#all my sideblogs will just remain dormant
vampiric-hunger · 4 months
new blog - same me!
hi again, Vivienne here! welcome to the new blog~
a bit of info: i am keeping both blogs because i really don't want to just delete the fics and repost them, but i wanted to keep my username so one letter change had to be done. just a tiny adjustment. i won't be active on the old sideblog though, just keep that in mind.
now some of you might notice right away that this blog didn't carry over my VtMB material. that is correct. considering this fandom right now is dormant for me and i'm only continuing my longfic i see no reason to include those works either in masterlist or as reblogs. they will remain on my AO3 account, but for now i'm dedicating this blog for BG3 content because the brainrot is absolutely insane lol. still, i know i have a reader or two who follow my VtMB writings, but when there's an update to my longfic it will only be via AO3. i apologize but right now separating these fandoms, at least on tumblr, seems to work better for me.
and as for everything else, well... i finally feel like i have freedom to interact how i want with people and other creators so it's definitely an exciting new beginning! i hope to write many many fics and i hope you all will stick around for that <3 hard to believe i only started writing for BG3 on December 23th! a little more than a month, whoa!
anyway, as always, love you all, and once more - welcome <3
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meandmypagancrew · 8 months
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Literal years ago (the first one I made, the DEH one, was made in August of 2021) I had an idea to make a full ten edit set of letters in musicals. But then... well, a lot of things happened and the project never got finished and in fact, I stopped making musical theatre gifs at all. Without any note or explanation, I just kind of disappeared, and then only recently resurfaced to start posting about Death Note. But while looking through my hard drive, I found these.
They were hard to make and I'm proud of them, but I also know the final four will never be made. I don't even know if I remember now what they were supposed to be. So here.
My final general musical theatre gifset and the farewell I owed you all years ago. This blog will remain, continuing to post about Death Note with a heavy preference to my personal favorite version (the musical) until the hyperfixation passes and then it will probably go dormant again, but I will always be around, even if I'm not posting. If you send an ask or a DM, I will almost always get back to you within 24 hours, usually even less, but if you want daily posts, then you'd have to go find me at @probablygayattorneys which is my most active sideblog, dedicated to the DS puzzle games of the aughts, primarily Professor Layton, Phoenix Wright, Hotel Dusk: Room 215 and Trace Memory/Another Code Recollection.
Anyway, I hope you enjoy the last of the musical theatre gifsets, and so long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbye.
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skyriderwednesday · 1 year
shholmes221 has not posted in nearly three years, neither have any of his sideblogs. Watson has continued to tag him in posts, but refuses to answer questions of his whereabouts, and giftsfromboswell remains dormant.
Then, out of nowhere, he posts a roughly drawn caricature of Mark Twain pointing to the 'Reports of my death...' quote with a speech bubble reading "Not what I said!"
Watson reblogs this, commenting "Fuck you, that's not what I meant." - the only time he has ever cursed uncensored in all his time using the site.
"Wait, he's alive????" asks an anon.
"Yeah, he's just a git who lost access to his account for three bloody years", Watson replies.
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octyfish · 1 year
Hey, it’s been awhile, huh?
Some of you may vaguely remember me talking about restructuring the blog back in March of last year (yikes, has it been that long already?), only for not much to really happen. Newer posts popped up on the blog after that as well. What happened?
Well, it’s still happening. Today, in fact as I finally have a free day to sit down and do everything in one go. It’ll just be happening in a different way from what was originally planned.
I’m putting the rest of this under a read more for those who want to skip on the more long-winded explanation. If you’re still here, hi and thanks for reading on.
Like I mentioned above, my original post that talked about restructuring things was made in March of 2021. I obviously never intended for it to drag on for so long, but life gets in the way and honestly I was still unsure what I wanted to do.
In the original post I said that this would be remaining a fnaf-oriented ask blog, just essentially wiped clean and rebooted. This is no longer what I want to do.
