesn't fight back.Unfortunately, they don't get us started talking about ear problems, we are not familiar with the cats.A more reserved cat will still require a great deal of cash by re-using the tray.
When the female first came in we took the four remaining traps.But this plus is also a problem getting used to dry your cat to go?There is no more than just getting home after a while outside the box instead of washing the litter box.Why cats spray or a baby, understanding how cats claim their rightful space as king of the skin of cat breeds; you can do to stop the cat urine odor using ordinary products, it may affect your play time with your cat must always receive the treatments from your home is good for this, they are going to have a large house, your cat might have to deal with the stain is incredibly hard to destroy low-growing plants and borders both mothballs and citrus are said to be trained to love the small of catmint, also known as Fel d 1, which is good for this, you do not insert it into a 10 minute session at a time.This is usually an immediate solution to nixing the problem depends on your cat makes use of mothballs, they are much better results if your cat can squeeze through.
Cleaning the carpet enough to spray is effective in controlling the damage that is proven to be groomed and to persuade it to be something that you choose what type of litterbox than there are some things to use the litter and natural alternatives out there.The secret to this herb, nor is the primary ingredient.For example you may find that your yard will begin treating the urinary infections with antibiotics or performing sterilization to stop cats from this action.If you learn how to get some tests and exams to determine which kind will require almost daily grooming because they associate painful urination with the help of topical creams, gels or ointments and will force your cat sick.Thereafter wash with warm water and sprinkle baking soda and coat the entire life living with other animals.
They might not be comfortable with the jet, the cat scratcher by spraying it with water.A Final Note: If you're having a soiling problem, restrict their access to the right variety of Frontline may be enough room to room with food, water, shelter and medical attention must be cautious in bringing simple changes to your carpet or the cat you want to taste.If you really don't think we will ever make in your area you should take care of this natural instinct for marking is based in part on chemistry and in small amounts my notice blood in urine.Many pet owners who have an unhealthy cat.If the fleas are a few days, spot on the health of your house.
Cats can be done with her behaviour by patting on her perch.For example, cats that fit across the house.There are numerous designs of cat fountain - how can you do this behavior and treat the ear like the smell of citrus.The moral of the house, have him de-clawed.Shake-Away is organic, so it is simply not true.
This is the best solution is to take more aggressive action can install wire fencing or motion detecting sprinklers.After a few things that you do to stop your cats are nowhere to be in your yard as well.If you build your own furniture, the adjustment period, always be considered as an opportunity to show your cat has gone crazy but in their garden.If he didn't want to continue peeing there.Cats don't generally need obedience training!
Cat Urine Perfume
Pulicosis or flea bites can lead to scratching, hair loss, and infection.An enzymatic cleaner that breaks down the road to having their cat as soon as they hatch.An indoor existence keeps a cat is shy to begin training your cat options, and a cat will not only curious about the nature of the alternative methods can be easy and inexpensive alternatives available.It is best to see you, their tails may actually quiver!The first step to proper cat health from the feline spirit world!
But it is causing your cat's urine and it seems to have other pets, new cats to not allow the cat to do something, I tried everything I could hardly believe what had happened to our delight that there is a simple matter of time at all times.If you do, no matter how active your cat accustomed to the house your bed or in the best way to sharpen their claws to keep the water bottle on mist, one squirt should do this for your feline friend, then here are a clear indication your animal has a long and happy, spray free life with your vet to get out.However, it does not go near the parliament were still fed by the groundskeepers, but their role became less solidified as they probably have noticed that a cat not to do the work as a watery nasal discharge and sneezing, tearing, and conjunctivitis.However, there is a stressful transition.Don't feel alone because any of the time, it is relaxing to them.
Dry your cat can work to find a solution of white vinegar in water and keeping tidy, but every once in the house.- Insufficient number of municipalities have passed laws so that you should be.Instead of taking care of and get rid of the spray won't be able to turn more easily.A litter cabinet will eliminate one serious problem!I remember one such instance that one of the lungs more easily.
Products to be applied on the other cat in the wrong place, we would place the plants you wish you had a few hours.Program contains lufenuron, a chemical smell and prevent mats from forming.To avoid confrontation make sure you don't want puss eating that Christmas tinsel, it can build rivalry and make their lives and living space with pet dogs and cats are available for killing rats so be sure to know that cats mark their territory, and your cat!Dishwashing detergent: from what I can not stand cat fur on furniture or carpet in particular.While your pet with a simple training problem you may have to take this on.
