#all my friends know dimitri at this point 😭
throwaway-yandere · 2 years
I saw a friend sharing a post of what I Thought was Dimitri. So I reblogged it under my three houses tag and went on my merry way... until the same friend approached me and say "uh, he is from genshin"
(Looking back, that friend never mentioned about knowing what 3h is... dumb me ehe!)
Dimitri 🤝 Dainsleif
Carrying my sanity since the start of the pandemic.
For example:
Similar drip/color scheme. Blue cape, black armor, etc
Something covers their face on the same location
Canonically strong af with a badass title "Savior King"/"Twilight Sword"
Blonde blue eyes, tall glass of water
Hot voice– I mean haha what yeah um they speak in a low tone haha that's crazy
Connection to royalty/knighthood. "He dIeD lIkE a TruE KnIGhT" grindset (jk but they both uphold chivalric values at some point in their lives haven't they?)
Has one protag they relied on (technically your twin isn't the protag but shhhh)
Something something 5/500 years significance. Spent time walking around alone.
Guessing they both have trauma when it comes to fire. (Tragedy of Duscur/Cataclysm)
New argument 2022: Technically both their subordinate sacrificed their life to save them–
There's probably a lot more but we'll stop there lmao
Anyways yeah haha um I've been crushing on dimitri for like 3 years now so all my fictional crushes are pretty much him, but in different flavors. He made me know what my type is in a man lmfao. I thought my type was just "character that's bound to die since I'm cursed and all my faves die–" but I guess not
Wanna know another guy that looks a lot like Dainsleif tho? Meet Yves from an unlocalized (yet) otome game, Shuuen No Virche
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I call him inverted!dainsleif cause his mask is on the right and he seems like the total opposite in terms of personality, he looks happier than dain but idk, heard the game is angsty lmao. I'm waiting for the english version on switch (⁠๑⁠♡⁠⌓⁠♡⁠๑⁠)
So yeah ehaiiw I love them both so much. I often joke that Dimitri-Dainsleif-Ayato are like the trinity of my crushes lol
Dimitri, the father.
Dainsleif, the son.
Ayato, the holy spirit (same ENG VA as Dimitri, and the main reason I main him and saved months to get C3–)
Dhakkq alright I'll shut up now about my tastes in men lmao.
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fireemblems24 · 6 months
Azure Gleam Ch 11
Spoilers below for AG Ch 11.
RODRIGUE is back. You have no idea how happy I am that he got more screen time (and is now playable!)
Ashe's not happy that some nobles kept their titles after turning coat, but they can't afford the chaos changing things would create right now, but they plan to in the future.
I am living for the Big Dad energy Rodrigue always has.
Do we get to kill Caspar's Dad? Please let me kill Caspar's dad.
Felix asking the right questions - asking if they can trust Claude. Annette doesn't trust Claude. Ingrid neither, but doesn't think he's as bad as Annette and Felix.
Gustave and the Knights of Serios are keeping the Alliance in check.
Once again, people asking if Dimitri can kill his step-sister. But Dimitri's like, guys, I killed Rufus. I can handle it.
Ohh, a letter from Patricia? If it doesn't have new info, why bring it up? Something disturbing. Confirmation she was always bad.
Yep, she helped plot Duscur. I mean, we all guessed she was an awful human being, so now we know.
Like, I don't blame Patricia for missing Edelgard or whatever, but setting your child step-son to get butchered alongside tons of other innocent people is straight-up evil.
Dimitri's worried about Shez, and she's opening up to him. It's pretty sweet. It's also so sweet how much they trust Shez even if she doesn't trust herself.
Honestly, Dimitri and Shez are so cute, as friends or more, it doesn't matter, they have a great relationship.
Shez would rather die than kill her friends 😭 We won't let that happen (it better not happen)
Seteth said he trusts me 😭😭😭
Rodrigue got to say two things this time, which means he made up for lost time last chapter.
Ok guys, Shamir just went up in my books. She said as a mercenary she'll get hired to kill anyone, but prefers killing bad guys, like the Empire. I love it. She hasn't said anything like this in GW or SB.
LAMO, omg, I love Shez.
So it starts with Rodrigue taking Shez very seriously as Shez talks about how the war may be over by next winter because she . . . wants to have a snowball fight, like all the Kingdom kids got to do.
It's actually kind of sweet, seeing Shez want to just play and have fun with the Blue Lions.
Rodrigue, of course, love the idea.
And takes snowball fighting too seriously, talking strategy. Of a snowball fight. OMG I love this. I love him.
He'd do full-out battle with Lambert and go with kids.
Rodrigue lost, lamo.
So Lambert would rush into battle alone, and Shez thinks like father like son with Dimitri.
I also love how Rodrigue thinks Gautier is cowardly for laying and ambush for Lambert, but is totally fine with his own sneaking and waiting to strike.
It ended with them getting cussed out by Ingrid's dad for not taking the mountain seriously.
Shez can invite Rodrigue to join in.
Oh, man, I wish I got to see this fight. I can only imagine Felix when he realizes Rodrigue is involved and thinking it's dumb for taking it seriously, then taking it seriously. Ingrid being an absolute tyrant ordering people to follow her strategies. Dimitri scared he'll knock someone's teeth out. Mercedes being absolutely savage. And so on...
Excited for this.
Yuri's told a "funny knight" who's really strong is helping everyone out who sometimes sounds sheltered and obtuse and sometimes not. Yep. It's Dimitri.
Yuri's not happy seeing Dimitri in dangerous allies. Worried about him. But Dimitri wants to learn how the commoners live so he can help them rule better.
OMG, Yuri's like "you don't have an heir," worried about the civil war that will happen if Dimitri dies.
Yuri is determined for Dimitri to live a long and happy life because the people of Faerghus like Dimitri and Yuri likes the commonfolk of Faerghus.
Also love how Yuri points out that if war breaks out, nobles will die, but commoners get slaughtered. Wish he'd tell Edelgard that.
Haha, he says to bring Dedue at least.
OMG, I love Dimitri. He then just asks Yuri to be his bodyguard.
And Dimitri won't ask Dedue because he knows Dedue will just forbid Dimitri from coming, like a nanny, lol.
Yuri's entertained that Dimitri asked him to be a bodyguard.
Dedue is impressed with Sylvain for interacting with a woman like a normal person lamo.
"Don't expect praise for merely doing your job." I love Dedue. That's savage af.
Sylvain was motivated to mature by Felix and Dimitri. He said they're both like brothers, which is why he wouldn't get left behind. I love this group.
Oof, Dedue "had" a sister. And now we're getting to learn about her. 😭 She liked flower crowns and was determined when she set her mind to it.
Dedue wants Sylvain to visit Duscur after the war, to visit her grave together 😭
Felix got into a fight with soldiers . . . . because they were making fun of Sylvain.
Felix called it the "worst decision in his life." Of course. Felix being Felix.
Felix didn't tell Sylvain because he was worried about Sylvain hearing the details about what people said about him.
I love the idea of Felix getting into a fist-fight with people insulting Sylvain lamo.
Sylvain thinks he deserves his bad reputation because of who he used to be. Felix challenged why Sylvain didn't change sooner. Sylvain has no defense lol.
Felix is ok with people making fun of Sylvain, but only certain people lamo.
Felix is blushing after saying something nice lol. Now he's pissed at Sylvain. And insulting him. Very typical Felix.
Sylvain says he's 7% more cunning than Felix lamo.
This one did go more into ship bait. I was surprised how un-shippy their C was, but I'm sure Sylvix fans loved this one.
They're traveling to a village together. It's the one Mercedes used to live in. Dimitri likes how calm it is.
Mercie called Dimitri her friend 😭😭
Dimitri claims he's a king's knight lol. He catches himself. Also village woman finds Dimitri handsome. She has taste.
Mercedes and Dimitri talk about how open minded the church is and give credit to the overall teachings (lamo, eat shit, Claude)
Mercedes is grateful to Dimitri to taking in the Central Church because it helped the village out. It's why she brought him there, so he could see the good that comes from protecting the church.
Mercedes plans to show him around the town and introduce Dimitri to her mother and the priest.
Dimitri's nervous lol. Hahaha, Mercie says she'll tell him he's someone "very important" which flusters him lamo.
She made him laugh and smile.
This support was adorable. (and feels like it couldn't possibly be the same writers as SB and GW lamo)
Sad they only get one support. Their Houses one was amazing.
Mercedes is teaching cooking. The little girl gets scared of Dedue when he arrives to fetch Mercie.