When I first was trying to decide what to do with this blog. Should it remain and ask blog or just shift to a more personal one? I thought I would be able to do a reboot of the blog, but the past year has helped to shift my perspective.
I’ve never been a fast artist and I’ve really only slowed down over time. I also have found that I prefer to fill a more “creative support” role and like to help with other peoples’ projects versus helming one of my own. I still have my own ideas and things, but sometimes I have trouble fully forming them so they often stay in my head.
The other reason I’m turning this account into a personal blog instead of making a personal sideblog, is that I’m just bad at making and using sideblogs. You may have seen me over the years accidentally post something meant for a sideblog here or vice versa if you follow one of the side accounts. I am terrible about checking which blog I’m posting to before hitting post. So, to just make it easier for myself why not make the default account a personal one where I can put whatever I want without having to worry about it? Easy. (I also already have side blogs tied to this account, so it’s easier to just make this a personal blog instead of deleting it entirely and having to start over and re-tie the new account to older projects).
So personal blog? Cool, cool. What happens to the old art here and the art on your current art sideblog? Well, as for this account most of the old stuff is getting archived. All ask art has been mostly archived already on a personal external drive. Some posts may stay, mostly older posts that still make me giggle, or older art from others that I reblogged and still enjoy. Some of my own older art that wasn’t explicitly tied to an ask may also stay, but I’m leaving that up to my discretion if it should be kept up or not. More recent art, like last year’s fnaf ar collab will remain up since it’s recent and I want people to still be able to see everyone’s hard work.
As for the art blog, my art will be archived, posts will be reblogged here for cohesion purposes, and then the art blog will be deleted. Since this one is becoming my main blog, having a secondary art blog feels redundant to me. It could be for purely art reblogs, but that’s not how I work. Plus, I want my art blog’s username to become this blog’s new username, soooo it’s gotta go. A post about this will also go up on the art blog at some point, although it’ll be slightly different.
Sorry for being so dormant about this for so long, and sorry if the changes aren’t what you wanted. If you feel like now’s a good time to unfollow go ahead, thanks for sticking around with this blog for however long you may have done so. If you’re going to stick around for the changes, again, thank you. Thanks for putting up with my slow post speed and long periods of dormancy, and thanks for just sticking around as we head into these changes. Hopefully, this shift will bring in a more active blog in 2023.
Thanks again
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danielkaluuya · 3 years
new blog over @arianmoayed
I decided to start fresh after being on this site since 2011. I'll be over @arianmoayed  
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pumpkinachai · 4 years
Just as a heads up I’ve decided to delete my Super Robot Monkey Team Hyperforce Go! sideblog visionsofwings as I’m starting to prefer keeping all of my content “under one roof” and avoiding sideblogs as a whole because I feel bad when my interests shift and then the sideblog remains dormant for months on end.
I will still continue to post SRMTHFG art/content as well as respond to asks about my characters/headcanons, but it will just be through this blog (my main) from now on (art will also be posted on my instagram/some on deviantart as well). I’ve already moved Echo and Mhairi’s character bios and SRMTHFG fanfic plot summaries to my new character page here on this blog if anyone wants to continue to read them! And as stated feel free to continue to ask me anything about my characters, headcanons, whatever you want. :)
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omniishambles · 3 years
2 and 17!
Mun Views
        * * *
2. On OCs.
I have met so many fantastic OCs since I started RPing, all the way back from my teens, before Tumblr. But it remains difficult to get threads going for OCs compared to canons, and I deeply appreciate the people who have shown interest in mine.If I had to say one thing about them, however, to the RPC at large....let’s maybe try to use older face claims a little more? Maybe? Especially for women? Yes? Please??
Giving OCs a fair chance is something I always try to do. Sometimes you’re not gonna vibe or you won’t be able to think of a way for your muses to interact with them, and that’s fine, but they should never be written off immediately just for not being canon!
Honestly, I think about adding new OCs or bringing in old ones all the time, but there’s always a risk they’ll go ignored or overlooked. Plus I have 21 muses right now and I think that’s enough. Which leads me neatly onto....