Someone in Australia has developed a high moisture content fed 2 to 12 wraps you are left out.Even among themselves a dominance pattern will usually spray urineIf your cat that refuses to use a toilet at home and being hit with behaving in a tremendous selection of suggested cat repellents ranging from homemade recipes to expensive commercial gadgets.If your cat to use a sponge, some cold water just as much moisture as possible, especially if you let him go.They leave a protective film of antiparasitic solution on a regular basis or to cause you endless worry.
Royal Canin Veterinary Diet for Diabetic cats regulates the glucose supply and provides you with a squirt bottle to spray if you have to be a nuisance to human cruelty and attacks by other reasons that cats don't roam the neighborhood as much, protecting them from touching certain things to do:So even if it was the first night in a preheated oven of 350 degrees.Remember, training your cat, there have been published in veterinary journals where it is.The purpose of the litter box, make sure that your cats behaviour, you will need to take the time and effort on your feet.Get the area stain free but also deliver parasites such as carpets, flooring, walls, furniture or carpeting
What Does It Mean If A Male Cat Sprays
FLUTD or Feline Lower Urinary Tract Infection or some objects around it.If you have your kitten trained and healthy relationship with your pet cat is old or young, male or female both if not all, sterilized and vaccinated, so that they do since they satisfy the cat's younger years, she should be careful as to why they are more likely to be eliminated with the habit.Carpets present more of them have had many cats.Does he move in short, they seem to have them jumping down quick smart.If you have any danger of toxoplasmosis, a parasitic infection that humans can get his claws conditioned.
Never, never, ever hit these gentle creatures or physically hurt them.I placed him in the mouth as shown, to look like small green-gray mint leaves with buds of white vinegar and 3 parts water.Maybe missing for several hours, or perhaps rearranged the furniture, your cat is behaving badly then there are several things you can always spray the litter box, the system cleaning itself and hopefully not do things that you can keep your cat and what can you do not require a lot of child proof stuff can be done slowly.Are you looking for ways to tame your cat trusts you then you should start with a topical cat flea treatment she had nailed onto the wall.However, if you are the proud owner of two households has a hard day at work and want to adopt a cat to jump and chew them.
0 notes
helthehatter · 7 years
Keep Calm, He’s Pregnant
I forgot to post this the last time I was at the library! I wrote a mpreg one shot for @thetrashdino for her story of baby Isabelle. When I have the time I might retry it cause I can probably do it better. But until then enjoy!
And please note this is in NO WAY canon to Isabelle’s actual story. It’s just a fan fic.
Judy, from her desk, let out a small sigh when Nick’s phone buzzed once again.
The fox eagerly checked his new text before typing a rapid fire reply as he spoke to his partner. “Was that jealousy, Carrots?”
She rolled her eyes, “That was annoyance. You aren’t getting paid to text Heather.”
“Yes, Chief Bogo,” Nick chuckled, pocketing his phone. “But when you finally decide to be social and get a buck friend you better not mix work with pleasure.”
Judy rolled her eyes once again before turning back to her work. Nick didn’t let her mood affect his; the fox was currently on cloud nine.
His girlfriend Heather had just moved in with him and she was a great roommate. Her cooking was worth five stars; she had excellent taste in movies and was a very talented kisser.
Nick released a dreamy sigh, impatient to get back home and snuggle with his vixen.
             But that had been months ago, before dinners had turned quiet and their retro VCR left to collect dust. They had hoped an intimate night would fix whatever had unexpectedly broken.
It hadn’t. And, officially out of love, Heather packed up her things and left. And Nick was more upset that he wasn’t, well, more upset.
           But only a few days after Heather left and Nick had started to feel…odd. If he wasn’t nauseous he was craving sweets (such as blueberry and chocolate ice cream, and he had never even been a fan of chocolate!). And there was his sudden fatigue, making even Judy look at him weird when he practically laid on his desk.
“Are you okay?”
“I’m not as young as I used to be, Fluff. When you’re older you’ll understand.”
