#allergies pollen homeimprovement pollenout breatheeasy cleanbreathing freshair springallergies hayfever windowscreens window screensaver
pollenout-blog · 5 years
Sneezing, itchy, burning eyes, runny and stuffy nose -
Hay fever often starts in early childhood and continues  over
decades to reduce one’s quality of life.
The impairments range from sleep disorders with daytime fatigue to the reduction of the ability to learn, especially in children, etc
The negative health effects of hay fever may affect one’s social life, academic performance and labor productivity.
About 20 percent of the population already suffer from pollen allergies - and the trend is rising.
However, now there’s a solution.
PollenOut provides you with 100% Pollen Proof window screens that can be installed in your home, office, building or anywhere that you want to breathe easy. 
Our patented, durable and reliable product also blocks any dust or debris in the air being carried into your home through your windows. 
PollenOut allows you to open your windows without having to worry about anything but clean air coming into your home.
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