pengagumaksara · 4 years
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Begitu mengeja artinya, surat adz-dzariyat ini diawal seperti surat almursalat yang didalamnya Allah bersumpah demi malaikat, namun kali ini Allah bersumpah demi angin yang menebarkan debu, demi awan yang mengandung hujan, demi kapal-kapal yang berlayar dengan mudah, baru kemudian Allah bersumpah demi malaikat-malaikat yang membagi-bagi urusan... Iya Allah bersumpah. Setelahnya pun sama, Allahselalu beri penegasan, "sungguh apa yang dijanjikan kepadamu pasti benar", jika dalam almursalat "pasti terjadi". Tak ada pengharapan yang baik, yang tak akan pernah mengecewakan selain hanya berharap kepada Allah, mulai berhentilah berharap pada manusia. Yassarallah ...❣️❣️❣️
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aarizaayan · 3 years
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Have We not made the earth a home for both the living and the dead[Al-Quran: Surah77, Al-Mursalat, Ayah 26][ #Quran #quranverses #Surah77 #AlMursalat, #quran77 ]Alim Burial, Funeral & Janazah Services
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rinscupoftea · 3 years
2020 is Over
One hour before new year, I want to recap shortly how my 2020 is. I think overall 2020 is the insignificant year for me along with my 2019. While 2019 was like riding roller coaster, so many ups and downs that affected my emotion and my self worth, 2020 is calmer and slightly better than before.
My biggest goals in 2020 are graduated from college and getting job, but only one of them I can achieve. Yeah 😔 that's why I called this year insignificant. Nevertheless, I am grateful because my parents no longer need to pay my tuition, that's enough.
I spend almost a year at home because of corona. For real, though, no one can ever predict that someday, humans will face this kind of situation when all sectors affected by this little virus even to the point we are forbidden to go outside. Alhamdulillah, this covid-19 doesn't affect me that much. I only experienced the non-skripsi classes in the real class for around two months and the rest were done online and everything went smoothly. Sometimes, I worry with this confusing situation whether I will get a job or not. I hope I can get a nice job in near my house and it will be my biggest goal for 2021.
Besides completing my research, in this year:
I practiced riding bike and it's not bad although I am still scared riding alone.
I can read hangul now although I'm not fluent yet. i think I need to resolute myself to learn Korean
I can walk on treadmill for 15 minutes and I can follow low impact cardio video for 30 minutes. Although I don't workout seven days in a week but I think I already have habit mindset to do workout in the evening. I hope I can continue this habit.
I also try to do murojaah. I did all surah in juz 30, surah almursalat until almuddatsir in juz 29 and surah almujadilah until almumtahanah in juz 28.
For trivia things, now I like Super Junior. I listen to their music (especially Kyuhyun's songs) and watch their variety shows. They are undoubtedly funny and their ballad songs are pleasing to listen. Also, I am surprised that I can like and listen rock songs through FT Island's rock songs and my favourites are Pray, Take Me Now, and Shadow. I found game that really impressed me, The Kids We Were. From the plot and the way that game works. It's really beautiful. Now I play Niki Dress Up and I plan to finish the game. Currently I like reading manhwa especially isekai genre such as Beast with flowers, I stole the male lead's first night, Why Raeliana Ended Up in Duke Mansion and many more. Their uncertain updates make me dying 😭. I also finished reading manhwa Sweet Home only in one night and one day because at first I was curious with the drama and didn't want to feel lost when watching the drama hence I read the manhwa version and ended up liking it. The last, it's not me but I am happy this year my parents are registered to do hajj and I hope they are given chance by Allah to do hajj.
For 2021, I want to defeat my biggest enemy, procrastination. I want to be more productive this year even though I'm still unemployed. Plus, I want to have better mindset and emotion. Since 2019 didn't work like I want, I become a person who is low confident but what makes it worse is that I become someone who is jealous and even hate when others achieved good things whether they are friends, families, and even celebs and that emotion is still here in my heart this year. I don't like it and I want to be a good person, I want to congratulate them sincerely and be happy with them. I don't know how to do it but for now I want to disengage with toxic forum like pannchoa and their friends as much as I can since kpop fans in my eyes are toxic tbh too proud with their idol achievement and belittled others like why?? 🤔 and that's why I like kpop but I don't want to be blinded like them. I want to enjoy kpop to feel happy.
That's my rambling and now it's already 2021. Happy new year 😁
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asy63 · 7 years
B almursalat ?