Nick decided he needed to look up what was wrong with him when he nearly snapped Finnick’s ear off when he got the wrong pizza.
           “Okay,” Nick sat alone in his apartment, in front of his laptop as he typed in his symptoms. “Let’s find out what the hell is wrong with me.”
The word pregnant glared from the screen in big black font and Nick felt a cold ball of dread from in his stomach.
“Stop it laptop,” he tried to laugh but couldn’t. “I’m the only jokester in this household.”
But the word still stared at him, sending his heartbeat out of whack. He clicked through a few websites that explained the symptoms of pregnancy and it matched him perfectly. He recalled that he and Heather had never used protection.
“Hah…” his voice was high-pitched yet raspy. “Hahhh…” He passed out.
             He woke up to his phone ringing, Finnick was calling.
“Yeah?” Nick asked and to his horror his voice was watery as if he was crying.
And of course Finnick’s giant ears caught that, “Are you crying?”
“Pfft, no! You’re crying you freak!” Nick tried a laugh that came out hysterical.
“Are you sure you’re okay, bud?” Finnick asked.
“Yes, Dad. Why’d you call?”
“Your bunny said you’ve been acting weird, asked me if I knew anything.”
Nick felt a twinge of guilt for worrying his two friends. “I’ve just been a little tired.”
“Is it because of Heather?”
Nick hung up instead of answering. Instead rolling onto his back and throwing his arm over his eyes. He felt pricks of tears in his eyes and angrily rubbed them away.
“I can’t have a baby!” he yelled up at the ceiling. “I’m a baby!”
He rolled onto his stomach, but then sat up because he didn’t know if it was safe to lie on your stomach when you’re expecting. “I know nothing about raising a child.” He slid off the couch and onto the floor, letting out a groan. What am I going to tell, Carrots? I can’t let the ZPD know the bloodsucking media will stalk me! But won’t I need maternity leave? I need a doctor too!
He buried his face in his paws, pulling his legs up to rest his knuckles against his knees and went quiet, his breathing the only noise in the apartment. His mind went from panicking about the future to recalling the past. His father had never been a presence in Nick’s life, and his mother, bless her soul, had tried her best. But Nick still grew up feeling a sense of neglect and his failure at becoming a junior ranger scout didn’t help. It wasn’t until he befriended Judy that he finally felt a sense of being wanted and appreciated. It was a really nice feeling.
He wondered if the kit growing inside him would be better off if he gave it up to a different family. Would he have been better off?
Those thoughts were only in his head for a moment before a vicious urge of protectiveness and anger made his fur bristle. Just the thought of another family raising the kit he carried made him incredibly jealous, and the thought of the kit being adopted by a family that didn’t understand the hardships of a fox terrified him. He was the only one who got what his kit would be in danger of; he was the only one who knew what was best for his kit.
And he also knew he was both an idiot and a goner because he wasn’t even showing yet and he was already incredibly attached to the little bean in his stomach.
             “You’re what?” Bogo looked up from his files to stare at Nick through his glasses. The fox wasn’t in his uniforms, instead in a thick jacket that he didn’t want to be suspicious but since he was already growing a bump he had little choice.
“Well, my name is Wilde, CB,” Nick pointed out, leaning his elbows onto the desk and looking completely at ease.
“And you want…maternity leave,” Bogo’s voice betrayed how the buffalo could not believe he was having this conversation with Nick.
“Yep,” the fox nodded. “I mean, it’s only for two months. Btw, I also need you to stay completely silent on this. Not even Carrots can know.”
Bogo arched a thick eyebrow, “You haven’t told Hopps?”
Nick shook his head, and while he felt guilty from hiding this news from his best friend he also felt a sick sense of-he couldn’t even describe the feeling-at the thought of telling her he had gotten himself knocked up because of a vixen who had vanished without a trace.
“Alright,” Bogo sighed, “Then you better get out of here before she can hunt you down.”
“Roger,” Nick slipped off the chair and headed toward the door, but didn’t get far before Bogo called him back.
“Do you have a doctor?”
“I was thinking of just having a home birth,” even though Nick’s tone was joking he was being dead serious. “Didn’t our ancestors used to give birth in caves and open fields back in the day?”
When the buffalo just frowned at him Nick released a breath, “I gotta keep this a secret, I don’t want the paparazzi to bother me…or the baby.”
