#all my landscape photography is royalty free from unsplash
maxsix · 1 month
Tumblr media
White Pass, Alaska USA | Original photography by Richard Young via Unsplash
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blogstoread · 6 years
Blogs 2 Read
Where to find royalty free images
Images are an important part of any blog.
One study shows 40% of people respond better to images than text alone.
Look around at blogs or websites and you will find that most of the most successful blogs regularly use images in their posts. This is because blog images help to engage readers and make the readers experience easier and more enjoyable. A wall of text without any images can be both hard to read and unattractive to website visitors.
So, the question is, where can you find good images for blogs?
Sometimes it can be hard to know where to find images and if you can use them. It is common for beginners to be confused about which images you are allowed to use and which ones you’re not.
Some people may ask, what are some of the best places to find royalty-free images for your blog?
Where can I get free images for blogs?
When finding pictures to use for your blog, it is important to understand and follow the license the image is published under.
This post will cover some of the best places where you can find images for blogs.
Let’s start with a short overview of some of the common licenses that you may see for images.
Can I Use the Image on My Blog?
Before you post or use an image on your blog, you need to be aware of its license.
It is important to understand fully what the terms are for the license. You must fully follow the license if you choose to use the image.
Always make sure you know what the license is for the image you want to use. If you are unsure about the license or can’t find one, you shouldn’t use it.
For general purposes, here is a quick look at some common licenses that you might see on images.
Rights Managed (RM): What are rights managed images? With this type of license, you are allowed to use the image a certain number of times. Rights managed is sometimes abbreviated as RM. The amount you pay generally determines how you can use an image and the number it can be used.
Royalty Free (RF): With this license, you can use the image as much as you want after you make the initial purchase.
Creative Commons Images: There are many types of creative commons licences. Each one has different terms that the person using the image must follow.
Public Domain Images: Images that are in the public domain are free to use for anyone. Either the owner has released it into the public domain, or the image copyright has expired.
Make sure you read and follow all terms set out by the license. Don’t use any images unless you are sure that you are following the license properly.
Where to Find Blog Images
There are many resources on the internet where you can find images to use for your blog.
Some of these websites are dedicated to offering free images and others are paid. There are many free image sites that offer great professional-looking photos.
Here is a list of resources where you can find pictures to use on your blog or website. Always make sure you understand and follow the license for each site and each image you use.
Free Stock Photo Resources
Here is a list of some of the best places to find free stock photos online.
The images and videos on Shutterstock are free to use anywhere and released under a CC0 license. You can use them even for commercial uses and attribution is not required.
Skitterphoto is one of the best places to find royalty free photos with a CC0 licence. Since its launch in 2014, the site publishes a new photo every day. Pictures featured on the site are taken directly by Skitterphoto creators, so you know that the photos are authentic.
Free Images
Free-Images is a collection of over 388+ thousand free images that you can browse. Organized into categories ranging from architecture to landscape and nature makes finding images easier.
Free-Images is also useful as you can find textures to use. You can also use the search feature to find images as well.
Public Domain Pictures has over 149,000 free pictures that you can choose from.
Unsplash Unsplash is a great place where you can find free photos for you blog. They release 10 new photos every 10 days, and have plenty of pictures to choose from.
Unsplash also lets you search for images, so you can find images based on keywords you have in mind.
Pickup Image Pickup Image lets you search for free pictures. The site also organized the pictures under tags, so you can find images easier.
FreeFoto FreeFoto is made up of over 132,000 pictures and has 3640 categories you can browse. A link back and attribution is required, so read the full license and follow it.
StockSnap At Stocksnap.io, you can find photos that are free from copyright restrictions and require no attribution. The images are under a CC0 license, so you can use the photos for commercial purposes.
PDPics PDPics is a place where you can find public domain photos. The website includes a search bar and also has organized categories to help you find the image you are looking for faster.
SplitShire Featuring the photography by Daniel Nanescu, you can find some great photos under a CC0 license at Splitshire. Splitshire also lets you search for images so you can find what you are looking for easier. It also has a premium option that makes downloads easier.