Poor Dedue frightens children and animals :(
Mercie says lots of the kids are orphans, so they're scared, and that Dedue looks intimidating. She has a plan to make him not look as scary.
I KNEW IT! He's handing out flower crowns. I was going to say it was something with flowers.
Now all the kids love Dedue. Good. He's the sweetest man in Fodlan.
Dedue teaches them how to make the crowns.
Dedue is happy with Mercedes, but Mercie says it was Dedue's kindness who won them over. Of course they both give each other credit.
They both have such strong mom and dad energy.
Annette's up late working on music lol. Shez thinks the notes look like bugs lol.
Annette won't sing it though :( Her songs are legendary.
She wants a song that makes people feel happy when they sing it. Very Annette.
She heard the song Shez passed around getting sung by a dying mercenary, who died happy though because they appreciated the song. It made Annette appreciate the song more.
She is such a sweetie.
It's sweet to have a whole support revolve around Annette realizing her songs make people happy and help people. She'd love that.
OMG, I love Annette. Her new song is about a feast, then they go to get more ingredients, and then get into a death battle with a bear. Truly a child of Faerghus.
Raphael is drooling over Felix's food, so he gives it to Raphael, and Felix offers to go buy more.
Felix thinks he hears thunder, but it's just Raphael's stomach.
Felix is being nice, lol, insisting Raphael eat some of his food.
But now he's annoyed that Raphael called him a "meat buddy" or a bit. Felix likes the idea of hunting that Raphael suggested.
Raphael is so nice not even Felix can manage to get mad at him.
Sylvain feels bad because he interrupted Ignatz painting. He wanted Ignatz to look at a painting he brought home.
Sylvain knows painting styles (he knows it's not a common Faerghus style). But ofc Sylvain is interested in how pretty the woman in the painting is lamo.
He's curious about the woman's identity, but it doesn't seem in a fuck boy way, but a curiosity over a favorite piece of art way.
That Sylvain is into art just made him even cooler.
Religious art often has their symbols in the art (and Flayn's is fish lamo, good).
As a major art fan, I love this support adding little tid bits about Fodlan art.
Lamo, Sylvain studied art to impress ladies at first, but now he actually likes it.
Yuri chatted with a scholar, wanting to learn about the 10 elites because he didn't get a good education.
It's a support to explain how crests came to be and their powers
Yuri trusts Seteth with his crest secrets (partly because he knows Seteth already knows, and partly bc Yuri has taste)
Seteth encourages Yuri to cherish his crest and the power it brings
So is Yuri the son of an elite or something?
Flayn thinks Shez looks good because she's dirty and that suites her lol. I love Flayn.
Flayn is wearing perfume. Seteth probably doesn't know lamo.
Flayn talks about how perfumes coming in trend shows that even in dark times, it's not all consuming. Very Flayn of her.
We're going trend shopping. She doesn't get to shop often.
Flayn is straight-up making shit up, lamo. She invented that Shez wanted to shop to raise Shez's spirits, not hers.
It's this more -uh - questionable side of Flayn that keeps her from being a one-note, overly sweet character. I love it.
Count Charon asks Catherine for more soldiers, but only Dimitri or Rhea could give that order.
Shez didn't know Catherine's family. She stays vague about it when Shez asks about her past.
Catherine, unsurprisingly, says she'd fight for Rhea if had to choose between her or her family.
Catherine asks why Shez is here. Oh, I can pick too - for friends, money, or to fight Byleth. Def picking friends. I think that suits AG Shez best.
Catherine looks happy with that answer.
Oh, I like that, live in a way that makes your past self proud.
Their only support.
Oh, Felix is confronting Ashe about how he's a knight working for Dimitri. Should've known it would be about this.
Ashe defends Felix when he calls Dimitri a boar and tiresome lol.
Ashe says Dimitri does his job for him, omg, Dimitri, stop (but that's he's getting better).
Felix is like - you have to steal your job back from him!!! Use force if you have too - I love this, lamo
Dimitri promoted a lot of commoners to be knights, and there were some minor misunderstandings at first, but now no one cares
Felix asks Ashe if he's a noble or commoner, and Ashe is like kinda both actually, which is true
Awww, Dedue comes to Ashe's aids when he needs it (and Dimitri, but Ashe mentioned Dedue too)
And now Ashe is singing Dedue's praises, and ofc Felix insults Dedue, saying that blind loyalty will get him killed
And omg hahaha, Ashe is like that's sweet Felix, that you care about us, I always knew
I love how almost no one takes Felix's tsun seriously. They're all like "aww, look, he's chewing my old slipper!" energy
Ashe putting Felix in his place round 2, I love this. Ashe and Felix is always gold
Felix is like, it's just because more work for me if something happens to you!
Then he's finally nice, telling Ashe he does a good job
Their only support
This time it's Sylvain who catches Annette singing. Annette seems relieved rather than embarrassed.
Sylvain thinks her song is creepy (covers that, saying creative) and that only Annette could make it (affectionate - maybe)
Why is Annette always singing about swamp beasties?
Sylvain wants a song about something cute instead, so Annette naturally jumps to huge bears lamo
We need an Annette Bernedetta support about finding creepy stuff cute
Annette doesn't seem upset with criticism
Also, this is the second time Sylvain talks to Annette like a person and doesn't really flirt with her, more like siblings vibes it's cute
Annette's next song is even creepier lamo But Sylvain likes it anyways
This one is easy since all 3 are leveled up. I want to do other ones, but I may wait to save some cash lol.
They're up north, so Sreng? Yep.
So they're preparing for a Sreng raid.
So a hostage that grew up in Faerghus is now leading the raid. And Margrave Gautier treated him well even though he felt bitter about Sreng killing his wife. So Miklain's mother?
And now the Sreng hostage is using Fodlan knowledge against them.
Haha, Sylvain was going off about being lazy forgetting his dad was right there lol.
It's cool seeing papa Gautier and Rodrigue together.
The Sreng commander really came across like a dick. Rubbing in Miklain's death, not caring about all the men he got killed.
So did Claude do this in AG too? Incite Sreng? They guess Cornelia and someone from Adrestia too, which could be the case in AG.
Gautier takes credit for the fall. Sylvain got through to the guy apparently.
Dimitri's just happy they share a language now. He would know how important that is since he learned the language of Duscur.
I'm glad they fight over land. It's way more interesting and realistic than whatever the hell they did with Almyra.
Aww, Sylvain is dedicated to reaching peace with Sreng. Of course his dad is harder edged because they killed his wife.
Sylvain being so bent on peace and diplomacy just makes the people who claim he makes sense in CF make even less sense.
I had Shez believe in Sylvain, because AG!Shez is nice Shez.
Sylvain and Dimitri both hate resorting to violence and using warfare first. Both want to avoid it at all cost. I like the future of these two both being important in Faerghus.
Oh, cool, talk between Rodrigue and Matthais. I love the little stories we get of all of them. They were trouble makers lamo. They snuck out the night of the festivities.
Lambert wanted peace with Sreng and Duscur. Dimitri's half-way there, and he and Sylvain are working on the other half.
Gautier now agrees with Sylvain, Lambert, and Dimitri and a pathway to peace.
Aww, Rodrigue advised that he apologize to Sylvain, and he's going too.
Oh, I got the lance of ruin! Cool. Sylvain has his weapon now.
Not Dimitri being more understanding of the Empire nobles who''ll follow any leader that promises them more land than Edelgard does him and the other Blue Lions
He's thinking from the other's perspective, how it looks to them, not what it actually is - Claude and Edelgard could never
Shez is like, no need to feel guilty, hell yes
Felix is worried about Dimitri, in his very Felix way, meanwhile Dedue is like "we trust you"
I love so much that the importance of his friends' support is stressed so much more in AG.
Oh, I get Constance and Linhardt this battle. Cool.
Felix got lectured by Rodrigue lamo, he wanted to break ranks to chase after Monica
Lamo, Manuela's defeat quote is that she won't die single. Ngl, glad she just retreated.
It's really something that the Blue Lions show way more sympathy towards their enemy than the other routes do. They're the only ones that feel guilty for "invading." When the others are invading.
Glad they're bringing up that if they don't do this, Adrestia will not stop until Faerghus is destroyed.
Rodrigue has such a nice voice.
Felix got angry with Rodrigue when he said all the blame for invading will fall on Dimitri, but then Rodrigue said it's up to Felix to support him through it. This really is Dimilix the route, lamo.
Felix is like, duh.
Why is Shez talking to Rodrigue while it's late. I'm getting flashbacks. He died last time this happened.