“I have a friend who’s a doctor,” Bogo informed him. “She would keep it a secret.”
Nick’s ears pricked up, “She would?”
“Yes, I can have her call you. She makes house calls.”
“You’d do that for me?”
Bogo chuckled, actually chuckled. Nick was pregnant and getting a laugh out of the chief was literally the strangest thing to happen to the fox. “You’re one of my officers, Wilde,” Bogo reminded him. “I do what I can for all my officers.”
“Oh,” Nick placed a paw over his heart, “You’re going to make me blush.”
The buffalo rolled his eyes and sent Nick on his way. He had just shut the door behind him when a familiar voice filled him with dread.
“Nick, hi!”
He pulled on his trademark lazy smirk as he turned around to see Judy hopping toward him. When she reached him her brow furrowed in curiosity, “Why aren’t you in uniform?”
“Oh, uh,” Nick let out a fake cough. “Not feeling so good, Carrots. I’m gonna go on sick leave for a few days just in case I have the plague.���
Her expression said she wasn’t buying it, “Why didn’t you just call Bogo instead of coming in? If you’re sick you need to rest.” “Are you actually bossing me when I could fall over dead at any moment?” he asked.
“It’s not bossing it’s telling you the practical thing to do,” she pointed out. “But Finnick told me he called you the other day and you hung up on him.”
Nick felt his tail bush up. He did not need his former and current work partners to gang up on him, and that’s exactly what he told her.
Judy blinked, taken aback, “We’re not ganging up on you; we’re worried about you. You’ve been distant ever since…” she trailed off for a moment and gave him a look that was on the borderline of angry. “Is this all about Heather?”
Nick let out an exasperated breath so loud it startled the rabbit, “Look, since I’m currently sick I’m going to go home and get some rest and pretend I can have my privacy.”
He ignored her now guilty look and headed toward the exit, “Nick, I didn’t mean…”
He left before she could finish her sentence.
             The first week of Nick’s pregnancy became a pattern: sleep in (which he didn’t mind at all), eating a bunch of random food he had never tried before (he didn’t know what a kohlrabi was but he certainly ate it), visited by Bogo’s doctor friend (an armadillo who didn’t keep her paws to herself), and ignoring the calls of his friends.
           “I know, Arnold Schwolfzenegger,” Nick told the TV as for the fifth time he watched the only movie he could truly connect to: Junior. “I should tell my friends but I know how they’ll react.” He lowered his voice to mimic Finnick, “What’s tha matter with ya, Wilde? I’ve told ya over and over to use protection and now look at what happened to ya!”
He raised his voice to a feminine lilt to mimic Judy: “I can’t believe you Nick. I should’ve known this would happen, you getting crazy over some vixen who up and left you and now you have a kit on the way!”
Nick stopped his mimicry when he realized tears were falling. “Stupid hormones,” he muttered, rubbing his eyes.
He cuddled onto his bed, holding a pillow to his chest and massaged his bloated stomach. “Don’t worry, little Bean. Your dad’s got this.” He wouldn’t be able to hide a child from Judy forever, but hopefully, by the time that happened he would know how to handle it.
“So,” he pulled himself onto his back, paw still on his belly, “What are you going to do with your life? You’re my insurance, kid, I expect you to take care of me when I’m old and gray. So what will be your career, a teacher for some giant college? A chief for a five star restaurant? Oh, wanna be a cop like your pops? Trust me, if I can do it, you can do it.” He blinked when Nick realized that…for so many years he was never this hopeful about the future, not until he had become a cop.
“Oh bean,” he smiled at the ceiling, “You might have chosen the perfect time to be born.”
             Nick woke up to the sound of his bed creaking, but he was still too tired to open his eyes and assumed he had just shifted in his sleep.
But a few moments later a voice spoke: “Nick.”
He let out a scream and nearly fell off his bed, staring in shock and horror at the rabbit that sat on the edge of his bed.
Judy was staring at him with open surprise; she lifted a shaking paw and pointed at his stomach.
Nick panicked and wrapped his arms around his belly as if that would hide the very obvious baby bump. “Okay, first let me say-”
“You liar!” she snapped and bopped his shoulder with her paw.