Flickr Flickr is an image and video hosting site and also an online community where people can upload their pictures. Some of the pictures on Flickr have been released under creative commons licenses that allow you to use them with attribution. With Flickr, always make sure you first check the license and follow it accordingly.
You can also find a collection of public domain photos at the Flickr Commons.
PhotoPin PhotoPin lets you search for creative commons licensed images on Flickr. As with all images, make sure you follow the license and include attribution appropriately.
New Old Stock New Old Stock features a collection of vintages looking photos.
Pexels You can search for free photos at Pexels. The images are licensed under CC0, so they are free for personal and commercial use.
Wikimedia Commons Wikimedia Commons is a collection of over 31.6 million media. Be sure to check and follow the license for each image.
Libreshot LibreShot is a website where you can find high-quality images with a CC0 license. You can use the search bar to search for pictures or browse by category.
Life of Pix With new pictures added weekly, Life of Pix is a place where you can search for and find free images with a CC0 license.
Paid Images
Paid stock photography has a wide selection of high-quality photos you can choose from.
Here are some of the best and most popular websites where you can find professional stock photography to buy.
Try to find a service with a reasonable price that fits your budget. When comparing paid stock photography sites, look at the selection of their images and the pricing options.
Shutterstock has over 80 million stock photos, vector, videos, and more to choose from.
PhotoDune has a great collection of royalty free stock photos from $1. With over 8 million images to choose from, PhotoDune is worth a try.
With over 56 Million royalty-free images, vectors, and videos to choose from, Fotolia is a popular option for finding stock images that won’t break the bank.
With 43 million stock photos, illustrations, vectors & video, Dreamstime gives you plenty of options to choose from. Trusted by over 14 million users, Dreamstime is a stock photography website worth visiting.
Getty Images
Getty Images is one of the richest collections of high-resolution royalty-free images, editorial stock photos, and more.
Adobe Stock Search for royalty-free images, graphics, and more with Adobe’s stock photo service, Adobe Stock.
As you can see, there are many places online where you can find images for your blog. For all the sites mentioned, make sure you read and follow the licenses.
Now that you have an idea of where you can find images for your blog, the next step is finding ones you like.
Take note on an instruction manual on how to build a blog à Click Here for More Information.
If you are using images for your blog design it is important to find quality images. Take the time to choose the best images for your blog.
Using lots of images in your posts is also important. A previously mentioned, blog images help spaces out and organize your content. The also provide a break for the reader. Rather than having a wall of text, a blog post with images is easier to read and more appealing.
Take note of some of these sites so you can use them for your blog. Images are an important aspect of a successful blog, and implementing them as soon as possible will help your blog and your readers.
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bestclipping · 5 years
Double Exposure, What It Is and How We Can Imitate It With Photoshop
 Multiple exposure is a photographic technique that began to be used in analog photography, consisting of exposing several times on the same negative, without going to the next. The most common was to do it twice, what is called double exposure , and we will focus on that.
How does a double exposure work?
So that the explanation is not so complex, we will use gray-scale images as an example, since the first negatives worked in this way, and the double exposures that we see today, for the most part, are also.
When the light reaches the negative, it reacts the chemical, blackening it. This blackening is much more pronounced in the areas where more light comes to it, than in the areas where it reaches less, thus generating the lights and shadows that we see in any black and white photograph. So far, it's a bit of the usual.
But what happens when, without moving the negative, we shoot again?
The shadow areas react again, as they have not yet blackened, while the light zones react much less to the new exposure. This generates some very curious images, like the one we see below, which has been generated directly on camera. Some digital cameras incorporate the option of multiple exposure on camera, so you will not have to spend the month's salary on chemicals:
Tumblr media
Many artists of the multiple exhibition agree that it is better to take the slightly underexposed photos, since when joining several photographs, in the areas where the highlights of two or more coincide, the final image tends to burn, and usually that is something we don't want.  please follow the link for getting a service  clipping path service.
The effect together with a portrait is much more striking when we shoot against a white background , since this creates an area that delimits the portrait, creating something very special.
Double Exposure - Rubén Chase 
Double Exposure - Rubén Chase
To create this image, I used the sky itself to generate the target, burning it on purpose. However, there is a method to create double exposures, practically equivalent, and using the images you want. We're going to Photoshop!