They're both worried about Dimitri. And it's cannon that Dimitri falls asleep at his desk. Sooo much fanart of that lol.
Apparently Lambert did the same. Like father, like son.
Lambert had a shorter temper than Dimitri, but are very similar. Unlike Rodrigue and Felix. I get to disagree with Rodrigue there, so I will. Because I think they're more alike than they both think.
Ok guys, we finally got it. Why Felix is miserable outside of AM. He can't live without a great purpose pushing him forward. And in SS, VW, and CF he finds no great purpose, unlike in AM where working with Dimitri towards his version of the future does work.
When Lambert died, Rodrigue struggled to find another reason for being. So he devoted himself to his promise to Lambert, to make sure he sets his won back on his proper path is he loses his way.
Shez feels like Dimitri's been helping her, but she's helping Dimitri too. Like what Rodrigue is doing.
Rodrigue says he's only Dimitri's retainer, that's so false. But he says Shez is in a unique spot since she's a friend first, then he's her leader. Which makes me happy.
More teasing about Shez's origins.
Rodrigue says though that Shez's background or powers aren't what's important, it's about who Shez is as a person. I love so much how the Blue Lions keep repeating this idea, that it's not Byleth's or Shez's power. It's their worth as a person that matters.
Arval just called Rodrigue a wonderful human being. Based.
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veilder · 6 months
How about 2 and 11 for the fandom asks? :)
Ooh, thank you, friend! :D (For the Fandom Year in Review Asks here.)
2. Favorite ships this year Oh man, what a loaded question, lol. Well, as I'm sure many of you know, I've fallen hard back into Trigun in 2023, lol! So I just have... a whole shitload of ships I've been reading for that, omg. Fave is probably Millyons (Knives x Milly lol) at this point, though, omg. (I blame @eomma-jpeg fully for this. >_>) But I still have such a huge soft spot for VashMeryl, too, as well as some other rarepairs like KLR (Knives/Livio/Razlo) or Kniveswood (Knives/Wolfwood 😅). Yes, there is a trend here... No, I won't examine it. >_> As for other media, I'm still well in to Genshin Impact as usual and my favorite Chili bois have yet to be unseated as my all time faves, lol. (I.e. Childe/Zhongli) I'm still like moderately invested in the Cyno/Alhaitham rarepair as well, though I haven't read as much for them. But perhaps the biggest surprise of all though is how down bad I am about Neuvillette x Furina. Like damn son, me stanning a straight ship in Genshin? XD This hasn't happened since Ayaka x Thoma. XD And I'm way more invested in Neuvy and Furina anyway, goodness. The whole Fontaine story arc absolutely destroyed me and I loved the two of them in it so much. I hope they get to be happy soon in the future. 😭😭😭
As for other IPs... Y'all know I still love DBH in my heart and still stan Convin and North60 with my life. I'm also still riding that FFVII Remake train and may or may not have read a bunch of Sefikura this year... >_> (Sephiroth/Cloud for those who don't know. Because the inherent eroticism of being sworn enemies will never not appeal to me. >_>) And also IkeSoren and Dimidue (Dimitri/Dedue) from Fire Emblem still live in my heart indefinitely. But also, a lot of my fandoms I've read this year I've been reading a lot of platonic stuff for, too. Haha, can't even list LotR/Silmarillion on here because all I ever read for that is Feanorian family feels. XD
11. Biggest squee moments of the year (For ye youths who no longer use such awesome terminology, that means the fandom moments that made your heart cry out in overwhelming joy. Can y’all believe that “squee” didn’t quite stand the test of time??)
Oh man, I'm trying to think here... Tbh, I've not watched very much new media this year and the stuff that was new was usually also pretty sad, lol. 😅 However... though it's a tad bit bittersweet, the end of Genshin's Fontaine Archon Quest just... destroyed me in the best way? Especially Furina's reaction to everything... (I'm trying to be vague here to avoid spoilers. XD) Like, I felt such palpable relief and joy for her after it all went down. Maybe not exactly a squee moment, but I was definitely inordinately happy, haha. XD
And you know what else? Her damn character trailer. XD It was so fun?! Absolutely chaotic and whimsical and so over the top and I've watched it so many fuckin times. XD Dang, I love her. 💙
Also, just mark down like a bunch of fanfic moments, lol, because of course. XD I couldn't list them all if I tried but... The two that immediately came to mind for me were Milly and Knives' whole relationship in @eomma-jpeg's exeptional fic In the Meadow, and also the last posted chapter of Bgtea's ridiculously long and ridiculously good Genshin fic, Entirely Out of Spite. (I recommend these both wholeheartedly.)
But yes, hope my meandering answers were satisfactory, @keltii-tea. Thank you for the asks! XD
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sevarix-blogs · 1 year
your debating post might just be about fandom stuff but i was thinking this about myself earlier today too!! like!! okay!!! i don't have the spoons to look up fucking sources to try to educate / counter the transphobic propaganda this family friend has fallen for! i'll just know to avoid them forever and not trust them again! i know these things you're saying about trans people are untrue! but if i say that and they ask how i know! i don't! / i just do! hdgfhfdg you can reply privately if you don't want this on your blog
YEAH that was partly on my mind when i wrote that post as well. bc i have to 'debate' my parents about why drag queens are harmless, actually. and why certain far-right -wing politicians are fascist. (one time my dad told me to define what 'fascist' meant as if i was using the term w/o knowing its definition 🙄) and like. i do not have the energy for that. i wish they would take my word for it but that's not how debating works. debating is just so exhausting i never have the spoons for it. especially when they parrot propaganda they hear on foxnews.
it's so frustrating. it makes you left feeling like no one understands you. it makes you feel so invalidated. not everyone has the ability to debate!!! some of us are extremely mentally fatigued all the time!!!!! expecting people to Always Debate on behalf of themselves is messed up tbh.
with fandom stuff too. like i shouldn't have to debate why i like dimitri. it's not bc i'm desperately in love with him or w/e the haters think these days. i just think he's a nice character. deal with it.
but especially with transphobic propaganda. like it goes deeper with that. bc i feel like i am defending my right to exist. and i get all these stupid points thrown back at me like 'well you pass, why are you worried?' (as if worrying for others is not a valid reason to be concerned!!!!!!)
i was seriously SHOCKED when my mom was angry at target and bud light. bc she was angry that they gave in to the bigots!!! she was like 'they should stand up for what they believe in, and not give in to the bullies!' and i just like had to pick my jaw up off the floor i was so shocked. my mom who thinks drag queens are problematic said that bud light shouldn't be attacked for using a transwoman to advertise for them.
i was relieved that SOME of my 'debate' points got through to her. but it took a ton of work. work that i shouldn't even have to put in 😭
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A morally dubious choice Claude could have taken that more deeply delves into his underhanded and risky methods without outright breaking his character: *making it seem as though the Alliance is siding with the Empire only to use the "allegiance" to find the perfect chance to strike the Empire at its heart, providing supplies and routes to Edelgard while giving excuses as to why he can’t give troops - offering himself up as a troop in place of others as a “sign of trust” (The Empire thinks they have a hostage, Claude thinks he managed to successfully infiltrate the Empire and make them underestimate him.) The player goes a couple/few chapters without Claude there as a unit making Lorenz/Count Gloucester the de facto leader in Claude's absence. I lose my fuckin' marbles because I exclusively play as Claude in GW he's like 8 levels above everyone else lmaoooo.* *keep him siding with the Empire strictly to his route with the writing in mind and strip him doing that from SB*
His hands are dirty, but he’s keeping his people out of the war as much as possible while working under everyone’s nose to more quickly put an end to it. In subsequent diplomatic talks with the Kingdom and Church he can discover that much of what he thought about the Church was wrong (since lbr pretty much everything he levies against it is like. Not true lmao) and from there determine how he wants to deal with the Church and how the Alliance should be handled after he leaves.
Hell, you can have Shahid's invasion be a more looming force throughout GW, and have The Gard's defeat not be the end of this hypothetical route. It could be given to Shahid instead; another invasion, somehow bigger than the last and more motivated to fight. Except now Claude has the Kingdom and Church to help him, and he struggles with whether to kill Shahid or let him live...
