#alright great 👍 fantastic 👌 love it
hoozukis · 1 year
the fact that abe tsuyoshi/li zhendong (kuzuryuu’s actor ♦️) has two separate names for his chinese side and japanese side is very extremely significant. i haven’t personally heard of anyone else who does this before; even i use the same sinitic name for all CJKVH languages (which is the norm for all sinitic people). the more you think about it, this could be a very convenient, well-chosen, solid option for some folks of certain walks of life, but they’re definitely a minority and this practice will probably never become popular or the majority (which is a good thing; let’s keep it that way).
anyway, i love that he has two names—what a special decision!—and that it works perfectly for his job as an international actor. i think kuzuryuu ♦️ deserves to have a separate chinese name too, because he’s special too and we all love him.
🇯🇵 九頭竜慧一(くずりゅう ケイイチ)Kuzuryuu Keiichi
🇨🇳🇭🇰🇹🇼🇲🇴 黃吟德(ㄏㄨㄤˊ ㄧㄣˊㄉㄜˊ)Ng Gim-tek
if anyone’s interested in onomastics and etymology...
九頭竜 = “nine-headed dragon”
慧一 = “intelligent; clever” + “one” (usually used in given names to signify that the name-bearer is an eldest son. the whole name does not mean “the intelligent one” in the english sense of saying “the person who is intelligent”)
黃 = “yellow”
吟 = “to chant; to recite; song (ancient classical poetry)”
德 = “virtue; morals”
not only highly dignified and extravagant, his names are coincidentally very symbolic of and foreshadowing his character arc lol, i’m just following the canon path...
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