#all the office does is drive bmw's and run the heat at 5am in july and never actually work
slippery-minghus · 2 years
so my apartment complex has some of the rudest, most poorly raised, unsupervised children i have ever met. they're awful. and because the common spaces are treated with even less regard than the playground at school (both by the children and the parents that should be—but aren't—watching them), toys are constantly left where they fall. usually this is in narrow walkways, and often at the foot of a set of stairs that i know leads up to the apartment of an elderly woman. someone could seriously get hurt.
one of their toys (which was broken within days of being placed out there) was in front of the stairs on the narrow walkway again, and i'm just so fucking done. i took it out to the dumpster. this used to be such a calm and quiet complex, and the kids used to be respectful. it's so damn frustrating
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