What we got:
An outright evil act that completely snaps Claude’s character in half and is not justifiable: *making Faerghus and Sreng fight each other in GW*
I've heard that it's him taking a darker path, I've heard that it was him being desperate, I've even heard someone try and say he was anxious and anxiety does things to people ("I know I sparked a border war but did you consider that I have anxiety :(" lmao), but like. C'mon. Dimitri at his most mentally unstable, when he was calling people rats and murdering anything that wore red and literally talking to the air because he genuinely thought the ghosts of his loved ones were spurring him on to get vengeance at all costs, still never harmed innocent people and still cared for his friends. He still held onto his core beliefs, and that's with him having way more understandable reasons to discard them than 3Hopes!Claude could ever dream of having. There were ways to develop Claude's darker tendencies without resulting in the assassination that is GW (post That Point) that would have been infinitely more interesting than doing something as horrible as that with no repercussions (no his friends being mad at him for two seconds isn't a "consequence" they still stay with him and follow his lead afterwards)
(sorry for the long ask... and the abundance of them lately 😭 I just like hearing your thoughts!! 💞)
Claude taking advantage of the war, real or feigned depending on how quickly Shahid is dealt with, at the Throat to say that he can't spare many bodies, but he can spare himself . . . . . . . oh you are ON to something, that's kind of glorious. Golden Deer's Plea 2.0 with Claude trading priceless information to one lion king, on the condition that when they get the hell out of dodge, Dimitri will support him in mediating peace with Almyra, whether Claude is on the Fódlani or Almyran side.
Fuck! I know what i said about not writing a GW alternative but the thought is tempting. Hm. Maybe a shorter piece instead of a full-blow, multi-chaptered monster.
The problem with comparing Hopes!Claude to pre-Gronder!Dimitri is the narrative framing, from what I can tell. Obviously I would like to play the route with my own two hands and my own two eyes, but Claude, from what I can tell, is never made out to be wrong the way Dimitri is, nor does he condemn himself for committing acts he would have condemned were he in the right frame of mind. I love an overthinker as much as the next gal, but Claude's whole psyche wouldn't snap under it, and if Dimitri can't bring himself to kill innocents at his darkest, lowest moments because it's the foundation of his person, I have a really hard time believing a little hardship is enough to make Claude resort to the thing that made his childhood an actual living hell.
And don't apologize! As always I love receiving your asks; they're always some combination of funny, relatable, or thought-provoking, so they're a nice thing to see whenever they arrive.
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howdybesties · 2 years
Episode 3 thoughts 
It’s the scene from the trailer!!! And it’s not a dream??? 
Oh so they infiltrated st Judes
12 provinces in the dominion - still confused about what factions are
Oh whoring them out? Tell them to f more Iconic Queen Marina
Death watch for the fallen 
It’s DANE! /Craig!
Oh he’s a transfer from st Jude’s 
Christian He’s like you’re together?? 
not a fan of the compulsion cgi 
Oh the promise mark is simplified 
Bro didn’t someone write a fanfic with this dynamic?? between meridith and Janine and rose  
Trauma bonding 
The 360 spin was nice Oh the black eye! 
Mia is so diabolical 
Bro where is the romance????? 😭😭
I don’t understand the fur lapels on the blazers 
Bro the budget please besties (this is re: the psi hounds)
Oh so Tatiana is the niece of the high priestess Irene
I’m studying this harder than I have anything in years 
Crazy how that behind the scenes shot is just that one scene like we all thought Dimitri was there too - this is the interview scene
Interesting how compulsion isn’t an everyone skill - the golden threaded tongue is a nice touch 
Rose and Christian bonding!! 
In death we have one face  hmmm
I’m sorry queen marina your cape looks like a bouquet paper wrapping 
An interesting parallel to the rose chanting last episode to the solemn tone with Janine 
The lavish death watch party vs the rustic and real mourning of the dhampirs
I hope you dance as well as you fight - my expression was wow 
He loves having her in his arms omg 
Christian doesn’t deserve this!!!!! 
Bisexual lighting 
Hmmm I don’t know how I feel about this 
Tatiana is fun 
Christian Rose bonding!! I love this 
Unicorns are rare 
Sweet Lissa no he just want to protect you 
No quorum can’t vote so early??? 
Love the cut to Tatiana evil queen vibes 
I was hoping for a rocket fuel reference - when she stole his drink 
What’s the point!! It could have been IVAN!! What the 😡😡 
I want to protect my best friend from danger and I want a life of my own
This isn’t the romantic moment they think it is - 
Oh I love this!!! Will you teach me? the whiplash in my thinking 
The height difference 
That little nose scrunch so cute! 
Damn Jesse is traumatized wrong place wrong time 
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atomatowriter · 9 months
Highlights from Prismatic Dawn battle (the Remire Village battle for those who know FE3H):
Celin got dropped to 9 HP because she was in the center of a big AOE spell (not fireball but idk what it was) an took a shit ton of fire damage, ran over to heal Dimitri and Dedue who also took a shit ton of fire damage, and she then took more damage at the end of her turn bc she wouldn't leave the big fire without them. Also at one point there was some action confusion and Dimitri got to run out of the big fire but Dedue didn't leave until Celin was out. They truly are both like that. 😭
I learned that Celin's horse has a higher wisdom score than she does.
We were so spread out across the battlefield that we all had pieces of what was going on and nobody had all of it. Celin did not actually do a lot of fighting, she mostly got some kids to safety, pulled some knights out of fires (we joked about modern AU firefighter Celin and I want this), and, as I put it "ran back and forth like a frantic collie just going 'EVERYBODY STAY IN ONE PLACE.'" Consequently, she has no idea that a) the Flame Emperor was there, b) Sven's dad (the main Slither guy in our game bc Cressida replaced Thales and Solon, etc. with other characters) was there fucking shit up again, c) the unconscious girl she healed and ran out of the battlefield was an Agarthan but also sort of Sven's half-sister? and d) the kids she got out of the fire at the start of the battle were Kyrie's resurrected siblings????????
Cressida on some of those points: "But does she have kind of an idea?" Me: "She has a wisdom of 9 so no."
At one point Dimitri went into a rage and ran off the map to go fight the Death Knight and half of us were like BITCH and followed him but my brain leapt from that to remembering how, historically in the Fire Emblem: Three Houses video game when Dimitri goes off map to charge after an enemy, it does not go well for him to realizing, "Yeah if Dimitri dies, Celin is gonna straight up tell Dedue about our Crest of Flames shit and also our access to resurrection rituals. I know we promised to keep it a secret but if he dies she's IMMEDIATELY gonna tell Dedue that she has a way to bring him back to life because she doesn't trust what he'll do if he thinks Dimitri is permadead." (We have, in the past, resurrected Mercedes.)
After the fight was over, Dimitri was super pissed, as...you know, is canon. Celin saw how there were so many more bodies of villagers than there were the people who actually caused this and in the mindlink to Sylvain was like "Yeah I get the anger though." Also on that point, she said "FUCK" or "GODDESS DAMNIT" in the mindlink in a panic like three times during the battle so I think she's fully embraced that she is now a person who swears. This is her life now. She lost her religion, she and her friends are in dangerous and emotionally wrought situations every five minutes, someone experimented on a bunch of innocent villagers, and she is a person who says fuck now.
Kyrie and Solstice had a talk with the Flame Emperor that was very tense where FE was basically like "Join me." And Kyrie and Solstice were like "Give us more information please." And FE was like "No information, only join me." However, they did say the whole "the world will be purged in flames and made anew."
I realized that while I would love to have a Golden Route, I don't know if CELIN is gonna be capable of it. Because she's very "reform not abolish" - and also feels like Slither is at the root of most of the bad shit, so while the Church has some things to answer for it's not...the big bad here??? - and she would respond to "the world will be purged in flames" with like " respectfully no?????????? we live in the world???????? a lot of people live in the world???????? people die when you purge them in flame." Also Edelgard's whole "Yeah I don't want children to suffer anymore...and so I'm going to start a war and kill thousands but after that when the world is exactly what I want it to me then they'll be fine" is not something I ever see her siding with. Our Black Eagles character, Sven, has like an A support with Edelgard and may have a shot at persuading her out of the war thing (but a long shot since Edelgard's main personality trait is being...unyielding), but has said that ultimately if he can't, he's already pledged himself to her and would side with her. So we might go into the post timeskip with some of the PCs, who all deeply love each other, on opposite sides of the war. 😬
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claudemblems · 4 years
hi friend it me again. since your requests are still open and i can’t stop thinking about felix, would it be okay if you wrote something where felix gets jealous of his s/o bc she’s a mega ray of sunshine and is personable and just likes to talk to and help everyone? 🥺 (again, i love your writing 😭 thanks for your great work on my previous request! i reread it often 😅)
I’m always up to writing Felix content!!! I’m so happy that you enjoyed your last request so much. 💖 I hope this one is all right, too. I tried not to make it too long but I just ramble on too much when I write 😂 I can’t get enough of this grumpy but soft swordsman!!!