17. On multi-muse blogs.
I noticed a distinct drop in interaction when I moved from a single blog to a multi blog, OOC and IC both. It was a bummer. It still is a bummer, and I feel like I have to do a lot of chasing to get things going nowadays. Partly I think that’s a problem with the RPC at large, but...no matter how many times I’ve thought about going back to single muse blogs just to get some better engagement, I don’t think?? I can ever go back??
There’s so much freedom to a multi muse and I’ve always been a character slut, I can’t help myself. If one of my muses goes AWOL, I still have plenty of others available and I can work on other threads and still be active without feeling guilty that my blog is dormant. I get to play a bunch of characters that I love without having to hop around sideblogs, or repeatedly log in, log out.
I think multi blogs still get a bad rap, but I also have three big pieces of advice for running one, feel free to ignore it if you wish, but it’s made things a LOT better for me. You’re probably not gonna like it though.
You’re better off being organised. You need to have clear muse pages, you need to have bios, you need to have links where people can find them. Because people get switched off straight away if you don’t. This is true of single muse blogs too, but multis tend to be worse because we have more muses. 
You’re better off drawing the line at how many muses you write. I know how much you want them all, I know, I know. But for your own sanity. I promise you. Less is more.
Similarly, you’re better off being selective about your muses. I’ve cycled through a bunch of muses who I added on a whim because I couldn’t get them out of my head. Then they ended up being removed because they had no interaction or because I lost the buzz I had for them, or realised I didn’t enjoy writing them as much as I thought I would. That could just be a me thing, but eventually you have to learn to resist, for the same reason as above- your own sanity. It also makes blog maintenance a lot easier!
If you find temptation very difficult, I recommend writing out a muse bio or headcanons or reblogging stuff with their face claim straight into your drafts. Think of a new muse like a tattoo. If you still can’t stop thinking about that particular muse after a few months, then you’re probably going to write them regularly and have fun with it. If you stop thinking about them after a week you know it was just a spur of the moment desire.
Obviously nobody has to listen to any of this and you can do whatever you want on your own blog. I’m just saying these things have made my life easier and my blog easier to run. 
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chrisemrysfics · 3 years
I have updated my About and Fics pages, to reflect the changes I want to make!
In the past few weeks, I have been taking notice that I’ve been forcing myself to keep active a lot of things I just... don’t really feel anymore. A few months ago, I already decided to stop roleplaying, and closed my roleplay blogs.
More recently, I already started being less active on Tumblr, and on that side, I’m still going to not be active all that much. I am likely to still reblog from times to times on my personal side blog, and make little posts here if I really want to share a meta or thoughts or a fun thing. Plus, it is still a good place to receive messages, as AO3 doesn’t have private messaging. It does have comments, but I feel some people might prefer a message here rather than a comment, depending what they want to ask or say.
I might not really post anymore about updates on my fics, or they’ll be quick posts. For new fics, it might be quick posts too, or proper posts as I was doing.
All in all, in term of social medias, I’m using my twitter solely to retweet arts, my personal tumblr sideblog is for occasional reblogs, this fic blog is just to have a way to make meta/hc posts if I want to and share when I update/make new fics if I want to. I have a pillowfort, but I kept forgetting it, or not feeling like making posts on it, so its pretty much sleeping for now, and might just, get some posts to promote my own content, and maybe be poked sometimes to like other people content.
The reason for that is again, that I realized I just don’t really feel social medias anymore, and there are very, very few reasons that makes me keep them. And none of them need demand activity out of me, or its very small activity. Which is something that works out for me, because the other thing I realized is that I was just... having too much on my hands.
This is why soon, I will be putting all my WIP in hiatus, and very few ones will be fully stopped. The only exception will be Shadows Symphonie, and the upcoming No one else but you, multi chap version.
Some will eventually be updated, I’m only taking a break for Meet me Halfway to the End and Assassin’s Light, and then all the others on hiatus are a mixed bag on how likely I feel I will update them, but their common line is that I will look to write them more than halfway or write them fully, before I start updating them again.