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akademialquran-blog · 6 years
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Bismillah. Hari pertama Ramadhan Funschool 2018. Menghafal surah Almursalat #rfs2018 #kegiatanramadhananak ramad
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Generasi emas part 3 Anak yang ulet, cerdas apalagi debatnya sangat cerdas. Ngeyel itu tanda anak cerdas dan tugas guru mengarahkan agar lebih baik. Awal ngajar kelas ini, Farras terlihat sangat tidak tertarik buka Quran. Tiap pelajaran tahfidz, diem aja alias baeud. Buka Qur'an sedisuruhnya, setoran paling akhir. Bacaan yang belum lancar sepertinya menjadi alasan hafalannya terhambat dan kurang tertarik ngafalin. Alhamdulillah, hari ini Farras khatam juz 29. Almursalat lancar tanpa hambatan, MaasyaAllah.. Anak yang cerdas dan sangat teliti tiap ngerjain soal, sampai2 kalau lagi ujian pasti paling akhir keluar dan ngerjain gurunya harus nungguin sampe kelar sendiri di ruangan. Tapi hasilnya, paling banyak salah juga salah tiga. MaasyaAllah.. Anak ini selalu beralasan dengan alasan cerdas. Banyak yg naksirpun cerita, jawabannya. "ngapain pacaran, pacaran itu cuma ngebahagiain satu orang. Mending ngebahagiain banyak orang", eaaaaa.. Andai semua remaja berfikiran sama hmmm.. Semoga kelak engkau sukses dunia akherat Nak..hafalannya terus nambah dan istiqomah dalam kebaikan. Aamiin.. #RuFadh #KiranHijabKbb #BubuFayyadh #handshockRufadh
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andinchandini · 9 years
#Verseoftheday (Day 4)
1. Surah Al Qiyaamah 
6. Dia bertanya, “Kapankah hari kiamat?”
7. Maka apabila pemandangan telah kacau balau,  
8. dan bulan hilang cahayanya, 
9. dan matahari dan bulan dikumpukan, 
10. berkatalah manusia pada hari itu, “Ke mana tempat lari?” 
11. Sekali-sekali tidak, tidak ada tempat berlindung.
12. Hanya kepada Tuhanmulah pada hari itu tempat kembali.
2. Surah Al Insaan
2. Sesungguhnya Kami telah menciptakan manusia itu dari setetes air mani yang bercampur. Kami akan mengujinya lalu kami menjadikannya mendengar lagi meihat. 
3. Sesungguhnya kami menciptakan jalan kepadanya, adakalanya dia bersyukur dan adakalanya dia kufur. 
3. Surah Al Mursalaat 
46. (Dikatakan kepada mereka), “Makanlah dan bersenang-senanglah sebentar (di dunia), sesungguhnya kamu adalah orang-orang yang berdosa”.
47. Kecelakaan pada hari itu bagi orang-orang yang mendustakan.
4. Surah An naba
40. Sesungguhnya kami memperingatkan kepada kamu azab yang dekat (waktunya), pada hari yang seseorang melihat apa-apa yang telah dilakukannya sendiri, sedang orang kafir berkata, “Hai kiranya aku dahulu menjadi tanah”. 
5. Surah An Naazi’aat 
42. Mereka bertanya kepadamu tentang hari kiamat, “Bilakah terjadinya?”
43. Bagaimana engkau dapat menerangkannya?
44. Hanya kepada Tuhanmulah kesudahannya (mengetahui waktunya).
45. Engkau hanya pemberi peringatan kepada orang yang takut kepadanya (hari kiamat).
46. Seolah-olah mereka pada hari menyaksikannya, mereka (merasa) tidak berdiam (di dunia) melainkan (sekedar) petang atau pagi hari. 
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aarizaayan · 3 years
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"Have We not made the earth a home for both the living and the dead" [Al-Quran: Surah77, Al-Mursalat, Ayah 25-26][ #Quran #quranverses #Surah77 #AlMursalat, #quran77 ]Alim Burial, Funeral & Janazah Services
The Alim Foundation Inc. is pleased to announce Alim Burial, Funeral & Janazah Services. We provide a platform and assist where Muslim families, mosques and Islamic funeral homes can collaborate with each other to achieve a complete set of funeral services for your loved ones.Click http://www.alim.org/page/funeral-services or Call: 202-630-2546 for more information.
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