No one at Garreg Mach could understand how a sweet and outgoing girl like you ended up being the perfect match for the grumpy and introverted Felix. You harnessed some sort of unexplainable power that could turn Felix from cool and aloof to small smiles and pleasantness the moment you walked into the room. Sylvain would laugh at Felix’s change in demeanor, declaring that you “must have bewitched him!”. Of course, Sylvain would be swiftly challenged by the point of Felix’s blade and an “invitation” to spar. 
Needless to say, Felix’s love for you was clear as day. He could be himself without fear of judgment or you forcing your own beliefs onto him. Your easy going attitude and openness to new things made you as pleasant and lovely a person as you could be. People were naturally attracted to your good nature.
Sometimes a little too attracted to you for Felix’s liking.
It didn’t always come in forms of flirtations, though Felix had seen enough guys try to smooth talk their way into your heart to last him a lifetime. It didn’t make it any easier that you didn’t easily pick up on their advances. You were just too happy to chat with them and put smiles on their faces. Felix just wanted to take his sword and carve those smiles off.
Felix wasn’t great at hiding his jealousy, but he tried to at least learn how to handle it. He knew it wasn’t right nor reasonable to get so fired up when you were talking to a guy. But Sothis forbid they made you laugh. His jealousy might spiral out of control before he could even attempt to calm himself down. However, there were a select few people who hung out with you that he didn’t mind too much. Ashe and Dedue were as kind and placid as you, clearly only interested in a long-lasting friendship with you. He didn’t have the heart to tell them to back off when they were clearly some of your closest friends. At least he knew they wouldn’t try to flirt with you. Sylvain barely even flirted in jest with you anymore. He knew what kind of fate would await him if he got onto Felix’s bad side one more time. 
While Felix was in the middle of repairing his relationship with Dimitri, if the Boar Prince left you in giggles or even touched your shoulder, he’d still get an earful from Felix. Those situations usually ended up in Felix leading you out of the room in a huff, Dimitri confused as to what he did to anger his friend to such an extent.
On the other hand, Felix grew jealous just seeing all the people that flocked around you. They made you laugh and smile, but they also took their time getting to know you, Felix left to wait his turn for a single moment with you. You hadn’t noticed his irritation nor had you suspected his jealousy. You, of all people, were well-aware of Felix’s passion for training. Every waking moment that he was not with you, he was in the training grounds honing his sword skills. You wished to let him feel free to do whatever he wanted with his time. On days when he didn’t come around as much, you assumed he was simply pouring himself into more training.
He was, only because he couldn’t even get a chance to talk to you thanks to your adoring crowd shadowing your every move.
But one day you’d caught his eye. You were conversing with some of the staff when you noticed Felix’s gaze. It only lasted a moment before he was already headed off into the other direction.
You promptly (but politely) dismissed yourself from the group and followed his steps. However, you already knew where they would lead you: the training grounds.
You peeked your head through the entrance, watching Felix attack the training dummies. His breaths were labored from the swift and fierce swings of his sword, his eyes intently focused on his inanimate enemy. 
“Felix?” you spoke softly.
He ceased his attacking immediately, turning his head towards your voice. “[Name].”
You took cautious steps into the grounds, wary of the tension in the room. Felix didn’t have to say a word for you to know he was in some sort of mood.
“Did you have something you wanted to say to me?” you asked. “I caught your eye when I was talking with the staff, but you were already on your way here before I could dismiss myself from the conversation.”
Felix huffed. “Yeah. I just wanted to have at least five minutes to talk to you, but you’ve got those people following your every footstep every moment of every damn day.” He let out a loud sigh, grip tightening on the hilt of his sword.
You stared at Felix in silence, taking in his words. Seeing him so visibly upset, his back turned away from you, the sight struck a chord in your heart. It hurt to see the person you loved feel abandoned by you.
Your steps were light and cautious still as you approached him, but Felix stayed in place. His back still to you, he jumped a little at the feeling of your hand on his shoulder. “How long have you been feeling this way?”
He turned and met your gaze, his expression a clear indication that your question had caught him off guard. But he answered honestly. “A little after we started dating.”
You felt his eyes on you as you lowered your head. “Really?” you asked in a small voice. “I wasn’t aware that you felt left out in the slightest. Honestly, that’s ridiculous that I didn’t consider that.” You shook your head, letting out a long breath. “I’m sorry I made you feel like that, Felix. It’s not my intention to hurt you.”
“I know it’s not your fault,” he replied. “You’re just so outgoing and friendly. You’ve got a smile that draws everyone in, and people can’t help but stop and stare. You’ve got every good quality a person could have, and it’s not like I can blame people for wanting to get to know you. It’s just…”
Felix’s eyes widened when he heard your giggles. Heat rushed up to your face as you clasped your hands together. “Is that what you really think of me?”
“Well...yeah. Doesn’t everyone?”
You couldn’t restrain the smile that spread on your lips. “I think you think too highly of me, but…” Felix shivered at the touch of your hand against his cheek. “You’re the one person whose thoughts about me truly matter. I’m sorry I haven’t been making enough time for the both of us. I’ll have to let my equally outgoing friends know that I have bigger priorities than just chatting the day away with them. For example, chatting with you.”
You didn’t miss the blush that bloomed on Felix’s cheeks or the slight smile he made at your words. “Chatting is fine,” he stated, heading to the other side of the training grounds and pulling out his sword, “But I think sparring is a better use of our time.”
You grinned and grabbed your own sword, getting into position. “Don’t expect me to let you have your way in our sparring sessions, though.”
“We’ll see how confident you are after I win.”
Your laughter echoed in the grounds along with the clang of steel on steel. It didn’t take much to smooth things out with Felix, and training sessions were always the perfect way to bring him back into high spirits.
But with you there smiling at him, sharing your laughter with him, you were, by far, the perfect remedy for any bad day. He’d never get enough of your goodness and innocence. 
It meant the world to him to know that he was the person blessed to be beside you.
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sohyuki · 2 years
AHHH NW NW AT ALL ISSOK !! n is gd ure well hehe <3 ✨🤩
AND FOR uh fire emblem (3 houses) ISHDJS personally my faves r dimitri + felix/yuri !! n the protag is byleth yes yes :DD the best way to experience it is def thru playing it, but theres also like "movies" on yt if u want to see the story if u rlly want to get into it!! the story n the characters r vv good 😭💞 there're 3 houses (but 4 routes 🙈) so u may want to watch vids from nintento's official acct to see which u prefer 1st (i like blue lions 💪) so yh i think itd be best to start w nintento's videos? ;O
UHH WJDJWKEN IM SORRY if this is long im rlly passionate abt the game so i got excited bcs itd be so cool if u liked it too hehe 👉👈 its super cute!! and good!!! but also it broke my heart... multiple times so WODBWOD 💔 if u want to get into it there's other stuff too but ill stop at this point of my rambling 😭😭 its almost monday so in advance have a gd week minttttt aaaa <333 !!
I HAVE HEARD A LOT ABOUT DIMITRI (mostly because people compare him to dain?) but yes!! i've heard a bit about 3 houses because my sister LOVES claude. she doesn't play since neither of us know a switch but i think she mentioned watching the gameplays with a friend who had the game?? im not sure but she's got a ton of fe3h merchandise. I'LL DEFINITELY MAKE TIME NOW TO SIT AND WATCH THE MOVIES!!
and please don't apologise for rambling!! i'm grateful you took the time to come and tell me all this <3 i'm always open to conversations and new stimulation so please feel free to drop by and ramble about games i should try anytime okay !! have a great week too astria!! <3
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fireemblems24 · 1 year
Azure Gleam Ch 8
Spoilers for AG below. 😭😭😭😭😭😭 Last chapter was 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Cornelia just needs to go awayyyyy. It's ok, more beating up on Cornelia is good.
Poor Annette, her uncle turned against Dimitri 😭😭😭 Poor baby has to fight her uncle.
Oh, more Faerghus history. It got split into 3 at one point, which explains why House Dominic might fight against Dimitri. They think her uncle is sort of forced into the uprising.
I'm so glad they want to convince her uncle to change sides. Steal their leader too.
God, I love this route.
Duscur chief throwing their full support behind Dimitri. I love this so much 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
I'm so happy to see Dimitri getting some love. Can Dedue talk to this guy too, though? At least Dedue was there.
Dimitri giving Dedue and Rodrigue credit. And Dedue giving Dimitri credit. Ofc these two.
