#alien time weEEEEEEEEE
spicedrobot · 4 months
Rough Hands, Soft Touch
Fandom: Star Wars, Andor Pairing: Saw Gerrera/Benthic "Two Tubes" Rating: Explicit
It begins, as it always does, with an itch at the base of Benthic’s neck. The irritation grows like a sprouting seed, sluggish but disruptive. As the nights pass, his appetite steadily dwindles. The plates of his exoskeleton loosen, their outermost layers dulling and deadening. In this, Benthic wishes he was more like his brother. Edrio always molts quickly and without incident. That has never been the case for himself. Or, Benthic takes too long to molt. Saw helps.
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woo-weee · 4 years
ok nobody asked but here:
Oikawa x F! reader (18+)
Part one.
A/N: this is kinda rushed. My first smut fanfic. Im sorry if this isnt written that well im trying DX this is not a serious thing so like imma be casual.
uuuh so it was midnight. You just came home.  Oikawa ended up coming earlier than you. And so when he saw you come in:
Oikawa: Hi my little alien! I'm sorry that i left earlier! How are you hun? Oh and why so late?
Y/n: Good, bby. I was late today cuz i changed my mind after wanting to sleep at the dorms. Also, is dinner ready?
Oikawa: yes. And i made ur fave!
Oikawa and Y/n in sync: HAMACHI AND SPICY RAMEN!!
Oikawa:  Eat up while its hot.
U both sat down to the table. It smelt really amazing as ur cravings were increasing.
You are eating super fast bc you were hungry
Oikawa: slow down! You'll choke!
Y/n: Its ok i'll be fine- you chuckled
*proceeds to eat fast*
Oikawa: slow down *pat pat* oh wait you got a lil sauce on your face
Oikawa grabbed your face against his and licked the sauce off of your lips
Y/n: what the- -before he came back to kiss you again and then he got up from his chair and said:
-Shouldn't we eat a bit later? Let's jump to the main course.
You just look at him trying to see the signs as he plays with his cyan shirt
Y/n: i-
Oikawa kisses you again, softer and harder. You knew then what was going to happen. He was slipping his hand in your hair and slowly but gently leave small marks on your cheek.
Y/n: why do you always put yourself in these situations?
Oikawa: hmm..why do you ask? I wanna. What are you gonna do about it, now? - just whispering gently and you felt his cock pulse beneath and you, in a sly way, made eye contact with him. You felt slightly turned on as he pulls you to the bed and lightly strokes lower and lower towards your body, teasing you. He then took off his shirt and then you said:
Y/n: wha- this is not the time. Oikawa please.
Oikawa: is it wrong for me to want you so bad?
Y/n: we were eating lunch and here I am, falling for your shenanigans.
Oikawa: pfft you want it i know- he then took his pants off and said: now relax darling.. i'll take you to a new outer space.
A/N: stay tuned for part 2....... wEEeEeEeEee
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ratherashleigh · 5 years
supergirl 418 stuff in a list
for an episode filled with so much cringe-inducing schlock, i sure did have a good time!
What to Do with Kara Danvers?
it’s only taken four seasons but finally FINALLY supergirl using kara to hide in plain sight. the larger arc there is really working for me; kara has this whole identity at her disposal that she never gets to use because for some fucking reason every damn person knows who she is. (seriously, kara and lillian should have been a whole thing, kara and colville? KARA AND MAGGIE. honestly.) but the entire premise of superman and supergirl is that they hide in plain sight! clark at least is one of the people, and for all kara’s differences and difficulties, she’s been back with kryptonians now and she chose to come back. last season we had an entire run of how supergirl wasn’t all that kara was good for, and this glimpse of how useful kara as a construct is to kara’s capacity to do her job as supergirl couldn’t be coming at a better moment in the build up to it being ripped away from her relationship with lena. seeing kara trembling on the floor in pain as kara and knowing that that persona was the only thing keeping her safe? 😗👌.