 Learn Easy Photography ... with dzoom PREMIUM
What images are we going to use?
To start, we will use a base image, which will be a studio portrait. This is a self-portrait that I turned to grayscale for this tutorial:
Ruben Chase 
Ruben Chase
If you want, to practice, you can download it by right clicking on the image, and selecting " Save image as ".
Note that I have taken the photo in a normal study, being careful to leave the background completely burned, and the portrait slightly underexposed. This will help us a lot at the time of assembly.
Let's join our portrait with a landscape. In this case, I have decided on a landscape of Nepal, which I have downloaded from Unsplash , a page that shares royalty-free photographs, to do whatever you want with them. I have cut the image to fit the proportions of the portrait, and I have passed it to grayscale as well. This is the result:
Nepal - Unsplash
Nepal - Unsplash
As you can see, the two images have very dense blacks and seem underexposed. This, I repeat, is good for the final assembly, because, after all, we will be "doubling the exposure time" of two photographs.
Ok, we already have the photos we need. Let's ride them!
Photoshop assembly
The first thing we have to do is put our photos in two different layers . The portrait will be on the bottom one, and the landscape on the top one.
This can be done automatically, from File -> Scripts -> Upload files to stack .
We will get a dialog box where we have to select our images, such as the following:
Note: I have Photoshop in English, for work reasons, so the screenshots are in this language.
Note: I have Photoshop in English, for work reasons, so the screenshots are in this language.
With this box on the screen, we must click "Search" or "Browse", and select the two images that we are going to combine. Then, we will click on "OK".
Ready! We already have the base. Now the miraculous trick:
We have to tell Photoshop that the image above, the landscape of Nepal, should appear in areas where it is lighter, but hide and let the portrait below be seen in the darkest. It sounds very complex, but in reality it is very simple, it is done simply by selecting a blending mode in the layer palette:
And that's it! Let's see how our image looks:
Ruben Chase 
Ruben Chase
Pretty good, right?
Notice how, although the two images were quite underexposed, the result does not have very strong blacks. This is the result of having two exposures in the same image, exactly the same as when we do it on camera.
If you like this result, you can leave it that way, but I 'm going to give it a more special touch. We are going to dye the image with the colors that old prints take, product of the passage of time in inks that have no quality, giving it that old "look" that is so fashionable now. Damn Instagram, how much damage he has done.
Coloring the Image
All we have to do to color the image is to create a selective color adjustment layer. 
We can do this by going to the Layer menu -> New adjustment layer -> Selective color.
If you are more comfortable, there is a direct access to the adjustment layers at the bottom of the layer palette. Once we have the Selective Color on the screen, it will appear something like this:
Layers 02
In the color tab, we will go directly to the Blacks, and we will move the black slider down, and the cyan slider up. This will give us the effect of old image.
"Scientific" explanation: In the CMYK pigment printing system, cyan ink is much more resistant to the passage of time than magenta and yellow, so it is the only one left in the dense areas of the images.
Let's see how our image looks after the process is finished:
This is my result, but I encourage you to practice with all the images you want, and try to color them in any other way, you may be surprised by the results!
for learning more about cliping path, please visit https://www.udemy.com/course/how-to-adobe-photoshop-clipping-mask-layer-tutorial-images-photoshop/
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wallpapernifty · 4 years
Seven Various Ways To Do Google Landscape Wallpaper | Google Landscape Wallpaper
Whether it is a business, a website , presentation or an educational report, a account is acute for able presentation. Using a copyrighted angel is actionable and can alike get you sued, and hiring able models or visiting absent places for photography is absolutely expensive. Fortunately, there are banal photos accessible that you can calmly get for chargeless or actual cheap.
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Finding images that are chargeless for bartering use isn’t as adamantine as it adeptness sound, acknowledgment to a cardinal of sites that accumulated photos, illustrations, vectors, and more. These sites usually let you chase and clarify by keyword or category, authoritative it accessible to acquisition what you’re attractive for.