Dedue getting to talk about Duscur 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Dimitri switched from "my" to "our" duty. Boy is growing up and LISTENING to Felix. Good 😭😭😭. And Felix, like, not being abusive but helpful. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Man, I love seeing so many people from Duscur in the camp now. More than there used to be.
Wait, did Hapi just call Dimitri "Didi?" That's really cute.
Ah, people commenting that it seems like Felix and Rodrigue are now getting along 😊😊😊😊😊😊
Flayn is too precious for this world. Saying she's noticed that Dimitri looks more at peace and credits that to his friends and says she wants more friends herself.
Oh, oh, it sounds like from Catherine we're getting Shamir on this route soon!
Ingrid is just casually talking with someone from Duscur about training with the spear. Bless this game for giving us these details. Ingrid. Deserves. Character. Development. (and to live, fuck Scarlet Blaze).
Dimitri's boyfriends are talking and he's like handing out at the bottom of the stairs where he can hear but not see them. II bet he's listening in, lol.
Oh, they're talking about Duscur soldiers. Felix only cares that they're good fighters. Of course he does. Felix is so sour. I love him.
Dimitri spent the night getting scolded by Felix. 😌 I hope they had fun. 👌 On a serious note, apparently Felix and Dimitri used to talk together all night and this was like old times. This group, I swear. Dedue came in and argued with Felix. Three-way. 😌
Edelgard is attacking us. Shocking.
Dimitri's torn between needing to attack the West and defending himself from Edelgard.
Rodrigue wants to focus on the West. So does Dimitri.
Seteth tells Dimiri to send Serios to defend Faerghus.
Looks like Annette's uncle is finding out the truth about Duscur. Seems like he'll side with Dimitri now.
Baron Dominic sympathizes with them (as Lambert favored the Eastern lords, or so they claim, who knows), but has some interesting dialogue.
"I understand the situation you found yourself in, but I fail to see the righteousness or necessity in the measures you chose." And even better. "Yet one can never predict what may lie on the other side of a violent, radical revolution." "Surely a dialogue is a more preferable to cold-blooded murder." Safe to say he'd never side with Edelgard.
Annette, your uncle is based.
Cornelia is back. Man, she's by far the most fun villain.
Super happy they let these two support. But if they start talking about Glenn, I'm going to cry.
They're talking strategy together.
Ingrid's like "I command Galatea, I can't retreat." 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 (she just died in SB for anyone wondering)
Rodrigue is helping her figure it all out. He's such a Team Dad in this game, and I LOVE it. This is exactly what I thought his supports would be like.
Oh, Ingrid's brother used to serve as Rodrigue's squire. He was the one who came up with the strategy.
Glad I get to hear more about Ingrid's brothers. I think they got mentioned like once and I always find it cool that she's the heir over her brothers despite men always getting favored over women.
Rodrigue also wants to make sure Ingrid takes care of herself. He's such a Dad.
Dimitri got knocked out while training and is beating himself up over it. Shez blames his exhaustion. Let's be real. She's right.
"Dedue and Felix in particular didn't know what to do with themselves." Man, this game ships Dimilix and Dimidue so hard.
Shez ran things while Dimitri was out. Setting up camp.
"Everyone, and I mean everyone, thinks you need to take more breaks." I love this side of Dimitri so much.
Ah, Shez, Ingrid, Sylvain, Ashe, Annette, Rodrigue, Mercedes, Felix, and Dedue all getting mentioned doing various things. I love how much these supports mention other Blue Lions.
Dimitri's insisting he's doing better, but he's doing too much. I love how he mentioned that this is what he wants to do too.
Shez accuses Dimitri of not trusting them, but Dimitri says it's not about that.
Shez told everyone about the C support stuff with Dimitri burying the villagers who died in the war.
Man, I love these two as friends. Someone lighthearted like Shez just plays off someone somber like Dimitri so well.
It's happening 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Oh, god, it's the same. Someone telling Dimitri to fucking sleep.
Dedue isn't taking his shit. Good.
Dimitri relents because he knows Dedue will get his way and asks Dedue to help wrap things up.
Dimitri wrote in Duscurian. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 You have NO idea how elated I am this got confirmed as cannon (that Dimitri learned Duscur's language).
He's writing Duscur for help, working with them on the investigation into the tragedy.
Dedue's like, go to sleep, this can wait. And Dimitri's like, what if I die? This can't wait. Dimitri's so fucking dramatic.
Dedue ain't taking shit. Keeps insisting Dimitri just sleep, lamo.
Dedue asked if Dimitri still has nightmares about it. :( Dimitri's surprised that Dedue remembered them. As if he wouldn't.
Guys, I can't with this. OMG. 😭 It's cannon.
When they were younger, Dimitri would ask for Dedue when he was having nightmares, pretending he thought Dedue needed protection, and then they'd fall asleep together.
Like, this shit is straight out of fanfic. Whoever wrote AG deserves a raise and is a shipper.
Dedue liked that Dimitri did that.
Lamo, Dimitri told DEDUE to rest. Like, tone-deaf hypocrite.
Guys, this who support was really sweet and tender, which is peak their interactions romantic or not.
Oh boy, this is still about Annette's songs.
Her attempt to change the lyrics didn't work. And people are reading way too deep into her lyrics. 🤣
Ahh, Annette wanted to add Duscur mythology into her song. It's cannon that Dedue taught Annette Duscur stories. My heart.
OH MY GOD. This game just got meta. Saying that once the lyrics are out there, it's out of the author's hands and up to whoever is listening to interpret it. 🤣🤣🤣
Guys, we're getting called out for reading way too much into a fantasy JRPG about killing dragons with wide hips and pale mole men.
Shez encouraged Annette by saying the songs inspired people.
Now THIS is an interesting match up, esp since I seriously, seriously doubt Dorothea can get this support in her native route.
Flayn's asking about Dorothea's days as a diva.
Flayn's voice sounds pitcher different than in Houses.
Flayn wants to learn new songs. And Dorothea wants to start with the most complicated ones lol.
Funny that this is also about the power of songs lol.
They both want to investigate a legend of a song that ended a war.
Sylvain offers to help Ashe investigate something, but Ashe is just trying to learn.
Sylvain and Ashe are both wishing they could've just been normal students getting to learn things and have fun. :(
Sylvain helps Ashe read deeper into everything and starts seeing the bigger picture of wars with Sreng.
Ashe begs Sylvain to keep teaching him.
Pretty cute and more examples of Sylvain being smart and the team older brother and Ashe being a book nerd.
They're cleaning up together. Ingrid is concerned that Mercedes is pushing herself too much. Mercedes feels bad that she wasn't strong enough to do a lot of the work.
Ok, so some info about Ingrid's brothers. She has 2, they're both much older than her so they're not close. One is an advisor in Galatea, and another is serving another house as a knight.
Ingrid's brother was strict with her. She thinks it was over her crest, but Mercedes insists they probably just loved her.
Mercedes says older siblings are just like that.
She also then ruffles Ingrid's hair lol.
I'm glad this one has an A support.
Oh, God, this is going to be about all of them as kids 😭😭😭
Matthias returned Lambert's sword to Rodrigue like 30 years after borrowing it lol.
While at the Officer's Academy, Rodrigue charged too far ahead and the other two got into a fistfight while debating how/if to save Rodrigue. 🤣🤣🤣
Matthais wanted to wait. Lambert wanted to go ahead. Rodrigue doesn't know who won.
So Lambert and Rodrigue also liked to charge ahead.
😭😭😭😭😭😭 Rodrigue doesn't think Matthais accepted Lambert's death until Dimitri took the throne.
Dimitri thinks he started the war and that Lambert would disapprove of him. 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Rodrigue says he doesn't think so.
Dimitri begs Rodrigue to stop him if he ever does anything that Lambert would hate. Rodrigue says he'd die to do so. Fuck that. 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 He can't fucking die again. Rodrigue gets to live this time. I refuse anything else.
Time to kick Cornelia's ass for the nth time! Never gets old.
Dimitri is sending Annette and Gilbert to recruit Baron Dominic. Felix is cautious and thinks killing him now is safest, but Dimitri insists on trying to recruit him.
Rodrigue says that they'd just promote his son if Baron Dominic died, so it's better to try and recruit rather than kill and kill.
Their army is spread thin because most are defending from the Empire.
Shez is like "you've all grown up, Dimitri." She's happy to see Dimitri at ease.
Arval called Shez and the others friends. 😭😭😭😭😭😭 Trying to get Shez to fight Byleth lamo. Arval is obsessed. Arval is suspicious af, not going to lie. Baiting Shez into doing what he/she? wants by going on about getting stronger that way.