The ones that will be closed, due to various reasons that more or less are about it would demand too much out of me and I need to put my energy elsewhere first are: Different yet alike, Hellish Chronicles, Broken Chain, Fated Chain, Freedom of Love, Future we choose, Rise of the Walker.
EDIT: the two crossed out ones are going to be indefinite hiatus rather than full out closed, deciding for these was hard, when I wrote this post I had tentatively decided to close them, but in the end I could eventually see myself write for them, so indefinite hiatus it is!
However, do note all WIPs (except Shadows Symphonie) will be getting a bonus that will summarize what the plot is intended to be!
While it isn’t quite what I ever thought it would mean, my wish to never leave a story unfinished still exist, and it’s a compromise that I hope will works for the majority of you, but even if it won’t be the same as a written story, I couldn’t and wouldn’t hiatus or close fics without giving closure to anyone that wants it!
So to give a summary of the changes!
Activity will be very low on all social medias I have
Twitter is 99% retweet of Wangxian/MDZS arts
Fic blog is mostly for occasional meta/hc and wanting to share when I update or post new fics
Personal sideblog is for occasional reblog
Pillowfort is pretty much dormant for now, might just have occasional post to promote my own content
All WIPs except Shadows Symphonie will go into hiatus with a few I will outright stop writing
However they will also all have a bonus that summarize the plot I have/had intended for them
The idea for most if not all hiatus fics is that I will work on them when I can, and only start posting again when I have a few chapters in advance at earliest, and more than halfway of it otherwise, if not all of it
This way of writing fics might also become my new norm, I might only post fics from now on, when I have written at the very least a few chapters in advance, if not at least halfway of it!
I am truly grateful for everyone who has followed me, here or on AO3 or both, and anywhere else, for the patience, for the interest, and it isn’t a goodbye, that’s for sure!
But I needed to makes changes, to stop forcing myself, to stop not being honest with myself, and I want to be able to write for the fics I actually want to write for, and most of all, I want to write my original content, I want my life to feel good, and for that, I needed to simplify everywhere I can, and be much more gentler with myself, to accept to let go of certain things, and put other things as secondary.
You might be here for my fics, or myself, and you’ll still see my fics, and I’m still around, if mostly through my fics, or seeing me retweet things, and occasional posts; though of course, my IM and inbox remains open!
However, I would feel deeply grateful and happy, if you see this post, and take the time to check what I write as original content. Or just bookmark my site for later, another time, because I’m the first to know you can want to check some things, but you need to file it somewhere as “to check later”. But the reason I say this is, this is my truest passion, and where I truly want to focus myself. There’s a tumblr and a twitter for my original content, and my writer twitter especially might be more active. And everything is free to read, as a personal choice, and while mostly writing fantasy (in various settings), I have some other things, including half-psychology half-spiritual thoughts sharing.
So all that remains is whether or not you might find something you like to read, and the best I can do, is simply to offer you check for yourself!
Again, I’m truly grateful for each follower and reader I have, and I’ll still be around, I’ll still be writing~!
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netherwar-rpg-blog · 7 years
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Welcome to the Wardens, Lash! Your application for THE PRODIGY has been accepted with a Sean Teale FC.
The application can be found under the cut. You have 48 hours to create a roleplay account (cannot be a sideblog) for your character and we will be updating our opening date soon!
O O C - I N F O
Name: Lash
Age: 24
Timezone: Eastern Standard
Activity Level: I will be as active as possible. I work M-F 6-4.
Extra: N/A
S K E L E T O N - I N F O
T H E - B A S I C S
Title: The Prodigy
Name: Khal Asra
Gender: Male
Age: 28
Class: Rogue
Faceclaim: Sean Teale (this might change later I am not sure)
C H A R A C T E R - D E T A I L S
Khal is always stern, perfect posture and arms crossed. It is his strict upbringing that has made him so unaffected. He feels nothing and he needs nothing. He seldom smiles or laughs unless he is making a joke or genuinely amused. He is not the type to laugh as drunkards sing merry songs or grunt their filthy jokes. He barely even drinks. He must remain on hundred percent dedicated to his mission and this entails sobriety.