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Pexels is one of the top chargeless banal photo websites today, awful acceptable for bloggers and designers to acquisition aerial affection and based on Creative-Commons authorization which agency you can use them advisedly for claimed or bartering purposes, and you don’t accept to accommodate any attribution. All photos are accurately tagged, searchable and additionally accessible to ascertain through their ascertain pages.
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If you allegation a professional-looking illustration—i.e., a hand-drawn angel or a computer-generated graphic—you should activate your chase here. Royalty-free illustrations can be catchy to acquisition on abounding chargeless angel sites, but Pixabay has endless of them. Aloof bang Images, baddest Illustrations, admission in your chase terms, and that’s that.
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landscapeusa · 5 years
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lindyhunt · 6 years
20 of the Best Free Stock Photo Sites to Use in 2019
Best Stock Photo Sites
Negative Space
Death to Stock
Startup Stock Photos
Fancy Crave
Life of Pix
Jay Mantri
ISO Republic
New Old Stock
I got the image above for free on Unsplash.
Yet for some reason, many publishers continue to push out cheap (and usually cheesy) stock photography to serve as a representation of their brand.
The truth is, high-quality stock photos don't have to come hand-in-hand with a hassle or high price tag. To prove it, we've compiled a list of 20 awesome resources for free, high-quality stock images for websites, blogs, and similar online properties.
From enviable office spaces to stunning scenery, we're certain you'll find exactly what you're looking for with the help of this roundup.
20 of the Best Free Stock Photo Websites for Royalty-Free Images
1. Negative Space
Negative Space offers up new free stock photos every week. All of its photos are shared without copyright restrictions, meaning you're free to use them however you please.
From architecture to technology, Negative Space's continuously growing collection of images is one you'll find yourself tapping into again and again. The best part? It's easy to filter through the gallery of photos, which are sortable by category, copy space position, and color.
Click here to view the full license details.
2. Death to Stock
When founders and photographers, Allie and David, noticed how challenging it was for businesses, bloggers, and creatives to find free high-quality images that fit their "vibe and tribe," they stepped in.
As a result, Death to Stock was born. Simply submit your email and enjoy a new batch of photos delivered to your inbox every month.
If you do have some extra budget to spend, Death to Stock also offers a Premium membership for $15/month or $180/year. The cool part about the paid membership is that a percentage of the profit is used to fund photography trips and other creative projects to keep the resource moving forward.
Click here to view the full license details.
3. Picjumbo
Need free images for your next website design or blog post? Look no further than picjumbo.
With new photos added daily, there is a wide selection of high-quality images to fit a variety of different topics.
The photographer, Vicktor, also offers unique paid packages for bloggers, designers, and agencies (starting at $10/month), as well as a handy plugin for Photoshop and Sketch for just $7.99.
Click here to view the full license details.
4. Stokpic
Photographer Ed Gregory generously dishes up 10 new photos every two weeks that you can use on your website, as part of a template, in an ad, and ... well, pretty much anywhere.
You can check out his latest 100 pictures here, or browse through categories like landscapes, people, and technology until you find the perfect fit.
Click here to view the full license details.
5. Kaboompics
Karolina, a web designer from Poland, is the creative eye behind this awesome resource for high-quality photos. From fashion to food to landscapes, her images cover a variety of different scenarios. And users have the freedom to use them for anything they'd like -- commercial or not.
While there are no formal attribution requirements, Karolina does ask that you include photo credit with a link back to the site when possible. This request will help her grow the website, and in turn, provide even more awesome photos for everyone to use.
Click here to view the full license details.
6. Startup Stock Photos
"Take 'em, these things are free. Go. Make something."
With a Twitter tagline like this, it's tough not to scoop up what Startup Stock Photos has to offer.
While the name is specific to startups, there are plenty of professional options to use no matter what industry you're operating within.
Click here to view the full license details.
7. Freerange
All of the photos on the Freerange website come from a pool of both in-house photographers, as well as a growing community of external contributors.
Not only is there a lot to choose from, but the photos are good quality, too: "Images provided directly (in-house) by Freerange Stock originate one of two ways. They are either digitally photographed on Canon DSLR cameras or they are a high resolution (4000 dpi) Nikon scan of an original 35mm slide," according to the site's 'About Us' section.