Shez wants her purpose to be fighting for Dimitri and doesn't need to fight Byleth anymore.
OMG Duscur generals came and helped us out 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 You have no idea how happy it makes me to see Duscur get more involved.
Cornelia talked trash about Duscur, saying she should've wiped them all out.
Man, Cornelia went down fast. Two special hits from Sylvain and Ingrid took her out. #deserved
I hope she dies for real this time.
Wait, what, did Edelgard kill Patricia? That . . . doesn't make sense?
Bitch is dead! Or it seemed like it? Not gonna lie, she's a fun as hell villain because she's just so awful. Yep, she dead. Finally.
Dimitri doesn't fully believe Cornelia, but does think Edelgard knows more than he does about what happened. And believes the Empire was involved in the tragedy.
Oh, good! Everyone learns that Edelgard is Dimitri's step-sister in this storyline too. I always liked how Dimitri opened up to everyone. It seemed Very Blue Lions, esp compared to the other two who never come clean.
Rodrigue offers to explain what happened. It's mostly stuff we all know already, like Cornelia's backstory.
Real Cornelia sounded so awesome. It's awful her name gets destroyed. I'm glad here the truth will get exposed. The real woman deserves it.
So it seems like Cornelia asked Faerghus to rescue Patricia, so TWSITD planted Patricia from the start and manipulated the whole situation with Lambert. Patricia was likely faking the whole time.
Ashe isn't sure they can have a chat about things. But this is Dimitri, he always wants to invite people to talk rather than just war.
Dimitri put reconstruction of the Western Faerghus in charge of Gustave and Baron Dominic.
Glad to see Dimitri is still focused only on defense of the Silver Maiden and not land grabbing. I was worried because they have Claude go for it, which is entertaining as hell, but I'm a bit more protective of Dimitri lol.
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
Hello, I'm Ansy! Before we start, I just want to thank you all for voting– you're all incredible and this was the most fun I had writing a fic! This was probably the most interaction I've had in something I've written since I don't really know what people feel after leaving notes so thank you! You're all appreciated!!! (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
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I will not lie, I thought this was the question that'll have most people divided but apparently you guys don't have trust issues like I do hAHAHAHAHHA. 
To those people who voted "no", you are valid. In character, that's probably what a capo would've done. If that was the majority vote Alhaitham would be swiftly removed from the game. I will literally put a giant red "X" in his drawing if it happened but alas it was not. His entire route relied on that single choice and he won lololol
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My friend is in shambles. The Diluc Simps won in an Alhaitham/Tighnari/Cyno fic and she's dying lmao– It was so entertaining watching this part of the results. It just kept changing. I didn't even write the draft for this one for a while cause I can never be too sure how it'll end so I made plans to just write both lolol.
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Anyways, choosing Tighnari was supposed to be an easy route to a bad ending. But alas, yall survived. I thought I could get you all into blindly hunting Tighnari down but I guess not 😭 Well it's either you guys saw the danger coming or you're all Diluc Simps (⁠≧⁠▽⁠≦⁠) LOL
And then we have the third results!
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You guys chose Barbara over Xiangling! Fair enough, it's basically choosing familial relationships over other things which is spot on for Capo!Reader. Or maybe y'all are big brained and realized this was going to score points with Cyno–
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To those 3 people who voted not to leave flowers for my dead husband, we will see each other in the eternal flames–/jjjj. 
Y'all better be glad I nerfed Dimitri into a dead man (death is the only way to nerf him) cause he would've broken everyone's limbs. There may not be visions in Fire Emblem: Three Houses but his minor crest is enough to fold you like paper hAHAHAHA–
Anyways, that's what the results look like! Once again, thank you so much for voting and I hope you'll be willing to vote for the next one! After all, it's a matter of life or death now :D
See you then! 
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
(Nutjob anon)
Everyone simping after Tighnari or Haitham, and then there's me, going feral because FELIXFELIXFELIXFELIX MY BELOVED FELIX SNFJEJJEVGRRRRRR this chapter's insults were endorsed by Felix. Not a lot of boars, but the vibe was there so it's a win for me! I would nominate him as possible next underboss... but we both know that that's a bad idea lmao.
And since you are adding 3h characters, ai have a feeling Childe and Sylvain could be good friends! ... Only for them to talk trash behind the other's back ("I swear! His personality is so fake. How come you can stand him?")
And I'll also like to raise you: Linhardt and Tighnari being friends: Green, sassy, doesn't care for titles and only his research? Yes, they'd be very good friends.
I am also getting Lysithea vibes from the capo: wanting to do a lot but little time, and everyone needs to give them a vibe check for that attitude lol I hope Barbara can smack some sense into them, because I can't help but think that capo is also operating under the "there's nothing more terrifying than a man who has nothing left to lose". Yes, they are fighting for their men, but they personally don't care about what might happen to them, so we better watch out that sanity meter, or else the capo will turn into the real hazard all along the way.
And dunno Ansy, I know you want to help us with hinting that bringing Cyno is bad, but the one that I don't trust is Haitham lmao Cyno said it himself: don't kill Tighnari. Even if what he did makes his blood boil, at least he is conscious enough to first get the cure. But Haitham is quite prideful, so maybe he'll come with some shit that he is the only one we need and he can always steal what Tighnari have done and finish it. After all, the main point is to cure you, right? Anything else is expendable. And maybe having Cyno there might help him clarify some questions he might have.
I don't like how autorithive Haitham is, with ordering us to leave (even if it was good for us). That means he has no reservations in misleading us if what we are doing doesn't go with his agenda. So with Tighnari, someone who is... somewhat on the same ground as him in terms of research, he might not think as your underboss but as an academic rival when acting.
Anyways, angst hurts me but boy that I will spin that death wheel with gusto 😎
HDIAOAOAK I TRY MY BEST TO MAKE THE FE:TH CHARACTERS SUBTLE HERE (that very much failed with dimitri cause first off I'm a simp and second it's weird if the reader doesn't grieve for at least one chapter lol) SO I CAN'T MAKE FELIX THE UNDERBOSS EVEN IF I WANT TO 😭😭 (i actually added him in cuz I thought of you lolol)
(kazuha was almost the underboss tho but Alhaitham won lol)
I think not a lot of genshin players are major FE:TH fans so I gotta be real sneaky with the characters lol... But that sylvain idea 🤔🤔🤔 considering childe's whole comical side story with lumine rn I could invite mister steal your girl for some dumb sht lol. Lindhart is a rather european name so I could have him as another one of Focalor's people ehe, though he'd probably ask for Tighnari to do his job for him cause he's too lazy–
AND YES LYSITHEA AND CAPO WOULD HAVE BEEN BESTIES 😭😭😭 THEY'D UNDERSTAND EACH OTHER SO MUCH AND THEY'D PROBABLY FEEL LESS ALONE USIAOWO THESE POOR PEOPLE– the difference between the two of them is that lysithea always feels like she's being looked down on like a kid while the capo feels like they have too many burdens to bear– making these two vent to one another would probably be therapeutic for them ;;----;;;
My two au's right now both have nothing left to lose vibes, although capo!reader has that a lot less than our unhinged hyshum!reader. The only thing holding them back is that some of their men are still alive. They do care, it's just that they don't want to overthink:
These men have families, wives, husbands, children– what would become of them if they recklessly charged for revenge? There's no need to drag these people into nonsensical slaughter. It's your problem Capo, it's YOUR RESPONSIBILITY. And it's selfish to make them die for you when they have a better reason for living.
Their conscience won't allow it.
These type of thoughts just pull them back. It's all true, of course, their reasoning is sound but it is suffocating. Hence, most of their inner turmoil are repressed.
Oh and don't get me wrong! I respect your choices for bringing Cyno along– I love the chaos. I'm just tryina warn those certain simps that "something bad is about to happen to you and you should definitely question what happens of one of them dies-"
Or you know, I may be misleading everyone because I want a bad ending.
: )
Since when was I known for writing happy endings for my fics? Ehehehehehehehehehhehehehehheheheehehehehhehehehehhe–
And oh my darling nutjob anon...
Both Cyno and Alhaitham want to take credit for your cure. That's one of the many things that made these three idiot's truce work.
Alhaitham is authoritative, no doubt about that, but he respects you a ton. He could've done something stupid like kidnap you or try to remove you from being a Capo– but he'd rather spend some (very limited) time with you as someone you won't forget this time, (N/n).
You can consider Cyno the one with the "hidden agenda" because he's loyal to the church. He considers it his personal blessing that he was the one assigned to monitor you. Cyno is a very lonely person here. He is very prone to making idealized versions of you that fits his imaginations, and fortunately for him the Cardinals acknowledge his devotion to his missionary works.
