#all the boys brainstorm how to defeat each game even though they’ve all literally done it irl
skyloftian-nutcase · 2 years
Linked Universe AU where Dink tortures the Chain by locking them in a room mini-boss style and forcing them to face their most difficult challenge yet…
…playing their own video games.
Time just straight up gets PTSD flashbacks the instant he starts playing either of his games and is like “nope we’re doing my games last I need time to mentally prepare for this nonsense.”
Warriors is laughing his butt off while hacking and slashing at armies “holy Hylia if I could actually kill twenty bokoblins in one swing that would have been AMAZING”
Twilight keeps forgetting to use the “wolf sense” button and missed literally everything because to him it’s just automatic, so if he doesn’t immediately see it when he becomes a wolf in the game then clearly it isn’t a thing. Wild has to keep reminding him ti hit the blasted button or the game will never progress.
Sky thinks his game is really fun until he remembers that everyone is going to find out about the curse and then he starts finding increasingly more insane ways to get his character killed just to delay the inevitable.
Legend straight up smashes Link’s Awakening to pieces before they can even play it.
Hyrule is just awed that he even has a game, but when everyone starts playing it they all just die over and over again. Wind starts flipping tables the twenty-seventh time.
Four loses his mind because the intro literally gives away his secret of the four sword.
Wild spends his entire game exploring instead of doing the main quest because “what, the pictures are pretty besides I have all the time in the world now!! I can learn all the recipes!!”
Wind thinks his game is clearly the coolest ever, even though no one will let him hear the end of it over the cartoon style (Sky thinks it’s nice). Then they all meet Tingle and break the TV in horror.
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