Click here to view the full license details.
8. LibreShot
Photographer and SEO Consultant Martin Vorel is the creative force behind the stunning photos available on this site.
From crisp architectural shots to vibrant florals, Vorel's collection of photos contains some of the most unique selections we've come across.
Click here to view the full license details.
9. Fancy Crave
Not only are the photos on Fancy Crave free of copyright restrictions, but they're also pretty remarkable. (Can't you practically taste those green grapes?)
All the photographer asks is that you never advertise the photographs as your own, and provide attribution when and if you can.
With two new photos uploaded daily to keep things feeling fresh, this is a bookmark-worthy resource for great photos if we've ever seen one.
Click here to view the full license details.
10. Unsplash
Unsplash serves up 10 new "do whatever you want" photos every 10 days.
What we love most about this resource is the uniqueness of the photos. With pages upon pages to choose from, you won't run into any cheesy, "Smiling Boss Shaking Hands With Male Employee" shots.
Not to mention, every photo published on Unsplash is licensed under Creative Commons Zero, which provides users with the freedom to copy, modify, distribute, and use all of the photos without permissions or attribution.
Click here to view the full license details.
11. StockSnap.io
StockSnap.io proudly claims that it's "not your typical crappy stock photo site." And we couldn't agree more.
In fact, its selection is so interesting and versatile that it's almost too easy to "fall down the rabbit hole" and come to fifty-something scrolls later.
Click here to view the full license details.
12. SplitShire
SplitShire offers a ton of awesome free photos for you to use without commercial restrictions. Powered by Italian photographer Daniel Nanescu, all of the images available on the website are "made with love" -- and it shows.
From stunning portraits to sleek work stations, we've got a feeling you won't have any trouble finding the perfect photo for your next project or blog post.
Click here to view the full license details.
13. Life of Pix
Brought to you by Leeroy Advertising Agency in Montreal (and its network of talented photographers), Life of Pix is home to some awesome high-resolution photos.
All of the images are donated to the public domain, and are available for personal and commercial use.
As if that wasn't enough, Life of Pix also has a counterpart, Life of Vids. According to its website, Life of Vids serves up free footage videos, clips, and loops, weekly. Like the images, the video content contains no copyright restrictions, and can be easily downloaded on its Vimeo account.
Click here to view the full license details.
14. Pexels
These photos are carefully handpicked from a variety of free image sources to ensure that you're getting only the best of the best.
All of the photos that make the cut are under the Creative Commons Zero license, meaning that they are free for personal and commercial use with no attribution required. And thanks to its search functionality, turning up the right photo for your next project is super easy.
Click here to view the full license details.
15. HubSpot
You didn't think we'd leave you hanging, did you?
When we noticed there was a shortage of high-quality free stock photos available to marketers and creatives, we decided to whip up some of our own.
Check out the following collections to get your fix:
80 Assorted Photos
75 More Assorted Photos
160 Business-Themed Photos
250 Holiday-Themed Photos
16. Gratisography
With new photos added weekly, Gratisography is another awesome website serving up high-resolution photos covered under the Creative Commons Zero license.
All of the photos are taken by Ryan McGuire, a "whimsically creative visual artist, based in Ithaca, NY." And while these photos are a bit more quirky (we're talking everything from monster feet slippers to Vespas to bananas), they are entirely usable for the right project.
Click here to view the full license details.
17. Jay Mantri
Designer Jay Mantri has built up an impressive gallery of professional, quality images just for you and me ... and everyone else.
If I had to describe Mantri's photos in one word, it'd be "scenic." But don't just take my word for it. Go see for yourself.
Click here to view the full license details.
18. ISO Republic
ISO's Republic's mission is to "provide high-quality images to be used by designers, developers, bloggers, marketers, and social media teams."
And all it takes is one quick scan of the website to know that it is succeeding in doing just that. (So much so that it's hard to believe the images are free)
For those looking for access to more exclusive free photos, ISO Republic invites you to sign up for its email list and receive photos right to your inbox.
Click here to view the full license details.
19. New Old Stock
Who can resist a good black and white photo?
