#alien cody clone x reader
dez78 · 2 years
Not So Sneaky
Fandom: Clone Wars
Rating: Explicit (Smut! 18+ Mature Readers Only)
Pairing: Plo Koon x Female!Jedi OC
Warnings: Smut, mention of teen being clueless, Padawan and Master Relationship, OC is of age. 
Summary: Plo Koon and Vinmia think they are subtle with their telepathy love making, little do they know, their thoughts are loud.
Tags: Alien Sex, Plo Koon x Female, Relationship, Smut, Inappropriate use of the Force, Telepathy Sex
Vinmia, Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Plo were all present during the current briefing, as well as Rex, Cody, and Wolffe. 
Obi-Wan bent over and pointed to the hologram in front of them, 
“Okay, so we’ll dock our ship in this port here…” 
Vinmia looked up at Plo and immediately smirked, 
Wish you’d dock your ship in my port. 
Plo coughed to cover up the groan that escaped him, everyone looked at him, 
“Are you well, master?” Obi-Wan questioned, 
“Yes, I simply had a catch in my throat.” Plo replied, everyone turned back to the hologram while Plo frowned over at Vinmia, she only wiggled her brow muscles and smirked at him deviously. 
Plo straightened when he felt phantom hands exploring him, 
NOT now padawan! 
He scolded, 
I love your attention, but this briefing is not the right time. 
Vinmia smirked, 
I don’t know what you’re talking about master. 
She looked at him innocently. 
I just love feeling you under my hands, I cannot keep away. Please, let me. 
I will not. 
You’re no fun. 
Vinmia frowned, but not before giving her master a gift when she squeezed his length. He glared at her, she only blinked at him. 
When a few minutes passed, Vinmia bit her lip and started to stroke her master with the force, he furrowed his brow as he talked. She knew she’d get in trouble, but seeing him squirm was so worth it. 
“Are you alright?” Anakin asked, noticing the Jedi fidgeting. 
“Quite.” Plo replied with a strained voice, 
“Are you feeling ill?” Obi-Wan said concerned. 
“Perhaps.” Plo said. Vinmia continued to smirk. 
Obi-Wan started explaining, Plo frowned at Vinmia. 
You’re in deep trouble padawan, making me look foolish. 
I’m sorry master, it’s been too long. I can’t wait anymore. I want you now. 
Now, how can I say no to that? 
Suddenly Vinmia felt phantom hands, her eyes fluttering. Plo knew exactly what got her on edge. She continued to stroke him; it took all of their will to not moan. 
Plo flooded Vinmia’s mind with images of himself and her, back in their quarters having rough sex. Vinmia chewed her bottom lip, she possessed Plo’s mind with images of herself riding him. 
The delicious friction both of them felt, it was too much. It didn’t take long for both of them to start coming undone. 
Oh master! I’m not going to last long! 
As well as I, padawan, play it off. 
When Anakin was suggesting an already ridiculous idea, the perfect opportunity. 
Vinmia felt her orgasm wash over her, 
“MAKER!” She wailed, 
“Anakin! That is a terrible idea!” She hissed when the last of her orgasm faded into a pleasurable overstimulation. She continued to stroke Plo. 
When he started to come, he slammed his fist on the table, the already concerned crew looking at them. 
“THAT! Is by far the worst idea you’ve had yet Skywalker.” Plo growled, he needed to leave, his trousers were getting soaked and surely would be noticeable. 
He stood tall and marched out with Vinmia, pushing past Ahsoka as she walked in. She had heard their yelling, she cocked a brow as she walked into the bridge.
“Geez, what was that all about?” Ahsoka said, confused. 
“Worst idea ever, pfft. More like best sex ever.” Anakin smirked over at Obi-Wan who laughed, Rex, Cody, and Wolffe snorted loud laughs, Ahsoka frowned. 
“What?!” She cried confused, the men above her, just ignored her and continued to laugh hysterically. 
“We’re not stupid, those two are about as obvious as I am subtle.” Anakin laughed, Obi-Wan held onto his shoulder as he continued to laugh. Ahsoka projected her bottom lip, folding her arms as she frowned. 
They weren’t going to tell her what the kriff just happened. 
Obi-Wan cleared his throat as he spoke hoarsely,
"You'll understand when you're older, believe me."
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jt-artsandfics · 3 years
Fanfic/ oneshots, number fics open
character match Ups. Closed again. I have over 20+ atm.
I'm gonna try and get thought as many as I can. I might have to close it for longer. But while it's closed I'm still taking Fanfic request.
Please know it does take me some time to write match ups. do take me a little while to do with such a demand for them. And also at the same time I'm working on fanfics around them. But thanks you all for your patients and I hope you enjoy what do to come.
Rules: please if asking for Nsfw or reading be over 18 I have to say it.
Aloud: NSFW, fluff, smut, angst, hurt, mention of past abuse. (Alien love!!!)
I will not do: rape, abuse, Furries (I'm sorry I just don't write it), necrophilia, anything along that line.
Info for Match ups: please the basics, age, gender sexuality(if your comfortable) a small discriptuion of yourself and things you like. these you don't have to be 18 for but please over 15 for these, they are only gonna be cute fluffy writing. I do not do NSFW for maths ups only fanfics and one shots.
One shot and fanfic info: in happy to do nsfw but I do need confirmation your 18 or over either in your bio or on the ask. Same rules apply from 'rules'. Please state what gender you want the fanfic for otherwise I default to They/them for the writing just to be inclusive.
(Guys please be patient, I'm a guy so doing Character X fem reader takes me a bit is all)
Numbers for number fics are here. ⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️
The Bad batch
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Clone Force 99- Hunter
Clone Force 99- Tech
Clone Force 99- Crosshair
Clone Force 99- Wrecker
Clone Force 99 - Echo
Episode 11- Captain Howzer
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Star wars the clone wars
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Captain Rex
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Commander Cody
104th 'Wolfpack'
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Commander Wolffe
Domino squad :,)
Other clones
Commander Fox
Commander Thorn
Grim Squad (my clone squad)
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Newbie- Casket (my shiny son)
Info. So I decided to add my own clone squad becuase it's me hahaha. I don't expect much with them but they are there anyway.
Well everything is set so I hope you all enjoy.
Clone wars
Darth Maul
Savage Opress
Anakin Skywalker
Obi wan Kenobi
Plo Koon
Star wars Rebels.
Older wolffe
Older Rex
Older gregor
Agent Kallus
Eli Vanto ( I don't care if he isn't in it. He is to me!)
The mandolorian
Boba Fett
Din Djarin
Armitage Hux
Kylo Ren/Ben solo
The old republic
Arcann Tirall
Darth Marr
Torian Cadera
OC Characters plus Feature art when asked for match ups or Fics.
Kodja Bathrian (clone wars twi'lek) Male
Varr'ivaz'loawe 'Ivaz' ( Outlander Old republic Chiss) male
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