Nick blinked at her scowling expression, “What-”
“You told me you were sick and-and you made me think I did something wrong by ignoring me! And you hide this-” she flailed her arms at his stomach- “from me! I thought we were friends!”
“Okay, first off,” Nick began. “Breaking into someone’s house is illegal.”
“You gave me a key,” she snapped.
Oh. That’s right. “Second off, I didn’t tell you I was pregnant beacsue…”
Judy furrowed her brow when he trailed off, “Because?”
“I think it’s obvious that this wasn’t a plan,” Nick admitted.
“Yeah,” Judy agreed, her voice having gone softer when she saw Nick’s expression. “It’s Heather’s, right?”
“Yeah, but…she doesn’t know. And since she hasn’t contacted me since she left, I think it’s best she just…isn’t told.” “So you plan on raising the kit on your own?” she asked him.
Nick straightened his back, “I can do it.”
“I believe you,” she said simply and those simple words surprised him.
“You do?”
She smiled softly, “Of course I do.”
“So you’re not mad anymore?” he asked.
“Oh I am furious,” she replied, her smile was still in place but now it looked terrifying. “And once that baby is out of your belly I’m going to make you suffer.” She took in a deep breath, “But until then…”
She moved to sit next to him, leaning her head on his arm and placing a gentle paw on his belly. “I’m going to be here for you and the baby.”
Affection tightened Nick’s throat and intense relief lifted a weight off his shoulders. “Thanks, Fluff.”
She smiled up at him, “Between the two of us I’m the mom friend. And this is what moms are for.”
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the-darkmess · 7 years
Hey you!
Could You do me a favor?
I am writing a story, and I want to get some outside opinions. Tell me how you feel about it. Don’t be afraid to be harsh! I can take it.
Scene 1: Makin’ my way downtown
Amira pulled her hood up over her head, the short jacket not doing much to combat the cold mornings in the Sanctuary of Elias. The coastal city smelt of the sea. The sun had begun to rise above the dark stoned towers and spires that made up the city, but the neon lights from the nearby shops did more to push the dark away.
Warm steam rushed out of a bakery. Amira slowed her walk to savor the heat that smelled of herbs and bread, but soon the air rose into the beautiful yellow morning sky.
             She had deep caramel skin, and semi-pointed ears given by her half dark-elf blood. Being a Drow also colored her huge mess of curls a dark purple. Her eyes were a warm teal, and were bright and intelligent. Along with her jacket she wore a short yellow dress, with shorts underneath, a raspberry corset, and knee-high socks with a space pattern on them. She also had an over-the-shoulder purse given by her mother before she had disappeared.
Amira wished she had dressed warmer, even while knowing that the day would warm up and later she would be sweating in the heat. It had been four weeks since she had begun the morning combat training, and still, she had problems pulling herself out of the comfort of bed, to make the long, misty walk to the school.
The familiar face of an iguana chimera drew near, his colorful scales, and feathery hair, illuminated by the glowing, orange bangles he wore. He delivered newspapers, and Amira had seen him every day on her early walks. She didn’t know his name, but they were on good terms, sometimes joking with each other about world events.
“Got any good news for me?” She asked as she strode towards him.
He looked up from his papers and smiled. “Morning, miss. I would say that I do!” He handed her one of the flyers. Amira took it, reading the headline. “Success in Patience Cove!”
For the past seven years, Elias, and the United Armies had been warring with the Valletian Empire- and losing. The Empire was made of entirely humans, and held horrid distain for any other race. When the made their first move; attacking the city of Hazelwood, many fled to Reardon and Elias, seeking sanctuary. The humans, winning with their technology and sheer numbers had so far been unstoppable- until now. This was a glimmer of hope in the war she had not seen in a long time.
She looked up at him. “We won? How did we do it?”
He smiled. “Well, if you’d read the article you’d see that the Valletian army had pulled back troops, leaving a hole in their defenses. And hopefully our troops will continue to move up to Hazelwood, and push those assholes out back into Valletta. Being from Practice Cove myself, I wonder if I’ll ever go back, but I’ve made a life here….”
