organicparadox · 5 years
#achesandpains #cantfocus #allfuzzy https://www.instagram.com/p/BwikklAH3Zv/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=mg74uarn103o
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cabbagebot · 11 years
allfuzzy replied to your post: I'm spending more time seriously learning Clojure
I just can’t wrap my head around functional progzzz
I hear you, man.
If you're interested, I'd highly recommend reading at least the first two or three chapters of this book online. It's a classic, and I think I learned most of what I know about FP from reading it (and it's free, whoo!). The examples are in Scheme, so it's easy to transition that to a more modern Lisp like Clojure.
Or, if you're a fan of .NET, I found that this video was a good introduction to F#, which is also a really awesome ML based language, like OCaml. There's a bunch of good followup stuff on fsharp.org too.
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