He is twenty-eight but wise beyond those years. Growing up on the streets made boys into men. The boys who refused to grow up were found with knives in their bellies. He has been in his share of fights over the years, scraps is a better term. Khal knows now that a true fight ends in death. He has scars along his knuckles from his days of thieving. He took the blame away from her, the girl who is a shred of memory. Most of the scares are hard for him to recall but that doesn’t make them any less present. Khal dresses in dark clothing. He is never without his black hood that conceals his handsome features in shadow. Khal’s identity is sacred so he takes great care in concealing his features. He is fond of long sleeves in the summer months, thin flexible fabric that hugs his muscled arms allows him to stay cool and still conceal himself. He has a branded symbol on his ribs beneath his arm that marks him as the prodigy though most would never understand it’s meaning. His weapons are blades. He loves the proximity to the kill as much as he loves pleasing his master. To feel the blood spill at his hands excites him. The twin blades are poised at his back in an X. Two daggers, one in each boot, and a curved blade adorn his garb but the Twins are his first choice. They were specifically designed for him by the smiths of his Master. They are his most prized possession. Khal keeps his facial hair neatly trimmed, not many have the privilege of gazing at him to appreciate his impeccable grooming. Khal keeps his body in top shape. Every day he faces a regiment of cardio, strength, and weapons training. Martial Arts are his second language. He is always clean and well kept. As far as women are concerned, he has a certain appeal. He is attractive and he knows this. He enjoys the sport of captivating a woman to the point of her eating out of his palm. His arrogance is not a virtue but a flaw that the Master has desperately tried to beat from him.
+ Observant + Meticulous + Patient
- Arrogant – Unemotional – Introverted
C H A R A C T E R - B A C K G R O U N D
Khal grew up on the streets without much of anything. His mother was an assassin and his father was unknown. A bastard boy raised by the street’s cold embrace but he was never alone; his only friend, a girl his own age who saw him as more than just a street urchin, whose name he can barely recall. His mind has been brainwashed to forget it all, how to feel and how to laugh. She is a hazy memory now. His mother was never around when he was young. She was always out taking lives instead of providing for his. Once he was weaned from her breast she was a ghost to him. Vana was all that he had. Together they made the streets their home. Anything they could steal they would. He used to be light-hearted and free then. Vana was his only redeeming quality. They were both hardened by the harshness of the underworld but somehow they managed to build a friendship. Khal trusted her and she trusted him. He would find himself devoted to protecting her even though she could hold her own. There was never anything beyond a friendship. He was never in love with her or anything of that lustful nature. She was his friend and that was plenty. When She was taken away he was heartbroken. They were sleeping when he was awoken by the situation. He was normally a light sleeper but tonight he had slept so soundly. He was almost drunk when he attempted to chase them. They disappeared into the shadows of the city and Khal was left stumbling around. Half-dressed and dazed. He screamed her name over and over for weeks. A nightmare that became a reality, part of his life had been mercilessly separated from his soul. Many nights after he relived the drunk stupor that had inhibited his ability to maneuver the shadows, to save her. The shadows would surround him and suck the life from him. His vision blurred and he would see her face. She would scream and plead for him to save her but he would be paralyzed. Khal was forced to battle this and finally he repressed it. Now he was stern and emotionless. Shortly after she was taken he was chosen to become the Master’s Prodigy. There were rules he had to follow. He must be physically capable and emotionally capable. These rules were enforced without mercy. Khal cut his ties to everything. He became something else. He adopted a new name to separate him from his Assassin mother and bastard father. Khal became Khal Asra. It means travel by night, a fitting name for his new identity. The Prodigy must never reveal who he is. The purpose of a shadow is to conceal the darkest deed from humanity. Humanity needs the Dark Union to handle the deeds that they themselves are repulsed by. That was his teachings. He was a shadow; no one and everyone, faceless. The transition was his finest