#alright well ur welcome for yet another rant from me. signing off now. not rly but figuratively
ikyw-t · 2 years
sigh all of the different doses of adhd meds ive tried feel super helpful and effective but then with both the extended release or short release doses when they start to wear off i start feeling very anxious and unsettled and get a headache and it's like ok cool. so for half a day i can feel like a normal and well-adjusted human being. and then the second half of the day will just be anxiety and irritability. like ok. cool. maybe it's just not feasible for me to expect to feel truly regular and normal for more than like 8 hours in a day... like. i guess that's better than dealing with sporadic emotions and motivations on a daily basis? it's just frustrating bc if i wasn't constantly dealing with executive dysfunction i might have actually have reached some of the the goals that instead are taking me years and years
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