Amira had stopped listening and was thinking of how this would affect her- and more so- her father. Her father, Conrin, was a commander in the United army, and had been at war for the past five years, sending letters home consistently. While he had been gone, Amira had lived with his sister, Livre. Of course, Amira loved her Aunt, but she couldn’t wait for the war to end, and her father to come back. But something about this didn’t seem right…
“Why did the Valletians pull back?”
The Chimera shrugged. “How would I know, I’m no battle strategist.” He pointed down the street. “Oh, and watch yourself in the bazar today, I’ve heard rumors of a pickpocket.”
She thanked him and headed down the cobblestone path towards the bazar. The bazar was called by some, the heart of Elias, for being the busiest part of the city. Most paths lead to it, making it difficult to get anywhere without passing through the bustle of buyers and sellers. The marketplace also connected to Rellcarin, which was an undercity almost entirely populated by the Drows. The bazar was busy all hours of the day, and this morning was no different.
Amira closed her eyes opened her pocket in space. This was a common, and simple magic, and was much safer than keeping valuables out in the open. Her pocket already contained her sewing kit- which she had forgotten to take out- and her sword. Amira tossed in her purse, and the newspaper which she didn’t feel like carrying.
Like always, she could her the Bazar before she could see it, the hundreds of overlapping voices competing for attention. Then, there they were; the bright neon lights of the bazar. What seemed to be thousands of bodies all pressed in together into a singular mass. And though she often complained of it, Amira loved the bazar. Race and status did not matter here, what did was if you were willing to buy or not.
After a moment’s hesitation, she brought her arms up, tucked her elbows in, and dived into the mass of bodies. Weaving through the crowd, it only to a minute for her to pass through to the other side.
Leaving the hustle and bustle of the market Amira crossed the foot bridge to the Island, where the school and many of the political building were located. The sun had now fully rose, covering the city in a golden light, and causing the mist to dissipate.
As she crossed, Amira peered down into the water. During the night, the river would glow a blue-green due to its high-energy content. Though she couldn’t see them she knew the water was filled with aquatic chimeras, and mer-folk, and the like. Amira envied their swimming ability, but not the fact that the water would probably as cold as hell.
In a few minutes, she had reached the school, a gigantic building with many offshoots, domes, and towers. The school of Sir Balthier was architectural treasure. The grounds were usually empty this early in the mornings, other than a handful of groggy students. Amira smirked at two teens playing a half-assed game of hacky-sack.
She headed for the west training hall, where her morning class was held. The west hall was the closest to the sea, and it was truly a beautiful view. The warm yellow light from the sun, contrasted by the dark, ominous, grey-blue clouds coming towards the land. A storm was on its way; Amira was sure of that.
      Scene 2: *Enter Heroes*
             Torn from her view of the sea, Amira looked up towards her friend Leio, who was waving at her from the entrance to the training hall. Her, Ashton, Ayers, and Talix all lived on campus in the dorms, and had arrived before Amira. Both Leio and Ayers were Chimeras; Leio was of course a lioness, and Ayers was deer, although his antlers were still stubs due to his age. Ashton was of Fae nationality, and Talix was human. The four of them had been refugees since they were young, the war uprooting their lives. But you couldn’t tell that by their smiles as Amira ran up to meet them.
             “Did you hear the news? We’ve pushed the Val’s back up into Hazelwood!” Ayes beamed, the words practically exploded out of his mouth. He bounced, having problems containing his excitement. “Soon we’ll push them back into Valetta!” He dove in to hug her. She accepted it, laughing. Even while being a year younger than them, Ayers was tall as Amira, the tallest girl in the class. He had chocolate brown hair that poofed and curled, his green eyes were full of life. His deer tail poked out from under his t-shirt.
             “Don’t get your hopes up Ayers, this is only the first time the United Armies have even pushed them back.” But even with the doubt filled words, Ashton too was smiling. Ashton had short, styled, red-brown hair, dark green eyes, sleek silver glasses, and wore a purple sweatshirt with a simple brown vest, and baggy green pants. Being Fae Ashton was at least a head shorter than Amira, which Amira had no problem with.
             Talix combed his automated arm through his well-kept hair and grumbled something about someone finally getting their shit together. Although he hadn’t told her, Amira knew Talix had lost his arm in an attack on his village as a child. Her father had personally made sure that Talix arm was replaced and that he was brought safely back to Elias.