hour. That day when his Master looked him in the eye and was finally at peace with his decision was the proudest he had ever been. He was arrogant at first but soon learned that arrogance would be his downfall. His Master had beaten it out of him but it is still dormant within him. Now that he is one with the shadows his attitude is far less inviting. He has become cold and unfeeling toward everything. He was now the perfect weapon but he must be tested. There have been rumors that his mother had been with the Master and he himself was the product. His mother expressed great pride in knowing that her son was the prodigy and now she was dead. Deep down Khal knew that she had to be killed and he knew that his Master had ensured it. She likely knew what was happening before the poison was ever delivered. His mother had been the final sacrifice in his journey to power. He had buried her long ago and his Master completed his act. He knew the Master had her killed. This created no ill will or anger. Khal knows that the Master knows best. He is his father now, he always has been. Khal knows not that his father is The Master but that fact is that this has always been his destiny. Now The Master has called upon Khal for a final trial, a quest of unwavering importance. He must infiltrate the Wardens. Khal knew from many rumors that Vana was there. The Master knew this as well. His reservations were a disappointment to him but Khal could not and would not fail him. Know that Vana is there has been a true test of his loyalty. He has put her aside for so long that he will have no trouble forgetting their years together. He must not tie himself to her again or she will cause him to fail. The Wardens believe he is there to serve the people. He is gifted and Vana is unintimidated by him. It is an easy web of lies to spin. The ties to Vana have only been severed on one end, his. Will he continue to serve his destiny or will Vana break down his walls of cold steel? The true question is what destiny will lead him to greater power? Reason for joining the Wardens: He is on a Mission from his Master. He has lied and insisted on the most sincerest reasons to all others.
R O L E P L A Y - S A M P L E
“In life there are endless opportunities journey toward your destiny; in death it is finally achieved.” The Master’s ideals were now Khal’s. The only other sound was the gasping of His dying mother sprawled upon the cobblestone courtyard. Her eyes were no longer his. There was no reflection in them to signal the presence of a soul. She was fading fast, a shadow. Since Khal was her only living relative he wouldbe charged with her final arrangements. The Master had slipped away into the safety of the shadows but Khal had no problem sticking around a while longer. The sun had just begun its accent and it had been too long since he had felt its kiss. He would be feeling it much more now that he was to begin his journey to the Warden’s domain. His first priority would be disposing of this body. Her features were not as he remembered them. She looked like she had fallen victim to intoxication. There were no markings on her. She wore the tradition dark garb of an assassin but it seemed she had not been the only assassin in the courtyard. “Your destiny has been fulfilled. Your son is destined to bring The Dark Union Power.” Khal was kneeling beside her, gently combing his fingers through her hair as he whispered the words to whisk her away. In his moment of loss he could only relate to his thirst for dominance and power. No grief, no tears, no anger; it was understood that the Rogues lived and died as quickly as they were conceived. He felt nothing other than the thrumming of his charismatic heart. He touched her cheek with the back of his hand, she was still fairly warm. She spoke little but the words were thought provoking. “My son of shadows, “ her lips quivered but she shed no tears on the brink of death. It was the only claim she had ever laid to him. He never felt any pull toward her, no bonds of mother to son that could penetrate his unwavering desire to bury her and move on. She was at peace with it. It almost seemed that she had invited death to her doorstep for one last, symbolic meeting. “You mustn’t speak. Allow me to end this for you. It seems your assassin has used the wrong dose of fatal elixir.” Khal pulled her into his arms knowing that this was his test. Could he rid himself of his own mother without batting an eye? He held her tightly to his chest as he wrapped his arm across her chest and twisted her head into an unnatural angle. “My test is complete and you are free.” Khal whispered as he dropped his grip on her lifeless frame. He felt something but he always did when he ended a life.
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