thekingofchungus · 4 years
damn I need to get up. I didnt even enjoy browsing through todays bullshit 😔
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hardpee · 7 years
i rly hope this doesn't sound too rude but my dude, hitler was in ww2, not ww1
yes correct but ludendorff was the command of the german army in WWI, Hitler knew and respected the dude
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killherfreakout · 4 years
i was tagged by @to-enter-polaris @embeddedinmybrain thank uuu 💛
who are you named after? well i learned that my name is the female version of charles which was my grandpa’s name 🥺
last time you cried? .....season 3 rewatch what about it
do you like your handwriting? yes bc it’s mine u know? :’)
do you still have your tonsils? yes, even tho i should have gotten them removed when i kept getting strep ajfjjfjs i Refused
would you bungee jump? HARD PASS
what is your favorite kind of cereal? cinnamon life but i haven’t had it in so long omg
do you untie your shoes when you take them off? most of the time yes i think
do you think you’re strong willed? oh u mean my defining trait? yeah
favorite ice cream? coffee or rocky road!!!
what’s the first thing you notice in a person? eyes maybe, and just overall vibe
football or baseball? baseball!!!!!! i love it
what color pants are you wearing? they’re white loungey shorts
last thing you ate? i had in n out last night lol and haven’t eaten yet this morning
what are you listening to? a lot of lennon stella and frank ocean lately
if you were a crayon, what color would you be? a baby pink 💓
what’s your favorite smell? coffee or fresh linen
who was the last person you talked to on the phone? my manager from work
married? nooo
hair color? blonde, not naturally tho rip
eye color? brown like my mom’s :’)
favorite food to eat? pastaaa or fruit
scary movies? i’m a bit of a whimp but i like the horror genre yes
last movie you watched in the theatre? omg stoppp i miss it so much the last one i saw was portait of a lady on fire in MARCH 🥺 also in may i saw uncut gems / ford vs. ferrari double feature at the drive-in! i should go back!!!
i’ll tag @kritiquer @grey-mist-exist @alterlovex @let-them-lovexx @smblmn @choupiauriant @alwayskissmeatnight @saltyflowr @briallenko @lieverobbe @welcometo-saturn if you would like! 🌷
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