#all i want to do is live out my realistic fantasty life
thedocsuess · 4 years
I, for one, am offended that sims 4 does not have bisexual and child of divorce as personality traits.
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An excercise for optional Free Thinking: Dialogue Analysis ~Flobots~ "There is a war going on for your mind" Translated as, or ( =, to ) (A turbulent state of change occuring, caused by the intent to proccur the ability to change one's mental state, with the intent of their possession of it, over yours) = ( State of Change with emphasis on a comprehensible definition of "negative "=Your control of your mind divided by the immeasurable (possibly because you remain ignorant of them?) factors and variables the other side collectively has, to then seperate one from ones ownership of their mind, to alter it and do with it what they will. Cultural rephrasing "Man, I swear, it's like some form(?) of oppression from somewhere(?) is causing all this fuckin bullshit(?)" The places I put question marks down are the points where lack of information can be manipulated in a debate towards anyones favor. Another phrasing of the lyric might be "Some unknown factor out there is dividing you to conquer you, reasons unknown" = Y(?)÷X(?)=Z(?) Are you still paying attention? To get an accurate answer, using no further context from this possibly opinionated source of information ( the song ), we look outside for a third party's version( in my case, a plethora of sources I consider well informed and updated parties), of what an accurate answer is, as to "What are the actual numbers in this equation? And who is attempting to divide me?" Doesn't that just suck? Going through all that but still not having enough for a complete equation with comprehensible factors or variety? To get an accurate understanding of what is being expressed, I urge you to look into these unknown factors and variables. This way, the equation (sometimes slowly) becomes situationally accurate respective to the situation and you get a more complete estimate of the actual sum. Once the equation gains accuracy and vailidity through representations present in the actual tangible reality, it becomes more "universally relatable" (two independent words that lend each other their own definitions to create a new definition, or 1+1=2 where 2 is the manufactured factor) . You can then add this complete sum(depicted as the number 2) as a tangible and realistic factor to your own personal use of code, effectively becoming more universal and relatable. The more and more accurate factors you add to this "Universal" · "Relatable" code setting, essentially, you yourself become more universally understood. Now if you hold the ability to communicate effectively in a multitude of societal settings through switching to a more relatable code, and back again to a "situational code setting" when amongst groups cultured more towards fantasty and unrealistic viewpoints on the way of how life should work ((Taking advantage of the fact there is an infinite amount of code to choose from in the universe -(Factors and variables in the physical, perceivable reality, represented in the form of numbers, words or pictures)), and you then use this updated code setting to communicate your personal expressions more effectively, there will be very little room for debate, since, if someone wants to disagree with what you've stated (Which everyone has a right to do, regardless of level of intellect) and wish to hold the power of the discussional sway in a similar fashion as to you now do(Essentially holding the POWER in the conversation), they must form an equation based on factors just as universal and tangible as yours in order to add up to, or be greater than the answer you gave, in respect to physical reality. If they have limited information, or have denied their self in some way to educate their self on the subject, or they are indifferent, it's highly likely that your accurate, relatable and universal belief will assume the authority in the perception of the individual, which will allow -(having assumed authority)- ALTERATION of that one persons way of percieving the physical world around them, thus making them see life, from your point of view. As a now confirmable source of accurrate information, the people you talk to, may come back with questions, allowing you to further alter their perception, as long as they remain accepting of you being an accurate sort of information. If you understand what I am saying, please read from the top, then back to this point and apply what you learned at the bottom to the information at the top. Can you say you know for a 100% fact that your mental state hasn't been tampered with, without you being aware of it? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Now attempt to analyze the data below in the way I did, but using your own logic and vocabulary. If you find it difficult or you find yourself using overly general words that have multiple societal definitions rather than specific vocabulary accurate to its universally understood definition, you may be a victim of ignorance, in denial, or apathetic to the possibility, that outside influences have exerted themselves over the authority that you once had in your life, which means you live your life in a shell of it's entirety, within a state of constantly limiting your self. If you feel this rut your in, this discontent inside, I urge you to look into the study of Etymology and the philosophy of FreeThought (or as I call it, Ahodorism) As well as authors like George Orwell, who depicted a future without FreeThought and introduced to me the dangers of using overly general or limited language. Now, as practice, if you wish, analyze the rest of the verse on your own to get a grasp of Dialogue Analysis (Which, I admit, I'm new to studying myself), so that you can separate the factors and variables in tv,media and other devices to form an estimate, fact check the factors and variables using third parties, until you see the possibility of a different outcome and you will your self towards it. You take what you know of the estimates and come to an averaged assumption based from a point of your own authority. No one else. Keep doing that until the estimate is as accurrate as you need. ----------------------------------------------------------------- "Media mavens mount surgical strikes from trapper keeper collages, and online magazine racks Cover girl cutouts throw up pop-up ads, Infecting victims with silicone shrapnel Worldwide passenger pigeons deploy paratroopers Now it's raining pornography Lovers take shelter Post-production debutantes pursue you in Nascar chariots They construct ransom letters from Biblical passages and bleed mascara into the holy water supplies
There's a war going on for your mind "
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