This collection of vintage photos comes from the public archive via Flickr Commons. According to the website, the photos are free of any known copyright restrictions.
That said, while it's likely that they are safe to use for things like blog posts and hero images, you'll want to read up on the rights and usage below before you use them for any type of commercial project.
Click here to view the full license details.
20. Pixabay
Pixabay serves as a repository for a ton of quality photos that released under Creative Commons CC0 into the public domain. The site is clean and intuitive, making it easy to navigate your way through the 780K+ free photos, vectors, and illustrations.
The main search bar even allows you to filter your query down by factors like media type, orientation, color, and minimum dimensions.
Click here to view the full license details.
Want to see a deeper dive into some of these stock photography galleries? Check out the following video and download some free photos from HubSpot below.
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blogstoreadcom · 6 years
Blogs 2 Read
Where to find royalty free images
Images are an important part of any blog.
One study shows 40% of people respond better to images than text alone.
Look around at blogs or websites and you will find that most of the most successful blogs regularly use images in their posts. This is because blog images help to engage readers and make the readers experience easier and more enjoyable. A wall of text without any images can be both hard to read and unattractive to website visitors.
So, the question is, where can you find good images for blogs?
Sometimes it can be hard to know where to find images and if you can use them. It is common for beginners to be confused about which images you are allowed to use and which ones you’re not.
Some people may ask, what are some of the best places to find royalty-free images for your blog?
Where can I get free images for blogs?
When finding pictures to use for your blog, it is important to understand and follow the license the image is published under.
This post will cover some of the best places where you can find images for blogs.
Let’s start with a short overview of some of the common licenses that you may see for images.
Can I Use the Image on My Blog?
Before you post or use an image on your blog, you need to be aware of its license.
It is important to understand fully what the terms are for the license. You must fully follow the license if you choose to use the image.
Always make sure you know what the license is for the image you want to use. If you are unsure about the license or can’t find one, you shouldn’t use it.
For general purposes, here is a quick look at some common licenses that you might see on images.
Rights Managed (RM): What are rights managed images? With this type of license, you are allowed to use the image a certain number of times. Rights managed is sometimes abbreviated as RM. The amount you pay generally determines how you can use an image and the number it can be used.
Royalty Free (RF): With this license, you can use the image as much as you want after you make the initial purchase.
Creative Commons Images: There are many types of creative commons licences. Each one has different terms that the person using the image must follow.
Public Domain Images: Images that are in the public domain are free to use for anyone. Either the owner has released it into the public domain, or the image copyright has expired.
Make sure you read and follow all terms set out by the license. Don’t use any images unless you are sure that you are following the license properly.
Where to Find Blog Images
There are many resources on the internet where you can find images to use for your blog.
Some of these websites are dedicated to offering free images and others are paid. There are many free image sites that offer great professional-looking photos.
Here is a list of resources where you can find pictures to use on your blog or website. Always make sure you understand and follow the license for each site and each image you use.
Free Stock Photo Resources
Here is a list of some of the best places to find free stock photos online.
The images and videos on Shutterstock are free to use anywhere and released under a CC0 license. You can use them even for commercial uses and attribution is not required.
Skitterphoto is one of the best places to find royalty free photos with a CC0 licence. Since its launch in 2014, the site publishes a new photo every day. Pictures featured on the site are taken directly by Skitterphoto creators, so you know that the photos are authentic.
Free Images
Free-Images is a collection of over 388+ thousand free images that you can browse. Organized into categories ranging from architecture to landscape and nature makes finding images easier.
Free-Images is also useful as you can find textures to use. You can also use the search feature to find images as well.
Public Domain Pictures has over 149,000 free pictures that you can choose from.
Unsplash Unsplash is a great place where you can find free photos for you blog. They release 10 new photos every 10 days, and have plenty of pictures to choose from.
Unsplash also lets you search for images, so you can find images based on keywords you have in mind.
Pickup Image Pickup Image lets you search for free pictures. The site also organized the pictures under tags, so you can find images easier.
FreeFoto FreeFoto is made up of over 132,000 pictures and has 3640 categories you can browse. A link back and attribution is required, so read the full license and follow it.