And then there's our used-to-be-Innamorati-Familia's-informant, Professor Tighnari.
"The main point is to cure you, everything else is expendable." is exactly the dangerous mindset he is on. We'll get to him soon! It's about time he sees his Capo again!
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throwaway-yandere · 2 years
Pfffft Ansy, the father and the son KSKFIDJRUCUD
Ohhhh no, an AU where Dimitri and Dainsleif are siblings but Dain was a slip (doubt it. Dimitri's papa is a good man *sobs*) or he is the son of Dimitri's uncle (Rufus? I always forget his name). Whatever, the point is, Dain is the second possible heir that royalty don't want people to know about, so they assign him as Dimitri's personal knight without telling them they are related. They train and study together, and suffer the catastrophe together... but in the end, Dainsleif had to flee as they belived him a traitor. As a wanted child who has a remarkable similarity to Prince Dimitri, he covered half of his face so no one can recognize him.
You and Dimitri met at the academia, and he fell madly in love with you. You felt flattered but never returned his feelings, not wanting to be part of royal costumes and all but you gave him all the support a friend cand give when he hitted one of his lowest points. When the 5 years gap passes, through that time, you met Dansleif, deciding to travel together away from the war which ended with him pinning after you, but now he is on a quest to find his lost brother/cousin to inform him of the betrayal of Rufus, the real reason of the massacre.
Now, that everything is better and you have establish yourself in some city of Faerghus, were one day a visit from the new king is taking place, which is not weird due of the recent events of Rufus being revealed as the true traitor of the Duscur event. What you didn't expect, was Dainsleif walking almost right beside him. It finally makes sense in your brain why he always asked about the whereabouts of Dimitri whenever the two of you reached a settlement, and why he looked at you with so much hope in his eyes for the first time since you two met, when you told him about him being in Garreg Mach just before you parted ways.
The two men who haven't stop loving you after so much time are in front of you. How are you going to get out of this? You don't seek a relationship right now or in the near future, but with the way both of them are looking at you, you feel that you won't have that much of a say.
Alternatively, Dimitri is the true ruler of Dragonspine, but he was in an ice-induced slumber until one day you and Dainsleif find him, and ever since the three of you adventurer together.
(Did I just made a crossover for this? Yes. Do I care? No, simp for them, that's all you have to Do)
And also??? I did the same for Cyno 😂 I saved up like for four months and got him at c3. Love my jokester so much 💙💙💙💙
Personally, I fell for Felix for some reason (but Dimitri is really close behind him). He is such a hardheaded individual that I can't help but annoy 👀 (such a childish behaviour, he would say, as I inform him that it's all to get him to talk to Me lmao) ("Fine. You finally have my attention but now you quiver before Me? Where went that resolution? To do anything no matter the means To get my eyes on you? Commit to your words, because now I am going to the same to you.")
Yeah... sorry if this is a mess of an ask ALFIRJRIUF I wasn't expecting to see Three houses on the fandom lists and got excited.
I… am incredibly self indulgent. I want to keep this for myself forever– I am so in love with this. I admit, I constantly daydream a universe where they're all together, but my version of that is Dainsleif is just one of his knights that loathes visiting the Monastery but omg brothers/cousins Dain and Dimitri is such an amazing concept I hate myself for not thinking about this before 😭 My comrade this will be on my mind rent free. 
I agree I can't see Lambert as that type of person (I imagine he was as adorably awkward as Dimi when he was alive ;;–;;;) so for the sake of my rambling they're cousins! Rufus is known for playing around anyways so this works well ehehehehe
This is a yandere blog and I am sorry if a yandere response is not what you wanted, but dang it I'm taking this excuse to write my take on yandere!Dimitri and secret prince!Dain headcanons fhsjkaoa.
We're adding other genshin characters into the mix cause frick it WHY NOT?!
Some world building details: 
We're gonna pretend the Monastery and the Akademiya are the same thing and that Fodlan exists as a continent besides Teyvat (and that Khaenri'ah didn't exist lmao. Khaenri'ah erasure–)
First off: the twins are either both on the Golden Deer or they're split between Black Eagles and Blue Lions. And for the sake of angst we're choosing the latter option–
Dainsleif was born with the major crest of Blaiddyd unlike Dimitri who only has a minor crest, and that unfortunately means he has a better chance at succeeding the throne in this society.
They come from an archonless land (Sothis doesn't have one element she could control and "time" is a very complex concept) so naturally they depend on crests more than visions. Besides, they rely on reason and faith rather than elemental reactions. And the Akademiya/Officer's Academy is a prestigious university who offers all of that.
But of course, Dain did not have a rich upbringing. I imagine he would be found in an orphanage with Lumine.
For the sake of extra angst, Lumine is separated from Aether, who lived a life of luxury in Mondstadt. This happened because she did not bear a crest like her brother did.
Perhaps Alois found the two kids before he realized they're both likely to be children kf nobility. Based on the orphanage's data on him, his mother used to rendezvous with Rufus as well.
Luckily, he is "just" one of Rufus' many bastards. Lying to everyone that he doesn't have a crest comes as easy as breathing. 
His Teyvat-an mother taught him not to trust nobles so easily before she passed.
Dainsleif easily pretended that it was his blood they used to check if he had a crest of not, even though it was likely Lumine's. Rufus lost interest quickly. But he keeps an eye on him by making sure he's raised as Dimitri's retainer. Spy might be the more fitting word, but Dainsleif doesn't care for his father.
I like to imagine young!dimitri is lowkey pissed at Dain because when Dain has a long haircut he's seen as cool and collected but when Dimi has a long haircut he gets called a "young maiden" by a well-known knight lmao
And thus, Dainsleif became the "Twilight Sword", known for his repertoire and loyalty to the crown.
And being Dimitri, Sylvain, Felix, and Glenn's spokesperson when the boys started doing something stupid. And it's always just Sylvain.
Felix doesn't like him, but he tolerates him better than Dimitri that's for sure. (Unlike Dimitri, Dain's a lot more sane after losing everything but that might just be because 500 years have passed.) His skill with the sword is impeccable, and he doesn't hold back when calling Dimitri out either.
"For all your years of being close to one another, it's a pity that you lack Felix's clarity when it comes to your apparent mental distress." - Dain @ Dimitri, probably.
(Dain is the sassiest king of tutorials lmao)
Well, at least that's how positively stark his reputation was until the Tragedy of Duscur and the loss of his closest friend, Glenn.
Rufus's retainer idea failed when Dimitri insisted on having Dedue as his main right hand man. The two relatives didn't argue about this, in fact, they agreed that this was the better choice.
To prove his loyalty to Dimitri's cause, he decided to leave Faerghus, and therefore don his infamous half mask whilst traveling Teyvat.
This, to him, is a way to atone his sins.
Enter (Y/n)!!!
The first person you meet is Lumine! You had quite the "meet-cute", bumping into each other on the halls with you losing your notes and with her dropping her inteyvats on the ground.
Lumine apparently got in the Akademiya as a a scholar. You asked her what her field of study was before but her answer is complicated. She said something about how her tuition is paid by doing daily commissions. You didn't understand it.
Of course, you're both in Blue Lions!!!!
Besties are cute af Lumine is a swordmaster and you're like annette who's good at boosting strength stats!!!
Because of that, Byleth partners you more with her, and never Dimitri because his stats are enough. Which, by the way, makes him pretend to be ill sometimes just for a chance to talk to you. He's not above lying. He did the same with his supports with Ashe.
Back to my incoherent rambling because this is also a mess of a response lmao:
A fellow Cyno haver??? Heck yeah!!! He's C0 of course but I'm very happy to have him! Razor is my first main and since then I've decided on collecting his family. By that I meant collecting white hair red eyes characters lol. Now we have Team Lupical with Razor, Kazuha, Itto, and Cyno. They are my children 🤍❤️
I wanted him since I first watched the Teyvat Trailer, and I absolutely lost it when his VA was revealed to be Alejandro Saab (Yuri) rjakosoapaakka. 
Though if I had to order my fave FE:TH boys it's probably
Dimitri, or course
Ferdinand Von Aegir (precious constantly self-improving king)
Claude (DJ Khali–. I'm not usually into scheme-y characters but his personality takes the cake. Also, i like to imagine we're the same ethnicity even though that's not true at all.)
Sylvain (his threats actually convinced me to marry him lol)
Felix (tsundere in thigh highs.)
Pretty obvious which route I played first huh? Lmao.
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