supergirl with steve vs kara with steve was just so much. 
i love willie garson and he was criminally underused here
the way steve held his pal’s hand when they had to lie down!
but watching her encounter people afraid and distrusting over and over again was fucking heartbreaking.
i still appreciate the point they’re making, that people will believe anything if they’re fed the right combination of evidence, but the show hanging a lampshade on how many possible other explanations doesn’t make it any less hilarious that there are four separate canon-based possibilities for alternative supergirls - bizaaro, shapeshifter, hologram, image inducer - and that doesn’t count alternative universe and the actual answer of a clone. the fact that there’s a publicly available device on the market right now in-world that could do this and there isn’t even a debate outside of those who know kara? laughable.
speaking of laughable, why do people continue to think shooting her with regular ol’ guns and bullets is gonna do a damn thing?
Who the Hell is Lex Luthor?
having an unhinged megalomaniac as the puppetmaster in your relatively nuanced story about public discourse and the climate of hate is... actually classic supergirl, so idk why i thought maybe anything better would come of this. i don’t love that his motivation has been shifted away from having any genuine root in his feelings about aliens and they chose to make him an outright psychopath threatened by anyone who might be better than him in any way. that this shift has also come at the cost of any faith that lena wasn’t psychologically abused her entire like is just the icing on the ‘thanks, i hate it?’ cake.
the romanov’s execution date on a note in the chess piece?
lena’s nickname as a child was after anastasia?
the checkmate pattern being a reference to both AND the combination to the chessboard lock?
on the one hand, everything about this is the saddest thing ever for lena.
oh my god.
who actually wrote those diaries, and can they never be employed ever again?
this was the peak of what boils down to me feeling that on paper in bullet points this episode was probably great but in execution this show is a fucking low budget soap opera with dialogue writers to match.
and then the button to open his secret door was in the Personally Significant Location built into some artwork?
also lex going with leutemann's hannibal crossing the alps and not turner’s? what a loser.
(leutemann is an illustrator and the print they recreated actually has all that really clean line work, so it makes sense. but still.)
everything about this was terrible but it made me laugh so hard, so i’m not even sure i’m complaining.
A Super and a Luthor Go On a Field Trip
even if lena was being the lost princess of Drama™️, kara was giving her a run for her pennies.
god this was just. a;ksjhdjka. i can’t believe how much effort they’ve finally bothered to put into restoring this relationship, except i absolutely can because it’s all gonna go to shit real soon, weeeeeeeeee!
just a side note, but lena should really invest in making the kryptonite shield at least as strong as the kryptonian it’s supposed to be protecting.
Unrelated to Anything
the next day, lena is in a brand new dress and alex was still in the same shirt, and i keep trying to imagine how the rest of that night played out. did they all have a sleepover at lena’s one bedroom apartment next door, just lena, alex, and their acquaintance supergirl?
i’m glad they alluded to the fact that the day they went to the prison was the next day, too, because otherwise i was going to accuse lena of changing outfits for their field trip
james going to therapy: literally everything i’ve ever wanted from this show?
that conversation with kelly and alex was the worst case of needing to put two people in a room together for Other Reasons i’ve ever encountered.
brainy and nia... also... existed.
i’m sorry. i am. i enjoy them when they’re in front of my face, most of the time, but this show doesn’t actually need comedic interludes, and it’s jarring. it’s so jarring.
“i don’t trust the press. i always parachute into crises like this without any context for the larger systemic issues at play.”
this line was so funny it almost justified how god awful everything about otis is in this episode. why... just, why
what’s with the show making all the sketchy fence sitters queer? the dean at lockwood’s university, now the prison warden? unneccessary.
was genuinely expecting the part when kara finds the SECRET TUNNEL to play out as follows: “lena?!” supergirl calls out into the room (this actually happened). there’s a pause, and supergirl grows concerned. and then. “kara, is that you?” supergirl’s concern intensifies.
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