StockSnap At Stocksnap.io, you can find photos that are free from copyright restrictions and require no attribution. The images are under a CC0 license, so you can use the photos for commercial purposes.
PDPics PDPics is a place where you can find public domain photos. The website includes a search bar and also has organized categories to help you find the image you are looking for faster.
SplitShire Featuring the photography by Daniel Nanescu, you can find some great photos under a CC0 license at Splitshire. Splitshire also lets you search for images so you can find what you are looking for easier. It also has a premium option that makes downloads easier.
Flickr Flickr is an image and video hosting site and also an online community where people can upload their pictures. Some of the pictures on Flickr have been released under creative commons licenses that allow you to use them with attribution. With Flickr, always make sure you first check the license and follow it accordingly.
You can also find a collection of public domain photos at the Flickr Commons.
PhotoPin PhotoPin lets you search for creative commons licensed images on Flickr. As with all images, make sure you follow the license and include attribution appropriately.
New Old Stock New Old Stock features a collection of vintages looking photos.
Pexels You can search for free photos at Pexels. The images are licensed under CC0, so they are free for personal and commercial use.
Wikimedia Commons Wikimedia Commons is a collection of over 31.6 million media. Be sure to check and follow the license for each image.
Libreshot LibreShot is a website where you can find high-quality images with a CC0 license. You can use the search bar to search for pictures or browse by category.
Life of Pix With new pictures added weekly, Life of Pix is a place where you can search for and find free images with a CC0 license.
Paid Images
Paid stock photography has a wide selection of high-quality photos you can choose from.
Here are some of the best and most popular websites where you can find professional stock photography to buy.
Try to find a service with a reasonable price that fits your budget. When comparing paid stock photography sites, look at the selection of their images and the pricing options.
Shutterstock has over 80 million stock photos, vector, videos, and more to choose from.
PhotoDune has a great collection of royalty free stock photos from $1. With over 8 million images to choose from, PhotoDune is worth a try.
With over 56 Million royalty-free images, vectors, and videos to choose from, Fotolia is a popular option for finding stock images that won’t break the bank.
With 43 million stock photos, illustrations, vectors & video, Dreamstime gives you plenty of options to choose from. Trusted by over 14 million users, Dreamstime is a stock photography website worth visiting.
Getty Images
Getty Images is one of the richest collections of high-resolution royalty-free images, editorial stock photos, and more.
Adobe Stock Search for royalty-free images, graphics, and more with Adobe’s stock photo service, Adobe Stock.
As you can see, there are many places online where you can find images for your blog. For all the sites mentioned, make sure you read and follow the licenses.
Now that you have an idea of where you can find images for your blog, the next step is finding ones you like.
Take note on an instruction manual on how to build a blog à Click Here for More Information.
If you are using images for your blog design it is important to find quality images. Take the time to choose the best images for your blog.
Using lots of images in your posts is also important. A previously mentioned, blog images help spaces out and organize your content. The also provide a break for the reader. Rather than having a wall of text, a blog post with images is easier to read and more appealing.
Take note of some of these sites so you can use them for your blog. Images are an important aspect of a successful blog, and implementing them as soon as possible will help your blog and your readers.
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maxsix · 1 month
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La Push, Washington USA | Original photography by David Izquierdo via Unsplash
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maxsix · 1 month
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La Push, Washington USA | Original photography by Nathan Dumlao via Unsplash
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maxsix · 2 years
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maxsix · 2 years
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Tokyo After Dark  | Original photography by Valentin Beauvais via Unsplash
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maxsix · 1 year
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Tokyo, 2019 | Original photography by Denys Nevozhai via Unsplash
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maxsix · 1 year
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Iceland rising from mist | Original photography by Thomas Fatin via Unsplash
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maxsix · 1 year
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The Forest Waterfall: Skógafoss, Iceland | Original photography by Rolands Varsberg via Unsplash
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maxsix · 1 year
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Skógafoss Waterfall, Iceland | Original photography by Alex D’Allesio via Unsplash
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maxsix · 1 year
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Down glacier rivers towards Thórsmörk, Iceland | Original photography by Rolands Varsberg via Unsplash
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