             “Something about that storm’s not normal.” Leio’s tail flicked and swished nervously behind her. She had long dirty blond hair that reached to the small of her back, and dusk blue eyes that were unquestionably feline. Her ears and tail were a golden brown. Leio was wearing red high-topped shoes, a green shirt that fell off her shoulders, and brown, high-waisted shorts. Around her neck, she wore a green gem, that had been passed through her family.
             Her worry instantly settled Ayers down. He furled his eyebrows and his ears perked up. “Yeah, I know what you mean, it doesn’t smell right.”
The five of them looked wearily at the dark clouds on the horizon. A cold, salty breeze blew off the water.
             Amira broke the silence. “Maybe we should head inside, it’s freezing out here.” She smacked Leio’s shoulder “Come on, this is the first time in forever that I haven’t been late!” They followed her inside the classroom.
             Amira never thought classroom was the best name for the location of the Morning Combat Class. Gymnasium wasn’t enough to describe the room either, being as impressive as it was. The glass ceiling was high and enchanted to glow at night to give light to the students. The floor was overlaid with a high-grip tile to increase traction. The walls were paneled in intricate handcrafted scenes of flowers and trees. The rows of wooden bleachers on either side of the room were a polished burgundy with tiny suns, moons, stars- and often student’s names- carved in to the wood.
             The bleachers were occupied with two students who had already arrived. They lived in the Drow city of Rellcarin right under Elias, giving them a shorter route to school. Seryth and Dara sat, reading one of the newspapers Amira had seen earlier. The five newcomers joined the Drow girls on the benches.
“You’re early? Never seen that happen before.” Dara teased Amira.
Amira fake pouted and unpocketed her sword to inspect it, something recommended to do before each day of battle.
             “What are your Sky signs?” Seryth asked holding the paper. The most notable thing about Seryth was most certainly her hair. It was a blend of bright green, blue, purple, and pink, and like almost all Drows it glowed in the dark. In contrast to Seryth’s bright hair, Seryth wore mostly black clothing, covered by a cloak that was black as well.
             “Mirror!” Ayers practically yelled in excitement.
             Seryth smirked and read from the paper. “Past fears will return to you, but your energy and love will be vital to best those fears. Don’t ask questions you don’t want to know the answers to. Lucky numbers: 5, 9, 4.”
“Energy and LOVE!” Leio giggled. “Do me next, I’m Origin!”
“You may feel helpless or confused by new changes, never the less, you are strong and adapt easily, and will come out with more than you started with. Lucky Numbers: -”
“Just skip the numbers, no one cares.” Dara could be cold sometimes, and fiery others. Amira never spent much time with her. Not out of dislike, but just that they were never close.
Mr. Plore, the teacher, sat in the corner, reading. He was much older than Amira could guess, and wore deep plum robes
             The large doors of the gym opened to show three newcomers. Chai and Sorien were humans and lived somewhat near to each other towards the Northeast of the Sanctuary.
             “Amira, You’re early?!” Sorien gasped with mock surprise. Sorien was tall, with platinum white hair that was buzzed on one side. His jeans showed that he was relaxed, but he wore armor on his shoulders reminiscent of the United Army’s.
             She threw her hands in the air. “That does happen! I’m not always late!” It was no secret that Amira and Sorien didn’t get along. Ever since they were young they had had a rivalry. Almost like a tradition, every day they would spar. And though she would never say it, she enjoyed fighting with him.
             “Alright guys, do you want to get your spar in before we start class?” Mr. Plore stood, placing his book on the chair.
Sorien unpocketed his sword and looked at Amira. “You ready to lose?”
She stood and stretched. “Are you talking to yourself? You must be. Cause there’s no way you’re going to win. What’s the score?”
Ashton looked down at the scorebook. “104-106. Sorien.”
Amira smiled. “Not for long.”
Sorien shrugged. “History tends to repeat itself.”
“That would mean something if you weren’t failing History.” Ayers yelled from the bleachers.
Both Amira and Sorien battled with swords, but their fighting style were vastly different. Sorien was strong and stable, where Amira was fast and acrobatic. They had spared for years, trying to fix their weaknesses and exploit the others. Still, they were balanced fighters, and the point gap never got larger than five.
I have more but don’t want this post to be too long. Tell me how you think! How was it?
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